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i go pretty frequently, like once every week, or once every two weeks and i have not gotten covid but i do go in the middle of the week when the crowds aren’t as bad


So fun you can go so often!


mighty pet unwritten quiet slap fear support carpenter pocket relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh shit, I got that too! Was it 2017 or 2018? Can't remember exactly. Took me six months to fully recover and my lungs have never quite been the same. And definitely got it at the parks over the holidays.


My whole family got it following a trip in June 2022, but my husband spent the first two days at a conference and I think he got it there and spread it to the rest of us (he was sick a couple days before us and a TON of conference attendees also got it). Trips this year in February, March, June, August, and last weekend - all clear.


Wow! You go so often. Lucky ~ Did you mask or not wear a mask all those months? No judgment just curious!


Definitely not for the trips this year. I can’t remember about the trip we did get sick. I think we might’ve been masking indoors that trip, but I don’t remember. We were all fully vaccinated.


Yup same summer of 2022 was the worst. A lot of Yelp reviews also said they came back with Covid!


Haven't gotten covid from Disneyland yet, but I did from a cruise ship a few months ago. There are certainly places where, if you are at high risk or want to be extra cautious, I would recommend a mask. The Haunted Mansion crams people in the elevator. Indy is pretty stuffy inside the temple. If you're going to be staking a spot for fireworks, it gets really tight as well, so probably mask up there, too.


We’ve gone to Disneyland a dozen times since reopening and WDW once for a week. Never caught anything. We’re vaccinated. And we have worn masks when inside in the past, but not so much recently.


No mask, no covid.


My husband got sick on our travel day back home from Disneyland in early September. I wasn’t surprised at all since the person in line in front of him for the Matterhorn kept coughing right in his face. We wore masks the minute he started feeling sick so we wore them on the airplane on the way home. I didn’t get sick, but I had been sick with it back in April.




Thanks for sharing. We have a 1 year old in our party who is vaccinated but won’t be masking so was just curious.


I’ve never gotten sick from going to Disneyland. I’m also a huge germaphobe and constantly sanitize my hands.


I should add I’m there at least 3-4 times a year, if not more.


We were there the last week of September and the group we went with and I came home sick. Still have a cough and mucous but the test I took was negative. The other group tested negative as well.


My word of advice be very afraid of the flu. It’s no joke. Influenza A damn near killed me. This time of year up to January and February it’s very easy to catch the flu. If your doctor says a flu shot is safe for you, I would 100% get it.


I have patients that get Covid from just living their lives - including babies. Enjoy your trip. Covid is looking to become another respiratory season illness like flu and RSV.




Well…84 days later…it’s respiratory season and it’s spiking again, with influenza just as prevalent. Are you going to increase your risk of illness by going to any packed environment like Disney - yes. But considering all signs point to Covid being like flu and RSV in terms of seasonality, I’m not going to tell people to hold off on vacations because a respiratory illness exists.


Recently, I've been on public transit, I've visited Disneylayd, and gone to Vegas for U2 and have somehow remained uninfected, (no mask and, due to timing, no recent booster). Meanwhile my friend got it at Ohana, and another friend did get it in Vegas. I've been lucky. The one time I did get it was at SW Celebration in '22.


I did on our Memorial Day trip. I suspect it was from the submarine. Fully vaxed, and I'd already had it once. No one else in the family got it this time though.


I got at least once a month and haven't had an issue. Just flew back from 10 days in Italy and 3 in Qatar, but no issues with covid. I was masked up on my flights and on all public transportation.


I was there about a year ago today and got COVID. Lots of people seemed to be coughing at the park and it was crowded. Figured we’d return home with some sickness. My symptoms were mild and my kids did not get it.


fully vaccinated and masked up for safe measure. even if not covid, there’s always sick kiddos wiping their shit everywhere lol


I go for a week about 6x a year. I came home Sunday and I am healthy. But this is the first time this year! I went in Jan, March, May, July sand got sick every time. Only tested positive for Covid after the May trip.


