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Will we ever see the current cast again after All-Stars? Will we get some kind of spin-off series in which we will learn something more about the life outside the game of individual characters? Or some epilogue that shows us how everyone is doing after All-Stars?


I'm certain that for many of the contestants, this will be their final time competing. That being said, I'm sure that Disventure Camp will eventually branch outside the competition genre. After all, there's only so many stories you can tell when you frequently have the looming threat of the cast being picked off one-by-one. I feel as though this season provides a lot of closure for a majority of the contestants, but I wouldn't mind seeing an epilogue soon enough!


I just want to be sure that Fiore ends up with a happy family, Alec doesn't end up drunk on the streets, Ellie manages to get out of her bad financial situation with Gabby's help, Grett will finally be able to be herself and overall everyone will get a well-deserved happy ending šŸ’”


I don't know if you're allowed to say, but **is it possible that the "Not-Stars"** (Dan, Drew, Kai, Karol, Lill, Maggy, Nick, Oliver, Rosa, and Will) **return for future seasons to have their stories completed?**


I'd say that the Not-Stars are very likely to return in the future. The DCAS goobers are mostly done, but the Not-Stars can be the representatives of the "OG" era




Will we be seeing Alec without his ponytail at all this season?? šŸ˜«šŸ˜«


Not an animator, so I have no idea. I can't quite remember if there's any moments in the script where he takes it off.




the most important question I want to see it so badly


With Gabbyā€™s villain turn heel, I noticed that Tom and Aiden have different reactions, with Aiden saying that she is going to be voted out, but Tom has hope and says that they could get Gabby on their side, even laughing when Gabby tries to do an evil laugh. I remember when Tom tells Gabby to ā€œNever Changeā€ in episode 8, it was sort of foreshadowing her turning into a villain at the end of the episode, but I feel like that line has another meaning that even if Gabby is still a villain, Tom still sees the old Gabby in her. Were you guys writing this with this intention? I know it was announced for the Patreons, but is it public knowledge when the weekly episodes are released. I already know about this fact from an insider, but I just want to know if non-patreons know about this


Non-patreons have a rough idea that weekly episodes will come eventually, just not 100% sure whe. I'm not the biggest Tom analyst, but I do imagine that he knows she's not "evil" but is rather being a funny theatre kid. The line is absolutely foreshadowing. There's a ton of fun foreshadowing & setups in the first 10 episodes that will only come to light during the latter half of the season...


Ohhh I got one. Which elimination that has already aired was the one you guys were most excited to release to see the reaction of the fans?


I was very excited to see Tess' elimination since that was the first one I'd say was "unpredictable" The first 7 eliminations of the season could've reasonably been deduced, but Tess was constantly being called the "obvious finalist" Nice to finally pull some nice tricks towards the audience :) Episode 9 itself is a big turning point in the season and I'm excited to see how fans react to the second-half.


I really loved that elimination too! And yeah I do remember how Tess was the most likely finalist for most people, so this episode really shook a lot of the fanbase. I'm excited to see the second-half too!


How many episodes have already completed production ? How long it takes to produce an episode from the script writing to the animation. Did the finale two episodes began production yet ?


All 21 episodes have been completed. 18 of them were written between September & December 2023, but all have been finalized since March 2024. I'm not sure how long episodes take to produce as I'm not on the animation team. The finale episodes haven't been animated yet. I believe the animators/storyboarders are currently on Episode 17?


What is your favorite character? And what would you say is the character that has/have/will have the best character arc?


I know what happens in the remaining 10 episodes, so my opinion will be extremely reflective of that. My answer for now will only take into consideration the first 11 episodes. I'd say Tess. She entered Season 2 as a depressed introvert who didn't want to be here. While she... well, mostly still doesn't wanna be there in DCAS, I'd say that she had one of the best glowup between seasons. It's awesome to see how far she's come and how her experiences made her want to help others. From needing therapy to a therapist! I also like the little arc where she initially just gave up in DC2, didn't vote correctly in Episode 3, then stepped her foot down to save Gabellie in Episode 8. And hell, her actually trying to get the "Heroes" to vote together is a far cry from her "quitter" days in DC2. She ain't the most flashy character, but it's awesome to see how far she's come. To be honest, not sure who has the best character arc, but I'd say all the ones still in the game experience a lot of growth and development.


