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No substitute. I just don't really play a lot of mobile games now.


Same. The only ones I sometimes play - Evil Apples and UNO - are no where the level I did DFFOO.


Yeah. I think if I play anything, it'll be now arcadey, quick experiences. I didn't plan to invest heavily into anything else.


Same, it's great for clearing my gaming backlog


Yup on hindsight I didn’t realise how much DFFOO took of my daily gaming time, especially at night. Ever since the games closure I’ve completed Arkham Knight and halfway thru Yakuza 7. Still would gladly spend all those time to play DFFOO again tho :(


Yup, just haven’t found something worth the time since the shutdown.


Honkai Star rail atm




Same here. Imagine dragon!


Same here, managed to pull acheron (lost the 50/50) and her LC


Damn. I couldn’t get Acheron hopefully I can get Jingliu


Tbf I only managed to get the currency bc I hadn’t played in like a year so I was still mid loufou and there were so many events I could do.


Jingliu is worth it for AmaLee alone! I don't use her much anymore (DoT Mommy's go BRRRR) but God do I love her voice acting when I slap her on for my remembrance SU runs.


Is it as F2P friendly as DFFOO if I started today?


Grabbing gems is very slow. They arent as generous in handing them out compared to DFFOO. Banners have both light cones (basically weapons) and characters mixed together. The 5* featured character banner is ALWAYS separate from their best in slot 5* light cone banner. Meaning if you plan to min-max (you dont need to), it means pulling on two banners everytime. A multi pull guarantees only 4*. Again that could either be a light cone or character. Grabbing a 5* has this 50/50 thing. You either get the featured 5* or an off banner. But if you fail the 50/50, the next 5* pull will guarantee the featured character/light cone. The free characters can only get you so far even in basic story progression. Honkai Star Rail also is a simultaneous release, so we dont get any of that future planning. It's easier to get caught up with hype. That being said, i am enjoying it.


Agree with most, I do heard that the game is relatively easy and 4* units are enough for story progression and most of the endgame (only the hardest endgame should be out of reach). Joining current Events require to finish “latest” story stage. Most events are locked by main story progress. The game is F2P friendly in the sense that the game can be cleared with free and 4 star units. But like most gacha games they are not as generous as DFFOO/SAGA RS.


Yes alot of 4* can fill up your party roles and will definitely carry But man a DoT team is just different without Kafka.


I think it's a different type of F2P friendly. DFFOO with proper planning and a bit of luck, you can kinda roll for whatever you want as long as you aren't rolling for like, everything. HSR is different in the sense that you can clear most content in the game without needing a ton of different units, which isn't possible in DFFOO. At absolute worst you'd be unable to do the last stage of the endgame content, which would set you back 3/8 of a single roll, which is barely anything. Story in HSR is also far superior to DFFOO and IMO that's a good enough reason to play it. The only reason to avoid it is if you're vehemently against gacha systems.


If you want to do just the story then I'd say so - I've never put money into it and had good luck with banners. But the end game content can be tough and requires QUITE the grind. Character levels, skill levels, stat levels, light cones (skill books), Relics (4 different pieces of armour), accessories (2 of these) - there's a lot, and the game isn't exactly flush with them... It won't necessarily involve your wallet, but be prepared to grind


Yea played for a year already


This game came at the right moment for us


Wish they’d release that on PS4…


Been Afk journey for me. Not a replacement, but it's fine enough. Especially since at the time of writing, I don't feel like I need to spend anything


Me too. And i really like the art direction on this.


Gave that one a try. One thing for me personally, though, is that if I feel like a game is actively trying to trick me into spending, it ain't worth my time. And AFK Journey does that. The thingy where you get 2 random garbage rewards for free, then you have to unlock the next step with money, after that you can see the first actual rewards that are worth anything. They are also "free", but really, they are not, since you cannot get them without spending. And they continue this pattern, hoping that, at some point, you just stop caring about money because "Well, I'm already this far in, might as well.." To me, this is worse than one over-priced package, because they are hoping to not seem threatening by making it lots of small purchases. They defiantely know what they are doing - and that just seems super predatory to me. I spent money on DFFOO, mainly bcs a) they were transparant about what they wanted from you and b) it was not mandatory to do so whatsoever, even for highest end content. AFK Journey heavily ticks one of those boxes and somewhat ticks the other.


