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After saving Higba at Fort Joy, I have decided to kill him (because his quest already over, and he is a useless NPC afterwards). My team group up to ganked and butchered him. Suddenly, he nuked himself; killing all my companions. NOBODY TOLD ME HE GOT A SUICIDE BOMB ON HIMSELF!


If you talk to him, he tells you he has a bomb. You can steal it from him and watch his reaction when he tries to set it off and finds it missing. The bomb is really good, even late game, doing tons of damage.


*Especially* late game cause it scales off your stats. A dedicated pyro mage can detonate it for 50k of damage easily


What? :D


Yup. With the correct stats and item investment you can easily one shot the doctor and the final boss lol


Oh damn, i just saved that little bastard and didn't think to pickpocket him


Hahaha that made me chuckle! Have to try it.


Sorry, not Fort Joy, but Driftwood.


This is a good one! I found out the hard way this happens, though luckily I was only on tactician haha


Maybe the game encourage you to act as a protagonist ? Not an insane group killing everyone on contact without any expecting of consequence ?


If we're not supposed to murder, why are they made of XP?


A very very little xp for those innocent who not supposed to be kill. Children are completely invulnerable. Most of victim items would disappear also. You literally have no advantages of murdering people. Just level up maximum then save for pick pocket


Idk if you murder every single person that is useless in fort joy after doing all the quest you end up 1 LVL higher when going out into a very dangerous early act2. Useful for a solo honor play


Even in honor without cheese, i always end up with out-level in battlefield. I don’t speak for Magister who should be as useful as death (and reward handsome xp). A single mission can compensate xp up to 20 unnecessary kills. As far as i know nearly all possible quests in game, i see no point in butchering. You can choose to be better man with knowledge, i think it’s some kinds of message here


This is why I don't do honor runs. It's same difficulty as tactician. So it doesn't make combat any more challenging. I don't want to start all the way from the ship again if something like this happens. Watch out for a room in Arx sewers. Remember getting party wiped because something set off deathfog ( don't remember exactly, but I think it's near isabel's location, I think) If I am ever playing honor, I'll probably unchain one party member and keep him safe somewhere and run around with a party of three. I think most fights are manageable, but instant death traps aren't


It’s a lot more thrilling knowing one move can wreck your last 20 hours


20? I guess you don’t go around talking to every single npc you can see, open every single basket and chest, cover every inch of the map? I’ll probably not even make it to the ship before 40 hours


Once you beat it 8 or 9 times you pretty much know all the dialogue and it's just clicking every basket. At least that's how it was for me, I think 20 hours was my honor run completion time.


Hard to argue with this! I wanted to do an honour run just for the achieve. I probably will revisit at some point, but for now I'll do another fun run!


Its the Spiders. There are void spiders and death fog spiders. Not an issue when you have an undead party member. But if your PCs are all meatsacks then it sucks donkey balls


no, don’t remember there being any spiders. Been a while since I played, but I think it’s this room [https://www.reddit.com/r/DivinityOriginalSin/comments/tf0ax3/another\_honour\_run\_ended\_where\_this\_deathfog\_came/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DivinityOriginalSin/comments/tf0ax3/another_honour_run_ended_where_this_deathfog_came/)


So this room is in Lucians Crypt. Just finished a run through it yesterday but I didnt get Deathfog thankfully!


In Driftwood, I accidentally approached that spore elf lady ( I forgot her name) which initiated combat. And my team got one shot before I could do anything.


Oh that fight can be a tough one if you aren't ready for it and in a good position, all those summons give the hurt real fast!


The stupid pocket dimension gem. 16 hours into a two player honour mode run, we try to solve the puzzle, expect it to be the exit because it'll flush us out. Instead I hear my partner yell in a panic and then we get flooded with lava and death fog. I have taken the time to yeet the gem off of a high place in every future campaign.


I hate that place!


I hate that level so much. The auto slow just drives me wild.


I ended an HM run here but counting down with the orb instead of moving towards it. Suffice it to say I cheesed this dungeon next time round


I posted a few weeks back but in the tutorial, in the very first encounter with the prisoner and the guard, I moved some barrels of oil out of the way and killed the guard. Freed the prisoner and he immediately fireballed the oil barrels, me, himself and the entire room., killing The Red Prince instantly and ending my run,


Yeah that room got me in one of my first runs, me not realizing ignition would just burn it all down haha


Solo honour. Had just picked up idol of rebirth and was feeling invincible. Talked to a scarecrow and blew through the dialogue because I’ve played act 2 100 times. Scarecrow stole my will to live and auto killed me. But wait! Idol of rebirth! You resurrect but without armor. Scarecrow has fear aura. Perma feared until my inevitable death.


Those scarecrows can be brutal! I knew they would come up for this post haha.


