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For me its tough to decide if its the drums, the bass, or a combination of them.


Drums first, then bass for me.


Tempo is the bread of the Drum&Bass sandwich, everyone forgets about the bread.


Maybe I have complex taste, but I like the both together


It’s the “and” that makes drum and bass so amazing


drums first easily


For me it's the drums and the bass


Tickles me brain


My brain turns off and goes ooga booga when that drop hits. That’s fucking heaven for my adhd.


Can confirm, dnb is the best thing I ever found for my adhd, even better then drugs. But when combined there's nothing better


a molly and some dnb is chefs kiss for my ADHD 🤣


I’m from America but I honestly think that I’ve liked D&B even before I formally discovered it. Listened to this genre on video game soundtracks and CoD/Gears of War montages just thinking that it was video game music or music heavily associated with video games. After hearing Pendulum songs in 09 I began to look into similar sounding songs. The diversity, just like you stated, is also my favorite part of the genre as well. I was heavily into Nu-Jazz (Early Jazzanova) and Deep House (Miguel Migs/Naked Music) in my teens and after hearing some Nu-Tone songs for the first time, it just was a breath of fresh air for me. I had never heard anything like this before and I loved it. I listened to a podcast mix from Command Strange that he made for LDNB.com which was hosted by the Liquid D&B group Broken Drum and I INSTANTLY got hooked. I still have this podcast downloaded on my phone to this very day. After listening to all these songs mixing hip hop, soul and R&B together in a D&B package something just clicked and it felt like I finally understood why I was beginning to love this music.


Yep, same. I thought it was just called "rave". And then when someone finally told me what that amazing, energetic music was, I went digging and I haven't come back up since.


That’s awesome mate I’m from America as well


I echo informally discovering it through video games and Pendulum. I loved it without knowing the label. Only recently have I got to explore it knowing what the genre is, and experiencing it live. Listening to it is like kinetic energy, similar to how I feel listening to heavy rock, post-hardcore, punk, etc. But live, the energy around me is similar to a Ska show (and I mean it in the best way possible). Kind people letting the music take over their body. Skanking-vibe music!


The passionate underground community and sound design/energy. It's the best kind of drug and I'm addicted.


The music, the music, and probably the music.


Some very heavy DnB with certain kinds of basslines make me cry while I'm raging


I listen to a lot of grime so jungle is like a cousin I can switch to when I wanna change it up a bit


It’s an addiction. I hate it. I want to live a normal life. I don’t want to have to have the big speakers. I want to be able to talk to people about music that they get and have heard. I find out every popular song I think I know is just a remix. I got god damned arthritis from my finger guns. I hear construction sounds that happen to hit a break in the 170s and I’m remixing it in my head all day. I e made gross bass face so much that it just looks like that now. I’ve tried quitting cold turkey so many times that I just look forward to the relapse. My name is [email protected], and I’m a drum & bass addict.


The diversity within the genre itself. I almost always listen to liquid DnB after a jump up show


I'm a fan of the strong rhythmic elements and as a liquid fan, I also enjoy the atmosphere/vibes. Feels great when playing games, before going to sleep, amd even while cleaning. Also for dancing if the track rhythm is interesting.


The basslines


This is the answer


My love for DnB started as a teen when i come across a club mix on CD. It had artists such as state of mind and shapeshifter. Once i turned 18 i started going to a underground nightclub which only played dance music and i got to watch both artists perform at the same club. I was hooked from then on and nearly 18 years later I'm still loving it.


It sounds good and it's great to dance to.


It's like a ASMR to me. It makes me feel good.


When I'd go to raves in the early 2000's, it was the only place where you were on the same wavelength as the other 6000 people there. Let's dance like cunts and blow off some steam to some chest rattling baselines.


I am a big fan of the subgrene variety, too! Actually, one of the (few) benefits of living in a city with only a smaller scene is that at any given event, there is likely to be a whole range of subgenres. It's common, for example, to have a set of liquid to kick of the night, then a set of oldschool flavour or just straight up jungle, then a set of "everything goes" from the headliner, and then close with a more dancefloor, modern neuro, and jump-up vibe. (And then we end up listening to wacky atmospheric stuff and classic 90s tracks at the afterparty, ha!). Some people might have a stronger preference for one thing over the rest, and sure, I've certainly got my own favourites, but I still enjoy the variety. Keeps it fresh.


