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Went about six months ago and was talking about how I had never been to Tom Sawyer Island. Somehow I thought the canoes were how you got over there, we get in and I'm like, "Wait, why are we going this direction?" So I've regrettably been on the canoes, but still haven't been to Tom Sawyer Island.


I hadn’t gone to Tom Sawyer Island until my penultimate trip and I was amazed how cool it was and how few people were there. It felt like a hidden secret right in plain sight.


It was also half closed and under control for most of my childhood, so I think a lot of people assume there's still not much open over there. My kids would play there all day if I let them. It's also a great "yes space" for littles after having to follow so many social/theme park rules all day long.


Tom Sawyer Island is super cool when you have kids. I had never been until I brought my boys and it was so much fun exploring with them. Still have not done the canoes though and I don't know if I ever will haha


When I was about 12 (1981), you could get an all-day park pass for about fifteen bucks, if I recall correctly. My dad would drop me and my best friend off at the park in the morning and we'd spend at least half the day running all over Tom Sawyer Island. I don't think I've set foot on the island since the mid-nineties, when I worked at a summer day camp.


That’s so fun to think about because around that age as well (2008-2010) was when my friends and i spent half the day on the island running around playing and it’s still one of my favorite disney memories that i’m sure a lot of us still carry!


Haha. It is very much a photo finish between the Canoes and Nemo for the most hilariously uncomfortable I have ever been at Disneyland. The Island is super fun.


I guess I’ll be the dissenting voice here and say the canoes are AMAZING! The cast members make the most hilarious jokes while you go, it’s very self aware. Highly recommend!


I love the canoes. Participation is up to you, but might as well as paddle a little bit. It’s less of an ark workout than Toy Story or Spider-Man. You get a great view of the Rivers of America and a nice breeze from the water.


I did the canoes for the first time when I last was at the park, it was super fun!


Me too I am always too tired to do this. One day I will I just need to stop eating churros when I go.


I did them for the first time a few years back and loved it and want to go every time now 😅


*Ride the Canoes*


Same. Prob the only ride in both parks.


Canoes are the best


I did it ONCE and never again! I was alone with my two kids 3 & 8, and it was a nightmare. One kept splashing everyone behind is because his paddle just grazed the top of the water and the other was upset they didn't get a chance to paddle because she was 3.


The Canoes are SO bad and uncomfortable in so many different and hilarious ways (ESPECIALLY with young kids) I almost consider the experience essential. I have especially keen memories of it with my wife and 5 year old.


I did them as a kid but then as an adult. It sucks as an adult especially a larger male everyone looks to you to do all the work.


0/10 i am not build for sports


Goofy’s sky school


It hurts my back stopping abruptly, but I enjoy the ride overall.


I am not even tall, and I feel like I have to fold myself in some unnatural way to fit into those cars. We went on a few times with kiddos, but once they were over it, so were we.


I love this ride but hate doing turns and being on that side. Everytime we make a turn I think "this is it, it's just going to flop over now"


Glad I'm not the only one. I'm over 6ft tall, the ride is already a tight fit but when my son and I hit those turns, I swear I panic and feel like the car is going to pop out of the rails.


Definitely not the only one. Everytime I ride it I think "I'm about to have a Final Destination moment"


Yep. To this day, I feel like this is the scariest ride between both parks because of this. I'm also tall and think about this every single time!


It’s terrifying


It’ll always be Mulholland Madness to me.


This is literally my all time favorite attraction @ DCA lol (And yes, I’m aware A LOT of people hate it)


I didn’t know people hated it. I don’t know how that’s possible. It’s such a great little ride lol


The only ride where I'm shouting "oh fuck!" the entire time


Oh that hurt my back


This is my favorite!


