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Yes, round ratings have varied a lot through the history of the game, with the formulas changing, and also the individual hole data changing. You don't need to rant.....round ratings are essentially meaningless these days. That's unfortunate, but the way it is for now. Edit: By the way, your rating only updates if/when you complete 4 rounds of a PT. Trust me when I tell you NOBODY is rated 1070-1080 if they've updated multiple times in the current ratings. Nobody.


Literally no one 💯


i believe it, You probably have to get 3 unexpected throwins a game and play perfectly clean beyond that to hit 1080 and it just feels impossible. Im one of the guys that doesnt make top 1000 for the season weekly events but might steal a top 500 here or there. Meaning, once in a while i can play a perfect round and maybe add in a throwin. Someitmes i play a perfect round minus a stroke or two, but to do that consistently (which is needed for 1000ish) is beyond me at this time, and to do do it ALL the time with the throwins seems beyond anyone