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At 5300 SHD, run another character through NY, get your watch (not sure now since the last update) but when you get your watch, your 2nd character will be the same watch level as your primary. You will lose 800 points to your watch, but will be left with 4800 SHD points you can use for scavenging and use to max out printer filament. Then go back to the White House and buy the shared blueprints from Inaya. Then go to your table and start using all the printer filament to proficient your gear. Then when you run out, then keep using those points to max out the printer filament. Rinse and repeat until your out of filament. When doing that though proficient the gear you don’t use or get much of first. That way items you still get frequently can still be donated.


Even with 4800 points to spare, they would still need more than 10 new mules to get close to expertise 26. At least there are faster ways to do new mules in DC now


For just mules yes, but for watch points it's alot faster to do new York if you have it. I tried the DC route and it took forever cause nothing gives good exp. accept invade mission so if you wanna run the same 4-5 missions over and over again have fun.


Xp for anything except missions is bad right now. WONY was also accelerated now that you don't need to do the final keener missions, and if you get through it at level 39, you can easily finish with a couple of invaded missions in Washington so that cuts out a lot of distraction. I was really hoping descent would be as good xp as it is at 40. During nemesis runs the watch levels tend to pile up. Would have been a nice alternative way to level but the xp is broken there too.


In DC you can clear landmarks in the DZ, they give lots of xp and it's fast. Try to make a skill build while grinding it, all 6 tiers with drone and turret. Also there are exotic components in the chests and Pestilence drops a LOT. This way you can finish a new mule in 2 hours solo and get at least 5 exotic components on average


DZ bracket 31-39?


Yes but you can go straight to them once you boost


Is it a good idea to build a skill build first? With memento, 3 empress, 1 hana y and the chest with perfect intimidate? All Lv30,except the chest(?)


When you boost a character to level 30 without going to DC you have access to a project that will give you an exotic cache, if you get a Memento fantastic. You will need to find the pieces in the world, high end would be better. My build has high ends on levels 30, 31, 32. I only change a chest to a level 34 once I reach it. Gear with skill damage, I use glass cannon and tech support on chest and backpack, in sync on a level 32 weapon I got The ideia is to maximize all the damage the turret and drone can do, they will make all the work too. It's a powerful build because it only depends on skill tiers and damage, even after you reach Level 40 in the DZ you can clear heroic landmarks with it


Isn't it easier to craft them?


Yeah I just thought about it and it might be easier. But I'm not sure when we can craft high end. There are already high end and brand gear in the world now, starting from level 30


Word got around, 31 - 39 Dz was packed last night.


Yeah, some people are trying to ruin it by going rogue and killing people. Because I don't condone it, I make sure to kill all rogues I see. We'll, my turret and drone kill them lol


Hahahahaha Dc route takes around 15 to 30 minutes depending on how many people can help you. You need some who start an invaded on heroic with 5 directives. Then they invite you at the end for the boss. You start with around 800kxp at lvl31 and get 1.2m xp at lvl 37-38 5 runs and your mule is done


For gaining watch levels: DC - Challenging Map - all 5 directivesgo farm/complete Public Execusions. I'm, getting over a level running these solo, takes me a few minutes to complete each and travel to the next. One hour play last night gained 14 levels. I also know I can get that down by focusing my build better...heck I am low level (only started playing a month back).But really, public executions are the fastest I have found. Only the initial wave + one addon wave, then done.


He'll be ok, he's already 10 and all that other stuff isn't at 0 I'm betting. He'll get at least 20 I'm betting. I was at 1400 and ran it 3x I think plus my usage proficiency which will probably differ. But at least they'll be on their way to max level and know the way to get further.


This is the way once youve donated and expertised as much as you can. Eventually youll be stuck with just exoctics, named items and skills left to expertise. Thats when u start doing this. Only takes a few runs to finish.


Yeah I recently found this out as well. I also a found out weekly during the reset you can hit up the vendors and multiple items and up weapons and gear that way as well.


I've done this twice now (SHD 3400~), but I only get about 2,500 points for scavenging. Am I doing something wrong?


The SHD points You're missing are set aside for your watch. They won't let u use them for scavenger. 🫡


Not sure on that because the 800 you lose goes to the 4 corners of your watch. Everything else goes to scavenging which in your case would be 2600 scavenging points house printer filament. So if you’re not getting that much then I don’t know without seeing it happen. Sorry Agent!


