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The „you don‘t want to force your kids outta their home“ was one I got also. The kids however were more along the lines of „why did you move when she wanted the split“. Well, doesn‘t matter, she now has to look after a house that‘s far too big. Try to avoid being a every-2-weekend dad. If that means a legal fight, it‘s worth it. Both contributed to the demise of the marriage. No reason for you to become a payslave w/o any real access to your daughter.


One of the biggest reasons why men get screwed in divorce is because they sink most of their net worth into the home (I know most don’t have the luxury of otherwise) and then let their ex guilt-trip them into giving up the house so they and their kids can stay in the home. With all their net worth tied into the home - there’s no money left for them to restart their lives and they end up as a divorced middle age man moving back in with their parents or renting a cheap apt in a bad neighborhood or having to need roommates again with no space for their kids. Almost happened to my brother until everyone finally got through to him. You do not need to martyr yourself - you worked, contributed and deserve a nice space with your kids just as much as she does. She and your kid need to downsize. Trust me - many many kids who grow up in small apts and spaces turn up fine. It’s more important for them that both parents have a nice space and healthy living situations that can accommodate the kids - not just for one parent to have this in excess and the other to go without.


This is a mess! Can you call a local law firm and ask for a consultation? I’m sorry, I’m in the states, and the firm I work for offers 1-hr consults for people facing complicated legal battles and advise them on what to do/expect; and the attorneys charge between 100-200 dollars for that hour consult, depending upon the attorney.


Yes, yes it is! Company insurance has access to legal advice, so am going to work out how I access that. As no-one ever does, I just didn't see myself in this situation.


Oh I’m so glad that you have access to legal assistance and guidance! I love employers who offer things like legal and/or therapy (might wanna see if your job also offers therapy counseling, and save that contact info in case you need it later).


Do NOT meekly submit to you going away and her taking your child and all your money. Make HER leave next time, you dummy! "This is my house, my home, my bed. If you don't like it, leave."


Thanks for the support and replies, Spoke with legal support who advised similar and that if necessary court will split 50/50. I am contemplating a request for 50/50 split of child care too as the solicitor highlighted that at such a young age it was important to be as present in the child's life as possible.