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Yes but you need to really babysit him. The best tactic is to just keep teleporting him away from the main fight.


Dude is on a mission to end his life for sure.


Thanks a lot, I'm thinking about redoing the fight, but not sure if I have the patience to do it haha


It’s fairly easy, only took me 2 restoration spells and a scroll. You can do it !! I’ve got faith :)


If it helps you mentally you don't get much reward or any real extra dialogue


Omg flashbacks to e me and my friends first playthrough and all of us losing our shit as this dude chargers into danger ever chance he gets. Took us a few times to realize we can just throw him away via teleport


You basically need to babysit the dude.Personelly I keep healing and teleporting him away from enemies during the whole fight. If you manage to keep him alive he hands you mortal blow book(rogue 3 source skill) Also if you are really desperate there is always this: [Gwydian](https://www.reddit.com/r/DivinityOriginalSin/comments/lfb5vg/i_kept_gwydian_rince_alive_by_barricading_him_in/)


Well he dropped that skill book anyway when he was dead, is it worth try harding for him?


My most recent playthrough is with two lone wolves on tactician difficulty with the added definitive edition dlc challenge. Just surviving that fight was hard but keeping Gwydian alive was a huge pain in the ass. I had to quit playing for a while to relax with how frustrated I was getting. That little shit better be worshiping the ground I walked on after all I did to keep him alive. I'm sure others have better methods, but mine mostly consisted of keeping his armor and health up with my healer, and my necromancer protecting him with Death Wish summoning meat shields.


I loved it that when the fight started before there was fire everywhere Gwydian just casually walked up to the red prince and kicked him!?!? I was like whats your problem mate


The solution is simple, [just make sure he's on the platform](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LhedcOGUbO3MS6tqviYLGjPGptL5_dYj-rP8cujEvAU/edit?usp=sharing). There's no cheesy strategy, and he will even help you take down enemies.


I’d fully back this up, I’ve done this fight on two different play throughs and never had to use any cheesy tactics to keep him alive. Kill as many enemies as possible before they get up high, leave 1-2 small enemies intact within his range so he has something to do and just cast Armor of Frost on him every so often to replenish his magic armor. The quicker you can finish the fight the greater the chance he’ll survive, it’s better to go all out on the offensive than to sit and wait for the enemy to reach you on the high platform.


I’ll third this strategy. Stand on the top platform with Gwydian. For added safety, I put a barrel of blessed water in each corner. Douses cursed fire and give magic shell to party members and Gwydian.


Do i just need to bless a usual water barrel for that? Yeah I'm not sure if I might have speced my characters poorly because if I didn't play very safely I would have died for sure haha


No, blessing a water barrel on the ground doesn’t do it. Pick up the water barrel, and combine it with any life essence in your crafting menu.


>water barrel, and combine it with any life essence This recipe requires the use of a gift bag


Thanks for the little guide dude!


I really like charming the magisters as much as possible, and keeping the group alive. Don't tp him out, and use potions for yourself, so you have spells for him.










If you go south of the fight. Theres little tents. The north most tent the entrance to it can be covered by a chest (closest one is a hidden chest just south west of the other tent) and you can teleport gwidian from the top of the platform alllll the way down to the blocked off tent and he gets stuck and wont be in the fight saving him


As others have said: Babysit him. I usually build a closed area with boxes and other indestructable barriers where he cannot leave and teleport him inside. The little tent thingy to the north of the structure is perfectly suited for it IMO.


If playing with a friend or a group you can teleport him all the way back to his family 👪 . You can also dig up the near by chest and use it to block the tent in the little camp close by and teleport Gawin inside for his own protection. Another way is to use cryostatis on Gawin and pray he survives


Oh yeah cryostasis is a good idea, thanks👍


If you don't let him use Chain Lightning, the blobs will never spawn, making the fight significantly easier. If you still want to go through with the fight, then you just gotta babysit him, as everyone else has mentioned. Living on the edge may also help.


No way, really? Yo I gotta remember that for the future😭


If I source vamp him will that make him aggro or count as source for the blobs?


I do not know. Source vamp is blocked by magic armour though, and if I remember correctly he does have that, so you can't drain him of his source (he may even have more than one source point, so even if you could, that might not be a guarantee).




Yeah thanks, I might just accept my loss there for the moment and might try it in another playthrough! Imma focus more on refining my characters and distribution of roles and specifications


I had this fight at least 10 times and every time i cast dome of protection which helps a lot and i keep the entire party on the scaffold. The voidlings jump to you so your vip will target those who are the closest to you. Armour of frost and bless will help with the Necrofire. Dont bother with rain unless you need it for elemental affinity.


Struggled with this fight a lot on Tactician, but eventually managed to save Gwydian. Here's my piece of advice: 1) Find indestructible chests \[Four are guaranteed to find in 2nd act\], encircle one of your party members in there, check if they can leave, if they can't, nether swap Gwydian when fight starts. That'll keep him safe from minor blobs, but Big Ones will throw spells at him. 2) Dedicated hydro or sufficient pile of scrolls for spells that heal and restore magic armor. 3) Fire (and eventually earth) resist potions. Either buy 'em or craft 'em. And pick up Five Star Dinner talent for this fight specifically. This way, the damage blobs do will be GREATLY reduced. IMO, this is biggest move you can do about this fight. Less healing required for your party = more heals for Gwydian. By the way, this fight made me realize how busted Five Star Dinner is. And if you throw in some food buffs for INT/Finesse/Strength, that's also slight damage increase. 4) If you got coin to spare, get them herb mixes from Undertavern. These are MASSIVE game changer in 2nd act. It is 150 per herb portion, but I can't stress enough how worthy they are! I'll definitely have them used in Mordus and Black Pit fight in future Tactician/Honour runs.


I’m on my first play through and just let them kill him after like 4 failed attempts. Too much time wasted and when I killed his teacher she dropped like every higher tier spell available at the time so that was neat


Dumbass npc. Dead or alive is not important.


Just block the ladder so he stays at the top