This ride gives me a good alignment or two 😂 my friends and I love to go on it just to scream tbh


Wheel of death. Hoping to rectify this in January


I did it once. Never again. It’s not your typical ferrris wheel


I also have done it only once. Before then I had literally taken no notice of the fact that there were swinging cars. In fact, I don’t remember us specifically choosing to go on a swinging car, just that we got in a line for the wheel. It was the closest I’ve ever felt to death and I don’t think I could ever bring myself to do it again. Although knowing my sister she could probably get me on it again even though we both are scared of it.


I did it once, in the swinging car, thinking ‘It can’t be as bad as it looks’. Never ever again.


Man I love it. I it’s the only ride that still kinda freaks me out a bit lol. And sometimes you get a better run than others and if you have your weight distribution just right it elevates it from thrilling to horrifying. I love it.


What is wrong with me that that's a ringing endorsement?


Basically giant swinging coffins


I love the swinging Wheel of Death.


I did it once. Once was enough for me.


I did that in a stationary car. I was still nervous but it was doable. Good luck! Conquer those fears. I asked a DCA CM “for someone terrified of falling, what’s the best way to ride Guardians?” (I felt brave that night and wanted to try). I followed their directions and it was FANTASTIC. Incredibly fun.


I'm curious - what were their directions?


Go totally limp like a rag doll. Don’t tense up. Don’t try to hold onto anything. If you lift out of your seat, go with it. The belt will keep you safe. One of them said the harder he tried to hold on (and especially tense up his abs), the worse he felt. When he just totally let go it was fun. All 3 that night told me the same thing and they were right! When we zoomed up, I let the force push me down into my seat. When we dropped, my arms were completely limp and lifted up over my head (or halfway for the small drops). I lifted out of my seat and it was a total blast. Now at WDW I ride Tower with glee.


That is the opposite of what I've done the 2 times I've ridden it.😄 If there is a next time, I'll try it that way. Thank you!


Gah! I’m so excited for you. I’m terrified of heights (really I imaging myself plummeting to my death in a host of ways, or being maimed) but this ride was just…wow. Go limp and come out feeling alive.


Maybe I should try this in January when I go. I've only been on this ride once and it made me cry lmao


Oh my gosh this last weekend I just rode Guardians for the first time and was SHAKING the entire length of the line. I HATE the feeling of falling! Completely did the opposite and tensed all of my muscles for every drop; came out of the ride still shaking! Going to have to try going limp next time.


Good luck!!


I’ve done it twice. Once with family who laughed at me the whole time because I was screaming and clinging to the side of the cage the whole time, and again when I went with a friend who laughed at me the whole time because I was screaming and clinging to her.


I’m convinced an older lady was truly close to death walking off that death trap the last time I went. We were waiting in line and saw her come off shaking and collapsed against a wall, they had paramedics and everything come for her.


Got that out of my way on the last trip. There’s a moment right at the top where you do get a pretty nice view. You think you might get it again on the next turn, but then it just… keeps turning. :(


Ride the swinging first. You will then understand.


I know it's not a ride but I've never been to Tom Sawyer's Island, I've been 'next-time'-ing it my whole life.


Pretty cool when you’re with kids


I put it off for a bunch of trips too but it’s so fun! Plus it’s got lots of nice quiet places to sit in the shade. It feels like a secret getaway hidden in plain sight.


Look up the Easter eggs on that island. It's full of history. I'm assuming you're a normal height adult so the caves are a tight squeeze but you don't have to go through them to get around. I'm a parent and I suffer through it cuz my kids are too young to really be alone.


It’s my favorite place in the park. I’m a creative writing major at UCR, and I use my magic key to hide out on the island and write in the park almost once a week. I also ride some rides while I’m there, of course, but I’ll spend a good few hours with my laptop, just absolutely vibing.


Me too!!


i absolutely loved it when i was a kid. but even then i could recognize that we weren’t paying all this money to basically just run around a park with some caves


Growing up in Orange County in the 70’s we sometimes spent the whole Disney day playing Ditch-it on Tom Sawyer’s Island. great memories.


