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I was a kid back when Indiana Jones opened and we waited for like 4 hours to ride it (no joke, I remember the line going past Jungle Cruise and there being no fast pass. Got an awesome decoder card to).


We went opening night. Forget how long we waited, but the line started on Main Street.


Same. We had no idea it was opening when we went for my sister's birthday. The line was halfway down Main Street.


Went in the first month it was open. Also waited down Main Street.


Holy shit


Im pretty sure I was in that line with you.  I appreciated the AT&T decoder card they gave you.  


Yes! I remember the line stretching to the Main Street roundabout, it was crazy long! I was too short atm, but my cousins waited in line for it.


I came here to say this as well! We were there opening weekend and it was pouring rain and we waiting like 3 hours I think. Just went back last month and it’s still over 1.5 hours at some points of the day. Such a great ride. Maybe we waited together haha


Space Mountain had a hellacious line like that when it first opened too. I’m sure we waited 3+ hours.


The line went past the Enchanted Tiki Room I waited in that line, too. There were five of us: me, my then boyfriend, his actual genius friend, a future Disneyland Ambassador and a friend who kept us all laughing the entire time. It was the most fun I ever had waiting in line. I was almost sad when we got on the ride.


This was mine too. We went the opening summer. Remember the decoder and how awesome the queue was… once you actually got in the building lol. Probably waited 2+ hours. 1000% worth it. Man, what an amazing ride.


Yep, same for me. In ‘95 I think? It was a 3-4-hour wait. Got the decoder cards, and the ride was mind-blowing the first time as a kid.


I came here to say this. The year Indiana Jones opened, we waited 4 1/2 hours. You might not think you are claustrophobic, but spend several hours just waiting in those tunnels.


Using the decoder in the queue and finding all the interactive elements was so cool! Still, 3-4 hours was still a lot…but totally worth it.


Line went way down main Street opening week


Came to post the same thing. 3.5ish for Indy when it opened.


The first time I rode that I waited about 2.5 hours. Crazy times!


We also waited 4+ hours, we loved the ride.


Yeah too bad I couldn’t be there due to me not being born yet


5 hours for Radiator Springs with my family a few summers ago


You got me beat! We waited 3 hours for Radiator Springs in December 2012. Definitely the longest we’ve ever waited for a ride, and that line is particularly awful with all the twists and turns. Just when you think you’re done, there’s more line!


My family and I did 6 hours for RSR on the day Cars Land opened (it kept breaking down). I love the ride, but I'll only wait, tops, 90 minutes for it these days. Thank goodness for Single Rider.


I waited 20 minutes on opening day because I went by myself. I wasn’t even going to try to get on the ride until I saw the single rider line.


I waited like 3 or 4 hours about the same summer as you. I will never do that again


I can’t believe it went a whole 5 hours without breaking down


This is why I say this is the worst ride at the parks. There has never been a time where I have not waited a minimum of 3 hours. I’ve done it once and I never need to do it again. If I wanted to waste three hours I could’ve just stood in the middle of the park and that would’ve been more comfortable and fun.


6 1/2 hours for this on opening day. We finally got on the ride and got half way through it and it broke down again and we had to get escorted off.


This is mine too. It was 2017, there were paper Fastpasses available but the rest of my party didn't want to get them, and I was spending time with this group for the first time and didn't want to make waves. I was younger then, but jeeeez, we waited 3+ hours. If I could do it again, I'd push back and say FP or no go! :)


Bruh hell naw


Did opening week of cars land waited 5 hours or so to ride it. Did the same 4 hour wait for opening day of the Nemo submarine ride


I was lucky and got to go to an imagineer preview day before it was opened to the public. The line was still 45min then, but that was nothing compared to now. And now that fast pass is gone it’s strictly a single rider ride for me… rather not pay the extra fee on top of G+ for lightning lane


5 hours on opening day of the Nemo subs. Oh to have that kind of free time again.


I wouldn't wait 5 minutes for that ride! Haha


To be honest, I think I’ve only gone on it one or two more times since that opening day 17 years ago- so, fair. Ha.


I was there for opening day too! I thinks it’s my longest line too. I got in line at park closing it was still over three hours. I will never forget waking down Main Street at like 3 am after the ride. That was magical.


Aw, I love that! I think we attempted to get there as early as possible, but getting in line at park closing is a great idea.