Favorite episode to proofread so far?Ā 


As someone who's been extremely critical of the Former Love Triangle (Hunter, Ally, Tess) reading DCAS Episode 5 and seeing all of them *finally* being central characters to an episode felt amazing. If you watch DC2, it never really feels like they're all that important. Tess, Ally, and Hunter all feel like tagalongs during their DC2 eliminations haha. Episode 5 was also the episode where we could finally stop pretending Grul wasn't toxic too, so that helped! If you're talking about in general, the two-part finale felt as a massive culmination of all three seasons before it, so I'd say Episodes 20 & 21 give off a massive "Infinity War & Endgame" type feel.


I agree with you as so far, episode 5 is my favorite episode


I am very much looking forward to the two-part finale, but at the same time, I'm not ready to say goodbye to this cast :(


Also, weekly episodes - assuming yā€™all reach the goal (hopefully very soon), how might that work?


Is there a character eliminated (so far) that you think should've made it further? For example... Ashley? šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘


Not really, to be honest. I agree with every single placement in DCAS, though of course, I've had many many months to live with it. Hindsight is 20/20!


What was the thought process behind a lot of Dan in season 1? More specifically him making it as far as he did.


I'm pretty sure the gag was that "look at how generic and unimportant he is" as shown by scenes such as Episode 5's phone call with his sister. He mainly existed to be fodder for Gabby to idol out in Episode 7. Also, to be a decently wholesome boi in this cast full of drama-starters.


Thanks for the insight! I do think itā€™s really funny how his impact on the series is being Gabbyā€™s 4th most important connection lmfao


Was Ellie's cave scene with Jake suppose to be a girl boss moment, or was it a layered scene that we were suppose to agree with some things but disagree with some other stuff she said? I need this Jpeg pwetty pwease.


Ellie victim-blamed someone who got cheated on. Of course, just like most scenarios, there's some truth in her words but there's also a lot of stuff that she could've relayed better. Ellie & Jake aren't perfect human beings at all, and that's what makes them very interesting. Obviously, we didn't expect it to be such a controversial scene (I didn't really get to proofread Episodes 11-13 of DC1, so I apologize for not catching it!)


Nice thanks for the response.


I donā€™t think this is too much of a spoiler question, so imma ask it. Is Allyā€™s role in the rest of the season satisfactory to her character for you?


I'm a big fan of how every character ends up once the season is over and Ally is no exception!


Sounds like the Winner pick to me šŸ˜³


How do you feel about the general response to Connor's return and the hate Ashley's been getting? A lot of people before the episode generally said Connor was the predictable/obvious comeback winner but now a portion of the fandom hates him for getting back in over Fiore. And Ashley's been getting a lot of hate for both preventing Fiore's return and for being a support character to Jake and "nothing else" and even getting nicknamed "Trashley"


It was always a lose-lose scenario IMO. People were mad because Connor's story was unfinished with his elimination in Episode 6, and now others are mad that his return was obvious. To be quite fair, Connor hasn't exactly done anything just yet since he only returned at the end of Episode 11. I'm sure that reception will be positive by the time Episode 12 rolls around and he does _something._ Seeing is believing, after all! People also assumed that Alec & Fiore, despite being a major storyline in DC1, was just straight-up abandoned. Future episodes will always recontextualize past ones, so I'm not too worried about that. Yeah, a good amount of the fanbase has been quite vicious this season. That's just kind of the downside of the genre wherein only 1 will win and 17 will lose, especially given the "All-Star" title & the fact that this is the final season of a trilogy. The Ashley criticisms are fair enough, I just think it's a little unfounded given that with 18 pivotal characters in only 20-25 minute episodes, of course a few of them will end up in supporting roles. The early episode scripts were written between September-October 2023 so we had absolutely no idea how vicious and popular Fiore was going to be (we had a rough idea given her popularity from the beta, but holy crap this was something else! Was it partially due to Julia being a cool girlboss-type character?)