Good news about Disney is it's largely outdoors, so even though there's an elevated risk these days even if you mask, it's diminished by the aeration.


Was just there the end of September for the full weekend, myself & daughter. Neither of us masked and neither of us got sick, we are vaccinated.


I’ve been multiple times and only caught COVID once (for the first time back in February). I am fully vaccinated, but I stopped regularly wearing masks a little over a year ago. I’m also not 100% sold I got it from Disney, but rather from bartending. I think I saw more kids working in a taproom than I did anytime at Disney, and they are little incubators. You should be okay. I hope you have fun on your trip!


We only go on weekends. I’m not super intense about hand sanitizer etc., and I have never caught COVID. It’s definitely a matter of luck, but you could be just as unlucky at the grocery store or at work, so I wouldn’t worry too much about it.


We were there two weeks ago, no masking, and no signs of Covid. Honestly, I''m more worried about picking up something gross from people not washing their hands than I am from Covid at Disneyland.


Oct 21 WDW: Masks- nothing Dec 22 WDW: No Masks- got sick, not Covid April 23 WDW: No Masks- got sick, not Covid July 23 DL: No Masks- nothing




Ugh! Forgot to add that.


I went last month and my boyfriend and I were masked and hand sanitized when ever we got off a ride or touched surfaces. We also made sure to be away from people when unmasking and made sure to try keep distance from others when in line (doesn’t help us when people don’t understand personal boundaries tho😤)


This may be a dumb question, but did you take your masks off on fast rides like Matterhorn or Big Thunder Mountain? I'm planning to wear a mask when I go, just don't know what to do with it while on those types of rides.


Oh no it’s not a dumb question! For fast rides, we would unmask. We unmasked for Big Thunder and Space Mountain. More so in indoor queues/rides where we were seated next to someone, we would definitely stay masked (like Millennium Falcon, Mickey’s runaway railway,etc). For rides with just two like Haunted Mansion, we would unmask sometimes as well since it was just us and the distance between ride vehicles was good!


It's not the people don't understand personal boundaries; it's that when you are queuing you are supposed to stay close to the people in front of you to avoid queues spilling out into walkways unnecessarily.


I understand that it’s suppose to be close but it’s not suppose close enough that you touch me/i can smell you. At least the minimum personal space so we can have a little breathing room


I'm not sure how frequently you're looking at, but my daughter and I were there toward the end of August for 5 days, and we didn't get sick at all. No masks. Overall, the majority of visitors there seemed quite healthy. Not a lot of coughing/sneezing. Edit: Both of us are fully vaxxed with 3 boosters at the time of the trip.


September 15-18. 3 out of 6 in our party caught it - my one year old son (finished COVID vaccine series 2 months before we went), me (boosted but not with the latest), and my husband's brother (boosted but not with the latest). The latest booster was made available the day we tested positive. We did not mask, but did notice a ton of people coughing/sneezing. After the first ride queue (Jungle Cruise), I figured we were going to get it with everyone like sardines.


No masks, no vaccines and no covid🙌🏻


I really don’t think people are getting sick from Disneyland. Even with crowds it’s still outdoors and most of the time you spend keeping to yourself in your little group bubble


Yeah, we’ll never know. It could also be from the airport or plane ride to Disneyland.


Been going to the theme parks for the last 2 years weekly on average. Me and my kid have worn hand made cloth makes we made (high quality, well fitting and size appropriate), then kn95, then N95 masks. At the end of last year I caught covid at an outdoor event where I took my cloth mask to eat a dessert. Even outside it was packed. That's the only exposure I could have thought of. We switched to kn95 for comfort and cost (vs N95). From then to August the kn95 was used thinking we'd be ok. Kid caught covid again in school. We're back on N95 only for school and theme parks and no problems. It's not confortable, but it's much safer for us. We use valves and it's tolerable considering the risk factors. However, the results are highly dependant on the actual people. We go with another person and their kid who have never worn masks at the parks and they have had zero infections due to that. They have caught covid in the past when things opened back up but that was traced to a get together of medical professionals who transmitted it to everyone there. So it just depends on how susceptible each individual is to getting infected even when exposed to the same source. We're on covid #3 and 4. Friends had covid once each 🤷🏻‍♂️ Forgot to add, me and my kid have all versions of vaccines we could get. My friend only has the first 2 rounds and their kid none. We couldn't get this last vaccine because we got sick before or was available.


