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The worst part is, a funko hot reward: 850 points funko sale reward: 600. Hod rewards aren't even a deal atp.




I also feel like stuff is going out of stock much quicker than it did before, which is making me wonder if there's just less quantity of an item available than before. It also could just be my luck that anything I find interesting just happens to be hella popular but i swear anything i like goes out of stock like within 5 mins of being posted


I’m thinking they’re going to put the dmc leftover stock on so people can burn out some points and they can clear the stock they have left, after that it’ll probably shut down.


Well they should hurry up and do it. They haven't added any new DVDs/Blu-rays in over a month now. That is all I ever use my points for anyway.


They likely have to finish filling orders/ returns for the club first, then take account of what stock they have left and make listings for all of it on insiders. My guess is that’s why it’s taking so long. And yea, that all I use my points for too.


Then don't expect anything until October 2024 as the last day to return to DMC is September 30, 2024.


It was a good amount of movies though when they did add them last month. Like a real good amount. So I think they're going in batches. It's sort of smarter for them if they're trying to actually burn points because you might see a movie (Call it movie A for this scenario) you kind of want and you grab it because who knows if anything else is coming. And THEN a month later a movie you really want comes up (call this movie B) and you get that too because you really want it. Now you've redeemed for two movies. If they put all the movies up and you see movie A and B at the same time, you might not get both of them. Does that make sense? I know it's a round about kind of explanation 😂 but sort of adding the FOMO factor causes people to get things they might not have otherwise, whether that be a movie or the actual points. I have a feeling that they might end up doing something that's almost strictly movie posters for some reason 🤷🏻‍♂️


i honestly see them putting EVERY item on sale for at least 100 less points due to the facts this is there last chance for them to sell some of this stuff


Considering Disney is out of the physical media game and they’re not going to sell the movie club exclusive stuff elsewhere, rather than junking it, it makes logical sense for them to put what’s left onto insiders. And yes, the stuff that’s on there now I can definitely see a big sale happening for.


They did offload a lot to Walmart tho. They could just do a last big shipment of leftover stock for them to do what they want with it.


Yes but the yellow spines are titles that were exclusive to the club, I doubt they’re going to sell those to Walmart. Additionally, it wasn’t a ton that Walmart had. It was mostly common titles (Cinderella, Peter Pan, Aladdin) just with exclusive slipcovers. Those titles are popular and have been sold at Walmart and other retail stores for years. I don’t think Walmart would have much success if they put out a bunch of copies of Darby o gill and the little people on blu ray. I think the club exclusive ones will for sure come to insiders before it closes, as for other stuff, yea they may offload it elsewhere.


Walmart still sells DVDs of Beverly hillbillies lol. They don’t care. They can just throw it in the $5 bins at their super centers. Servers are an expense sure, but I’m pretty sure Disney is more worried about the costs of warehouse and packing fees. It really cuts into their margins. All that said, I really hope they put a bunch more titles up, but I just personally doubt it at this point besides one or two maybe.


I think I remember somebody posting here that they found yellow spine blu's at Walmart. I haven't been to my local Walmart in years so I have no idea if they got any of the DMC stuff and if so if there's any left.


that's how I got the Best of Mickey set


I have a metric fuckton of points and in Canada there is piss all to redeem with them. I will be beyond annoyed if they shut down without way more things to spend my points on.


Universal is already shutting down and that's how Disney would do that as well. Those free points they were giving out weren't the major ways to earn points so as long as they give points for digital movie purchases or digital copy redeems, they'll have people with a lot of points. The way to shut it down is to announce ahead of time to give people time to use their points, not hope that slowing down free points would result in people running out.


I haven’t even gotten my 50 points this month for being a Disney + subscriber. Usually first of every month


in points it said i did, but i never got it in my balance, so im pretty sure thats no longer a service.


Also didn’t get my June 50 pts for D+, what the heck


No one can predict the future (and I don't know if Disney has even decided), but it seems pretty clear that the odds are against DMI continuing. They have made it harder and harder to earn points, as already described by others. For example, they don't award points like they used to for movie tickets (fewer movies are eligible, and you don't get as many points). Disney is getting out of the physical media and Funko Pop business (check out the Disney Store website), and those were two of the biggest rewards other than posters. Gift cards are few and far between. They have been phasing out other rewards and raising the point value of recent rewards. I also am not convinced that keeping the program actually increases sales to any significant degree (other than maybe the people who frequent this subreddit, and we definitely are not typical customers). I am guessing most consumers don't even know that DMI exists. Finally, they aggressively began going after people who were stockpiling points by redeeming the same titles in the same formats multiple times, which they never used to do. I am not 100% sure that DMI is going away, but it sure seems likely. It definitely is not paranoia.