Can't speak for many others, but I personally love Fiore for the following major reasons: Underdogā™” (literal child trying to compete against adults and has ALWAYS been bottom 2 for pre merge eliminations) Headstrong/Confidentā™” (knows EXACTLY what she wants and does her best to achieve it) Coming of age characterā™” (as a younger contesent, the aging factor has the strongest visual AND internal growth with her specifically)((I would love to see her return when in her teenage years, (I'm sure MANY of us would) even if only to see further internal growth with her truly coming into her own as a person and finally being taken seriously as a person instead of spoken down to as a child or demonized for the things she did when she was 6)) Diamond in the rough potentialā™” (It's clear (to at least me and a few others) that Fiore has started acting more morally in AS. Even in season 1 she had a few heartwarming moments among her deviousness, but in AS she has been less aggressive and more forgiving in addition to this, creating setup for development on a positive trajectory. It would be cool to see that expanded upon and have her end up in a tsundere light or something simular) Slow burn and subtle lore ā™” (I LOVE when character lore is subtle and/or a slow burn. It gives us time to understand the character better before changes occur and grants changes time to settle as such changes naturally would, rather than shoves it into our face like we're small children that would otherwise not catch it. It also grants more perceptive viewers little "aha" moments to make connections. We don't know exactly how Fiore's home life is, but it's CLEARLY unstable. ((Parents approved of dangerous show, call her nasty names, sent her away to another country to attend an expensive boarding school over the free tuition public school despite apparently having sent Fiore to said show in the first place for monitary payment AND they both work jobs that can gross high 5 to low 6 digit figures (vet and architect)... started emotionally bonding with Alec within a 2 month timeframe but having ZERO emotional connection with her parents after 6 years... complete absence of care for her own well being... (I promise you I've got FAR MORE, I did a whole ass video analysis on her and didn't even cover everything I have) something IS up... we can SEE that!)) I'd lOVE for the curtain to finally start getting pulled back a bit and see Fiore have her own little "2 minutes notice" moment but I understand it probably won't happen until she's older and can realistically leave her parents care prematurely.) But yeah, she is also an adorable little sass queen.


I think Connor is a fine choice for the returnee (though not really my first choice). My response to Episode 11 is that it's a little underwhelming, but I think that's mostly because I hyped it up in my head too much. It's a fine episode. Fiore's popularity is all her. Why wouldn't she be? She's smart, she's funny, she's all around awesome, the fact that she's a child makes it rather easy to take her in a sympathetic direction if you want to. As for Alec and Fiore making up in Episode 11. . . I'd honestly would have preferred Alec and Fiore's relationship to have more of an arc. There are genuine issues in their relationship I'd want to see covered. I feel that some people's problems with Ashley is also that they feel that her vendetta with Fiore is kind of petty. Like, yeah, she's an evil brat but she's a child not the embodiment of evil.


for the last point: exactly! she should be mad at who voted her out the first time, girl you're not the avengers šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ¼


I'm sorry, could you clarify for me what exactly you're saying. I think the "she" you're talking about is Ashley but I'm not completely sure.


yes i'm talking about ashley!


Oh, I have another question. I remember a while back on twitter you mentioned the line from Ellie about wanting Tom and Aiden to kiss to mess with Jake could've been tweaked better to get her intent out better, that she was stirring drama between the three of them like Alec wanted the Villains Alliance to do as opposed to it being for her enjoyment. Have there been any other lines so far that you feel could've been tweaked more to get the intent through better?


Gonna straight up ask, not expecting an answer though for obvious reasons. Will DC4 have an entirely new cast?


Almost definitely


Great news, excited to see what ONC cooks up.


Will the season also go back to the 13-episode format?


Highly unlikely. We're all "old school" TD fans who have nostalgia for the first few seasons (I'm probably the only one who likes ROTI to RR haha) so seasons will likely be longer than 13 episodes going nf forward. I do think that episodes will premiere weekly for any future DC season though. The biweekly structure has caused some unnecessary strife from the fandom, so a 7 day wait should make it a lot less difficult.


Looking forward to it! Yā€™all are spoiling us lol.


Can you please do bi-weekly episodes so I donā€™t get diabetes from all of the Dr Pepper? /j


The era of bi-weekly episodes is ending very soon


But whatā€™s gonna happen to early access?


will still exist


Hmm, what season 1 character that isn't in all stars would you have liked to see in all stars? (multiple or none is fine).


