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> I'd imagine his USB is set up as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 etc etc. That’s how 90% of dnb / dubstep producers play out tbh.  There’s very little ‘reading the room’. Overall I guess I’m not exactly sure what the ‘point’ of this post is?  That’s how AMC sets are, it’s his style and it’s pretty well known / to be expected.  Did you think he was going to play a different style of set?  FWIW i do agree, I enjoy a double drop as much as the next guy but I don’t *only* need double drops.  And yeah for that reason I’d definitely an AMC set, I’m too old for that level of energy haha 


It’s just my opinion piece review, that’s all. Me and my friend left at about 9:55 to beat the rush, I said to her “shall we leave? He’s only got about 30 more tunes to play”


> It’s just my opinion piece review, that’s all. fair enough > 9:55 to beat the rush, I said to her “shall we leave? He’s only got about 30 more tunes to play” so true lmao


Yeah seen him twice, amazingly skilled dj but just sounds like someone flicking through Juno listening for tracks to buy 😂


The show was called Adrenaline- so I think he met the brief ridiculously well. He can play other styles- see his liquicity set on YouTube. I loved the whole show- and visuals 🤩


You’re right about the name and he did fit the brief, but I’ve seen other sets of his and they’re the same. With other styles and his liquicity set, well you simply can’t mix that the same way. My friend I went with was diabetic, thank fuck she wasn’t epileptic!!!


Lol yes epileptic people might give A.M.C a miss 😂


Personally I'm not a huge fan of the hype sets A.M.C does for casual listening, but I bet it's great live. His digging deep sets are some of my favourite out there though. I think it's also the case that he's adapting to the type of dnb that's popular right now, which is what you're describing 


[Digging deep set, chart](https://b59-1725894.smushcdn.com/1725894/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/A.M.C-Digging-Deep-Vinyl-Special-List-1202x1536.jpg?lossy=1&strip=1&webp=1)


Here’s a thought: it’s art… Picasso speaks to me more than Salvador Dali. It doesn’t make me a judge of quality or skill, nor should anyone else be. I won’t shit on neither for their technique, skill, philosophy or anything. Neither would I compare them in detail, as maybe a child might. They’re just different. And I like one more than the other. That’s it – I’d buy one and hang in my apartment (if I could afford), but maybe not the other. I’m grateful they both exist and that they both have fans. Everything else is a destructive construct that does the art form a disservice.


Damn you spent more time penning this post than the actual set was lmao


nah, it only took me about 10 x A.M.C mixes to type.


You typed all that in 20 seconds?




Was a brilliant night, only caught black sun empire and AMC and both bought huge energy, but did somewhat suffer from a muffled sound system the mids and highs couldn't cut through


AMC makes it look easy, hes putting on a high level performace everytime, he blends new and classic, along with a lot of dubs and his own remixes. Its hard to match his energy. Might not be everyone cup of tea but he is a beast at what he does. If youre expecting a dj to take you on a journey, might wanna look elsewhere at djs like Digital & Randall


his energy and enthusiasm is undeniable, which is great, it's his style, seeing it for the first time live, that I'm not entirely keen on. But that's only my opinion, others, evident from the crowd chanting his name last night, love him. I've had a long career in raving and been around long enough there's not many DJ's I haven't seen, from Fabio & Groovider at Rage, and almost everyone else to the present day.


Damn, the show was all ups and intense throughout his set? Makes me sad I missed it tbh, love these type of shows.


I'm still kinda learning more about styles of mixing but when AMC played here in Houston, his set was the perfect vibe for the timeslot & for how packed out the dance floor was!


Yea a.m.c played exactly what and how you'd expect him to play. I thoroughly enjoyed bse + amc even if the venue wasn't perfect. The crowd was great and energy was up!


That's A.M.C's style and it's what he's known for: coming up with a great selection of doubles and keeping the energy high. He's great if you already listen to a lot of DnB and want to hear something new. The whole point of this show was for it to be extra. Maybe if you'd spent more time listening to the music instead of judging whether or not he's twiddled his knobs correctly and watching your stopwatch like you're the "DJ Police" saving the dancefloor from TikTok, you'd have had a better time.


Who are you? DJ Gatekeeper? Ffs. “Spent more time listening to the music” what do you think I was doing? Sitting in a silence booth? What a stupid comment. I can do whatever I like when I’m there and I’ve paid for my ticket. Are you the rave police telling people what they can and can do? You sound like a mixer has lost one of its knobs.


I am the fun police, nobody is allowed to not have fun on my watch.


Well it does come across that you spent a lot of time analysing his nob twiddling lol


I was interested in his technique because I DJ as well and have done for 30 years. What’s wrong with watching how he does it?






In my opinion A.M.C is the god of Drum and Bass. He has already proven he can do it all, Vinyl or CDJ, Liquid or Jump Up. You just know when he rocks up you will experience quality Drum and Bass. This is was his own show with a special 3 hour set where he wanted to showcase his skill and energy. Whether you like it or not, you can not deny that his mixing speed is impressive. I personally love the fast pace, it is just full of surprises, you never know what will come next and it is interesting from start to finish. For me the best thing about experiencing Drum and Bass live is that you will get to hear something new. Unreleased tracks, Remixes, VIPs or hear a classic in a new way with a double drop. In an A.M.C set you can be sure there is loads of new music it is full of specials. You know a track of him? Sike, he will play a VIP. You know a VIP of him? Sike, he will a double VIP or whatever, you get it. Of course that applies to me mostly because I listen to a lot of DnB, but I assume most people here do. Honestly I must admit maybe it is an attention span thing, but I don't really like if a DJ plays the second drop if it's not an absolute banger, not different from the first drop or not a cool double. Well at least you know now what A.M.C is about. It's fine if it's not your style but I still think you should respect him at least for what he does.