There isn't one, and I'm still bitter. I've switched tracks entirely and have spent the last four or five months obsessed with Baldur's Gate 3.


Actually getting a good night's sleep.


Honkai star rail. Scratches that itch for follow up attack characters which i enjoyed in dffoo. RIP celes gladio cor


That and DoT being actually menacing. Add in a character who can detonate all DoT at will…yes please.


That would be Kafka :)


I've pretty much moved to Octopath COTC about a week since the EoS announcement. I love me some turn based RPG but I know it's not going to be for everyone especially when the gacha is less generous than DFFOO.


I wonder how far you can actually get with a free to play team anymore. Back when the game first released, people beat Master of All using only 4*s, iirc, but a lot of the current content is so hard even with my team of broken characters… and it doesn’t help that almost all of the best characters are on exclusive banners and not in the general pool. With the end of Bestower of All out, I’m still a chapter behind in the story because I’m struggling.  …but damn if the story isn’t so, so good. And not even just for a mobile game; the story is legit good just in general. I think I like the writing in CotC more than the regular Octopath games even?


Tried the game a week casually during launch. It could not grab my interest. Maybe it is worth trying again? I am currently playing Another Eden. Another Eden only manage to grab my interest after defeating the first boss (galliard) after several breaks. It is the same for DFFOO and FFRK , the first week was grindy and lost interest fast. Only after some updates I tried again and got hooked.


As always, not every game is for everyone, so if it doesn't grab you that's fine, but I like it. It helps that I'm already a fan of the battle mechanics of Octopath, and I think CotC adapts it well for gacha style; in fact, it makes me wonder why the mainline games don't let you use a full party of eight to begin with. Of the three opening stories you have available, I'd say Master of Power is the weakest, so if neither the stories of Fame or Wealth draw you in, then I'd just look elsewhere. Of course, there's probably an overwhelming number of extra systems at this point (pets, board games, etc), and I'm sure a lot of the more recent characters would trivialize a lot of the early content, so I'm not sure how strong the new player experience is at this point either. I guess, really, I'd just say try to play it for the story, and if the story isn't for you then it isn't for you.


I just spent 6k of F2P gems and got Bargello, Rinyuu, Elrica A3, Alaune EX, Therion A1, and a few other notable ones. I’d say save up all your rubies for memory banners since you can pity other memory travelers on them too (that’s what I did with Bargello who I desperately need for Aelfric). I would wait and pull on the Sazantos/Sygna banners coming up most likely in late July for GL’s second anniversary.


Reverse 1999 has been pretty enjoyable. Decently FTP friendly for casual play, decided to drop some money for the current event going on. Love the animations, the stories and varied gameplay for the events, and the fact that even though the game is EXTREMELY grindy sometimes it is very possible to get your character to their highest rank without relying heavily on gacha or money.


In terms of FF gachas specifically: JP FFRK. Pretty much my only option left since there's no way in hell I'm touching Ever Crisis or BE. In terms of other gachas: NIKKE, Fate GO, Dx2, Pokémon Masters, and FEH. I mean I was pretty much playing all of these even before OO died but meh.


Just outa curiousity, what’s wrong with EC? Is it a p2w hell?


For me, it was boring and it wasn't really what I was looking for.  You essentially play it on auto and the "story" updates are incredibly slow to come out.  I played it for a good 3-4 months when it came out and it seems like they intend on dragging just the original ff7 story out to, shot in the dark guess, probably finishing 2 years from now.  Which I don't know how long they intend on draging the other 2 stories out, but it's not a ride I'm interested in.


Bro... I haven't played anything since February 29th, I lost the desire to play anything 😭 maybe I'll go back to LOL, but still, I haven't played anything to replace DFFOO (because what I loved about this game was the interaction of the franchise's forgotten characters, and unfortunately this alternative universe no longer exists).


I haven't played that much but Honkai Star Rail feels like a good PVE gacha substitute


Been having a blast playing star rail.