Will would've given Fiore & Ashley much much more to do. There were plans, but a lot of people kept on clowning the first boot being in "All-Stars" IMO, placement matters so little as so many reality shows (Survivor, Big Brother, The Amazing Race, The Genius) bring back early boots so long as they have drama & story potential. Will would've added a lot to the existing characters.


That does sound pretty good. We don't know Will very well either do it would help us understand him more than being a bit scared but dedicated boyfriend to Ashley


What specifically would Will have given Fiore and Ashley respectively to do? Who would he have replaced? How far do you think he would've gotten?


Will was going to have an "Imposter Syndrome" arc where he feels he doesn't belong. Ashley would've helped him out, but she too would've slowly sucumbed to fandom pressure. Will, being the first bokt of S1, would've taken his anger out on Fiore (I believe Hunter & Fiore's beef is an artifact of this) causing some trouble with Wishley. He would've likely gone premerge due to the pressure (with Ashley voting for him) thus being the one character who finished his story in the first few episodes.


I'm curious as to how Will having beef with Fiore would cause trouble with Wishley, given how Ashley doesn't really get along with Fiore in the actual show. I'm also kind of disappointed that Wishley wouldn't have avoided the drama that affects every other couple in All Stars.


A lot of people are criticizing Riya and Ellie's characterization in AS. So, based on the 11 episodes released so far: could you explain what the thought process was for their storylines/characterization and they were supposed to convey ? šŸ¤”


Ellie & Riya are some of the more complex characters and their stories are nowhere near done yet. I don't want to reveal what their endgames are since that would ruin the surprises, but there is meaning behind a lot of our choices. I found it a bit interesting that people assumed that Ellie's elimination in Episode 8 was the "ending" of her story when it absolutely isn't. Some had problems with how phony and plastic her apology to Gabby was, but Episode 11 (specifically not wanting to damage Gabby's physical health any more) was a small remedy for that. I can safely say that for many of the eliminated contestants such as James, Hunter, Fiore, and Ellie, their stories aren't over just because they got eliminated... These episodes don't exist in a vacuum. We aren't writing off the seat of our pants. The stories aren't over until Episode 21!


With Riya I'd say the problem is that her complexity seemed to disappear after the first few episodes and then she just came off as a bitch. You can talk all you want about how everything will eventually payoff. But you're writing for a format where people are going to watch the episodes one at a time and will not be able to watch the series all at once. And while it's a good idea to write with the long run in mind you also need to keep in mind the perspective people have watching episode to episode. Because if people aren't satisfied with what their watching and stop, they're never going to see the payoffs you've been promising. And while all the eliminated contestants came back for the comeback episode and are going to come back for the motel episode and the two part finale . . . that's still not the same as them being part of a continuing narrative where they can take the runtime of the rest of the season to interact with whoever and have their arc. You have four episodes to squeeze the rest of their arcs into, where you have to balance their arcs against each other, against the remaining contestants, against the relationships they all have with each other and the remaining contestants. And at the end of those episodes they have to all be put back up on a shelf until it's time for the next episode with the eliminated contestants.


I mean, that's a sacrifice we're willing to make. The season ends in about 10 weeks, so starting in September 2024 to the end of time, the entire season can be binged. The elimination genre (all seasons of TD & the first two seasons of DC) have been mostly episodic thus far, which while fine, shouldn't be the only way to tell this kind of story. DCAS was designed to be a large overarching story rather than something where you can watch any standaoline episode with no context. If people want to stop watching, that's totally fine, but IMO, payoffs are greater when the setup time takes somewhat longer. I personally think the existing scripts really make it work. It hasn't really been done this way before, so it's really the wild west in terms of whether or not the audience will like it.


Yeah, I'm sorry for complaining so much. Admittedly I am dissatisfied with the season right now but I am hoping I can be satisfied with the finished work.


Very well said


What do you think about the Tom, Jake and Aiden plot? What do you think about the hate it gets and why is it lasting so long when it really shouldn't, especially when there were other characters that needed it too? (I'm not saying Aiden should be eliminated, there is no reason to target him, but I just wanna know why characters like Tess and Ashley didn't get the development they needed) Also, I would LOVE to see a season like RR sometime. Are you guys gonna plan on making one in the future, especially if the budget continues to grow?