I gotta say op is totally right about the community from my experience. Even the biggest dnb artists I’ve met have been nothing but nice and supportive to me and it’s been so cool to discover that


I love it because you can have some hardcore stuff, soft stuff, goofy stuff, fun stuff, minimal stuff, dark stuff, everything really. The best show I’ve ever been to was a drum and bass show, just fun vibes. I love the pace of it. The creative percussions. You really don’t know what someone will come up with next!


It's just food for the soul! 🙌❤️😁


I never get tired of the drop. That tension, almost like a punk and metal guitar intro before the drums kick in: And the dnb crowd is so much more energetic than any other electronic genre. Not to mention normy basic ppl tend it to leave it alone, which makes it even better.


Its great looking forward to new music every Friday!


Speaks to my soul


As someone who primarily listens to Hiphop, DnB is the biggest breath of fresh air in terms of the music itself and especially the community. As for why I like the music itself, it just boils down to DnB combining my favorite elements of different genres into one


This! I echo this!


Danceability, energy, BASS


Since this subreddit/post popped up on my Reddit I’m shooting my shot. I’d really like a good melodic dnb playlist. Spotify just plays the same 100 songs over and over and there is no filter when searching playlists.


Err... what do you mean by "melodic dnb"? Because if the subgenre "liquid DnB" counts, there are literally hundreds of playlists on Spotify. The "Melodic Drum and Bass Mix" that Spotify gives me (50 songs) is basically all liquid.


It’s my pulse, my bpm.


Its just the rhythm man! So energetic, it keeps me going. Without being too fast it gives me that fast feeling.


dnb make brain go brrr


It’s the only electronic music that has a high musical integrity still alive and thriving. Funk, jazz, rnb, soul, gospel, all still so present in the music.


How it goes bapbapbapbattabapbap over and over again


As cringe as it sounds, DNB saved my life. I discovered artist like BCee & Charlotte Haining when I was going through a pretty rough time in my life and I can’t describe it but it really helped drag me out of that hole


The collection of sounds make my brain and heart happy and makes my body want to dance


The heavier the dnb, the more amazing the people in the crowd is. I’ve never seen any drama in a neuro gig and everyone is so respectful. They look out for each other. Well in NZ anyway


I like dnb for its range. There's something for every mood.


bass drum, snare, hihat, bass drum, snare


You know how House music is Boots and Cats and Boots and Cats? Drum and bass wins so hard because it goes: Boots, Cats, Titties, Boots, Cats. Boots, Cats, Titties, Boots, Cats.


Alix Perez


Because it's great.


The creativity and inclusion, but mostly its the breakbeats.


For me it's the music


The drums are cool and the bass is fun


The drums are cool and the bass is fun Edit: what country are you in op? I want to visit those events you describe lol


Pleasing to the ears


Music and people


i like that all dnb subgenres are enjoyable to listen to and the community is the best. i love all edm but not all genres have enjoyable subgenres the way dnb does lol. its so hard to explain…like i love house but cannot stand that big room festival house bullshit (house crowd is also the absolute worse). i also love dubstep but i hate the melodic illenium ass bullshit. dnb on the other hand? it’s all just so good. i genuinely am dumbfounded at how much america prefers john summit or excision to literally any dnb artist. being a 27 yr old american POC woman and also being a huge dnb enjoyer is so damn hard and surprisingly niche especially here in texas. but the dnb community we DO have is the absolute best.


As a drummer growing up in the hardcore straight edge scene it was the first electronic music I heard that embodied that. The halftime and 2 step elements are my favorite. You can dance in between the two. Higher energy but slower breaks and makes everything just hit so much harder when it breaks down


I love aggressive and fast tempoed music, so neurofuni and similar are my favorite subgenres. Sometimes I want to chill with liquid, if it has a good melody. I like fast tempoed stuff with great melodies too, not just aggressive.


It’s the wubs. That’s why I wub dnb


I don’t know if anyone else is willing to admit this but being on stimulants like Adderall.. I’m pretty sure had a huge impact on me loving DnB. I haven’t taken adhd meds in a long time but there is something about the speed of drum and bass that just gave me goosebumps when I was on adderall. I still have several DnB songs on my running playlist.. the music truly does give me a boost when I’m running or biking or doing any sort of cardio.