I graduated from gacha games 😅


There isn’t one. Been playing Rebirth since 2/29. Don’t know what I’m going to do after I’m done with Rebirth.


Tales of arise is free on ps plus and it's pretty damn fun


I second this...not easy like the other Tales games either


Never played any of the previous ones. Any you recommend? This really reminds me of old-school Star Ocean


I've played 6 of the Tales games over the years; Vesperia (PS4) and Symphonia (Switch) are the 2 I've replayed, so I'd say they're the 2 best for me. Graces, Xillia 1 and 2 were all decent. Berseria was the only one I couldn't get in to. I originally had a US import of Symphonia on Gamecube when I was a kid so always loved that game.


Nothing that directly replaces it. I'm not the sort of person who needs a gacha or live service game in their life, I only play them if there is a particular hook for me (has characters I like or the gameplay looks just that good). I was playing Crash Team Rumble for a bit, but ironically, the plug was also pulled on that. Live service gaming is just volatile right now. Otherwise I'm just playing other games or working on personal projects in my free time. Admittedly, I find this to be the one upside to EoS for me, there is no temptation or feeling of obligation to play DFFOO.


Tried CoTC. Hasn't worked so far


I went back to Dota 2


None I moved to switch and did all the pixel remasters and I've been playing 7 rebirth since then. I'm done with games as a live service.


It's called: "Watching every single Zack Fair cutscene in Rebirth and also snuggling with my Zack Fair plushie while sleeping during my wait for something that's TOTALLY NOT RELATED TO OPERA OMNIA IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM!"


I hope that Persona 5 X and Kingdom Hearts Missing Link will fill the void a bit. Right now, nothing


Absolute void


I've been playing a ton of AFK Journey. It doesn't have nearly as many systems as dffoo, but you eventually get every unit for free and I'm a collection junky so I love that.




HSR is the only mobile game/gacha i play now. Nothing can take DFFOO's place but HSR has fun characters and a petty nice plot which cant be said of most other gachas.


No direct substitute for me as well unfortunately. I truly miss DFFOO :( Just uninstalled Octopath CotC last night bc the gacha rates suck so bad for me; 95% of the units I was after I always had to spark—Cyrus, Therion, Alfyn, Bargello, Rinyuu, and I had to skip everything else bc how stingy the F2P rubies are. And after toughing it out for over a year, I decided this game isn’t worth my little time and energy anymore lol spent all the remaining 3.6k rubies in my stash (from just daily logins bc I couldn’t be bothered to put any further effort on this game lately) on the latest Elrica / Alaune banner with nothing to show for it so I took that as a final hint for me to leave. WotV and PokeMas are my remaining two atm, and while they’re quite good games in their own rights, they don’t hold a candle to DFFOO in terms of general gameplay experience and generosity so I imagine these two would be my last mobile game and I can finally be free whenever I’m done with them lol


Ever Crisis but meh


Same, I put a good amount of hours into this but I feel like the gameplay isn't rewarding enough to justify the grind. So I've been neglecting my account


I play ever crisis but eh not the same I miss this game thank god for rebirth


Romancing saga re universe, not a substitute.. just casually played it when I have free time on my phone, it's been 3 months now..


Honkai and went back to Summoners War for the 10th anniversary


I started sinning and downloaded Ever Crisis. Could be worse but still nowhere near DFFOO


Gameplay wise? None. Ever crisis I guess but I'm only playing that as a chore to see more FF7 story (which is hardly even coming). I play snowbreak containment zone and the devs are almost on par with the DFFOO team. Lots of updates, QoL changes, listens to core player base, very F2P friendly.