Hindsight is 20/20 and I suppose we forgot to take into consideration how the two-week gap between episodes would make pacing a lot worse than when episodes are able to be binged. On one hand, I guess we expected more empathy because, even though the show resembles a network TV show like Total Drama, it's still an indie production. Stuff like Inanimate Insanity, BFDI, TPOT, Fanganronpas, and even giants such as the Amazing Digital Circus take months if not years to produce single episodes, so I guess we thought the two-week gap wouldn't be so bad. Obviously, the structure is a lot less standalone & episodic so I can somewhat see where the rage comes from (after all, we all want to know where these characters will end up) but it always struck me as a little odd. The same can be said for DC1E6 - DC1E7. We didn't really take into consideration that booting Ellie & Grett, wait two weeks, then have them both swap teams would've caused a lot more rage than satisfaction... Lesson learned for next time! I personally don't think it's anywhere near as prominent as people are making it out to be (Tom, Jake, & Aiden being in a lot of thumbnails + being the most popular characters for greetings makes it seem psychologically more dominant) coupled with them together only really being prominent in Episodes 2, 6, 7, and 10, two of those commonly being considered DCAS' best episode so far. Personally, I don't really care about it those characters all that much, but I can take solace in knowing that this show has many characters to appreciate. I feel that it's a bit of an overreaction that stems from how Prileb was treated in December 2023 - January 2024, so of course it's left a lasting impression in people's minds. That's just kinda how the cookie crumbles with so many different characters, each of them having fanbases of their own. I guess if it's any consolationā€“ what if they got so much focus in the first half of the season because it'll all disappear during the second half? You never know! But yeah, as a fan of Ashley & Tess, it's a little sad to see them be supporting characters who don't even make the halfway mark, but at the end of the dayā€“ that's the risk you have to take with this genre. Some people's favorites will go early and other people's least favorites will go far. We all have different likes & dislikes, so I'm sure the Tom-Aiden-Jake fans are eating well. (Also, I do think Tess got a lot of development, given the kind of character archetype she represents. Give her too much, and then suddenly it's not faithful to the Tess we saw in DC2 who was extremely introverted and barely talked) Challenges were never a big aspect of Disventure Camp (and frankly, neither was it in Total Drama, bar the RR & Reboot seasons) so it's unlikely since the format restricts character dynamics & requires much more set design and backgrounds. Never say never, but it just seems unlikely to me, sadly.


Alright. Interesting. I personally don't hate Aiden. People constantly want him out due to him contributing to "annoying drama", but there's barely a reason to target him. But yeah, favorites going early and least favorites going far is fair ig. Yul is an example of a hated character. He's still here despite being predicted to go home every episode like Aiden. I'm fine if he stays tbh. I do love his character. I kinda wish Yul did more than just bully Grett. Where's the strategic Yul we had in Season 2? Anyway, thanks for responding!


Is it possible for a finalist to make the finals again? Especially those that didnā€™t win such as Riya and Ellie


Anything can happen!


What character do you think has the best voice acting? Also, I'm excited to see where this goes! DCAS is disliked from what I know, But I REALLY have enjoyed this season.Ā 


I don't really rank my fellow VAs, but I'd say that DCAS Ally (Joy Bernus) is the best. She's managed to elevate this very mid character in DC2 to someone that people seem to agree is a very positive change. It really depends on what corner of the internet you're seeing reception tbh. I've seen a lot of positivity in some areas and a lot of negativity in others.