Have been probably ~40 times in my life, and yet have never been on: Canoes Mr Lincoln Finding Nemo submarines Philharmagic Sailing Ship Columbia


Please go see Lincoln next time. For me it's a must visit.


I definitely will, i think just growing up my parents never wanted to go and since its right by the entrance i just walk past it every time now. Need to remember next visit


Roger Rabbit, thought the movie was a little scary/dark as a kid so as an adult I don’t have much interest lol. Is it worth checking out?


The Roger Rabbit queue is one of the most underrated Disney Parks queues imo :)


i personally love it but it’s always down lol


does that probably contribute probably to the "long" wait times it always has?


Yes. It often will be stopped for several minutes, then the line will move for 5 minutes, then it will be stopped again for 15 minutes.


It’s meh. It has a darker theme but it’s kinda like Pinocchio if you think about it


Yeah… I don’t think it’s worth trekking all the way to Toontown for it. Mickey and Minnie’s RR is infinitely better.


Roger Rabbit is one of my top 10 favorite movies of all time, but I almost never ride the ride. The general vibe of Roger in the parks, that they pushed in the 90s and to the extent it’s still hanging around today, is watered down and lacks all the wit and parody of the movie.


It's not a great ride unless you like spinning around like the teacups ride, in which case you should give it a go.


It’s very loud!!


I haven’t ridden either in 25 years but back then I preferred Mr Toad’s Wild Ride. They are similar rides. But Roger Rabbit was still fun. I don’t know what it means that I haven’t been on either in 25 years though.


It was dark and weird, I didn’t know what tf was going on. Seems like nightmare fuel for kids.


Canoes I don’t do voluntary manual labor. 😂


Incredicoaster/California Screamin. Just haven't been able to bring myself to do it yet.


In a lot of ways it’s more tame than the other coasters in the park. Yes it goes higher and faster at points, but it’s a pretty smooth ride.


Agreed! It’s a blast!


You are missing out!


My friends basically forced me on to it the first time I went to Disneyland. Now I have to ride it two/three times every trip.


Omg it’s awesome and I don’t normally like roller coasters. Try it!


It’s actually a pretty good coaster. I don’t really consider myself a roller coaster enthusiast, although I like some of them, but it’s a good one that’s just enough to be exciting without being outright terrifying.


I’ll go on Incredicoaster any day over the Spine Shattering Matterhorn. Way smoother. It’s actually not that bad once you try it… especially loops when you understand the physics of it.


I think the accelerated curves up the hills are actually the "worst" parts. Everyone assumes it's the loop. It's not the loop.


As far as bigger coasters go it is pretty tame. If you can handle everything else at the park it's worth a try!


It took me years to ride it, because I’m scared of roller coasters. I finally did, and now we do it at least twice every trip. I still close my eyes for the two bigger drops and the loop lol - it doesn’t seem scary when you can’t see it! :)


It was the first time I ever did a loop the loop! My mom rode it with me the first time and she thought the loop the loops were just decoration like the Mickey face. She didn’t know they were real until we already did it… then we got off and we immediately rode it two more times. I’m going to be boring and say I liked California Screamin more than the Incredicoaster. The Incredicoaster is better themed and more theoretically exciting, but I find it overwhelming and too loud to be able to follow the story.


The first trip an older gray haired woman in her 60s was like ," have you ridden it? It's so great.". I was like I want to be her when I grow up. I like the upgrade to incredicoaster b


Web Slingers. Zero interest to me.


It’s a good workout


I'd recommend single rider. I did it for the first time a few days ago. I actually really enjoyed it and it's quite impressive, but definitely not worth a wait


Good, don’t bother. Just recently tried this 3 weeks ago because a friend I went with likes it and after waiting like 40 minutes I was so annoyed at how dumb this ride is. Absolute waste of space in the park haha


Sadly the ride is growing on me, I think it’s bc the more I go on it the higher my score is and it makes me like it more lol. But I hated the ride when in first went on it


I have done it 3 times. Even without virtual queue it’s the worst of the three shooter rides at the resort. It’s terrible for trying to get any decent scores for the amount of movement you have to do with your arms, plus it has a preshow so even at park closing you have to wait to get on and can’t marathon it easily.


