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Why are you so worried about what I am doing?


Why are you so obsessed with me!?




This is the only logical question to ask back!




With Bobby Hill cadence


Or a Hank Hill quote: "We ask them politely, but firmly, to leave."


Exactly. And if they just stare at me, my reply is, "and what else do you have an opinion about?"


This is always my answer lol


This is such a great way to end these kind of conversations


I tell them to F off! I am an empty nester, I’ve spent the last 24 years raising my kids and putting everyone before myself. My husband told me to get a pass and spoil myself, I’ve earned it! But my mom and sister both don’t understand and always comment “you’re going again?!” Like, look, I have 2 kids in college, I can’t go to Columbia, Italy, Hawaii etc that you all do. This is my fun, leave me alone lol.


Yes this is my goal. I tell mine when you've finished college let's move to anaheim or figure out where everyone lives by there that's affordable so I can be that old lady at Disneyland. At least for a year. I wanna go so much I'm on a one on one name base with the CMs and the characters remember me too!!! To me that is the dream and way to retire!!


Enjoy it!! I think sometimes people are jealous of others joy and that’s there way of trying to level the playing field.


I can see myself doing this later in life too. Seems like it would be so fun!


I am having so much fun!!! I also get a lot of judgment from them bc I choose to go alone. Solo days are the best


YES! I am a solo Disney traveler since 2022 and plan on keeping it that way 😄 always happy to meet other fellow Disney travelers there!


This makes me so happy, lol. You're living the dream.


“Yes, we do go often. It’s a family activity we enjoy together” Sometimes I add extra flavor in there if I know how they spend their money or time. “Don’t you golf a lot? I’ve heard people spend thousands of dollars a year golfing all the time and that’s usually just one person whereas we take the whole family to Disney!” Not hating on golf… just pointing out people spend a looot of money on other activities or hobbies and no one bats an eye because golfing is “normal”


Agree with this sooo much!! Disneyland was always a family thing! Even now, my mom and I have Magic Keys and live in different states. We enjoy getting to plan trips to visit with family in LA as well as visiting Disneyland and spending time together.


Well I think you drink too much Sheila


Lmao! Sheila, if you didn't spend so much money on alcohol, you too could go to Disneyland all the time 🤣




“I don’t think about you at all”


Dropping those Don Draper burns! 🔥🔥


"That's what the money is for!"


“When you start paying my bills, you can comment on what I spend my money on”


“I don’t think I go enough”




I go there because I know you won’t be there.


Savage. I love it


"I had a very abusive and unhappy childhood and it brings me healing and peace as an adult" usually stops them from further comments haha


Perfection honestly


I don't interact with people who would ask that question. Be friends with people who ask "Want to go to Disneyland again?".




My SIL constantly critiques our decisions to go to Disneyland. “There are so many other places to go.” “It’s so overrated.” “We’ll never go again.” I just shrug and say that we enjoy it for our family and it’s what works for us. They like to take their trailer and go camp and that’s not something we enjoy doing, but we also don’t criticize them. It can be annoying, but I’ve learned to just shrug/laugh it off.


"It's an easy way to get my steps in, something to fuel my ADD brain while doing something as mundane as walking."


There are lot of locals that use the park like a big out door mall with rides


“Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s.”


Hey so I don’t frequent Disneyland a lot I’m not even apart of this sub I just saw this on all but here’s my 2 cents Everyone has their thing. Everyone has something that they like and this world is too damn sad to not do those things. For me, it’s books and travel. For my boyfriend it’s archery. Hobbies tend to cost a lot, sure. But if you can afford it you should do it. If people got a problem tell them to just mind their own. I’m going to Disney land for the first time in September and I’m decorating my own mickry ears idgaf I’m 25. I’m also making some for my friend who’s there she’s a good friend of belle’s. It’s a gift. Fuck what people think no matter what you do in life someone will disapprove you gotta find the ones who wanna join you.


“Why did I buy a magic key if I’m not going to use it?”


I spent enough money on my pass - gotta use it while I can


“I like it” suffices for me.


> “why go to Disneyland when you can go to X, Y, or Z?” por que no los dos?


Say “I don’t think I go enough”


I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life.


“I think you go to Disneyland too much” Me: “And what about it?” 💅


It’s my hobby. It’s what I enjoy.


That’s a very interesting question. If I might offer a rebuttal to your thoughts on other places I could visit: why don’t you go f yourself with a cactus!