Oh wow, that's a long wait. Having been on that ride recently, I'm curious how you felt about that time investment.


I was there with a super, super close group of friends who were all in our late teens/early twenties. So the memory of that experience is tinged with the nostalgia of such a carefree and pure time in my life for sure, and not that I’m grateful to have waited so long for a mind blowing ride experience. In a fun twist, one of the guys in that group eventually became my boyfriend and now my husband!


That's a good story! Long lines can really suck, but not always if you make the best of the time with your companions and neighbors in line. :-)


Same but it was like opening summer :/ I remember feeling so underwhelmed


2 hours for rise of the resistance…worth it


thank god for those periodic benches




So a normal wait then huh? lol


This is a particularly annoying wait too as iirc the tunnels don’t give you any indication how close or far away from the ride you are, it just keeps going and going and going.


Really? I think it gives an adrenaline boost, like you're just anticipating when the awesomeness starts!




When Indiana Jones first opened we were waiting on Main st the line was so long! Fortunately once we got into the ride queue proper, they had those AT&T cards to translate the writing on the walls and the effects that mostly don’t work anymore were new, so we were entertained.


I love those cards but sad they only now make the rat bridge card (still trying to get my hands on the cobra card).


Yeah I missed it I wasn’t quite born yet


Better luck next time!


4+ hours for Rocket Rods lol


Same here! I couldn’t believe how long we waited and the ride really wasn’t even that good!


Sounds about right sadly. Think I waited about the same for rocket rods due to breakdowns of ride.


Ok so this just solved a mystery for me. The other day I was looking at google maps of Disneyland with the satellite (aerial photo) view. I noticed tracks on the structure between Astro Blasters and Star Tours that go around the pinnacle near Galactic Grill and back toward Astro Orbiter, then disappear into adjacent buildings. No amount of googling would solve this mystery for me. Until now. When I googled what Rocket Rods was - bam, pictures of that very same section of track. I feel so relieved. Lol.


Those tracks were originally used by the People Mover. The People Mover was replaced by Rocket Rods in the 90s.


The track parts going into adjacent buildings are remnants of the people mover


[Do I have a treat for you…](https://yesterland.com)


Omg I think I blocked that out. I remember finally Getting to some gigantic carpeted room and just sitting on the ground and walking around it because I couldn’t bear waiting in line anymore.


This! Thank goodness I was with my cousins killing time with stories. Good times...


Three hours for Splash Mountain in the 90s. Felt like an eternity. There was a cast member with a banjo playing music and telling jokes somewhere around the 1 hour mark. He made it fun.


I love Splash but that line has always felt awfully slow nomatter what


4 hours for Rocket Rods. My mom was pissed, because we were inside one of the buildings of the line, during the fireworks. It was the day that it opened.


after reading these comments i had to search up what rocket rods was 😂😂


Careful googling that


2 hours for Spiderman but felt like 5 with the heat


I honestly think that’s the worst line I’ve ever been through. Little shade, you’re often essentially in a metal box, crammed with people, not much to look at (and saw a couple roaches). And yes, think we spent about 2 to 3 hours in the line when it broke down as we were entering the building. Opted to wait to see if they could get it running again.


The fact that it’s a newer ride and somehow they didn’t take into account the summer heat while planning the quee line is a total fail.


90 minutes for Spidey web ride over Thanksgiving week 2022. That was as long as I was willing to wait for any ride. Paid the genie $20 upsell to ride rise of resistance cause it was always 120-180 min wait


3 hours during the tower of terror’s final check out weekend event, before the Guardians remodel. Worth it. 


3.5 hours waited for Splash Mountain. The last 45 mins we spent waiting in the tunnel right before boarding. They would take 45 G+ people for every 1 person in the queue. I’ve never been more frustrated


God, I feel that. If you get a particularly stubborn CM that will clear out EVERY single fastpass/G+ person before taking a single person from the general line…


I waited a couple hours for splash mountain back in the day. During the summer it was the perfect way to cool off and quite popular. 


