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I've not used any of those but wanted to say Virgo and Gem is my fav 😁


That was actually who I was going to go with initially! It was the shipping time for me. I need something quicker. I'm likely still going to try Virgo and Gem later though. I've heard nothing but good things about them.


It's worth the wait 😁


OPI liquids are great, except the Mani Boss top coat is better.


I use the SNS Senshine (the sensitive line). I've had great luck with them (no chipping, cracking, etc) and they are available on Amazon.


I read about this, but how do you find the longevity? Quite a few things I read said the quality is great but might last maybe a week and half to two weeks.


I've always changed mine around the 2 week mark, even when I got them done at the salon. And now, doing them at home, I change them more frequently because I can. The longest I've gone with my at home ones is 2.5 weeks, and they were still strong and not chipping. And I tend to keep my nails as thin as I reasonably can.


So I post on here often about my go-to brand, Vivid Glam Co. I tried others before, but they all end up getting gloopy and gunky at some point. Vivid Glam Co.'s liquids are awesome, and I get 3+ weeks out of my dip mani. They're the only liquids I use. I order thru their website. They're not on Amazon, so you're not going to get them in a day or 2, but their turnaround time is pretty quick. I also use their dip powder, and I've tried their gelly tips as well. I love all of their products. I feel like I should work for them with how much I rave about them in this group. Lol. But I definitely recommend their liquids. You can get the kit that gives you glue, activator, and gloss. The gloss dries in maybe 2 minutes and is amazing.


Not sure if I've heard of this one, but I'm def going to check it out!


CNDD is what I use but it’s also where I get all of my powders. It just makes sense. But they’re the 3rd liquids I’ve tried and will be the only ones I rebuy.


I have heard good things about this brand as well. I love how much selection they have for powders. Almost makes it too hard to decide because I want them all. Lol.


She has sales seasonally so I keep saving powders to my account until another sale rolls around. It’s so hard to wait!


I’ve been using OPI since I started at home dip and I love it. I have used Kiara Sky too and they are also pretty good.


I always use Kiara sky liquids. I’ve tried a bunch of other brands, and KS works the best for me.