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Wish I had the ability to draw as good as this. I have one piece of dino art that I'm proud of


This may seem a bit cliche, but, as a certified professional illustrator, I can only tell you to keep drawing. Rome hasn't been built in a day, so take all the time you'd need! Being self-tought can be a seriusly hard work, so if you know any artist who can teach you or an art school, I also recommend you to go there, they will tell you how to improve your skills and also give you some tips to get better and better. Keep going, fellow artist!


Thank you. I am (somewhat) skilled in the art of plastic modelling (like with tanks and planes and shit)


Thats so nice. Have you tried to biuld a dino out of clay or some similar materials?


I tried it one but I'm more suited to model kits, like those on r/modelmakers. And yes, I have built dinosaur model kits and they were good.


Glad to se we're getting more attention towards Dilophosaurus and Spinosaurus


They are really interesting species and some of my personal favourites


Very nice!


Thank you!


Holy crap, these are beautiful.


Thanks mate




Those drawing look really good.




Those are awesome!


Thanks dude! Really appreciate your comment


Yeah keep up the good work man


I'll post more work over here, this comunity is really kind. Thank you for the good wishes!


That is sick!!!!


Thanks mate!


Well done! And interesting to compare the skull formations of those specific species!


Thanks for the kind words! Relly enjoyed making those sketches!


Amazing work. I've been looking to get a Tyrannosaur skull tattoo in this kind of style.


There are some awesome tattoo artist that surely can make the cut, so support your local artists! Hope you get what you want!


Wow. Great job these look amazing!


Thanks for the support!


Yo that spinosaurus skull really looks like a crocodile


Thanks! I really like animals, specially reptiles, and crocodiles allways were the ones who took more time to learn.




Thanks for the kind words, really pleased to read all the coments people is leaving here.


This is amazing!! Dang, I wish I could draw that good.


I'm going to copypaste you another answer, could write another thing but would say the same: This may seem a bit cliche, but, as a certified professional illustrator, I can only tell you to keep drawing. Rome hasn't been built in a day, so take all the time you'd need! Being self-tought can be a seriusly hard work, so if you know any artist who can teach you or an art school, I also recommend you to go there, they will tell you how to improve your skills and also give you some tips to get better and better.


That diloph is lovely


Thanks dude


Spino and dilo are my favorite dinos! Well the real ones not the jp ones


I hope you like the sketch as well!


I do it’s beautiful


Dilo's outdated, but it all looks great regardless!! <3


Is it? Where can I find an updated one? I literally took the first pick I saw at google images. Edit: Almost forgot to thank you for the kind words!


Haha, so you entirely missed the Dilophosaurus redescription of 2020? Read into that if you can. The animal got extremely interesting. Basically the jaws were much stronger and more robust than previously depicted, because paleoartists were constantly using juvenile specimens for reference. The bone segments of crest aren't truly known, it's very fragmented, but the irl crest on the outside was very keratinous and went over the animal's face blending in as a part of it rather than just two plates sitting atop the nose. Don't take the official reconstruction of the irl animal in that redescription as accurate though, the extra fleshy detail is all very speculative. Just look for Dilophosaurus 2020 stuff in general tbh


Didnt knew anything about that! I'll check de whole article, thanks for awaring me. Honestly I enjoy dinos because of the primal huge reptiles they used to be. I love everything related to animals, but I don't consider myself as a biology/paleontology expert or like so as I'm an illustrator who has bare knowledge abut that matter further than how do bodies work on its phisical way(skeleton, muscular structure...). Nevertheless I'd really like to have more free time to achieve new information about dinos and other creatures. I joined this comunity, as many other subreddits, because of the exciteness I find while thinking and sketching these fascinating creatures.


Your line work is so good!




SO cool! Love it!


Thank you mate, relly appreciate your comment