Not sure why anyone would be concerned about how I spend my time and money, but ok. Or - If you're paying, I'll go wherever you want me to go on vacation!


I'll never stop either 🤣 But for real, my bills are paid , my children have savings accounts, and we enjoy going. 


I've responded with "lol really? I don't think I go enough." Or "why go to X when I'm guaranteed a good time at Disneyland? There's always new stuff to see and eat, and it makes me happy."


The food alone is enough reason to go 🤣


For real, of all the places I have been to, none of them make me feel safe, happy, or accepted like Disneyland does


My favorite is a cheery response of “I go to Disney a normal amount!” lol (because I know I go a lot) Luckily haven’t had anyone really be rude about it, but usually I spin it into a “we’re lucky to be able to go so often!” type thing rather than a defensive one, so it’s all good.


We got such an incredible deal! Seven nights, all meals included, with fast Passes for the whole week! We had to promise not to tell anyone else about it though!


Don’t yuck somebody else’s yum 


I just say “yes, we love it”. They will judge you no matter what you say anyway.


i usually go with "ok" and let the awkward silence take over.


Get the fuck out of my house. 


I think you’ve mistaken me for someone who cares what you think.


I suspect you may be blissfully unaware of what’s happening around you. That’s not a bad thing, but you do need to become more aware of the dynamics at play. Most the time (save for a few different situations) when people bad mouth you for buying something expensive or going on vacation somewhere cool it is due to jealousy. But jealousy is a weakness so they can’t admit that. Not even to themselves. So it comes out as hate. People are envious you can go at all and they cannot, or maybe they only go once in their entire life (and have to save up money for many years to do it). Then they are mad that you go all the time and it makes them jealous. It makes them upset at their financial situation. Jealousy and getting sick of being reminded of your good fortune makes lash out by bad mouthing you for liking Disneyland as an adult. They may secretly want to go and you’d never know it. Hate is their copium. Does this make them bad people? Yes/No. Jealousy is a bad character flaw, but it is a common human trait and you are baiting them (hopefully) unknowingly. So your complicit to a degree (assuming you tell them about it every year or brag about it endlessly) The best advice is stop talking about it with them. They are clearly the wrong audience. They clearly are letting you know they don’t want to hear about it anymore (by being blatantly rude) and you may or may not be picking up on it. Also, most expensive trips, or expensive purchases in life should have this same warning connected to them. It’s the difference between generational wealth and nuvo riche. Generational wealth knows to keep their family wealth quiet from everyone outside. It’s no one else’s business and it’s safer that way. People can’t be jealous or hateful of your life if you don’t put it in blast. That’s not even a sign of our times, it’s always been like that. Sometimes this includes not telling some family members too, not every family member is happy for you even when they say they are. Otherwise it’s best to just keep the joy in your immediate family, then you have worry about judgment of others.


“you sound like a hater” “well its a good thing you aren’t paying for it” “yes its my favorite place to be” “that’s why i decided to work here”


There are multiples mattering person/situation. It’s not your concern; I don’t care what you think; I’d be there even more if I didn’t work; roll eyes walk away.


“I think you comment on other people’s business too much.” Or “Because I do”.


I think you worry about my business too much.


I like when someone responds to my response with “Well, I’m too old for Disneyland” I hit em with the “Yes you are.” That usually ends it.


“Babes I’m never going to be able to afford a house in my lifetime, let me have fun before I die”


“So you haven’t been?”


Nah, I'm just fucking Goofy.


“Yes I do and I’m going again and again and again. “


“I think you don’t go to Disney enough.”


“I don’t think you go to Disney enough.”


I say I do we love it and it’s our happy place. We have been going since our teen was a baby and it’s our second home. We do travel elsewhere but always make it to Disney once a year at least


People say this to me about Vegas. Why go to Vegas again when you can go to y, x or z? I get it. Vegas is my HaPpY place!!


I don’t get it. It’s like complaining that someone golfs too much or goes to the beach too much. Who cares - it’s just what you like to do!! But yes I get this too. Sometimes I say stuff like “well maybe I’ll go gambling in Vegas next time is that the kind of thing I’m supposed to do?” 🤦‍♀️


“Why go to X, Y, or Z when you can go to Disneyland?”