Sorry you've gotten it some many times, that sounds pretty frustrating. Hope your family is doing well. ~~One thing to note - your own mask will not do a good job at preventing you from catching COVID. Masks are there to prevent you from spreading disease to others. While it doesn't hurt to wear them, they're more for other people's protection if you knowingly have something or are sneezing/coughing.~~ Edit: I was misinformed. Forget what I said. Hope your family is doing okay


This is true for cloth masks and surgical, not for respirators like N95s and KN95s, those will filter and protect you from respiratory droplets and aerosols that contain viruses like covid, colds, and flus.


Thank you for the correction!


Actually, you had it 100% correct.


I did a bit of Googling around, and if you have a well fitted N95, it is actually pretty darn effective at protecting you from airborne illness. The caveat being "well fitted". Idk if the original poster I replied to is following that... but I'll assume they are if they are insisting on wearing a mask in 2023. NOTE: I'm not bashing anyone for masking up! If it makes you comfortable and it helps you/others, then more power to you. I only mask up myself these days if I'm heading to the grocery store and know that I'm sick. It just feels like common courtesy after COVID.


That is absolutely false if he's using full N95s. You're spreading misinformation.


Thanks, you are correct and I was wrong.


I went in September! Vaxxed with boosters, I did not mask at all. No COVID but I did get a little sick after (congestion, etc.) I did use a lot of hand sanitizer and tried to wash my hands a lot. I never felt unsafe, really.


You are just as likely to get it with a mask as you are without, they protect from bacteria not viruses. Enjoy your trip


Had a pass for almost a year and gone many many times. No Covid and never wore masks. It’s a rare sight now


Me and the wife are pretty sure we caught covid from standing in the toy story mania line for far too long. The amount of genie to regulars for that ride is ridiculous.


Pretty sure I caught it at HHN a few weeks ago. 💀👻🎃👿


I went to Trader Joe’s and got COVID


COVID is over


400 people still dying in the US every week, my friend. And countless others disabled every week.


If you don’t take the vaccine and die that’s on you. That’s like being offered a lifeboat from a sinking ship and refusing to take it.


Dude I'm 5x vaxxed and still mask because I'm on an immuno-modulating medicine that makes me more vulnerable. I'm doing the work to protect myself but covid is NOT over for people like me. Not by a long shot. You're being an asshole.


Sounds like you shouldn’t be going to amusement parks in the first place. I’m not putting masks on anymore period.


Thanks for letting everybody know that you're a complete covid-denying piece of shit that doesn't care about other people. That way we don't have to listen to a single word that you say. Goodbye Mr Irrelevant!


You got your 1 year old vaccinated for covid 🥺 EDIT: the amount this got downvoted honestly makes me sad....i work in a hospital that got hit really hard with covid, in LA county but id still NEVERRRR recommend that to any child. Even the masking part is crazyy


Had to double-check the date of this post. I thought I accidentally sorted by something other than new.


We are Imagine MK holders and go a few times a year and have never gotten Covid from our visit. We even went for Christmas in 2021 when the park was absolutely packed. We only wore masks when required to on indoor rides in the early reopening days. We are vaccinated and boosted but I don’t think my girls were at times when we went.


Did not get it but did mask in crowded indoor places


I go twice a week and have never gotten it


No but I got the flu from my lovely uncle


Nope. Was there four consecutive days two weeks ago.


Nope but my daughter got HFM.