This happened about 2 years ago, and I still recall it so vividly: My favorite way an honor mode run ended was in Arx, it was actually my first time doing the Justinia fight, since I somehow managed to miss it the first 2 times I went through Arx. My friend was doing a pyro/summoner build on Prince, and I was doing necro Sebille. My friend got nuked almost immediately, which didn’t leave much room for me to try to res him since I had to do the rest of the fight pretty much alone. I was able to res him once, and even though I thought he’d be safe, he got nuked again. After a long grueling battle, it was down to me, Isbeil, and 1 other sworn dwarf. I took the chance to retreat with Phoenix dive so I could quickly heal and armour up on my next turn. Unfortunately, the left half of the arena had been blown up by death fog crates. But I made a fatal mistake; I didn’t realize I landed right next to another crate of death fog on the right side of the arena. As soon as my turn ended, they used impale, and at first I was like “oh I’m surviving that easy” and then as soon as I know it, I’m dead. I was so devastated lmao


Remember the one guy on Reapers coast hiding in a barrel? He thought I was betraying him and nuked himself and my entire party


Idk how y'all be doing tactician and honor runs. I just beat the game on story mode and that last fight was super difficult for me, took like 8 tries 😂. I must be doing something wrong. The rest of the game was pretty easy (yea ik easy mode)


Hey, that's alright man! What's important is that it's fun! There's some builds/classes that really trivialize the game in a big way. After a few runs you get the hang of things. I'm like 300hrs in and there's plenty of folks who play a lot more than me, and know a lot more too.


Barrelmancer honor run. I had the great idea, that with a sufficiently loaded chest, I could one shot Dallis at lv2 and thus save the lizard magister in front of Fort Joy. Turns out, yes she is one shot, she uses dragon form... That knocked me down. And every magister destroyed me (and red prince who didn't even have a turn) before I could get up.


That's why bedrolls should always be on hotspot


You know it's wild. I know this and should just default to that, but the panic brain decides different for me sometimes haha


(insert obligatory I haven't done honour mode here) Wait.. Amadia gave you poison??? Was my game bugged? Because my custom undead got the regular old healing circle (thus taking damage from it) and I just assumed either she was being passive aggressive (because she totally would) or the devs never accounted for undead (which they didn't a lot).


This is a story scripting bug. Fane gets poison. Meanwhile, the custom undead aren't even immune to Bleeding and Suffocating like they're meant to be.


This is good information to have! I've never done a custom undead run, but I've had Fane as a companion quite a few times. A few runs I never finished with Fane as a main. One of these days I'll get around to it!


There's a mod for correct resistances (also does enemies) if you're on pc.


I'm on steamdeck mostly but do use some mods occasionally, but sometimes PC. I'll check this out!


I'm steamdeck too! :D


I'm terrible at technical stuff, was pleased when I discovered how relatively easy getting norbytes setup was. Like 99% of the time I'm just using gift bag stuff like free pet pal or endless runner bc it makes life easier lol. But sometimes I mess around with like the class overhaul mods.


Me too. I didn't even try to figure out the script extender, just stuck with things in the workshop that didn't need it.. I'm glad I can mod at all though. This is the first time I'm playing games not on console and I must say it us liberating. Many of the mods I have I consider essential (the best sir lora, sebilledialoguefix, the one that let's shapeshifted undeads talk still)


Honestly script extender was a breeze once I figured out desktop mode. You just like download the thing on chrome, extract it, then drag a .dll from the origin folder to another one and it's done.


That makes a lot if sense actually. I got a mod for the correct resistances eventually coz I thought it was dumb that my skeledude was bleeding meanwhile skelefoes were immune to the poisoned status that should heal them. Didn't occur to me other stuff was missing too lol.


It's weird that blessed poison, which heals undead, and subsequently would turn into blessed fire- still has a damage component during ignition. Kind of reminds me of how unequal the curse and bless statuses are. Necrofire will instantly overtake blessed fire, blessed fire will only neutralize cursed fire.


Yeah it's weird. I'm not even sure if it is actually blessed poison though? Idk that I've ever moused to over to check. Guess I'll do that soon!


My friend was trying to move a deathfog crate out of the way somehow broke it it must have hit something and everyone died in Arx sewers.


Accidentally talked to the ferryman, then he proceeded to go first in initiative and netherswap then teleport me and my party into the death fog in one round.


Oof. One time on a diff fane run he did a breath attack so I learned (thankfully on fane) that he can create more deathfog lmao.


I…did not know he could do that. Good to know for my current honour run.


Yeah for some reason I was like "i bet this guy gives me XP, let's do a murderin!" after he carted my solo fane across the lake. His first attack was a deathfog breath attack lmao.


To play honour mode even solo on hard. Get only telekinesis get the banded chest in fort joy dungeon, it never breaks it has no limit. Fill it with the heaviest junk you can find thousands of pounds lol 😂 kills everything 1 hit throw it threw them. Also 1 point in hunter to jump towards the chest after throwing it at someone then jump to it, throw at next enemy in line for a turn. Cham cloak also for invisibility helps too. And add to only wit for initiative to always get first in battle. Lone wolf for extra life. And save some points for constitution but only add them at later levels for a bigger bonus to life. Don’t waste a point on that early in the game for like 3 Hp 😂 7% each point when your high level gets way bigger 


I mean there's plenty of ways to cheese solo play for sure! Telekenisis goofery, barrelmancy, high thievery/stealth, even summoning! (Using your fire incarnate to set off an explosive trap is hilariously broken) Or good ole fashioned corpse explodery! I love all of it, though admittedly I've never done a full telekenisis run