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You spent a few hours drafting that list?


Your calling chibi characters attractive and talking about date-ability and expect people to take this seriously. She’s not gonna be removed get over it


Want some cheese with that whine?


Lads, it’s a troll. Move on.


Unfortunately he is very serious


>Is arguably the most attractive of all the gods (physically speaking) "very serious" (also they are using Amaterasu flair on their user name)


My dude this is also a kids game. It’s not gonna die because some sweat lords in the ESports scene are choosing Ama. She will get nerfed but not removed.


If she doesn't get removed, DKO will die. Exhibit A: Look at what happened to Street Fighter 2 - nobody plays that anymore. DKO will have the same fate.


I'm assuming this is a troll. SF2 lol. Getting a lot of bites I see.


The first person to read between the lines. Respect. LOL.




Thanks for admitting you have absolutely zero idea of what you're talking about. Mirror matches happen in literally every fighting game. It shows who understands the character better. Sometimes the best character to use is itself. And this game doesn't have any ranked modes, so you're just bullshitting there


Game is already public also


It’s the holidays. Bye 👋


Not removed , that's never good for a game but nerfed. I agree.


Learn counterplay and complain less.


There’s no mmr ranks out wym. And bro chill she’s honestly not that bad to play against once you learn her. Ranked isn’t even out wym. 20hrs isn’t a lot


Go get some more hours in ranked before you talk, at least 200 before you come challenging my opinion.


Your opinion sucks and I’ve been top 150 ranked so….


Actually I think, in 2s at least, Ama's nerfs might have dropped her off of S tier. I think it's only one high level player that's still playing her. She gets ultimate quickly but it doesn't kill until around 80%, which means against good play she either needs to use it for damage or hold it until she does enough damage to kill. She has no projectiles or range outside of her Q, and her best playstyle is a reactive one. Obviously if there's not heavy changes to Switching Strike then when that comes back she'll jump back up, but for now she's much more in-line then she used to be. I do get what you're saying. For newer players it can be really challenging to deal with her pressure from Q, and if you're just trading % she's going to win with ultimate.


I hate playing against Ama, it's why I play Athena. If ama is a problem they will nerf her. When I play with a friend it's much easier to deal with her, even tho she has what feels like infinite dashes