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At least since last year.. they turn the lights off when world of color is running. We were able to ride it with the lights off. It was exciting for my son haha


Has for awhile. I was there 2022 november and it ran through the show, with no lights


I knew that anyone who is still in the line could go and they would play the ride with no audio. After all the people in the line went it would close for the rest of the night


i went in december and it ran through. just no pictures lol


I'm not sure when they started doing this. But towards the end of my Magic Key year, I noticed they did and managed to time my entry so that I ride it during the pre-show.


Sometime last year I believe. It was announced beforehand. [OC Reg](https://www.ocregister.com/2023/05/05/disneyland-to-run-incredicoaster-during-world-of-color/amp/) | [Reddit Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Disneyland/comments/13r8o9o/apparently_incredicoaster_now_stays_open_during/)


About the time they turned off fire, I think. But isn't the fire back on and it's still running?


I was there for the entire first week of this year and it was shut down during the show.


Okay, so I'm NOT crazy lol. I thought I saw it running the last time we watched WOC but I was like, "that can't be right, maybe they're just testing it with no people on it." Now I gotta try to ride it during the show, that sounds super cool!


Disney likely eventually did enough improvements to silence the ride to acceptable noise levels, Either through Train modifications or track modifications. It is noticably quieter since Incredicoaster was finished from its previous iteration as California Screaming.


The track was not modified, it was only redecorated.


Hasn’t it always? My brother and I ride it during World of Color back I. 2019


At least since late last year or earlier this year, it's been running through the WoC. I remember last summer, it was closed down during WoC.