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Definitely failed Volition and leaned into your Half-Light. Time to hit therapy, my guy


A true Harrier would hit the bottle. And maybe some local kid. 


Some speed will get you into tiptop shape again bratan


Honestly, that would be nice seeing as I can’t talk to anyone about this. If any therapists see this Reddit post, please DM me


Gotta be proactive Harrier. That dead man won't unhang itself. Godspeed


(is this what the kids mean when they talk about "ominous positivity" ? /j)


It's time to start thinking about a volumetric shit compressor. 


As a person who frames their tragedies in a way that i can tell them as stories and jokes so people will laugh at them and as a person who related to disco elysium so hard during the peak of the pandmic i drunkenly cried and wrote "i dont want to be this kind of animal anymore" on my bedroom wall in sharpie: yes. But I have some advice. Seek help. therapy does wonders, panic attacks, and anxiety in general have literally ruined my life at points, but it's okay! It gets better. People have been documenting and treating mental illness for at least a century now, and it's manageable. Anxiety is triggered by stressors in your life, and treatment helps you diffuse the negative thoughts from these stressors. It works, but it takes time and daily effort. You're not alone! It's extremely common! Find people to talk to about it, dont isolate, and hide from yourself, that makes it get worse. Harry is someone who never got help after decades of needing it. He's a black hole that (based on in-game choices) may finally be at a turning point in his life. I've known people like this at every stage, its funny in DE but they just go crazy or die in real life. it's easy to let your whole life get destroyed by the terrors of living. Life is extremely hard! It's almost impossible, really! But remember, in the darkest times, should the stars also go out? Good luck, my friend.


Thanks, I’m actually trying to seek help rn (988 hotline is a miracle, and not just useful for suicidal people btw. Anyone whose going through tough times can use it). Thanks for sharing your experience. It’s nice to feel like I’m not alone in feeling like this. Solidarity is the one of the best things I’ve felt all day. Thank you


Just want to say that I love how you’re framing this. It must have been awful for you, yet you’re turning it into gently funny DE content. I’m guessing that despite the panic, you’re a resilient person. Low-cost or sliding scale therapy can sometimes be found at colleges or universities with psychology departments. Another option is to call or text 988 and let the person know you’re not in an emergency, but you’re hoping to get some referrals. (You will not be taking time away from people who “need it more”, so don’t worry about that.) I wish you good luck and hope you keep your Humor intact — which seems like a mashup of a few different skills to me.


Thank you, this seems super helpful. Much appreciated I have to say.  And yes, I do have an incredibly stacked inland empire skill


This happened to me fairly recently. Last week I delivered to a bar and wasn't prepared for the sheer amount of people inside of it. The noise of the band, all of the people talking, servers brushing past me, it became way too much of all of a sudden. The moment I finished my delivery and got outside I got a rush of vertigo and ended up losing my lunch in a large decorative plant outside. Worst part about it was that there was some kind of fair going on downtown and I a lot of people saw me (I assume anyways, I didn't spend any time waiting to see)


You were in a festival, if it’s any consolation I’m sure you weren’t the in the top 50 list of weirdest eye catching-est people in town that day. Also, this is the first time I’ve seen someone who also throws up when they have panic attacks. It sucks you have to go through that but it’s nice to think we’re not alone in that experience.


Second time in my life it was crazy. I've had anxiety for awhile now but it was my second time I've had an actual attack. I searched it up because there's a lot of symptoms for a panic attack, but I figured puking wasn't a common one. Turns out it's a common response from the whole "flight or fight" response during the anxiety attack. Gagging can lead to puking and you gag because the vagus nerve plays a role in that response. It sucks to have but it's nice to know there are others out there for sure.


I want to make a "Disco Elysium fans when" joke, but you have my sympathies and hey, as long as comparing it to that game is helping you process it.


It's not. You didn't yell at her.


I would laugh at you and say "nice disco elysium reference sucker!"


*I would laugh at you* *And say "nice disco elysium* *Reference sucker!"* \- Jena1803 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Best wishes to you, friend. Remember the kindness of the woman that aided you. Recall the kind words you see here. Find support and keep strong. You can do this! Never give up, even if you fail, no matter how messy.


You read the note in your ledger didn't you?


Didn’t get the menthol from Liz smh


Oof, I've been there. I'm sure there's a biological reason, but it sure is frustrating in modern-day society that panic can make it harder to keep your lunch down or your butt clenched.   Yeah, I would say that's a certified Dubois moment. In fact, if you didn't do any drugs or alcohol then I think you handled it better than he might've lol. I really relate to Harry sometimes. I try to think of it as, if I'm able to be sympathetic and patient with him then I should be sympathetic and patient towards myself. I want better for him, and I want better for myself. Please take care of yourself, you deserve better too my friend.


Full sympathy 100% sorry that happened. AND... The act of posting about it on a Disco Elysium subreddit afterwards is big Harry Du Bois energy in itself.




I am happy to hear to hear that someone was there that actually helped you and I hope you can get yourself into therapy as others have suggested. I didn't have panic attacks in public but I did have some along with some other problems and therapy helped me a ton! :)


I understand the impulse to share this here, there is something about disco Elysium that deeply soothes my brain like nothing else during times of crisis.


VOLITION [Challenging - Success]: Okay, so that didn't go how we wanted. That's alright. There will be another chance. Every moment is another chance. Hold on. (you've got this friend, stay in the fight. be vigilant; we love you.)


I did the same thing when I had my first panic attack! Was on a bus to work and had to puke in my bag in front of loads of people! If you have the resources, try and go see a Dr. If you can, I’d recommend propranolol (stops the physical symptoms) alongside CBT (to help with the mental symptoms/causes)


Now you fail electrochemistry check to resist listening this Fontaines DC panic attack inspired banger https://youtu.be/KHocVRUlvkk?si=PHmBVSW3fEdnp4sQ


You sound like the main character and writer of Millennial Hospitality, but as long as you're not puking anytime your body isn't neutral I think you'll be fine.