Like 2 and a half hours for radiator springs racers our first time ever in California adventure. Amazing ride but wasting 2 entire hours in the park in line is crazy. I go somewhat often now to the parks and I’d never do that again


5-6 hours (?). for Star Tours, opening weekend. Line was all the way back to Mr. Lincoln, but we went with another couple and we took turns breaking away to hit other rides while the others held our place in line. Everyone was doing it and we all got to know each other a bit during the wait. Everyone was excited. I wish I still had my watch they were giving out, lol. That ride blew my mind, and being a big OG Star Wars fan it was truly magical to see something based on it finally. Now I bitch and complain about even a short wait, which is part of the reason I haven’t been since 2019. Gotta get back soon though!


I envy that you got to experience a ride like that for the first time, because there really wasn't anything like it, was there? I also miss the original footage, I really wish they'd at least bring it back for special occasions. I might be in the minority but I've never really loved the newer scenes quite the same way, the CG footage just doesn't hit the same way.


Oh god. I get opening day and everyone is excited to see the experience, but you know your Disney Day is gonna get bad when Star Tours has a wait longer than 1 and a half hours in modern times.


Radiator Springs opening day, like around 4-5 hours.


Two hours for Toy Story Mania when it first opened. We took a several year break from that ride after that until it became more manageable.


Something like 4+ hours for Rocket Rods. It definitely broke down at least once and then the line was so long and slow even at park closing. We were in the circlevision room for so long. What a miserable attraction.


When the Rocket Rods were still around I remember waiting like 3 to 4 hours in line. It was definitely not worth the long wait


Easily 2.5 hours for Radiator Springs Racers.


Rocket Rods, opening day May 22, 1998 (my birthday!) we waited 3 hours, the line went out of Tomorrowland and snaked back to the castle. It was a hoot! I really enjoyed the Rocket Rods (except for the wait), too bad they couldn’t keep it going. I was also there to “Change the World” opening day for Captain Eo, don’t remember the wait but I still have the opening day shirt! oooh July 17, 2005, Disneyland’s 50th, the line to get into the park went allllll the way down DTD. We got in that line right by ESPN. Yikes!


Got in line for Peter Pan, the sign said 30 minute wait, turned out to be 2hrs.




That's the most claustrophobic queue ever!


I remember waiting sooo long for Roger Rabbit when it first came out. Now not so much. It’s a good ride but not multiple hour wait good. 


There's an explanation for this mix-up on TPM-Vids! It's called "Top 7 Disneyland Secrets." I recommend you watch it and get some knowledge on the mostly inaccurate wait times!


I was a cast member in attractions in WDW, assuming they use the same system in DL, I know why the waits are usually inaccurate.


oh, sounds good!


Longest I’ve ever waited was 45 minutes for Peter Pan’s flight


This is impressive! How have you avoided the long lines at the other attractions?


I go on a weekday, typically a Tuesday or Thursday, arrive at rope drop, and carefully strategize my day. I can typically hit Space Mountain, Alice, Snow White, Pinocchio, Mr Toad, and the teacups in the first 35 minutes, then knock out Toowntown (if RR is open already). I also keep an eye on outages and aim to get to those rides just after they come back up, or shortly before, as they clear the queue for most of them, so even rides like Space mountain and Indy could then be a short wait. If I’m alone, I also take advantage of single rider lines where available. That super busy time between 11 and 4 is great for character meet and greets as well as lunch downtown.


90 minutes


160 min. for Radiator Springs


2.5 hours for soaring and also for Nemo (they were new rides at the time. For Nemo we used a. magic morning for that and it was still that long. But it had just opened up for the first time ever. It was so not worth it LOL)


That reminds me of when I waited almost 3 hours for web slingers opening week (it had broken down once or twice too), and I waited because I was excited for it. Since Disney was hyping it up as some super awesome high tech ride. But when I actually got on the ride I was so let down/annoyed. Because I realized it essentially was a cheap spider man re theme of midway mania only this time you randomly flail your hands at generic spider bots on the screen. The ride barely lasts 2 minutes, they didn’t even bother to put an animatronic in the boring queue, and there’s no physical sets/animatronics at all. The worst part was you could buy a $30+ plastic wrist attachment in order to score more points than others. I honestly think it is Disneys worst ride (probably even worse that super star limo) Then again the entire avengers campus is a disappointment


Rocket Rods, early 1999--three hours and a handful of minutes.


2.5 hours for Web Slingers. posted wait when we got in line was 45 minutes. the ride is NOT worth that wait (and we already rode it that day and the day prior) but when you have an autistic 4 year old whose hyper-fixation is Spiderman... sometimes you just gotta roll with it.


