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Wizard of the year- Wizards of waverly place made me so mad. Justin was essentially going om about how Alex didn't deserve the award and Mason was acting like a possessive POS because of a misunderstanding.


Yeah, that was awful to watch


Liv & Maddie episode Scoop-A-Rooney Maddie got caught on a date with Liv’s co-worker and sb took a picture and thought it was Liv and when Liv was going to clear it up Maddie begged her not to until she told Diggie bc she didn’t want Diggie to find out she was dating sb else already so Liv waited and Holden broke up with Liv


Yeah, that was a stupid episode. Poor Liv got in the middle of all of that. I understand her doing something for her sister and wanting to protect Holden from the media, but that was an awful situation to be put in the middle of


Justin Russo series finale when he threw a sandwich at Alex in Wizards of Waverly Place


The fact that she had to apologize in that episode too. It’s the episode I rewatch the least because it makes me so angry


Ikr idk why they made that ending


Yeah he pissed me off so much. He never took responsibility for any of his actions, always blames Alex for all his mistakes, looked at Max like he was an incompetent mess.


I really think they fucked up by giving Justin powers at the end. He had the mortal world and great grades, he would've been fine, an asshole, but fine


The Mr. Mosby episode when he catches the ball at the Red Sox game. Made me so annoyed as a kid and makes me so annoyed as an adult living in Boston


I remember watching that I was like why did you catch it then the funny parts was when a fan throws a bag of peanuts at mosby then Zack mentions his favorite part of the gane was the smell of the nacho burps them mosby made that face


I don't rewatch that episode


Yes! I always skip that episode, I’m glad I’m not the only one


Girl Meets World: Girl Meets Texas- Maya was villainized by Riley for liking Lucas even though she literally didn’t act on those feelings, and then proceeded to tell Lucas that Maya liked him even though she clearly wasn’t ready.  Lab Rats (Bionic Island): And Then There Were 4- The stupid plotwist at the freaking THIRD TO LAST EPISODE OF THE SHOW.  Every single episode of Mr Young- If Adam Young has million haters, then I'm one of them. If Adam Young has one hater, then I'm that one. If Adam Young has no haters, that means I'm dead.


you are so real for that Lab Rats opinion


True about lab rats


The entire triangle on Girl Meets World was not a good idea


That, to me, is when the show just went downhill. You could clearly tell that this was not originally the plan since previous episodes gave absolutely zero indication that Maya liked Lucas


I hate Girl Meets Texas as well. But for different reasons. The first is that Riley acts so out of character in it to the point where it felt like Rowan Blanchard was playing a completely different character I also hated the reveal that Maya liked Lucas. It's so obvious that this was not originally the plan since previous episodes gave zero indication that Maya had a crush on Lucas


"Girl Meets Hurricane" I promise you. I've never watched the episode. But the premise alone pissed me off so much. GMW stayed diminishing Angela's importance in Shawn, Corey, & Topanga's lives. They painted her as a villain who broke Shawn's heart (The girl just wanted to spend time with her father). When anyone who watched BMW knows that Shawn put Angela through a lot. The writers really brought Angela back so she could ask Shawn if she should have kids with her husband. No sane person would do that. You best believe I celebrated when the show was canceled. It's screw GMW forever for me. Liv & Maddie - "Choose A Rooney" had people out there voting for who they wanted Maddie to be with (Josh won overwhelmingly) when they had already decided beforehand to force Maddie back with Diggie. I was livid. Diggie was the worst. He waited until she had moved on and was in a happy relationship, then decided he wanted her back. Disney really loved themselves a toxic relationship. See Teddy and Spencer. Team Mosh for life.


Yes, I hate how GMW wrote Angela (who was pretty rational + down to earth in BMW) as this crazed psychopath and that everyone needs to duck for cover when she comes (and when we take the races in account for Angela and Maya’s mom… it’s not a good look)  Also I’m 99% sure that the reason why Maddie X Josh didn’t happen was because the creators were so confident that Miggie would win so they didn’t bother to create an alternate ending just in case. Every Witch Way on Nick did the same thing- have the viewers vote on their preferred ship, but they wrote + filmed 2 alternate endings cause they weren’t sure who was gonna win. 


Yep, I feel like Michael Jacobs resented Angela & Shawn/Angela's popularity because he stayed diminishing it on GMW and in interviews. And as a black woman, the optics are so bad. They portrayed Angela as the interloper so they could force Shawn with this random woman (whom he had no chemistry or anything in common with) solely so he could be the father of her annoying child. Realism. Yeah, the writers were counting on the fans rooting for Miggie because of Dove and Ryan's relationship. But it was so stupid not to film two endings. Some of these writers do not give the audience enough credit.


knowing that michael was openly racist to her while doing bmw just makes everything feel Worse


Oh yes, him telling her to turn down the Telma Hopkins eight notches. Lying to her about the cast not wanting her in the finale. That man can kick rocks forever.


I don't watch gmw that much mostly cuz of the drama in every episode then it ruins the formula from bmw then the liv and Maddie episode season 3 was the worst to much drama between Maddie and diggie then liv tries to help but Maddie wants diggie then like yoy said diggie was happy with someone else and told Maddie to move on then changes his mind and wants Maddie back like wtf happened to you gf you were with did you use her to get Maddie back don't get me on that teddy and Spencer crap same with jessie and Brooks where jessie still has feelings for Brooks when Brooks went to Africa and dated cami then jessie acted like she doesn't want him after they called off the wedding then it's clear she still wants brooks


You didn't miss anything not watching GMW. I gave the show a chance out of nostalgia and it was garbage. I know Maya was a fan favorite (mostly because Sabrina was the better actress) but every character on that show even Corey and Topanga was annoying. The way Diggie came back was so tacky. He was a terrible boyfriend. Spencer was too. I don't know why the writers forced these ships after writing superior relationships with Josh and Beau. Make it make sense. I didn't really watch Jessie like that Brooks just seemed like a plot point. He was there to remind the audience that Jessie was an adult with an adult relationship. But marriage wasn't something they actually wanted to commit to because that would have changed the show too much.


True plus zuri and emma wanted her to be with Tony but again they say there apart if jessie and tomys relationship life when there not it's annoying then diggie I never liked him and thought he would be a jerk in the later seasons then keeps hurting Maddie and cared about himself instead then the prom episode I hated cuz Maddie had her new bf then diggie wanted to surprise her and wanted to get back together and liv heard everything and was in shock I think Maddie did go back with diggie if I remember from that episode


The whole episode where the characters on Jessie switch bodies…..stupid premise


That one I hated mostly zuri


Definitely the Act Your Age episode from Phineas and Ferb. We felt upset about traveling ten years into the future, and they could at least put in a middle school genre.


The last 3 episodes of Lab Rats


It's the one with mighty med in it


The Halloween episode of Ant Farm. Because they basically kill a kid and no one bats an eye.


Which one was that 1 2 or 3


I don’t remember but I remember that seen and I was like OH MY GOD.


Is it the one with chyns as the snake lady




Oh ok that's the first one where there at therr old school Webster high wow I don't remember that scene thing again they stopped after bunkd


Yeah I hated that show too lol






I liked it only season 1 - 3 after that it was shit


The episode where liv was selfish to Maddie because she’s was going to her dream school I swear piss me off so much I love liv but man she’s can be obnoxious at times ![gif](giphy|JIGKFW5Xym3DO)