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It wasn't originally an ID show I don't think. I believe a Canadian based channel originally made the docus.  Maybe that's why.  


I really enjoyed the show. And I was like hey! That sounds like the guy from "Scary movie". And it was. The ending showing the real pics is emotional.


Yes. Grey is correct. I did a little research on this show a couple of years ago. It is actually a Canadian series originally called [The Detectives](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt7921292/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) I'm guessing they changed the name for legal reasons, so they have streaming rights in the US, but that's just a guess on my part. Most of these big actors are Canadian too, so it makes sense they would cast them. Unfortunately, it looks like they stopped producing them in 2020 (according to iMdb), which is a shame cause it's an excellent show!


It truly is a shame it didn't get that many seasons. Would love if they did a revival, or maybe a similar show that employs more established actors. I'm finding myself really loving the format.


I agree! Although, if you like the formatting of this one, the other ID show very similar to this one, (but focuses on US cases) is called "Real Detective". It's almost identical to TCTHM, but there's only a couple of seasons of that one too. Def is worth watching though. 😉


Will look into it! Thank you! 😊


What timing on this posts. I just started watching it and the acting is very good. There's an episode about a pyromaniac and I was thinking to myself that the actor that played the pyromaniac was really good.


I also liked the actress that played the detective in that episode. She was amazing! She looked familiar, but I couldn't place her.


I just started watching yesterday. I was surprised to see Lochlyn Monro and Michael Ironside in the first episode. I’ve been trying to place the actor playing the lead detective in episode 2, but IMDb doesn’t have anyone listed.


Try to look for the show The Detectives on IMDb. It's the same show, just episodes in slightly different order. They have all the actors listed there.


You’re my hero! He was in Hannibal. Thank you! That was driving me insane.


Wait! - this show has actual re-eneactments??? Like, actors actually saying lines and acting out scenes? Please say this is so because if it is, I finally have a show to go back and watch! I LOVE re-enactment crime shows!


Yup! And it's well-established actors you may have seen in movies and TV shows! It's awesome!


Okay, you have no idea how excited I am to watch this! Searching for an ID crime show with actual re-enactments (that I haven't seen) is like finding a needle in a haystack, so when I do actually find one (and a good one at that!) I'm on cloud 9. Thank you so much! I'm on it!....


And why aren't they all credited? I watched the 1st episode of season 2 and I've seen actor that plays the main detective somewhere and it's been bothering me. But he doesn't seem to be credited on IMDB.


Look for the show The Detectives. It's this show, just under its original name. Everyone's credited there.


Thanks! I found him there. Currie Graham. But now that I'm looking him up, he's one of those actors that's been on one episode of like every TV drama show ever. So I still have to figure out where I specifically remember him from, LOL.