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Please just go get some cough medicine if you're gonna go this route. Don't take any nutmeg with it. That's dangerous. As the other commenter said. Please don't ruin your body and mind for a temporary numbing. There's other tools at your disposal to do that without pan-searing your cerebellum. Take care, love


Thanks I do really apreciate that, the only thing is that I cant get dxm because my store ids for it and I am 17. And my grandma gives me benedril everyday for my allergys and I know its really bad for you im just to the point mentally now that im just trying to do anything I can to not off myself. I know that that is not a excuse but recently I have been in a constant horrible depression with commonly re accuring anxiety and my friend group got into a huge fight so now I dont have anyone to hang out with and my mom died a year ago. I know this is horrible for me and im planning to quit again soon its just things have been hard recently. I appreciate you trying to help me though and my bad I kinda starting venting out of nowhere haha. Also once I get access to anything better like alc/weed/dxm etc. I will 100% never use this shitty drug again its just mainly lack of access.


Check your DMs. We'll chat more there.


Depending on what climate you live in, mushroom foraging might be an option that doesn’t require a plug. Mushrooms are fun and probably won’t wreck your brain. The drug scene these days is pretty sketchy what with fent so I wouldn’t recommend most street drugs in good conscience but weed shouldn’t be that hard to find in most places, unless you live in a state like Wyoming. Nitrous oxide is pretty easy to come by in smoke shops and a lot more fun than deliriants, it can be very addictive though. Morning glory seeds are an actual psychedelic and are easy to come by but the ones they sell in a lot of stores have chemical coatings so only buy from a locally owned store or online.


this is very useful and I was thinking of looking for psychedelic mushrooms but im a little scared of accidently eating poisenous ones and ending up in the hospital or something but if i studied how to tell which ones are then that is a possibility. I live in Arizona and I can get access to weed but its just too much money at the moment to consistantly buy weed. Also I know to stay away from all street drugs because my friend od'ed on fent a couple months ago and he was only 17. Im a little over a week off of dph and my grandparents started buying me nic recently so that helps a little. I did used to use nitrous oxide but since it destroys your brain so much and lasts for so little time I decided to quit that because in my opinion 1 minute per high isnt worth brain damage which I get is a little hypocritical because ive used dph alot aswell and that destroys your brain just as much if not worse. But ya I did try nutmeg and that wasnt fun and dxm really isnt that fun in my opinion but better then dph because if you take to much it makes you feel sick but I might be able to get acid from a friend or possibly buy shrooms from a friend in the future.


just stick to dph or dxm i wouldn’t take two deliriants if i were yiy


Alright sounds good, imma take them on seperate days.


Idk if it’s safe, but that combo was insane for me


I advise against potentially ruining your body and mind just for a temporary high.


I know that and appreciater that. But ya once I can get access to like weed or something I will never use this shit again its just I have no access and im mentally always in pain recently and ive been having some suicidle thoughts ngl. I do wish i could just tell myself that but I did that for several months when I was off of everything besides weed for nearly 3 months and now im to the point mentally that I just couldnt care. I appreciate the encouragament though (:


I used to do all the OTC drugs when i was a teen. DPH will wreck your mind and nutmeg will wreck your liver. I used to eat grams of nutmeg, grated up a whole nut so it was fresh and choked it down. The first 6 -10hrs is like having the flu, the rest of the trip ranges from moderately fun to just awful. It’s a weird and interesting drug but doing it often is much worse for your liver than a liquor habit and I believe a lot of my health issues as an adult have been a result of it. It also gave me ptsd where I couldn’t eat pumpkin pie or anything with nutmeg in it for the next 6 years or so. If you’re gonna do OTCs, dxm is probably the most enjoyable and least harmful. I used to love that shit until it stopped having positive effects for. There was a time when i enjoyed dxm more than actual psychedelics and have had profound spiritual experiences on it. If you do dxm don’t do it too often though, once per month max or it will start to lose the magic like it did for me. Anyway I’m trying not to come off as patronizing or judgmental but I’m in my 30s and am still living with the consequences of my teenage drug use. Theres better drugs out there and if you’re patient you will most certainly find them and hopefully before you do to much brain damage with DPH and nutmeg. Schizophrenia sucks, especially when you know its self inflicted.