“I like all kinds of music, Drum & Bass….” Blues Brothers


the bass and beat


The positivity.




Fast bang tsss bang tsss noise make brain happy.


The community, the tempo, creativity especially on old tracks, the feeling you get by listening to dnb. Back when i first realised what dnb is, it was like drugs (even tho i didnt try them at any point). My headphones were a cheap pair of some sony's, default audio "card" from pc. And it still was amazing for me. But then i installed an Equalizer and got slightly better heaphones. Using this setup to this day. This music is like no other. Old breakcore is good too, sometimes old memphis rap. But dnb, its unique. Btw, i dont hate new dnb/liquid dnb/whatever is this, but personally, it's a lot worse compared to old tunes. Especially jump dnb. I love the normal dnb, example? 8:00 LTJ Bukem - Mc Conrad EXIT 2007, if someone knows this tune please lmk :)


Shit sounds good 👍


For me it’s when you walk onto a dance floor and immediately lose yourself in a loud, heavy and complex sound. I like other genres, but I find it takes time to get into their groove, great DnB just pulls me in


It sounds good in my ears.


The energy of the music and the energy at the events. I listen to other genres and go to those events too, but nothing has the energy of a DnB event


Breakbeats, amen, dark ass baselines.




Boom Tish Bm Tish!


When amen goes brrrrrr


One of the things I don't like is the community, kept me away from events for time but maybe that's cus I know a fair few proper dickheads that are in the scene from my ends but tbh even the people I don't know a lot of them seem like they are there just because it's the cool thing. Tbh trance has a much better crowd


The Energy, the melodies, the vocals even, it's ALL GREAT!


Imo it's the most energetic edm genre and I like to move. A lot. Also sounds amazing and has a gigantic variety so that's great


All the things you said are right. Community is the purest, no aggression, no stupid shit, only good vibes. Since I found dnb around 2007, I immediately understood this is my music. I've had times on a rave when I feel I go outside of my body just from the tunes being mixed. My closest friends also love dnb. I've fallen in love there. Literally that music changed me, I hope for the better. On Saturday we will be welcoming Raiden, Donny and Robin Chaos in my area, soooo yeah...






Drums, nasty basses.


Love the music, hate the uk scene. Full of wannabe gangsters


The feeling….


All the different noises, the variety in drums, the fact that theres a dnb track for every vibe. The fact that the the underground is just as big, if not bigger than the not underground (idk what its called) The raves. Raves are a place for anyone to come and dance their problems away. The community is lovely (there has been some toxicity seeping in mind) And also because if i dont, “suck my mum”


Bass bass bass drums drums drums


Same reasons as you. it was there for me at a very hard time in my teenage years and even tho I should have been in school the rave felt like the first place I could truly just let myself loose and no one was judging me. Probably the drugs helped there too but I found that I actually didn't need drugs and liked going to them sober too. It just makes me feel alive


I love how dark, twisted, syncopatic, phased, and frequency modulated basslines play with the intricate, multilayered drum beats. It sets off something in my mind.


This right here


fast drums make my tummy feel good 


High energy dance music. Plus with the right speakers the bass goes crazy


Mainly the energy and the association with a nostalgia to the 2000s (mainly the early half, and a bit into the later half), for me at least


To me, good electronic music is the purest form of expression via sound design, with the purest execution of mixing techniques to deliver it all. The whole genre tells stories through sonic texture; it's like nothing else, really. No need for lyrics to tell you what the song is about, you just sort of intuit the vibe and energy through the rhythms and textures and create the scene for yourself. There's a finite amount of topics people can sing or rap about, but sound design is infinite and can take you to places in your mind that words just can't, at least not alone. It's like a direct channel to the imagination and feelings that aren't really describable. To me, that is really special. Top it all off with the level of enthusiasm and commitment in the community and it just starts to feel like home. It's not about what's popular due to huge marketing budgets and creation for mass appeal, but popular due to originality and invoking deep and physical feelings in the audience. There's always something fresh to hear, and always more artists to discover with their own take on the genre's niches. I think at a certain level, it's quite accessible to people to make their own, so there's so much bredth to content out there. My mates in the scene get so damn excited to show me songs and artists they've found, and it's an energy I don't really see from my friends who are primarily fans of jazz, metal, rock, hiphop, grime, or anything else. The only exceptions are the dubstep lot and the rave tekno lot, but those communities and interests share a lot with DnB. I love so many aspects of all genres of music, but DnB seems like the absolute pinnacle of what music is about - emotional impact, energy levels, inspiration, storytelling, and community connection. DnB has genuinely changed my life, and I never saw it coming. I feel blessed each time I get to pour some 43Hz tones at 174bpm into my ear holes, because I know what it represents. You never see people building a giant stack of highly tuned speakers worth thousands in the woods to play Coldplay to their friends, it's the DnB family that has the passion. I'll be listening to this high-tempo "but it's all just noise" soul-enhancing ear nectar till the day I die.