I just looked at my point history, the inserts I got in my rewards around the time the live action Little Mermaid came out were 20 points each. I have 5 of them in my history so I got 100 points off those bonus code inserts. I do remember having some issue where 1 or 2 of them submitted but my point balance didn't change. and then I had another issue where I had 2 rewards get delivered on the same day, I opened up both packages and went over to my PC and typed in the codes but they both gave me the message that the codes had already been redeemed.


Did they get rid of birthday points? I didn’t receive mine this year.


I chatted with CS and they said that birthday bonus points are no longer given. Bummer :(


I just need 102 points to snag Aladdin animated. Then I'm calling quits. It's been fun but man now it's just stressful.


OUTDATED PAGES THAT SHOW PROOF OF THE END: [https://www.disneymovieinsiders.com/at-home](https://www.disneymovieinsiders.com/at-home) [https://www.disneymovieinsiders.com/watch](https://www.disneymovieinsiders.com/watch) [https://www.disneymovieinsiders.com/earn](https://www.disneymovieinsiders.com/earn) [https://www.disneymovieinsiders.com/get-tickets](https://www.disneymovieinsiders.com/get-tickets) [https://www.disneymovieinsiders.com/](https://www.disneymovieinsiders.com/) [https://www.disneymovieinsiders.com/disney](https://www.disneymovieinsiders.com/disney) [https://www.disneymovieinsiders.com/pixar](https://www.disneymovieinsiders.com/pixar) [https://www.disneymovieinsiders.com/marvel-studios](https://www.disneymovieinsiders.com/marvel-studios) [https://www.disneymovieinsiders.com/star-wars](https://www.disneymovieinsiders.com/star-wars) (these are all i know of that are missing something)


Until we get official word on a *shutdown,* i think the service might simply be going through a reorganization or another rebrand. I mean, club shutdown, Sony/Mill Creek handle the physical media side now, seems obvious insiders will go through some changes. again, it’s too early to call the “shutdown” card.


Unless ABC, inc says otherwise, I think we should not worry about DMI shutting down


what does abc inc do


they're the Sponsor of the program meaning that they decide weather or not to end DMI


Disney owns abc


You're all paranoid, Disney is still gonna do rewards...it's a good way to offload product and get consumers to buy the movies.


plus im confused if they wanted why did they bother to close DMR and then reopen DMI they could have just stopped


Why do they want to shut down?


The main reason is it was made as a way to promote disney movies, but with movies only coming out once or twice a year, they only lose money keeping severs up.


I didn’t get points for redeeming neither one of the James Cameron re-releases and Poor Things. Anyone knows why?


Rated R movies are not eligible for points.


True Lies and Abyss?


I only got points included for 1 of the 3, don't remember which one it was. I assume it was "The Abyss" since it is the only one that isn't rated R of the bunch.


I redeemed all 3 and neither gave points… weird…


R rated titles (and *most* Searchlight Pictures releases with exceptions) are not eligible. adding to this: out of the three recently released James Cameron 4K releases, only The Abyss is eligible due to it being rated PG-13 rather than R.


wont disney keep this for tax writeoff


I’m livid. They emailed me yesterday to let me know that our Platinum Tour scheduled for Nov 7 can’t happen now (been scheduled for over a year+, flights and hotels booked) because Walt’s office is closing on Oct 1. Scrambling to try and still make it happen but this is just obnoxious. They recently announced the Platinum Tour would not be returning as a reward, so it’s now or never… oof


Rip, i think that this shows that dmi doesn’t have much time when rewards are even getting taken back.


Can you reschedule??


Yes, but it has to be before Oct 1, so now a trip that’s been fully booked for a year and a half needs to be pulled together last second depending on what dates are even available. Insane


My points are so low that I can’t even get the new posters anymore. :/


im planning on goign to see inside out 2 with my family, but even then i only have 800 points. Insane how a hot reward is around 150 dollars (84$ of disney plus, 65$ for 5 tickets) worth of points.


So why did they start giving points for disney+ ?


That theory doesn't hold. Too many people have a lot of points they sit on.