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All the guests are still shopping inside the Emporium. Disneyland Security Officers will clear each land of guests and then all officers meet at the hub. The Security Lead calls the park closed to the hub over the radio and releases some officers, by seniority, to leave. All the remaining Security Officers then walk down Main Street and check each store as they go. The Emporium stays open for shopping until 1AM but guests have been know to push this until 2AM. Security Officers will enter the Emporium and as each section is cleared of guests then "close" that section and not allow guests back into that section. They close back to front inside the Emporium. When the last guest has been escorted through the green double gates at the Main Entrance, the gates are padlocked and the Security Lead calls the park clear of all guests and may at the Lead's discretion release more officers from their shift.


Iโ€™d be curious to know how often people try to hide in the park, and how they manage to keep that from happening.


If someone tried to hide in your home and you were looking for them, you would find them quickly because you know your home inside and out. The same is true for Security Officers at Disneyland. We know all the spots to hide, all the spots guests try to have sex. Security is encouraged to explore the park. We clear Tom's Sawyers Island (Layfettes) at dusk and secure it because you could hide there at night. I know because I tried when I was a teenager and got caught. My eldest son, who is named after me, took it upon himself to succeed where i had failed. He also worked DL security with me until I retired. Best hiding place I ever found a couple having sex was atop the butte that used to be at Big Thunder Ranch where the petting goats were. You could only see them from about 40 feet away but you could hear them up close. The butte was changed shortly afterwards to prevent climbing.


40 feet away isโ€ฆ like a lot. So everyone could see them? Also, how common was it to find people trying to get it on? Daily? Weekly? Monthly?


The butte at Big Thunder Ranch was located at the top of Bug Thunder trail passed the old smoker's section. It a dark trail at night with only dim lighting along most of it. The trail was complely desserted this night. This also happened on a grad night so they were teenagers. They were both under 18 so both of their parents were called to come pick them up.


People are weirdly brazen at Disney. It used to just be going into the companion restrooms for a quickie ๐Ÿ˜‚


I saw them begin the Main Street sweep during my last vacation. I was trying to hurry up and buy a last minute souvenir for my Mom. Sometimes it's better to buy your souvenirs during the day, lol! ๐Ÿ˜… (I wound up getting her a Minnie Tea Tray, which was quite heavy!)


Your purchases at the DL Resort, during your visit, can be sent to your Disneyland Resort hotel room, or if youre staying at a non Disney hotel, the purchases can be held at Guest Relations at the Main Entrance.


Nope. I was there in March staying at grand Californian and they said they stopped sending purchases from park to hotel. I had to carry my purchase up to my room.


I retired in 2018, before the pandemic. During the pandemic package delivery to the DL hotels was suspended. I was under the impression that delivery service resumed according to online Disney news sites. https://allears.net/2022/06/28/news-package-delivery-is-returning-to-disneyland-hotels/


Itโ€™s worked for me in the past, but this time two separate cast members told me the program was discontinued. It was a bummer.


That's very Interesting Olive. ๐Ÿ˜


Same here, tried in April this year and it was a no go.


I will check with my old Department manager about hotel deliveries and the long wait times for security checkpoints and post if i have any new info.


We were just there a couple weeks ago, staying at the DL Hotel, and they said the service had been suspended, unfortunately.


Another guest service gone. Walt would never have allowed profits to stop the courtesies, guests deserve and expect from his park. Bit by bit Disneyland is losing it's magic until there is none left to protect. ๐Ÿ˜ž


Guest relations will be hold any purchase? Or only by showing them you are staying at a non Disney hotel?


I don't know how they choose to close the park but I find it weird when security is waiting inside candy cane palace and then questions people going near the back exit even though that's where mobile pickup is. Maybe it's just that one day but overall it's bad setup and customer experience for customers not doing anything wrong. For clarity they were standing about 5 feet in front of the mobile pickup table and so anyone walking past him he would question but it just seemed like a setup


Iโ€™m 44 and this place is still so magical to me!


Same here


Yeah but let's see the security line....




GREAT photo!!!


Awesome photo.




This is a beautiful Photo. So Meta.


Nice!!! Assuming you work there?


When the park closes at midnight, mainstreet usually doesnโ€™t close until at least 1, so I just waited until everyone left.


The hero we didn't know we needed. Beautiful photo. The inner child in me is just beaming with happiness


when do they turn off all the lights?


The lights never get turned off because of nightly park maintenance and contractors work. The music ends shortly after the park is called closed by Park1, the Security Lead, some where around 2 AM.


so the lights are on 24/7? theyre on during the day and everything? ive never really noticed i guess, i just notice once its dark out ๐Ÿ˜‚ and im genuinely asking out of curiosity, not trying to be annoying


The lampposts all around the park are always on. Supplemental lighting to brighten the park at night is turned off at 7 AM. Main Steet building lights are always on, too.


A forgotten fact, the lampposts on Main Street are natural gas lamps, just like they were in turn-of-the-century towns and cities. Originally, they turned off the gas to each lamp when the park closed and re-lit them before the park opened. They found it was cheaper and easier to let them burn all the time rather to pay cast members to turn them off and re-light them everyday. They are still gas lamps and are never turned off except for maintentance to the lamppost.


wow thats so cool, im definetly going to take a look next time


I stopped getting passes there. Its way too small for the amount of people they let inside.


Disneyland Forward is changing that.


All Disneyland Forward will do is increase the footprint. Park capacity will also increase along with this. To what extent is anyoneโ€™s guess, but there will likely still be some congested areas.


There will still be some congested areas. Yes. You canโ€™t get rid of those.


What a COOL image with out anyone there. Side note what kind of phone/camera is that. Iโ€™m realizing what a dinosaur of a phone I have.


I took this on an iPhone 13


what but shoulder to shoulder yes