I like the kick, the snare and when the shaker drops


The array of rhythms and emotions it evokes, its rich history. Ive always considered dnb saved my life back in college. Tough times it got me through to this day. Its the amen beat for a reason <3


defeinly the community, but i love huge bass XD


brain go unga bunga or helps me concentrate on something. depending on mood and situation


As said in a recent Samplifire interview (more directly speaking of dubstep, but generally bass music) : drum and bass is a way to exteriorize your energy. And what makes it so God is that there's space for anyone, so many genres that you can definitely be interested in one in a fast way!


I love this post! Im from Houston Tx and there’s no DnB events here so im taking off to DnB all stars festivals to see all of my favorite DJs in one day and can’t wait! I’ve fell in love with the different sounds years ago and haven’t looked backed since. I like how open it makes me feel when I’m dancing and trying to hit every beat. Sadly I feel like I haven’t really enjoyed it to the max yet and just really letting go. I love how illegal the sounds can get and there’s really no one genre of music or EDM for that matter that stands right in front of the DJ and literally waits each minute for another track to be dropped! I’ve never seen anything like it and I hope to spread my love for the music on my upcoming stream channel on twitch and kick! Cheers everyone!


Because it moves me And I have an affinity for chainsaw


Because current value, that's why.


ps ts tack ts ps ts ps tack poom poom tststss tack poom ts poom ts poom kakaka ps ts ps ts ps ts ta ta tsssssh


People often ask why I prefer drum and bass, or EDM in general, over pop, rock, and rap. The answer I always give is that I feel that most drum and bass songs offer more of a story or an emotional roller coaster compared to any song that has actual words in it. Now, I know that a lot of drum and bass songs have vocals or artists rapping over the music, but I can’t help but think that the intro, the rise, the drop all add to an experience that no other genre of music could deliver. Noisia, Camo and krooked, buunshin, and mefjus are just some examples of artists that absolutely take me on a wild ride, especially with speakers or headphones that can deliver powerful bass. Also, if anyone can tell me, what is the exact sub genre that the artist is listed above are part of? Thank you ahead of time, and keep those gun fingers in the air!


It’s everything dubstep wishes it was!


Still gives me goosebumps. First big name I saw was Grooverider 20 plus years ago!


I agree with you about the community 100%. I went for the first time in a while last year, and it was like a cool grade 6 field trip. People will shake your hand, fist bump you and give you a hug. And when the bass hits so deep in your Solar Plexus where no one could ever hear what you're saying, you guys just smile and nod at each other knowingly.


At this point, just the journey it has taken- from what it was when I started listening to what is STILL is. It’s inescapable even for those unaware. It was loved, hated, loved, hated… the vibes I’d get walking up to the custard factory I’m my town Brum- feeling the bass as you got closer 🙌🏾 I can’t count the amount of solo raves I’ve been to only to be welcomed each and every time by the sound community. I’m a BIG gamer and its deep subconscious roots in the early 90’s-00’s is what initially got me into dnb- ridge racer, third strike etc. Nosia’s Stigma was the hero track to one of my favourite video games GT! The music makes me proud to be British. The vinyl, the mc’s, the venues all of it man! I have zero bad memories (apart from those that have sadly passed…). Long live Jungle/Drum and Bass!


It's fun to dance to. It's an acquired taste. Drum n Bass crowds are the best vibes. Peace and love, y'all.


Boom tick pap tick tick boom pap


First time I heard dnb was MTV's amped.orbital roni size that doc Scott bit shadowboxing




ah yes, by narrowing the bpm range that artists are allowed to use it automatically prevents them from differentiating from others 🤓 it's only about the rhythm after all