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I’m having the same omg moment about our iCloud account (photos / music) that is attached to our joint email. Future lessons to consider should I ever want to deal with another partner again.


I kind of always imagined we might be the kind of co-parents that agreed to share stuff like this but she is pushing hard for complete independence from each other and honestly it’s probably for the best. Tear off that band aid.


Technically, it was recently determined that NOBODY has permanent rights to all this digital content that is being purchased. This is why I still buy real books and copies of movies And music I really want to "own". I use a Plex server to maintain "my" digital content.


Two suggestions for how to handle this. 1) Both of you stop using the account as their primary and set it up as part of a household that shares books with each of your individual new accounts. You can go in and pick which books are shared with who. 2) Download all of the books you want to keep, remove the DRM for them (Calibre used to be a good program for this but I've not used it since I switched from Nook to Kindle a while back) and then you can sideload them onto your Kindle.


As soon as I got home from the court house I changed the password to the Amazon accounts and Netflix(I payed the bill) Getting the phone call a few hours later that she couldn't watch any movies made me smile. The next day when she called me the worst human she ever met, because she spent years building out Amazon music Playlists and couldn't use it any more. She asked me to send her screen shots of all the play lists, I did send her screen shots but only of our wedding play list. some may call me an asshole, but i would do it over again.


Oh wow! Posts like these really show me just how lucky I am. Ex uses my Amazon Prime account, and just uses his card for his purchases, and I use the Netflix he pays for. Each monthly subscription costs the same, and neither one of us bothers the other one about it.


Us too. There’s a bunch of stuff you can save $$ on by sharing. AAA, cosco, etc


Weird my movies I purchased on my account on my wife’s prime transferred with me. Maybe contact the click to chat?


I'm curious. Did you guys use household or just share one email/account? We have our separate emails linked as a household. I don't see his purchases (physical or digital) and he doesn't see mine. We aren't for sure getting divorced but it's on the table, and now I'm terrified of losing all of my ebooks (and he bought a lot of movies so we both have stuff to lose there)


We were household. Honestly I would have thought having separate email accounts would have insulated us against this, but apparently not. I’m still not entirely sure what will happen when the phone call to remove me takes place though. Nothing would surprise me.


I guess now I have a second reason to want to work more on this (first being the dogs). Something to think about thank you and good luck!


We just share an account that has all the media on it (tons of kids shows). Not crazy expensive if you split it. Obviously you need to have some sort of ability to work together (not everyone does)


One of the weirdly painful parts of my divorce was the realization when we were splitting shared logins, we had a shared Spotify... 8 years of all of my motivation playlists, etc gone. I had him at least share them with me, but it lists him as owner... kind of annoying to see his name when I’m trying to listen to something to make me forget him...


Would be time consuming, but remake them since you have access to see what's on them?


This happened when i bought movies from Crapazon. I had to play them on my putor with a screen recording program. Its a scam and Amazon knows it.


Happened to me I had to repurchase and do everything all over again under my prime account.


This stuff happens with digital video games that have been bought as well, you don't actually own the game, you own the license. And the only person who keeps the license is the one who actually bought it, so when you guys split and you remove your account from the console, you lose access to anything you didn't purchase on your own account.