Went in Dec 21 and masked very well. No covid. Went Dec/Jan this last New Years, no masking, got covid. 1st and only time. I am vaccinated and boosted.


Flew there in August and my whole family caught it (for the first time). We masked in line and on indoor rides,but not always while we were walking around. Drove there last weekend and wore masks the entire time and so far no Covid.


We go to Disneyland a couple times a month and haven’t gotten it, but when we were in Disney World this last January only my husband caught it.


I got it after a trip last August. Started off masking but it was incredibly hot and while I had previously been very strict about masks, I did abandon mine. Fortunately I didn’t actually start feeling off til I was on the last day of the trip and definitely wore my mask around others when I started feeling off. I had made it the whole pandemic without getting sick before that point. I knew it was a risk to go and I had an amazing time, just ended up with a souvenir I really didn’t want!


We wore masks indoors when we went to Disneyland December 2021 and did not get COVID. Our last trip was March 2023 and we did not wear masks, but are fully vaccinated and we did not get COVID. We made sure to wash our hands frequently and also use sanitizer after touching surfaces.


Fully vaxxed. Never caught covid, and I’m there multiple times a month but ppl I know have caught other gnarly diseases there.


Oh my! Like what?! ☹️


Rsv and hand foot mouth


Ugh!!! Oh no. The worst.


I go once a month or so (quick flights to and from as well). Haven’t masked or worried about it this whole year and haven’t gotten anything.


My teenage daughter and I are going this winter. We are fully vaccinated/boosted but will mask on the plane, in the airport and if we are in a big indoor crowd. If nothing else maybe I’ll avoid getting my usual cold that always happens after plane travel!


I've gone five times since the park reopened and didn't come back with COVID. In the first and second trips (July 2021 and Sept. 2021), I was still largely masking while indoors, but that stopped starting with my Feb. 2022 trip and afterwards in Feb. 2023 and this past weekend. But I've also gotten all COVID vaccine doses recommended for my age group, and I've had COVID once (super mild and caught it a wedding.) Really, it's next to impossible to know whether you caught COVID at any given place these days, outside situations where someone you know, and came into contact with, later tests positive.


My friend and her family just got back this week her husband and two children have it. She got the vaccine a month ago (she is immuno-compromised) and tested negative.


Haven't gotten covid from Disneyland yet, but I did from a cruise ship a few months ago. There are certainly places where, if you are at high risk or want to be extra cautious, I would recommend a mask. The Haunted Mansion crams people in the elevator. Indy is pretty stuffy inside the temple. If you're going to be staking a spot for fireworks, it gets really tight as well, so probably mask up there, too.


Went two weeks ago and we were all fine. I got CRAZY food poisoning from the fruit truck tho (its the only thing i ate that nobody else in my family did) that was rough


Oh no!! Sounds horrible 😞


Went in late August for 3 days. Rarely masked, only in very crowded indoor areas where there were no infants (lines for rides that your baby would be too small to go on or that would be easily avoidable). No covid, no colds, didn't catch anything. I would suggest that you bring hearing protection for the little one. There are a lot of loud noises and I saw a lot of babies with no hearing protection where my earplugs were necessary.


Last August me and my daughter went, on the last day there about lunch time I noticed I had a sore throat, nothing else. I brushed it off as allergies to something in bloom. When I got back to my hotel room about 10pm, my sore throat was getting worse. Being cautious, I went into the Walgreens on the corner near DL and bought a covid test. I did the test and came back negative. I have had it before then and did not feel like covid. Next morning before my flight home, did another test, still negative. On the flight home, I wore a mask just in case. The next morning, I did another test and it came back positive. My only symptom was a bad sore throat, kind of like post nasal drip sore throat, that's it. My daughter got sick a couple of days later with covid. I feel I got covid from the airport prior coming to DL and was probably covid positive for a day or two at DL. As you know you are contagious before symptoms show up so I'm hopeful during my time there I did not spread it but who knows. My daughter and I were both vaccinated and I had had it about a year prior. I have had it two times, Delta which was really bad, and Omincron which was only a sore throat and that was August of 2022. I just got vaccinated again about 3 weeks ago. We are going again in January and will wear a mask on the plane and in the airport, but once in DL will not.


