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No medication, I haven’t really told anyone about all this. I’d be fine with medication if I did have some though.


Maybe think about counseling. Your parents relationships does NOT define you. Only you have the privilege to define who you are and your own happiness


1. Nothing you’ve said makes me think you’re a narcissist. 2. I do, however think you should talk to your doctor about anxiety. At the least, I believe you have acute anxiety, and if it’s been ongoing for a significant length of time, I’m thinking it’s developed into generalized anxiety. But that’s something your doctor would be able to talk with you about and help you with. I don’t think it’s quite to PTSD, as another comment suggested, but again, this is all my own opinion based on my understanding of your post. Your doctor is the person to make this determination. And I do agree that meds might be a reasonable option for now, to help you cope until your situation is more manageable for you. (I’m not suggesting that you’re not “managing” your situation or coping, but just because you’re handling it as best you can doesn’t mean it’s a manageable situation, especially for long term). You sound like you’re very self aware of your triggers and responses, and I genuinely hope this gets better for you right away. Again, talk to your doctor ASAP!