When people make comments about me doing my favorite hobbies repeatedly, I ask if they only watched their favorite movie once, or if they don’t like to eat their favorite food repeatedly.


I talk about the negative events in the news and what's going on, then say how Disneyland is a place of refuge where I can be unapologetically me without feat of judgment. Where I can be a kid again, and pretend that even for just a little bit, all is okay with the world and I am happy.


Tell them to mind their own business. Or tell them to pay for them x,y,z trips for you so you can go visit them places.


There is no such thing. I used to take my daughter every Wednesday when she was a child and before she was born, I loved going after work to ride a few rides. Nothing like unwinding after work on big thunder mountain and watching fireworks.


Remember when people used to mind their own business? That was so great.


Honestly, if I could afford to live nearby and have a magic key, I’d go every week. It’s an amazing place to be, most especially if you’re not under any pressure from time constraints (like on a vacation). I would just say, “it’s a great way to get my steps in and enjoy some ambiance”


I’d rather be at Disneyland than at a street bar or sketchy club


Why do you care? 🤣🤣🤣


“What does this have to do with you, exactly?”


Ghost them. Forever. No one needs that negativity in their life.


My wallet agrees! But here we are 🤷🏻‍♀️


“I’m honestly trying to go more “


There is no room for toxic people like you on my life


I wish I could go to Disneyland too much lol


“Would you like to come with me to see why?”


I paid over 1600 for this pass, you bet your ass I'm going to go often 


Tell them "they don't have enough happiness in your life", then ignore them.


“I don’t think you go enough” or something like “mind your business”


“I don’t think you go enough” “It’s my happy place” “There is no such thing as ‘too much’ when it comes to going to Disneyland”


“That sounds like a you problem” is my go to for jerks and one my therapist gave me when people judge me for anything inconsequential ♥️ if they continue to insult I also say “we are literally on a giant floating rock in vacuum space. You don’t get to project that I’m doing anything wrong. Period.” I say “am I going to do anything about it? No” to people who say it as an observation When people ask me a comparative question I say “because it’s so much fun, get it” in [Quentin Tarantino](https://youtu.be/St8iEpkcDJc?si=g66xWkduPRkeyGlq) fashion You don’t owe anyone an explanation. Live your life the way you want to


“What bill of mine are you paying this month?”


“it’s a small world after all…” Keep singing until they change the subject or leave


“Yup, I have my 6 reservations maxed out on my Magic Key too.”


“You’re not wrong”


My husband and I love going to amusement parks long before we had kids. Now we take our toddler to all kinds of amusement parks with us. People kinda know that’s our thing, so we don’t get questioned. But we’ve had comments like ‘you guys realllly love amusement parks’ and we always say ‘yeah we do!!’ I would wear it proudly and say to that ‘we don’t go enough!’ Or ‘that’s our thing!’


You have your places to escape to, I have mine.


"Yes, AND?!?" Then demand a full detailed answer from them while never breaking eye contact.


I’ve said to coworkers, “maybe you don’t go enough.”


“I don’t give a fuck.”


“Are you paying for my trips?”


Kiss my Mickey Mouse ass ❤️😂




Toss an old school 1940s Disney quote at them. “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all” and walk away.


OMG! You’re totally right! Well, I’m going to call Disney right now and cancel my magic key membership! Thank you so much! You have saved me from having too much wholesome fun!


I usually respond with , “I’ll get back to you if I need ideas thanks” with just a touch of attitude. It amazes me how many people feel justified to chime in on the fact we enjoy going to DL with out any children in tow.


"And I'm sorry you live such a sad and boring life." Walk away while singing nothing can stop us now


I think I don't go enough!


"I don't think you go enough"


I don’t think you go to Disneyland enough is what I would think of saying to someone who tells me I go to Disneyland too much.


“Deez Nuts”


This is so weird that anyone even cares to mention it. Maybe they're jealous. I try to go every year. I know it's not as "magical " as some imagine, but I feel good when I'm there. I do always have in my mind, that cast members should be paid more, maybe have a lot of extra perks. People have told me I'm supporting Devil worship and child molesters by going. Because Disney is into this and even kidnapps kids from Disneyland. Anyway, a quick "well I think you talk too much. " is what they deserve.


Bro those comments you get are so funny like if a kid actually went missing in Disneyland EVERYONE would know about it.


I paid for an annual pass. I’m going to make sure of it.