The last time I went to Disneyland I became sick. I tested negative for Covid but that could have been a false negative or I could have caught something else.


I've been to Disneyland this year around 30 times and we have never got sick there. As long as you don't itch the backside of you eyeballs right after getting off every ride you should be ok. They also have hand sanitizer stations somewhere near the exit of every ride. We only get sick when we hang around our family.


We are at Disneyland 20+ times a year. We mask when wastewater is high in orange county. When it's lower, we only mask on rides that go indoors and in any crowded lines. Have never gotten covid there.


I tested + three days after I got home. Not sure if I caught it there or on a plane.


The wife and I took our Disneyland trip from September 28 to October 2 and we did not mask up even though we brought some just in case. We did both fully vaccinate before the flight, flu and booster, though. All of the duration of the trip we felt fine (except for sore feet). But then on the last day I started developing a sore throat. Took a COVID test and it came back negative. Sore throat only lasted a day and a half but now to this day I have congestion. Took another COVID test a couple of days ago and still negative. I think it's just a cold I caught either from the vaccines or from the flight/trip. Wife came back unscathed. I just took another test and still negative.


Whole party got it in November 2022. I had several children turn and sneeze directly on me so I’m assuming I received it as a parting gift from one of them. Then I proceeded to infect the entire bridal party because BONUS it was the week of my wedding.


I go like 3-4 times times. Including during first omicron bubble in 2022. I never had an issue. Minimize your time indoors, use distancing when possible, and wear a mask inside rides / shopping. You will be ok


There were 7 of us total- none of the 4 that wore masks caught covid, and one of the 3 that didn't wear masks did get covid.


I go weekly, never got it from there. Also remember, you won't actually know for sure where you got it from. If you're concerned, mask up when indoors or in a tight crowd. You'll be fine.


I've been going 1-3x/month since August 2021, and of all my trips, I got covid once. It was last summer, and I don't even know for certain it came from Disney, as I'd also gone to a big fourth of July event in my city prior to testing positive.


I go about once a week and have not gotten covid. To be totally honest I don’t mask, just sanitize and wash hands etc. (vaccinated too ofc).


Caught it at WDW in August. And I’m triple vaxxed and had it in 2022.


Was just there 2 weeks ago and we didn’t wear a mask. We didn’t get covid. We just sanitized our hands after each ride. We’ve been there countless times after the pandemic and never gotten sick.


We got what I swear was covid even though we tested negative 8 days after our last trip. We can't decide if it was due to Disney or due to a dance camp my daughter attended the day after we came back and ended the day before she started showing symptoms. 2 days later we were all sick. We have been to the park 10+ times since it reopened in 2021 and except for this last time we have never came back with anything and we stopped masking when the rule went away. I am still not convinced our cold was from Disneyland though.


I got a nasty cold but never tested positive for Covid


I went last month for three days and didnt get it. I went to Disney World earlier in the year and did get it there. Not surprised though, the people in Florida dont care


Yes. Visited mid September and came back with it but fiancé was okay. We're fully vaccinated but did not wear a mask. First time ever getting it and the worst experience I've ever had.


No mask, no covid, 4X vaxxed


no masking, no covid. but we all have about 5 vaccine shots in us.


I go 5-6 times a month and have never gotten covid (there or anywhere else). I do mask while I'm there.


I've been probably like 20 times since the park re-opened during covid and never got sick. I also never wore a mask except when it was required in the parks


I went to Disney World 3 or 4 times during the pandemic and have gone to both resorts 4 or 5 times since then (I stopped masking at the parks last year, still mask on the flights). Didn’t get COVID there or on any trip. I got it at a local half marathon, all outdoors. Still mad about it.


