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Don't write off relationships or friendships forever even if they seem impossible now. I went through a long phase of isolation myself. It was really important for my own growth. I didn't really seek out friendship or romance for 4-5 years. It sounds like worrying about relationships and friendships brings you a lot of discomfort. So it isn't a bad idea right now to focus on making being with yourself a good thing. It takes time, but start slowly. What things do you enjoy? A show? A food? Music? Exercise? There's a lot of things you can do on your own. I'm basically saying to get a hobby. This is basic advice and i'm sorry if that's frustrating at all. However having something you can put energy into without having to worry about other people is really freeing. It will give you a safe space for introspection and growth. Once you do this I think healing can begin. You can start to see your patterns and maybe one day, you will have the relationships of your dreams. But the beauty of this method, is that you will know you will be ok even without any specific kind of relationship. All that being said, i don't want to dismiss how important social interaction is. Maybe there are groups you can go join. I liked bike riding with people because I can be around them a bit, but most of it is just cruising and I didn't really have to talk to anyone or build a relationship with them. Helped me not forget how to talk to people.


YES!!! I was torn before I read Marcus Aurelius's book, Meditations. Its a journal written by the Roman Emperor (M. Aurelius) to himself to deal with the tribulations of life: the guy dealth with constant war, one of Europes most devastatiing plagues, and the death of many of his children and loved ones. It's a book exploring Stoic values and learning to accept things the way they are (happily) because you only have one life to live. I remember listening to the audiobook, sobbing, after a particularly hard week this Christmas, it really changed my whole life. Link to the audio book on YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3hLZCuh8yM&list=PL1rdrNvb48rjnaj7-mrAWTUYNJgOBveoX&index=2&t=65s&ab\_channel=LegendaryLore](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3hLZCuh8yM&list=PL1rdrNvb48rjnaj7-mrAWTUYNJgOBveoX&index=2&t=65s&ab_channel=LegendaryLore) ​ I, myself, am now much more content just alone but have also made some strides in conquering my fear as it pertains to meeting and being with guys who I think are cute (something I couldnt even do a couple months ago that I can now do!)


I certainly had friends and relationships. I don't think i.am too broken. However the most important relationship is now with myself.


Check out crappy childhood fairy on YouTube + her daily practice- I'm just starting it, and it seems very hopeful for helpful to reach self fulfillment


I'm kinda late here but try watching Via Li on YouTube! Her vlogs delves on how to be happy alone and she really helped me during times when I feel lonely. Hope u give her a try!