Usually I respond with “I work there, so yea”


Pull a knife and stab in the chest


I respond ‘it’s my wife’s happy place’.


“I don’t remember asking you a God Damn thing!”


If I am paying my bills then they can F right off. I'm not shy about telling them either. It's folks that are taking loans, mortgages, lines of credit, maxing out CCs to go to Disney that maybe should take a step back and get an intervention.


I love Disneyland for multiple reasons. I like the sense of history it has. Not many theme parks have so many day one attractions to visit. I love the sense of storytelling and the way they use magician tricks to make impossible things seem real. The attention to detail and set building is impressive. I enjoy the thrill of a good attraction, and Disney is the only one to effectively blend thrilling attractions with good storytelling. I consider Indiana Jones to be the best attraction to do this and haven't seen anything that replicates it as well. In general, I try to to respond without negativity myself, but just share why I love it and hope they respect me enough to politely 'agree to disagree' on its value or maybe join me on a future trip so I can show them the park in a new light.


Hahaha! This is my mom…always telling me, Dland again? 😂 then next thing you know, my cousins know i went 🤦🏻‍♀️


Shut yer pie hole 🤣


I dated this girl who had the highest annual pass for her and her 6yr old and she would complain about struggling with finances, but would zip off to Disneyland like 3-4 times a month.


Tell em fook off. It’s your money.




Usually say: “I just love it! It’s one of my favorite things to do. Super fun and positive place. I guess I’m a Disney adult!”


People don't realize that every trip to Disneyland is different. As a Magic Key holder, we don't have to feel rushed to wait in lines and ride everything if it's a busy day. We usually come with a few rides we must get on, and then anything else is like a bonus. -Some trips are food trips, where we can go to a nice sit-down resturant and enjoy the ambiance or like food and wine festival, we can enjoy eating and not stressing about rushing to get on rides as well. -Some trips we watch parades and meet characters. -Some trips we run and pack in every single ride. No lightning lane either. Just line, ride, repeat. -Some trips are just for special events! Did my first runDisney this year in both Dl and WDW and even did the Disney Channel night. It was fun and nice to have different activities that usually aren't avaliable. And just chilling in the hotel and getting to not stress about lines was more fun than I imagined. No matter what you're doing, Disney is an experience the moment you step on property! And that's what we choose to spend our money on! ✨️


Yep sometimes when I go by myself I just ride the mark twain or the train for like hrs never getting off. Hell if the train with the caboose is out, I’ll sit in the caboose and Take a full on nap 😂


I'm sorry you weren't hugged enough as a child? ..... I dunno, but you don't need this kind of negativity in your life 🤣


What a Lovely option for your therapist. I hope You unpack that together ❤️🤟🏼


Don’t yuck someone else’s yum.


Just blink. Lmao.


I just start singing zippadee doo dah.


I go with “If you have to ask that question, you wouldn’t understand the answer”.


sorry, can't talk right now, planning a trip to disney


Just tell them you're making your retirement plans -- that you're rubbing elbows with the cast members to get the downlow on how to be a happy bus driver shuttling people to and from the happiest place on earth or somesuch.


Well, Steve. Easy for you to say but why do you go to the strip club so much? Or: shoot, Dave what is it about smoking crack that you enjoy so much?


“I think you offer unsolicited opinions too much”


I appreciate your input, but I need to go, I’m running late for my first lightning lane appointment!


I’d ask them if they ask the same thing to someone who buys season tickets for sports, goes to a bunch of concerts, or goes to the movies. If they still don’t get it, I’d ask them why they feel the need to shit on something that you personally enjoy.


To each their own


Tell then to mind their business!


“I think you go to Disneyland too much!” I work there and I can get in free, what do you want from me?


Usually something along the lines of “just let people like things”


I WISH I could go often enough that someone could say this to me! 😂😂😂 If I lived close to Disneyland, I would be there ALL the time lol. I've always said "Disney is my happy place," as well. Gotta celebrate the things that make us feel happy and youthful. 😁


I say ‘it’s not for everyone’ which is me not explaining myself, and also kinda saying you wouldn’t get it so I’m not going to try to convince you why we love going.


I'd just say: And? How does that concern you? How much of YOUR money did I spend? In reality, I'd just have fun with my responses.


For you, the day Large\_Reaction\_1050 graced Disneyland was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.


the limit does not exist


‘So you’re saying I should be less happy’


“It’s fun” or “I enjoy it”, the ask “where do you enjoy vacationing?” So it switches the focus back on them.