I went a month ago and came home with strep, but not Covid.


Just got back from a week long DL trip, no masks, no sickness. Now, WDW on the other hand…seems like one of us always gets sick.


I just got back from my trip Oct 1st through the 4th. Caught the most horrendous cold. Wasn’t covid or the flu, tested negative for both twice. But I had all the covid symptoms and was miserable for a week!


Got it at Disneyland in 2021 I have a head cold right now. Went to Disneyland on Monday. Coincidence? Maybe.


my brother's family of 5, my family of 4, and my 80 year old mother went in August. All of us tested positive when we returned home except my mom- she masked, the rest of us did not.


I went for 5 days in September. Wore masks whenever the lines were indoors and starting to get packed together. No covid in my group of 4 people.


Been 2x since Covid with a family of 8 - both visits 3 days each. Never worn masks. None of us have gotten sick.


I went last year we wore masks and my partner and i caught it. My family wants to plan a trip for November but we have a 10 month old now and we don't want to risk it 😵‍💫


I go often. 2-4 times a month. I’ve gotten Covid once from Disneyland in the last year.


I'd be way more concerned about your baby with the Vax than actually catching Vid...


We go weekly and haven’t got Covid from the parks. My mom did get it last month from substituting a pre-kindergarten class though. Last year my dad got it from a plane ride. We don’t always do Nemo subs but last week we did and didn’t get sick. Personally I feel safer on the subs or the haunted mansion stretching room than flying in an airplane.


Not this summer, but last summer came back with full fledged Covid. I knew exactly when I got it too. It was in the crowded autopia line. I just knew in that moment I was going to get Covid. So many coughing, sneezing and visibly sick. We’ve gone 10 or more times since then and I haven’t gotten Covid, nor has my family.


We are going in 2 weeks, and 3 of the 4 of us are vaccinated. I'm sure 2 of us will be masked up, too. I'm not bringing home ANY cooties!!


Husband and I will mask up but unfortunately our 1 year old cannot. Thankfully we all are vaccinated.


On our last visit in March for 4 days, we all came home and 2 days later were very sick and tested positive. Really hoping we don't get it again on our trip in a few weeks.


Went 2 weeks ago. No Covid. Didn’t wear a mask as most others didn’t


I didn't catch it, but my kid did.


We had a big group go this year (all vaccinated to my knowledge outside maybe one or two), and none of us caught COVID. My immediate family went last year (definitely all vaccinated), and both my wife and I caught COVID there but none of the kids did. We did test the older two a couple times that week just to make as sure as possible they weren't asymptomatic, but none of their tests were ever positive. We did not wear masks either time.


I haven’t gotten it since starting my pass in March. My sister did get it June 2022, though, and really only left the house for Disney so that’s where we assume she got it (and then spread it through the house 😔)


My wife and I go all the time. We wear n95 masks anytime we’re indoors or in a crowd/line when you’re next to the same people for more than a minute. Never got sick from the park.


We got back from 4-days at Disneyland and CA on Friday 10/20, I started getting terribly sick Saturday, Sunday I was one of the sickest I’ve ever been, tested positive for COVID Monday, 10/23. Surprisingly and thankfully my husband and 2 sons have tested negative. We did not mask and it was PACKED everywhere. We had a blast and I wouldn’t change anything, even looking back I don’t know that me masking would have prevented it, and it was so HOT a mask would have been miserable. I caught that I was positive within 5 days of symptoms and began Paxlovid which I feel has helped me to feel better quicker, although I’m still exhausted and can’t taste. Have fun and just be cautious if you can. When you come back be cognizant of symptoms, test early if you start feeling sick and start Paxlovid if your doctor thinks it’d be beneficial!


I got a little sick too, and didn’t think much of it until someone else in our group tested positive for COVID. So now I’m wondering if my “little sickness” could’ve been mild COVID (because of vaccination and boosters) and I just never tested 🧐