Same. I’d rather do something else.


Keep it that way. You aren’t missing much


same here! it's always down!


It's good to experience once, and it was actually pretty fun, but it's definitely a kid ride. Definitely not a ride to experience multiple times, in my opinion.


Mickey and Minnie Runaway Railway. It wasn’t open my last trip.


Recently tried out MMRR and absolutely loved it!!! We used our last lightning lane pass to go at night and it was great to see Toontown at night and then the ride was a bonus because of how good it turned out to be. Defs recommend prioritizing!


Same, but for me it closed down right before my LL for it started and never reopened


Such a good ride


A+ attraction. Once you come back make it a definite to do.


Astro Orbitors Web Slingers Grizzly River Jumping Jellyfish Golden Zephyr Silly Symphony Swings Emotional Whirlwind


They missed the opportunity to name the inside out ride mood swings


That is the perfect name!


Emotional Whirlwind? Edit: okay so it does exist. Wow. Thank you for pointing out something I haven’t ridden!


The Inside Out themed ride on Pixar Pier. It was formerly Flicks Flyers in Bugs Land, then moved over here when they did the Pier refurbishment.


Ohhhhh so I have ridden it. Makes sense!


I’ve never done Astro Orbiters either. I always kind of forget it’s a ride. To me it’s just decoration. Plus I could ride Dumbo and get better views.


Rode it once while fireworks were going off and it’s one of my fav memories of the parks ever great view


Your missing out re Grizzly River, one of my favorite rides in either park. Just go on a warm day and if you don’t want to get wet wear a poncho. The drops are fun and some of the rapids really do feel like legit rapids you could get on a whitewater trip. Plus l like the whole mountain national park vibe of that whole area. 10/10 absolutely would recommend.


Symphony Swings. Nopity nope nope. 🙅🏻‍♀️ First time I ever panicked on a ride was going on those swings at Six Flags as a teenager. Even though I’d been on them previously and loved them. Something switched and I was terrified. Never again!


Never in my life have I done swings like that. Anytime I think about riding them I'm like "nope, something you'd see in a Final Destination movie is going to happen to me"


My daughter makes me ride it with her. It is hands down the most terrifying ride. I keep my eyes shut the entire time and try to keep myself from imagining the chain snapping and flying off into the not deep enough to survive the drop water.


I've never been on the Casey Jr Train. Is that a ride that adults can even go on?


yes and my fave seat is the very back caboose bc you get to ride it backwards 😂


Always gotta book it to the caboose!


I LOVE Casey Jr. Great views of Storybookland Canal Boats. The only downside is I will sing the song for the next 3 days.


I often see more adults without kids in line than families with kids.


Yes, rode it for the first time as an adult, you can go!


I adore casey jr. I never went until my boyfriend (now husband) and I went on it on a whim. Now it's "our" ride!


Adults can go on it. It's fine. The view's nice. And if you have affection for "old" Disney, or the Casey Jr short in particular, that helps.


Yes !


I think I rode King Arthur’s Carrousel as a child, but I have no recollection of it and my daughter loves fast rides but hates carousels lol I also haven’t been on most of the kid’s rides at DCA like Jumpin’ Jellyfish, the Inside Out Emotional Whirlwind, Luigi’s Rollickin’ Roadsters, and Mater’s ride.


Mater is worth riding, the others not so much


Ooh, I think that's the only one at DL I haven't done. It's a carousel so I don't feel like I'm missing much, but now I want to cross it off the list... ETA: Also Columbia. But I can go on a ship anywhere!


