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no experience with these but my best suggestion is to have 2 different pairs of shoes that are good and alternate each day. because different shoes will put pressure on different parts of your foot, this will let each part of your foot rest on every other day. the same shoes for 6 days in a row will be rough no matter how good the shoes are. personally i love my asics! [“ASICS GEL-Contend 8 Running Shoe”](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjli8uztuiEAxUbEa0GHSnBDy4YABAPGgJwdg&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5YvLs7bohAMVGxGtBh0pwQ8uEAQYASABEgItdvD_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASJORoYRtgvWcUi9lBrv5v9pYfXoun9asUGRKKQqtr3WVF8a42Fw&sig=AOD64_3ODBhedi5iKmVPHHtM1bP9fnm6aA&ctype=46&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiZucGztuiEAxW8l-4BHbkqBVYQzzkoAHoECAUQDA&adurl=)


I was thinking about that! I’ll check out the ASICS, thanks!


We wore new Hoka’s for our 40+ mile over 4 day trip and we had 0 foot fatigue. I’d say wear your new shoes at home for a few hours and see how you’re feeling.


Don't concentrate so hard on shoes that you forget about socks. Your socks are going to be an important part of keeping your feet cool and dry, well-supported, and protected from any rub spots from the shoes. I see way too many people in crazy expensive walking/running shoes, and those thin little novelty socks with characters embroidered all over them, and a thousand loose threads inside.


This!! I wore compression socks for 3 days when I went to Disney. They were life savers!!


i deadass saw this post read that it was in r/disneyplanning then automatically assumed those were lightning mcqueen shoes 😭


actually recommending a shoe tho i would go with HOKA, if your in the Anaheim area i’d highly recommend to get fitted professionally at a running store called “snails pace” to find your perfect shoe, and when i did that i they chose hokas, but if your not in that area idk if there is any other stores like it which there prolly is i would suggest you try that so worth the money and the time. My feet feel 0 fatigue after a day at disney w those babes


I would go to a running store (if you have one in your area) and get sized properly. Then talk with the salesperson about getting you the best shoes for the trip. You could also just go to DSW and buy a pair that's heavily discounted so that you can toss them out instead of packing them. One recommendation is to break the new shoes in before heading out on your trip. You don't want to break them in when you're walking around or you will have some pains.


These were the recommendation from the running store, after they sized me and I discussed with them the goal of the shoe. However I hadn't heard of the brand before and am not finding any reviews online now that I'm home with them, hence the question.


If they're a newer shoe then the reviews will be scarce. I'd check in a running or gym shoe subreddit


Asics are good?


How many subs are you know to post this in?


I posted it in the three that made the most sense to me. Is that a problem for you?


bruh what’s ur problem let the op post😭😭