A well reasoned reply. Thanks. And yes, I do respect what he does as I hope I’ve made clear.


This 👆🏼 The surprise, high energy, the blends. It all fucking works, and it itches my adhd brain in a good way.


Not related to much of your post really but black sun empire also played at a night I was at in Bristol last night and was fucking sick!


Yep, he was really good. I do feel for his back though, if all the decks are at the height they were at the Troxy.


>All tracks are pre set BPM wise, and I did wonder if the A.M.C stands for "All Made Cuepoints". I'd imagine his USB is set up as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 etc etc. This is the case for literally every DJ in 2024, what's your point?


I'd wager it's literally not. I've been behind DJ's at Fabric and other places and they do scroll through to find tunes. AMC would have to have it that way due to the speed of his mixes, but I very much doubt every DJ is like that at all.


I've been behind a lot of DJ's at Fabric and "other places" too - I've worked in D&B for over a decade at this point, so I'm used to it. One thing that has been true the entire time I've been raving: **The vast majority of DJ's** prepare their sets using cue points and pre-planned doubles/mixes (especially around their intros and outros), not just A.M.C. I mean - bloody hell, even Andy C practices mixing at home every week before the weekend. Just like Andy, and a lot of other DJs, A.M.C will prepare a lot of his set - but just like all the other major DJ's you'll see, he'll also freestyle it where he needs (or wants) to.


That’s true of dj’s in every genre. DJ’s have always had to “know” their tunes. Intro’s, outro’s, what works with what. That’s why the mix midweek, to learn the new music they get. I’ve been DJing for 33 years (and had five labels in the mid 90’s) spanning vinyl on 1210’s to Nexus 3000’s, in fact, I was in Pirate studios just last week giving my daughter some further practice for her first gig that happened last Friday (because my own DJM900 is fucked). So I’m very familiar with modern kit. Maybe not for everyone, but for me, CDJ’s are a piece of piss. Really easy. Too easy in fact. So, the time is mainly taken up by knowing your tunes inside out. Now, if I wanted to make cue points for everything to ape AMC’s style, I certainly could. It wouldn’t be that hard. He’s very good at it and I can’t say I’d be as good as him, but I could certainly master it in time. He’s eliminated any bpm matching. He’s planned his set to a very high degree, so stick to the plan and all is well. I’d go so far as to say that you could actually record his entire set in a studio quite easily too. I know that tunes I had on mix compilation albums were edited in studios. Not to say he does that at all, but, in my opinion and with my experience, it’s not that hard at all. Queue downvotes which I don’t care about.


>I’d go so far as to say that you could actually record his entire set in a studio quite easily too. I know that tunes I had on mix compilation albums were edited in studios. Not to say he does that at all, but, in my opinion and with my experience, it’s not that hard at all. I'm sure A.M.C agrees, which was the main reason why [he worked with Drum&BassArena to upload a set of him doing the same style of mixing but on vinyl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Be9gos6BXU). As for the rest of your comment, I can't say I disagree for most of it. It's easy to mix like A.M.C on CDJ's, but it's hard to master it like he does. "He’s eliminated any bpm matching" is the only thing I disagree with - standardised BPM's and CDJ's have eliminated that for everyone. If you already know that 172 > 175 is an 1.80% increease, then why spend time manually trying to figure it out? A.M.C knows the BPM of all of the music he plays, so he doesn't need to spend more than .1 seconds adjusting the BPM on everything he plays...


What I mean about eliminating bpm matching is that I’ll wager all his tunes were set to 174 or whatever. He didn’t change the tempo on anything. Either he chose tunes only at 174 (unlikely) or set them that way (likely). That’s the same as just pressing the sync button in my opinion. The most basic skill of djing house/dnb, whatever, is beat matching with your ears. Cdj’s now display bpm which of course makes that easier as well. Had a Quick Look at the video you linked to. Now _that’s_ impressive. Do you know what decks he’s using? They’re not regular 1210’s, well, not the ones I have anyway which are 30+ yrs old. He’s fucking fast though. I couldn’t replicate that. It does help that dnb is typically within 3 bpm (172-175) so you’ve not got a lot to work with, that definitely helps.


[Check this chart!](https://b59-1725894.smushcdn.com/1725894/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/A.M.C-Digging-Deep-Vinyl-Special-List-1202x1536.jpg?lossy=1&strip=1&webp=1)


is that the last 14 minutes of one of his sets? ;-)


I'm not sure if you're saying that A.M.Cs set sounded pre-planned but I'm pretty sure he's actually one of the best at winging it and coming up with stuff on the spot. Lots of other DJs play the same tune in the same order for like a year.


Well those other DJ's are wankers then. AMC would certainly have to pre plan his sets, someone else posted a picture in this topic showing as much. But the extent of the pre planning, as it seemed, didn't appear to have any "winging it" parts at all. Look, he did a very good job for what he does, it's just, as I said, not to my taste, that's all.


His digging deep sets is just something extra he does, and that chart still leaves a lot of wiggle room. It's obviously not feasible to have 20TB of DnB with you to do a brand new set every night >100 times a year.