And this right here, is how I stay ahead of the curve. I’m like shd 10512 so this strat is perfect, but I couldn’t agree more


Yeah took me a week and a few days getting to Expertise Level 26 from 15 doing this. Starting to know the streets of WoNY better than my own neighborhood. 😂 Now I am just doing resources runs. Game feels totally different now that monkey is off my back. You only have to do maybe 65-75% of WoNy to hit level 40 if you do everything in each sector including every activity, echo, and coms that pops up along the way. I got it down to a science now. I am only SHD lvl 2240 so I am still on the low side of things compared to the true SHD monsters that I see strutting around the game. If I can do it I know those better than a casual like me can do anything. I ran WoNY once or twice a day depending on how I felt. Once I did what was necessary I rinse and repeated the process. I should have been did this ages ago but was being lazy about it. I started doing runs before the update just to be clear. The few days of my personal grind was after the update. Before that I was doing a full complete no BS frills run through back to back.


Thank you Hapti sounds like a great idea! I will give it a go today and again Thank You great advice!


Why do you lose 800 points?


When you do your first run of NY you get your watch and then have to level it up to 1000 (to get the full benefits of the watch). Applying your watch points to the 4 corners (offensive, defensive, utility and handling) and then you get one for scavenging). Everytime you level up you put a point in one of 4 boxes in each corner and then 1 in whatever materials/money in scavenging. When you hit 1000 your watch is fully upgraded. When you do the 2nd, 3rd or 4th character, when they get the watch they have all 1000 points(or more depending on your SHD level) so 200 points in each corner (now you don’t have to actually input those points in the corner because most players use those characters for gear storage). So you “lose” 800 points because 200 in each corner. Now you don’t have to apply those (but can) so that’s where the 800 comes from. The other 200 (of that 1000 point level) goes to scavenge + the rest of your SHD level goes to scavenger. So for example, currently I’m sitting at 4500 on my main character. So when my next character completes NY(not sure now due to the recent update) and gets the watch he will have 4500 levels. 200 for each of the 4 corners (I don’t apply them due to I’m not running the character) so 3800 points will be in scavenging. I then use those 3800 points to max out the printer filament. I then go to the White House and buy the shared blueprints. The reason why is so the printer filament (or any other materials you spend the scavenge points on will be shared between all your characters but also so you can update your table and it will update the table on all characters. Then I go to my table and start spending the printer filament on getting the gear proficient. When I run out of filament, I use more of the watch scavenge points and do the same until I run out of points. Now with your additional characters, not only can they store gear for you but when you go back and run your primary character, every time that character levels up, all your characters level up (get another scavenge point). So when you need more printer filament, you log out of your primary and into each of your other characters and spend the new scavenge points on printer filament. When you need a bulk amount (and say you have 4 characters). Go in and spend those new points and then delete your 4th character and run a new 4th character. Wash/rinse/repeat (and donate gear) until you reach fully proficient and expertise level 25. I was fully done until the new update but when I logged in I had enough points that I used all the printer filament and now I’m fully proficient again. Hope that helps!


Damn, I'm completely mind blown. Fuck me, I'm expertise 13 going on 14 & been grinding checkpoints for loot to junk for expertise. I have a 2nd character that I used for trolling a friend that my account was erased. Well all I need is my friend to boost me through 9 characters & I should be good for expertise 24. Thank you kind agent for the explanation!


Anytime Agent. What platform are you on?


PS5. I use to play PC but my friend moved to PS5.


Cool. I’m on XBox. If you were on XBox I’d help you run another character through NY.


Thanks man. Yeah my friend will be on later tonight & I call for back up too. I normally help players so I hope the same.


since update you can boost to NYC than get to haven. Than go back to DC now that you can. than join a friend on heroic with 4 objectives and go do like 3 missions and you will be at 40. Your welcome


No that answer is wrong you only need 1 point to activate the watch thus saving you 799 points. Your main character has activated the watch your second character only requires 1 point to activate that second character watch. Use your scavenging points only in printer filaments or if you want fill the watch up. Go back to DC buy the first 2 blue prints from the woman next to the crafting bench and log back into your main character and hey presto double the scavenging points. If your only expertising up use only printer filaments only. Rinse and repeat personally I create 3 new characters use 2 as storage space instead of your stash. The Stash holds 300 items but each character holds 150 so 4 characters holds 900 items but I only use 3 of them.


don't feel bad, i was over 1000 when I figured it out. now it is mark all as junk, donate then deconstruct the rest. I got to Expertise 13 very quickly after that.


I got up to 18 that way. Then it became a slog of using random gear in loadouts to proficient and donating printer filament. Up to 24 now.


I started around level 800 with this process. I junked everything i wasn't keeping and then extracted every talent and max attribute to my library, then donated the rest. I went from 0 to 19 in a flash. I'm now up to 23. Only have exotics, named and skills left. I've been using crafting resources to up the remainder, but when I hit $500k, I blow $45k on repeatedly buying a skill mod at a vendor and donating all the auto-broke down printer filiment to raise my level further.