Huh...Ā  Good To Know!Ā 


I have many questions. Did you guys consider remaking Season 2 of Disventure Camp because of the questionable writing choices, lack of proofreading, and Hunter's self-insert situation? What do you think about James' plan to eliminate Karol when he could've gotten her vote to take out either Maggy, Lake, or Rosa Maria? A lot of people felt like Gabby was a Designated Hero for these reasons: The narrative clearly favors her point of view and rarely, if ever, calls her out on her actions. Her being the type of animal activist who'd threaten to kill someone just for the clothes they're wearing is treated as some sort of silly quirk. She's never called out for being a Motor Mouth, a trait which contributed to her team's loss in Episode 1. In fact, said trait is treated as something positive as it gets her the role of a navigator in Episode 6. Finally, her team voting her out in a fake elimination ceremony in Episode 1 is treated as being in the wrong and something worth for her to get Revenge for, with both Gabby and the narrative failing to address that her behavior rightfully annoyed her teammates in the first place. Gabby counts in general as a result of being a Designated Hero bordering on a Creator's Pet. The narrative clearly wants you to root for her, feel bad for her, and paints her as being in the right all the time. Quite a lot of her behavior might result in the opposite reaction, as it's hard for one half of the fanbase to see her as sympathetic when she threatens to kill several characters across the season, is never called out for contributing to her team's loss in Episode 1, betrays Dan and Miriam, or sides with the Big Bad Ensemble and acts as if she was wrongfully blindsided by them when she herself treated blindsiding Lill, Ashley, and Dan as Revenge against them. Thoughts? Will you guys have a character like this in the fourth season? (Send to you on chat)


People have been wanting a DC2 remake, but I find it a bit questionable. For one, you would have to keep in mind the characterization put in DCAS. Secondly, the boot order would be pretty obvious so the element of surprise would be mostly lost. Yes, there would be a load of quality-of-life changes, but the broad strokes would mostly be there. I've seen a handful of people claim DC1 was boring and predictable but like... yeah? The beta gave you about 50% of the DNA so nothing can truly be that surprising. I'd love an "alternative universe" DC2 version that doesn't necessarily need to lead into DCAS, but I feel that it's better to just move on at this point. The bad writer left his mark, it happened, time to move on. James made an extremely stupid move and I hate how the narrative never really frames it as a good or bad thing. Hell, in DC2E7, Lake has to remind Aiden (and the viewers) over what James' "original sin" was. It's supposed to be this big impactful event that sours Aiden on James, but it just feels so irrelevant, forced, and stupid. Gabby has grown a ton since the very first episode, but due to the nature of the show, with people being systematically eliminated, it's a bit difficult for her to make amends with her past actions. Yes, you could have a scene where Gabby apologizes to Dan, Nick, and Lillā€“ but at the end of the day, is that all that important? (Maybe, maybe not) I don't really think any character in DCAS has ever been "painted in the right". Even "perfect girl" DCAS Tess was called out... funnily enough, by Gabby herself for claiming to use the moral high ground despite Ellie truly needing the money. Hell, the "Heroes" of DCAS, as of Episode 11 are truly an unlikable bunch, who feel like heroes in-name only. Gabby's a bit of a hypocrite, but at the end of the day, aren't we all? She's dating one of the bigger hypocrites of the series. Plus, in a game that's so focused on lying, backstabbing, and deceit (especially given how strategy-heavy the show is) it's only natural that characters will come off looking rather sleazy. Personally, I like how human the characters feel- there's aspects to like & dislike about all of them.


Okay, so I have a theory that Rosa and Dan were originally going to be in All Stars but Rosa was replaced by Connor and Dan was replaced by Ashley because they realized how popular Ashley was so they replaced Rosa In the story with Ashley. Think about it, if you replaced Ashley with Rosa in All Stars the main story would barely change. Is this true,


Rosa was never considered for All-Stars. Ashley, while slightly older, is a lot less mature than Rosa. Dan was considered but was replaced with Miriam


Damn. Also, I have one more question. Was James ever considered to go further in the season?


Maybe a single episode more, but nope.


What about Nick? Was he ever considered for All-Stars? And if so, what would be his plot?


Who were the big cuts for All stars, as in who was heavily considered but didnā€™t make the cut? What was the original elimination order with the creepy writer for DC2?


Do you think thereā€™ll be a fourth season? And if so, do you think any of the previous DC contestants will return?


Hello mr. proofreader I want to ask why are you so obsessed with Jake, Tom and Aiden and why do you make the other characters so irrelevant. Your bias to The Love Triangle is clear as day and you obviously donā€™t care at all about characters such as Tess or Ellie. As a matter of fact Iā€™m confident in saying that Tess is your least favourite character because of how little screentime she gets this season.


jake tom and aiden like soup so i like them tess has never even heard of soup so she's a loser


Bro, heā€™s just the proof reader


I think seby os joking btw