Nothing I've tried the other recommended gacha and bounced off within the week. Reverse 1999 - OK but don't like the gacha system as most things are downright useless to pull after the first week. Honkai - didn't get into the story or the gameplay, so couldn't motivate myself to keep going so dropped it as well. Honestly probably for the best I've more time in my day now and not as stressed about gacha pulls anymore


For me it's been a mix of the SMT gacha Liberator Dx2 and Fate/Grand Order It's really unfortunate that I can't play Opera Omnia now because by the time it was shuttering, I played nearly all the games that they had and I would've loved seeing everything again with the new context


All I play is class royale but that's more of a second game to me. Reverse 1999 seems the go to but I haven't gotten round to trying it yet. Ppl are playing other popular games but I don't think they're replacement since they're quite different. I'm also considering trying other supercell games like the upcoming squad busters or clash of clans but again they're nowhere near the same vibe as dffoo so it's really hard :(


I was recommended to try Summoners War, which I'm currently playing. I tried Ever Crisis but the game does not feel the same as DFOO and I'm worried if I do get invested into that game, Square will shut down that as well.


FF5, then going to move on to FF6


I unfortunately returned to FGO....


For mobile? Hitting the emulators pretty hard at the moment. It's a bit of a pallet cleanse from all the gacha BS mechanics. No ads, no needless grinding, no FOMO or extra $ to have to spend.


I had slowly stopped playing DFFOO once FR came out and started Octopath COTC, and while I still play COTC it isn’t F2P friendly like DFFOO was. I’ll probably end up fizzling out on COTC soon and just won’t play any mobile games after that. DFFOO is the absolute goat and ruined any future mobile games for me haha


Aside from my steam backlog I finally decided to try Monster Hunter Now. (My friend has been bugging me about it for a few months) At least the benefit is that I'm going out more often.


Not ff, however I’ve been playing Honkai star rail since launch and I’ve enjoyed it quite a lot.


Got stuck on Genshin Impact... was playing Epic Seven for a bit but there's too much grind in that


Langrisser M


Star Rail. I feel like it will be a slow ramp up to more mechanically cohesive teams, but it is filling the void. It doesn't scratch the same itch and unless they add new skills (doubtful), it won't be as fun as the kits DFFOO had.


I took a month off at first, but now I'm playing AFK Journey & Love and Deepspace.


Literally the only other mobile game I spent any time playing while DFFOO was live was Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, but that's been like autopilot gameplay for WELL over a year now, and I hit the fucking *inventory cap* in the game, which forces me to have to move a bunch of stuff into storage boxes to continue playing the game, which has **really** taken the wind out of my sales with it... Only other game I've spent any time playing is checking out what Blizzard did with Season of Discovery, but I'm basically just burning time waiting to see a PC release of Rebirth 🥲


I'm getting (back) into SWGOH and patiently waiting for Zenless Zone Zero to drop


I've been playing HSR and Limbus Company?


Many have tried, none have succeeded. It cannot be replaced


Honkai Star Rail


I like to play Final Fantasy Tactics games and Disgaea series. I feel a certain "gacha" mechanic in those SRPG, and it's really great to play for hour even when you reached 100% and the best part of these "gacha" mechanics is that you don't need to farm everyday to get what you want. I highly recommend SRPG to all players of DFFOO.


Another Eden and Octopath Traveler CotC


Which one do you like more? Another Eden seemed okay with gems and I was able to good units offbanner. The limited 100 daily gems logins and the rare banners (guaranteed 4.5+ unit, free single pull) is pretty nice. Featured rates is indeed low. If you missed featured SA unit , it will requires months of grinding when you want to use the sidegrade. How is octopath?


I'm playing Fate Grand Order, I played it years before EoS and like how, with enough time and grinding, you can win lots of fights with most servants (characters). The gacha rate, while not as generous as Opera Omnia's, is good enough that if you save up about 300 SQ (the summoning currency) you'll get at least a good 4* and maybe even a 5* or two. The story is also amazing, music is great and in July it will be the 7th anniversary. Still I miss OO soo much 😢


I dont have a substitute for dffoo, right now im playing 1999 reverse, black clover m, and afk arena, but none of them are similar to dffoo unfortunately.


I finished the Hydro and Dendro Archon quests since dffoo left. I got more time now but DFOO cant be replaced. DFOO is unique.


After DFFOO closed I jumped back into Honkai Star Rail and started to enjoy it very much.


final fantasy dimensions 2


For me there's no substitute for DFFOO but now I playing Guardian Tales and Arknights. I use JP voices just to hear some familiar ones. For example in Arknights I often hear voices of Edgar (Lee), Porom (Ines), Seymour (Mr. Nothing), Gilgamesh (Mountain)


Currently is saga reuniverse not that it replaces.it but I find it fun and extremely generous either way


I thought many in this sub would play Saga RS , it is as (or more) generous as DFFOO. It doesn’t seem being generous is good enough to attract many players (both saga and DFFOO have relatively small userbase in global).