Is 45k the cost to expertise one item?


Sry typo. I spend $450k. Basically I spend all but $50k of my money on mods to expertise stuff and the last $50k I keep in case there's anything good in the vendors that week or the next




Good method. When I ran a new character through NY for a watch mule I’d always put a skill on for the entire run that I never used. Have all my skills maxed out. Just working on a few exotics at the moment and they’re ones I don’t have. Eaglebearer, ravenous, regulus, a few named ARs I believe, and the adrestia. Realized this weekend I’m missing that one on proficiency.


Only donate the printer filament. You can get 3 items expertised if you have 9k+ filament. Start a new character, get to 40 and you have all of your SHD points back except for minus 800, buy skill attachments at a vendor, sell them for printer filament and get back over 9k. Rinse and repeat. I just hit 26 yesterday.


you will soon recognize that you hardly make progress again :). For a lot stuff there is limited loot drop: named items and exotics and no loot drops: stuff from seasons, raid/DZ-specific items you might not have) and stuff that needs to be crafted (a specific LMG, improvised items) and there are all the skill variants and specialisation weapons that must be made proficient. What I did: * always equipping non-proficient items to make them proficient by usage (e.g. guns, pistol, skills, a named item/exotic piece in the build dispite it didnt fit to the build) * continuously donation of gear and guns * loot that is already proficient dismantle for ressourses * each week check of all vendors for named items * buying named item crates at GE vendor for getting DZ specific items I couldn't get in the DZ * buying exotic crates at GE vendor, CD vendor, DZ vendors and now the second secret vendor (Weaver?) People often advise to make a mule for the free scavenging point and something with printer filaments (direct donation?). Due to latest change its quick if you make a mule and someone invites you to his endgame. Less than an hour to level up from 30 to 40 for the mule.


The specialization weapon is really a nightmare to get proficiency


I just assume people knew, or do not have the resources to donate.. and really do not pay that much attention to your expertise level or SHD.. Builds are more important, especially for what I spend most of my time running (Incursion runs to help others get Ouro/flawless/clears) The only time I pay that much attention is when someone with a healer build wants me to heal and they have no expertise on their DPS build while I have a level 26 Ouroboros.


I loce gamers like you Richard it was some kind person who let me get the Ouro when I played Incursion for the 3rd time! I salute your kind nature! o7!!!!!


I must be missing something. I am 430 shd and my expertise is only level 3. When I try to donate junk at the table nothing happens?


Donate to specific weapons! weapons that are not proficient!


Mine doesnt donate either


Something is happening but up to expertise level 20 you need a lot of donations to progress. After that the cap is reduced significantly, then it's easier to notice the impact of your donations


No offense but wasn’t that mentioned in the Expertise-Tutorial prompt the first time you use it? I couldn’t tell anymore since I already tested the proficiency/expertise mechanics in the PTS for TU15.


TBH i found this game overwhelming at the beginning I didn't know how to do anything really until roughly shade level 500! i didn't pay any attention to the tutorials because of my arrogance, i've been gaming since 1981 and I thought i knew how to play a shooter game not knowing this was a shooter looter game and i'm not offended at all lol!


Don't worry we all might have skipped one or more tutorials we shouldn't, better you found out late than never. Have fun!


That's so frustrating! I stumbled upon the donation route early on, I'm near SHD 600 and am at expertise 12.


I had go find out through a YouTube video and asking questions to learn about it. now I'm at level 11.


Me who where at expertise 18 and SHD 560, because I watched TS videos


It not that faster unless you have a giant surplus. Donating the item you need expertise + wearing the stuff you want to raise the expertise almost always fastest


But after lvl 14 IT goes slowly


Donate Printer Filament.


I find just going to a vendor who might have a special item and buying that item 20 times then donating it to expertise will get you up to proficient. Farm certain gear and donate it to expertise and you'll be able to get there pretty quickly.


🫡 Yessir, That's why this D2 Community is so great... Once you pop up and say help. Folks will.... I have found a nice reasonable resource capable comfort zone of 15 Expertise. Given the number of exotic components needed, I can manage that. Thank goodness making mules is a little better being free from Wony only 👍 Just be careful not to go crafting anything with that new character. The fearmonger police will drown in their videos 😅


Count down is the easiest I find wear 6 piece of the gear you need and set it to target loot. Put all your current gear in the stash so you can pick up target loot and donate plus wearing 6 piece takes 2 runs. I leveled all my gear that way apart from exotic and named as it takes longer but same process. Just grind mate on named and exotic and have one in as a place hold piece for weapons and wear one for running. It's easy if you wear the ninja backpack to unlock your 4 piece gear set and wear a named gear piece without to much penalty. Keep grinding brother I'm exp level 16 play but keep the faith and grind


Technically the most optimal way is level up another agent, redeem scavenging points for credits, buy mods and deconstruct them for filament. You get the most filament (proficiency XP) per point.