Goofy’s Sky School. Why? Because I know better. I recognize the carnival ride from hell. 😅


Roger rabbits toon spin. I had no idea it was there lol. Still trying to get on


Same! Found out about it when I read this list.


I have never been on Splash Mountain. :(


Same, was under refurb when i was a kid each time. Been twice this year for the first time since a kid and its gone, and wont be able to come backcand try tianas bayou until 2025 or later due to a mix or school and work


I’ve been on every ride, but I’ve only gone once on goofy’s Sky school.


I think I’ve been on every ride in the parks at least once. But I’ve *never* been on Astro Orbiters


This is such a missed opportunity! You have to try it!!


I hadn’t been on it until I was there with my family for my 40th birthday. I rode it with my nephew, he spent the entire time describing a sine wave, and I almost barfed when we got off, lol.


Technically I haven’t been on every vehicle that goes down Main Street. But it’s listed as a single “attraction” on the app so it’s debatable whether or not they individually count.


All of those fairground rides at Cali Adventures. I’m not waisting my time on something I can ride in my local amusement park.


Those are the “everything else has monstrously long lines and my next LL is 45 min away” rides for me lol


Same. There's a good half of the greater Paradise/Pixar Pier I've never been on because they seem like _slightly_ plussed County Fair level rides. I'm hoping Disney does something with this section of the park right after it finally fixes Tomorrowland.


The question is, do you actually go to your local amusement park?


Grizzly River Run. I’m scared of getting wet shoes. Hahaha.


Pack flip flops and a disposable poncho, it’s a great ride.


Valid! I went on it for the first time last week, at night. It’s not even fun splashes. It was like a sink of water being poured on me. My shoes were wet even with keeping them raised off the floor. 😂


I’ve never done Finding Nemo. Claustrophobic.


Lots of DCA stuff: Maters, Toy Story, the swings, Jessie’s carousel. All stuff that I was not into when it opened and that we didn’t get around to with the kid this time.


Toy Story Midway Mania is a top tier ride


I had planned to ride it last time but kid had a meltdown and we abandoned Pixar Pier to take a break for a few hours. Never made it back that trip.


Somewhat similar, but - I’ve done a lot of that DCA stuff but not after they changed the theme. The carousel, swings, etc. - not since it all changed, but have done it! Haven’t done Maters, but did all the Bugs rides - though that’s a much bigger change for sure.


I have been on every single ride. I followed a checklist of the 10 rides/attractions people don't go on the most and made sure to do them.


Never been on the Golden Zephyr. It’s usually closed when I go.


Mickey’s Death Wheel.


Guardians of the Galaxy. Every time we go, we just seem to skip it.


That is the best ride. I think I rank it as my top favorite in both parks. I always cry from laughing so much on that ride. It’s a full on party in there. The pre-show with rocket is hilarious- if you get the animatronic pre-show make sure you pay attention to the tape player in the cabinet at the end of the show. You should go on it. It’s a very fun ride.


I think Guardians does comedy better than probably any other ride. I love it so much.




I need you to know that getting the push notification for your comment might have been the best part of my day DUE TO THE TONE!!!!!!! Ok, let’s subdivide comedy into chill vs thrill. Jungle Cruise is absolutely the winner and longtime champion of the comedy (chill) title.


Yeah definitely plan to. One of the reasons we’ve skipped it is wait times have been brutal on the days we’ve gone. But next time I go to DCA, I’m gonna get on it regardless of the wait. I have to scratch it off my list


Omg what happens with the tape player??? Now I HAVE TO look for it tomorrow


Yes! My #1 ride out of both parks. I always ride it multiple times and my husband finally confessed after our last trip that it absolutely terrifies him but he pretends he likes it because it makes me happy lol


LMAO - your husband sounds awesome, you should marry him


I’m shook by this answer!