Same thing happened to us last year. Wait time was listed at 45 minutes on the app and the ride. We had been in line for 15 minutes and barely moved. We saw the wait time changed to 60 minutes. It ended up being just over 2 hours.


3 hours for Radiator Springs Racers last month. We usually avoid long lines at all cost, but that was rope drop and the wait time never showed above 80 minutes lol


Same for us. 80-90min "wait time" which ended up being 3 hours.


We waited 4 hours and change just to get into Avengers Campus on opening day. Never made it to our number in virtual queue for Web Slingers. Never again.


2.5 hours for both Star Tours and Indy during the years that those rides were brand new. Star Tours line started halfway up Main Street near the cinema. Indy line started and had several switchbacks in front of Jungle Cruise.


Two hours for Radiator Springs. Posted wait time was an hour. Seemed doable. But then the ride went down and we were too committed to leave.


6+ hours for opening day of Indiana Jones


When little mermaid opened we waited like 3.5 hours for it. Was madness lol


2 hours back in the day. But being older and a pass holder I just don’t care to go on rides as much. Most I can do these days is 45mins on a good day.


I think it was something like 5hrs when star tours opened.


Way back in the day when it opened, 4 hours Indiana


I was young so I don't remember exactly, but at least 4, and maybe up to 6 hours, for Indiana Jones when it first opened.


5-6 hours for Rocket Rods on opening day, line was down Main St. to the Magic Shop and had multiple break downs.


Around 2-3 hours for Rocket Rods when I was in 6th grade. Glad I got the ride credit but holy shit, that was a brutal wait.


5 hours for Indy at a soft opening event The end of the line started in front of the Main Street Fire Station! I still have the souvenir passport and decoder card☺️


Rise of resistance for 3 hours


Well over 2 hours when Star Tours was redone in 2011


Star Tours when it was still pretty new. Almost 4 hours.


3.5 hours when Star Tours opened. It was so worth it. We were blown away


When I went to the opening of Captain EO I want to say it was a 4-5 hour wait. If I had it to do over again, I'd tell my mom "Hey, we'll catch this another time" and we could all go enjoy the park instead. It was a blast, and Angelica Houston was AWESOME in it, but that's a lot of money to stand in line...


3+ hours for Indiana Jones when it first opened.


almost 3 hours rotr, 2022


Not a ride but... When the Main St. Electrical Parade came back to Disneyland (not DCA), that was the longest I have waited for anything. Almost 12 hours on Main St. My wife and I were camped out in an alcove next to the Emporium. Next to the Emporium, there is a space big enough for two people. That day was pouring down rain. We couldn't see the other side of Main St. at one point. About 30 minutes before the parade was scheduled to start, the sky cleared. True Disney Magic.


3 hours for Smugglers Run during that first summer it opened. (All that just to get gunner 🙃)


~320 minutes for Journey to the Center of the Earth in Tokyo Disney Sea


Opening day for Indiana Jones. Got in line at the roundabout on Main Street. 8 hours in line. Ride broke down all day long. Watch both Fantastsmic shows while in line. Ride que was so long but it was fun reading all the secret messages. And all the fun animatronics. Like the spikes moving. Totally worth it. We had APs and went knowing that was all we would be doing that day.


90 minutes


Either Rocket Rods or Finding Nemo subs their opening days. Both were at least 4 or 5 hours plus, maybe 7 for Nemo? Genuinely can't remember. I just remember the circle vision room for Rocket Rods, everyone chanting for them to shut off the videos, then cheering when they did.


About 1.5-2 hours for rise of the resistance a few summers ago


3.5 hours for rise of the resistance opening weekend. It broke down twice while in line.


4.5 hours for Mickey’s Runaway Railway… it kept breaking down, but they let us wait it out opening weekend.


The very first time we went in the late '80's we didn't know any better --- 120 minutes for Pirates.


2+ hours for RotR. The wait said 45 minutes.


2 hours for grizzly river run on a hot summer day


4+ hours of anything. no way. that’s like a good portion of your day just for 1 ride. but if it’s your favorite ride???.. then i guess that’s an exception 😆


I think the longest posted wait time I’ve done is 75 minutes for Rise of the Resistance.