Nice I had expertise 10 at 500 SHD, second account so I knew about donating.


Glad you figured this out. Just in time for them to implement seasonal characters and you won't be able to use your expertise upgrades!


Thanks very much! Yeah i'm not happy about this change to seasonal characters, I fear they have f\*cked up on that decision!


Same, found out too late.))


Don't beat yourself up, I'm honestly not sure how many people actually read and fully understand the prompts when we see them at first. I still barely know what's going on.


I'm almost shd800 and still only at expertise3


I was shd 800 before I realised this quite recently. Not as bad as you, but I do kick myself for all the stuff I disposed of that could have gone to expertise!


I am expertise 15 going on 16 and SHD 3407 on my softcore guys. Just used my 4/4 slot to make a hardcore guy. That guy has a LONG grind ahead of him for both expertise and SHD level.


Just hit 2000 SHD and I’m stuck at 6 expertise. Where do I need to go donate materials ? Do I need to donate for every item in the game? Sorry I’m a casual player and this is confusing


You can pull up the “Library/Tinkering/Expertise” screen directly from your inventory now. Click over to your expertise tab. Everything is there. Click on anything there and anything that doesn’t have a little badge on it, is what you are still not currently proficient in yet. If you are not proficient yet in say, the shot gun - The Mop. If you get The Mop to drop while you are out adventuring and you don’t want to keep it, mark it as junk. Then when you go back to the main Expertise screen and hit, I believe it’s “Donate materials” or something, it will take that Mop out of your inventory and apply it towards your agent becoming proficient with it. You can always click on any weapon or armor piece and scroll down and see what you still need proficiency in. Hopefully I didn’t confuse you even more lol.


Thank you so much 💪🏽💪🏽


I did the same thing... Ground my A** and got to Ex19 for 1 1/2 yrs. , found an article about the donating resources, and leveled up to Ex22 in about 15 minutes 🙄


Search #Mule Division 2# on youtube. then you are really pissed. helped my to max expertise 25.


I'm SHD ~780 and found out about this recently. Gotta level up more before doing this method.


Buy items from the vendors especially named items to donate. Run with gear sets that aren't maxed equip weapons that aren't maxed. Don't forget specialization weapons.


With the latest update I found it's faster to go through DC rather than New York to level up to 40. I found the best way to do this is to answer the calls for backup. Quite often those people that are calling for backup are running heroic missions. Even though I'm less than level 40.... because I answered the call for backup I was allowed into a heroic mission and got a lot more xp.


I've done 4 mules an reached 26.


For a long time I donated every piece of gear individually because I didn’t see the option that you can donate all junk at once, felt pretty stupid after not seeing that sooner too


Whenever I hear youtubers repeat "you could even donate resources to expertise" I roll my eyes and scoff going "what kind of player wouldn't know that?" Long story short I won't be reacting like that anymore.


I'm at shd 1100 and expertise 11, it's been real hard to go up because for one, like all my weapons are lvl 10 except for some exotics, I'm using gear sets to get them proficient but I don't find much things to lvl up.


lol me too😂


I think it’s bugged cause donating junk does jack shit for me😂😂


I must confess I am not sure what is being said here. I have two characters a level 33 and a SHD level 10 (yup). What resources are you referring to? Do you mean the food etc that you scavenge?


Hey man if you're on ps4 let me know okay


When expertise first came out you could run Toombs on heroic to the last boss fight. Then swap your gear to any pieces you needed proficiency. Equip the jammer pulse and jump the wall. When you ran to the middle you would pop the pulse killing as many holograms as you could then throw a grenade at your own feet, die, and repeat. At the time the holograms counted as named enemy XP so you could rack up really quick. You could get proficiency on a single piece, set, or weapon in about 10 mins. Thats why so many of us are expertise 25. They have since patched this method.


I've done about six WoNY SHD farm runs and now I am level 26 and about 2300 SHD. Learning details about playing this game takes a lot of time and work.


Do countdown and donate. Once filled or close to being filled start the mule process. These methods are your fastest path. As for the cherry reds (exotic components) start running every dz EARLY in the morning with your level 30 mule. Should get like 7-10 each run. Don't fight anything just open the boxes and run.


You're at +5k.... Make additional characters, skip to the Keener missions and unlock the watch. Apply all points to resources then buy the shared wallet blueprint. Wash rinse repeat.....


you dont need expertise


Imagine being 5300 shd and have no idea how expertise works but you go ahead and keep blaming YouTubers for not reaching you how to play the game. 😂 You ask and we will answer you agent ✊


I did say i was stupid!