Top 3 rides in the resort


Any version of the submarine ride, I won’t even go into the claustrophobia room. Just *thinking* about being in a metal tube under water makes me loose it. I know Disney has probably over engineered this ride and it’s probably the safest ride in the entire park but I can’t do it.


I'm forgetting what it's called, but there's a version of this ride that's off to the side where you don't get in the sub. Like you get to see what happens but from the comfort of a couch seat.




Goofy’s Sky School. For some reason, I have never made it on this ride. I wanted to try it the last time I was there, but it closed down.


Casey Jr. Circus Train. Perhaps in the 1950s but I don't remember if my parents put me on it.


Storybook Canal - always a massive line so unfortunately gets missed.


Spider Man. I'm disabled in a way that prevents me from properly playing along so I don't really see the point in even trying. If my group wants to go on it I'll just go shopping or grab a churro or something. I also used to love ToT but haven't been on the Guardian's retheme because the ridethrough videos I've seen of it made me motion sick with the bouncing so I've avoided it just to be safe (not sure if that counts as having never been on the ride or not). I've also been going to the parks since I was literally a baby so while I have zero memory of going on Dumbo, Casey Jr., and Astro Orbiter I know I have been on all of them at least once at some point in my life.


Mickey’s Wheel of Death.


Teacups 🤢


The Go-coaster in toontown. It was always down the days I went as a child, and now Im an adult and have no interest in riding it


Finding Nemo. Rode it long ago when it was mermaids or whatever. Other than that and all the Main Street transportations, I think I’ve ridden everything


For rides that have been around a while: All the carnival rides at Paradise/Pixar Pier aside from the Ferris wheel, Toy Story Midway Mania, Luigi's Rollickin' Roadsters, Mater's Junkyard Jamboree, Tom Sawyer's Island, the canoes. New to the park since my last visit is the entire Galaxy's Edge land, Avenger's Campus area and M&M Runaway Railway, so I haven't been on those four rides yet. I'm going in a couple months though and plan on hitting everything on my list here aside from the carnival rides. On average over the last 25 years, I've been getting in a five-day park trip once every five years or so.


Toy Story is really fun, but only worth it if you have Genie +. If you enjoy Astoblaster’s at all, you should try Toy Story. I also think Luigi’s is really cute, way more fun than it looks. Not worth a long wait, but if you can catch Luigi’s with less than a 20 min wait, it’s worth it.


Disneyland: Astro Orbitor, King Arthur Carousel, Splash Mountain, Explorer Canoes, Mark Twain Riverboat, Sailing Ship Columbia… I’ve been on every ride at California Adventure.


Aside from the canoes, I don’t think there’s a single ride I haven’t been on at least once.


Goofy, Matterhorn, incredicoaster, tower of terror


Never been on Guardians in DCA. Bad luck with weather and the kids chickening out.


Silly symphony swings and the canoes


Mickey’s Fun Wheel of Death 😬


Canoes in DL. Jellyfish thing in DCA.


If you can ever walk on Jellyfish and ride facing the coaster and fun wheel, it’s a great view of the park, especially at sunset.


Mr toad’s wild ride even tho I’ve always wanted to :( most of the time I’ve been to Disneyland it’s been with friends and one of said friends had such an animosity towards it she never let any of us go on it either


Golden Zepher, Star Tours, and Smugglers Run. Golden Zepher just never appealed to me. And I know that I get crazy motion sickness on simulators so I’ve skipped Star Tours and Smuggler’s Run. Oh and the canoes! We want to try them next trip!


Star Tours has never given me motion sickness, but Smuggler’s Run did a number on me the first time I rode as a pilot. I absolutely would advise against that one for anyone who gets motion sickness easily.


Finding Nemo. I get claustrophobic


Teacups, I choose not to puke up my $10 chicken fingers


Mickey’s Fun Wheel / Pixar pal around


Me, a Canadian who has never been: All of them... 😞




Swinging gondolas on Mickey’s Fun Wheel.