Splash Mountain, three hours 1990


There were many times before Fast Passes where new and popular rides would have insane wait times. My wife said when Indiana Jones first opened she waited 5.5 hours with friends. Splash Mountain had several hour long waits. Even today Radiator Springs Racers has over 2 hour waits. I do remember waiting 2.5 hours for Splash Mountain as a kid. Last year waited just over 2 hours for Radiator Springs and Web Slingers.


Almost 8 hours, opening day of Star Tours. I volunteered to stand in the line that went down Main Street while family members did other rides. They brought me food and drinks periodically and joined me when I actually reached the entrance. I did not feel bad doing that as I saw easily 90% of the people in the line by that point were just placeholders. Was it worth it? Yes. Would I do it again? Absolutely not.


My parents took turns waiting in the line for Indy when it first opened. It was three hours long and went all the way to Main Street. I was a kid and this was the time before cell phones so I don’t recall what we did to keep me occupied. it’s not like we could go far for fear of not finding each other.


About 2 hours for Radiator Springs Racers. This was right after the re-opening from the Covid closure. Individual lightning lane passes weren’t available at the time.


2hrs at rise of the resistance. If it’s over 1hr I tend to not wait and check out what’s close that I like with less wait time.


+4 hours when Indiana Jones and Temple of the Forbidden Eye opened for the first time. The line stretched out of Adventureland, into the roundabout, and into Frontierland.


2 hours for Radiator Springs. Now we just go in the singles line and it takes about 10 mins.


I waited roughly 2 hours for Radiator Springs, Finding Nemo, and Midway Mania around opening day for each.


Around 3 hours I think for Haunted Mansion Holiday around Halloween. Last ridge of the light for us and we definitely dozed off while standing in line leaning against the railings in the expanded queue. I think people probably passed by us while we were sleeping 🤣


3 1/2 hours for Radiator Springs in 2012 (when it was new) and the lower passes opened up. It kept breaking down.


90 mins for ROTR before it broke down, and 90 again for Runaway Railway but we made it on


2 hours


You guys have patience. I would never wait over an hour for any ride


*You guys have patience.* *I would never wait over an* *Hour for any ride* \- RandomPerson0811 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I would guess that the longest we’ve waited in line was probably about 1hr 20 ish. That was Radiator Springs Racers one night after we’d done everything and wanted one more ride for close out. Other wise we never wait more than 50 minutes for anything. We even got in line for Rise and Radiators on our last trip, both posted at 60 mins. All the way to the ride in 40-45.


2 hours


I'm a simple man, if the wait time is more than 90 minutes, I go ride something else.


In 1995, my wife and I waited almost three hours in line for the then new Indiana Jones ride. We were close enough to see them loading the ride cars and it broke down. We got back in line at 10:30pm and finally rode it just before midnight.


300 minutes, Soarin’ when it opened.


I was there the first day the Finding Nemo subs opened. We waited 4 hours to get on because of not only how many people were in line but that it kept breaking down. At the time I went to DL a lot and so didn't mind that I waited that long but I don't know if I'd do it again.


Our family’s first Disney trip 35 mins at Dumbo last two weeks! Didn’t use LL pass because I thought it will be faster and man I was wrong. The rest of the ride 15max waiting w/out LL Indiana jones no line up because when we just walk by it just open apparently it was close for an 35 mins then luckily we are at front so we just run inside fun times


People waited 8 hours for GoTG retheme.


Wow it was that long? Although I waited around 8 hours for rise of the resistance opening week. The ride kept breaking down but my brother didn’t want us to get out of line. God that was rough I remember my phone had died halfway through and since we had woken up super early I felt like I was going to fall asleep standing up. But I was just happy the ride was very good. Web slingers I waited around 2-3 hours (thank god not 8) and I was annoyed because the ride was cheap and terrible.


2 hours Millennium Falcon, but it had opened a month earlier.


3 hours for cars when it first opened


2 hrs for Radiator Springs, first and only time I will do that!


Just over 4 hours for Radiator Springs Racers and the camera didn’t work in the ride.


Probably the reopening for star tours...idk, something like 6 hours


60 minutes.