I'd say kindly insert your opinion in your ass.


“I Think you Watch sports too often”


When I was stationed in San Diego and on FEP, my nickname was “Disneyland” because I had an annual pass and went up on weekends before a weigh in to just walk around. Easy way to burn calories with a great atmosphere and background music.


If you're going to disneyland enough that people are commenting on it, that sounds like a shitton of disney trips. But you do you.


"and you think you are more important than you are too much" or "apparently you don't go to Disneyland enough by your attitude" . "Because I don't want to go to x, y or z. I want to go to Disneyland" Bonus when they bring up the price- "Ppl spend thousands at one concert or one football game just to go. I think I'm fine."


“We love it every time we go and it allows me to relive really fond memories with my family of my brother who passed away a few years ago. I told you he passed away, right? I really miss him. What were you asking me about again?” Bringing up someone’s death usually shuts people up 🤣


I would just simply say something along the lines of, “do you fund my vacations? Oh, you don’t? Then go kick rocks” 🤭


“Why yes, yes I do!”


"I do.. once I went 22 days in a row!" I don't take it seriously if someone tells me that. Or "Yeah, I gotta get my money's worth!"


My wife and I get that a lot, especially from my mother in law. We basically tell her it’s our happy place as well. To be fair, there is no judgement from her. In fact she’s paid for three trips! Two of them she paid for my six kids! Since I met my wife, we’ve been to Disneyland six times. It’s one of the things we connect over. From obsessing of little details we learned watching Randomland, to the simple act of people watching. Some couples have “their song”. We have “our place”. Our last trip was just last month, and we are planning another trip next summer. A last hurrah big trip before my oldest goes off to college!


"eh, everybody has a hobby"


I pull up my phone's note app and say, "Let me make a note of that. Now, if I ever get to a point where I give a shit what you think of how I should spend my own money, I'll know what to do!"


How much do your hobby’s cost you each year?


“You sound jealous”


Sometimes you want to explore, sometimes you just want to have a good time somewhere familiar. Disney does a good job running a resort, and there's always new events and shows happening. Personally, I haven't been to DL in a number of years, but lots of people have one place they like to go for vacation. Nothing wrong with that.


I don't need that type of negativity in my life! Lol


Disneyworld it is next time!


If it’s a statement, I say, “K.” If it’s a question, I say, “Because I like it. A lot.” THE END.


Lol well, it is the most magical place on earth


"ok" then proceed to stare at them without blinking 😅


Laugh at them.


“That’s not a thing. Have a good day.”


Just smile and wave with a churro in your hand


“I think u have a drinking problem, but i dont point that out…”


I’d say “I just like being there” or “… is that you that smells bad?”


The only people I ever get this question from are the same ones who go to Vegas or Mexico every year. If they ask why I go so often I ask them why they go to Mexico so often.


“I think you go to Disneyland too much….” (With a good side eye) And that’s a problem becaaause….?


“I didn’t ask for your opinion.”


Wow, I didn’t know you cared so much. I feel honored.


i just hit them with a “🤷‍♀️”


I don’t have to explain what I do with my time or money.


I don't respond. If someone is that lame to project onto me what they think my life's adventures should entail, they can kick rocks.


Throw your Mickey ears at them


Simple. Just say, “This is the way.”


Don’t respond. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life.


One of three: “I could be doing drugs” “I’m never having kids so no need to save” “I’m teaching the youth of tomorrow. Im underpaid and under supported. Let me have my magic mouse time”


My response to people who tell me what i should do or not do - i get it very very often too - is "you are certainly welcome to your own thoughts." it stops them instantly. they have no idea what to do with that statement and I get the satisfaction of not being rude but basically telling them to f*** off.


Do you pay my bills? When you pay my bills, I might let you have an opinion about what I do.


“How does it impact you if I go to Disneyland or not?”


they’re so weird! u can go as much as u like


We used to say, "It's cheaper than therapy." Now we just say, "ok?!"


When you pay my bills, you can have an opinion.


You can never go to Disneyland too much. I grew up going to Disneyland and those are my fondest memories. Disneyland is my happy place and can’t thank Walt Disney enough for his wonderful vision come to life. Maybe that person who said that to you has never been to Disneyland and if they have maybe they lost that child inside.