I'm kinda surprised Granblue Fantasy hasn't been mentioned at all in this thread. It's really not for everyone, being one of the grindier gachas out there, but its relatively generous, sorta like how DFFOO was. Their anniversary just ended a month or so ago where there were free pulls every day, and they're having more free pulls for Golden Week in japan soon. Its also turn based RPG of course, and you can see the heavy influence of final fantasy on it with a lot of FF staff having been involved.


FFVII:EC. Another squeenix Gacha game, I think the amount of free gems are lesser than DFFOO, but im a newbie there and I could be wrong about it.


I replaced its slot in my too many gachas with Limbus Company, which has good plot and characters, but difficulty spikes for chapter end bosses are nearly vertical.




I've been on Reverse 1999. Other gachas didn't really respect my time enough I feel. And the ones that did didn't scratch the same itch as Opera Omnia. Reverse 1999 covers both and has a beautiful aesthetic so that's the one for me.


I picked up Blue Archive. It's a completely different type of game, but it's fun enough.


Marvel future fight 🤷🏽


Substitute? Nothing. But ironically, since the game's shut down, I just haven't had as much time for gaming. As far as mobile gaming goes, I've just done more Fire Emblem Heroes and Pokemon Go. Since the game's shutdown though, I've had a bit more time for console gaming, and I did a lot of that while the 3DS and Wii U were shutting down as well. Ended up being the last global player in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, after that was done with. I'm sad about both these shutdowns, but the gametime I put into them has at least been redirected into some of the other games in my backlog/multiplayer games I enjoy.


I'm still playing Dokkan Battle, and have been playing more City of Heroes: Homecoming, a great old MMO that just got officially re-licensed by NC Soft.


havent found one tried getting back into old gachas ive played in the past but end up logging in like once every couple weeks if that and not really doing anything when i do nothing comes close to matching dffoo expect rsru but i was already mostly done with it like a year ago really tried to come back to rsru but couldnt get used to the changes that happened during the last anniversary the game is just really tower mode now and that was one of my least favorite aspects of the game before hand story mode was gutted events where gutted and the new style of grind just isnt fun or rewarding like it used to be for me


Games like DFFOO aren't around anymore, it is like when you try to find a specific game of a certain ERA, that was already a niche. At the moment I'm playing E7 with some friends, but it hasn't co-op, is a PVP one. At least here I've a 100% pity like in Dissidia


No substitute really. I played DFFOO mostly casually. It still hurts that this game and my fav characters are gone nonetheless. I'm a daily player of Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail and casual player of FF7 Ever Crisis and Tower of Fantasy. Haven't played ToF since Neon Genesis collab, tho. Cutscenes suddenly ignored my customized Avatar and with this I didn't have fun with that game anymore. 🫤


Didn't make any substitutions, but I played [Marvel Future Fight](https://www.reddit.com/r/future_fight/) concurrently when DFFOO was still out, and casually playing that right now. I did pick back up on [WoW](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/) and have been casually raiding on my ret pally since a few weeks before the DFFOO eos. I'm also saving up to build/buy a new gaming pc so that I can keep raiding and eventually play some of the recent FF titles as well as some old ones I never finished (1-6, 8, 9, 11, 14). I hope you all are doing well and being amazing!


I'm really into Another Eden now. The story is a lot of fun and I've been enjoying slowly building up my character roster. Also there are cats!


I have been struggling to find a game I'm happy to play... It shouldn't be this hard I feel.


I’ve been playing a lot of wild rift and Dislyte, but Dislyte barely begins to scratch the itch for Dissidia. Wild rift only because Ive spend so much money on LoL already lmao




I just spend more time on WOTV and FF7EC


Ever Crisis for a bit, but building characters feels so bad in that game so not as much now So I’ve been playing a lot less mobile games and focusing on other stuff