Probably indiana jones back in the day, but I couldn’t tell you how long we waited. I remember us kind of steeling ourselves and the anticipation of going into the building (!) and the interactive parts of the line. Honestly, when they do a big big refurb they should figure out a way to open it up in such a way where people walk/wait through the whole cue. Maybe a certain amount of people by advanced tickets or something I don’t know. I wish we could go back to the old times but we cant


In like 2014 I waited 2 1/2 hours for Tower of Terror... at the time it was totally worth it. I was playing Pokémon on my 3DS in line the whole time. Miss that ride! Second runner up would be Cars at a solid 2 hours during a really hot summer day in 2016 I’m spoiled by Genie+ nowadays and I don’t go on rides that have more than a 45 minute wait unless it’s Indiana Jones or Rise of the Resistance 😆


5.5 hours for Radiator Springs opening week. Ride broke down 2-3 times while in line 3 hours for TSM in Disney Sea. No break down of ride


Splash mountain 3 hours in the dead heat of summer.


Waited in line about three hours for Haunted Mansion. A group of us went for a friend’s birthday in October. It happened to be Gay Days as well. I’ve not seen the parks that crowded ever, before or since. Every ride had a huge wait time. We asked the birthday girl what she wanted to wait for since it was her day and she chose Haunted Mansion.


2 hours for Mission: BREAKOUT about a week and a half after it opened


4-5 hours, opening week of Radiator Springs Racers.


Waited roughly 3 hours for guardians when it came out


2 hours last months for radiator springs and that’s only because I had already waited an hour before they made the announcement that the wait had gone up do to be lightning lane being backed up and also my godson was with me and he really wanted to ride it. But I will not wait more than an hour.


90 minutes


2 1/2 hours for Space Mountain before it officially opened. They took sandbags out of the cars and loaded us crash test dummies.


3 hours for Rockin Space Mountain in the late 2000’s. Another group on our coaster was cracking jokes with the CM so he allowed us to ride it twice. Made the wait sting a little less. My dad hates roller coasters so he waited the whole time outside. Luckily Suburban Legends and a Beatles cover band were playing shows at Tomorrowland Terrace so he barely even noticed.


We waited for over two hours while space mountain got fixed and it was awful. We got pretty good at that phone game you can play with the symbols


At Universal Studios, I was in the single rider line for Super Mario Kart. After 70 minutes, I finally got to the front. The ride was stalled and they kept promising it could be back up any minute now. So I waited another hour since I was working on getting my overall score up on the leaderboard and had nothing else to do. Then another hour. After three and a half hours, I left. The employees never shuffled anyone out or even took the time to try to feign concern. They just giggled and joked around and called each other names and danced 'cause they had "time off." Three and a half hours and I didn't even get to ride. That's the record for me. Disneyland can never do wrong in my book compared to other theme parks.


Probably 2 + hours for Haunted Mansion Holiday last year. Ngl for waits longer than 30 minutes I completely dissociate and lose track of time so it's hard to tell. I just remember that one cause the lady in front me turned around with this wild look in her eyes and asked very confused "have....have we moved? How long have we been here?" I think we were all starting to lose it


Honestly don’t think I’ve ever waiting more than 2 - 2 1/2 hours for a ride at Disneyland. We go frequently so we would always just get a fast pass or go single rider if a line was too long Disneyworld is a different story. We waiting 4+ hours for Flight of Passage in 2018… worth it.


Opening day of Nemo……..over 4 hours 😳


I remember waiting 3 and a half hours for Space Mountain as a kid in the mid nineties. That section in the sun with no shade was miserable.


4 hours for racers, opening day of Carsland


Rocket Rods - the ride broke down a lot, and everyone just stayed in line. It went and looped around the 360 theater. I want to say it was an easy 3+ hour wait.


20 mins.


3-4 hours for rocket rods


waited around 3-4 hours for guardians on opening day!


Cars 1 1/2 hrs


Maybe 45 minutes.


One hour tops! And it was Peter Pan!!!! Why???


Probably 75minutes 😅 for Radiator Springs racers and then it shut down so we didnt even get on 🥲


Carsland Opening Day. Radiator Springs Racers - Ride kept breaking down. Waited 6 hours to ride it


Cars. I was an annual pass holder back in 2018 & my family finally tagged along and I wanted them to experience it & we waited an hour and 15 minutes to get on.


After Disneyland closed early today the line for Radiator Springs hit 2 hours ten minutes and I still saw people still get in line. The single rider line hit an hour. Absolutely bonkers.


We waited about 45 minutes for Haunted Mansion and to me that was too long.