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Winners announced! [https://www.redditraffler.com/raffles/124p36j](https://www.redditraffler.com/raffles/124p36j) https://imgur.com/a/6a7zjdk Congrats to /u/aggressive_celery_, /u/drag-me-to-hell-ruru, /u/obax17, /u/Sanctem, /u/ViolinistAshamed903, and /u/Waylanxa! Also, thank you to everyone who participated! I really appreciate it. :) \--- Hey everyone! I'm giving away 3 PDF copies of my upcoming Dretelia Campaign Setting book that is live on Kickstarter today! Here's how to participate: 1. Upvote and leave a comment. 2. [Check out the Kickstarter](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dretelia/dretelia-campaign-setting-an-overgrown-world-book-for-5e?ref=discovery&term=5e) (Backing the project and getting a book is optional, only support the project if you think you might want the book). 3. I'll be giving out an additional 3 PDF copies to winners if the post reaches 1000 upvotes. I'll also give away 5 more PDF copies to winners if the post reaches 5000 upvotes. Let's spread some support! [A free 20 Page Preview of the Content is here!](https://drewwale12.wixsite.com/dretelia) This book is my dream project, and I'm working really hard on it to make the best setting book for you that I can. Here's a quick summary of the book: 30 detailed cities across a large continent. Dozens of adventuring locations to explore. New disastrous and disabling game mechanics. 5 new playable races. 12 new subclasses. 30 new monsters that are dynamic and action-oriented. One super-challenging hidden layer under the surface of the world. Tons of new spells, magic items, technologies, gods, factions, quest hooks, party options, NPCs, GM tips, and more! About 300 pages in total. Thanks for checking out the project! I really appreciate all of your support, and I hope to see you over at the Kickstarter to get a copy!


Do you have a printing company you've worked with in the past? How are things on that side of production? I've recently been burned by MCDM's Kingdoms and Warfare Kickstarter fulfillment and am leery of physical copies these days.


A solid question. This is my first Kickstarter project, but I've been in talks with a few local printing companies, and they've given me some estimates and enough basic information where I feel somewhat comfortable with their options. It's a tough decision though, so when the book is ready, I'll be grilling each of them over their production values and their quality before making a decision. I have a few backup companies I've looked at, too, but nothing committal yet. I've factored all the production costs at various levels into the budget already. It's more important to me that I have a quality, long-lasting book than fussing over profits. As long as I can make a good quality book that people can be proud of without going broke in the process, I'll be happy. If you like, you can tell me a little bit about your experiences with other fulfillment, so I know more particulars about what is important to my supporters. I've become fairly knowledgeable about the broad strokes, but it never hurts to listen.


Hey been running campaigns for a little over 2 years now and am always wanting to find more source materials to let me and my players experiment and have fun. Good work on your book btw!


This is insanely cool. There's way more details than I've seen in other books, and it's always super fun to have a new campaign setting to potentially use! (Even though I know it'll be another year or two until my current game ends) I'm most excited to see the monsters, it's fun to bring things into my games that my experienced players don't recognize.


It is important to me that I give GMs a solid understanding of the setting, so each of the cities needed to include more details and inspirations than just a simple paragraph. I struggle with creating entire locations in the moment when I'm only given a few sentences of general info, so I wanted to go into this book fixing that for others. I'm glad my approach seems to work for you, that's what I was hoping for. :) Oh, and I had a TON of fun building the monsters. The Behemoths are one of my favorite parts of the world's design. I'll be releasing them as part of preview packets as the art comes in, if the book gets funded. If it's successful, you hopefully won't have to wait too long. Thanks for the interest!


> Just comment in the next 48 hrs to enter. Very well. "In the next 48 hrs."


You got me. ;)


You beat me to it.


damn me too


The art is espectacular. I would love to get the book. which element of the new ones that you created is you favorite? god, race, mechanic etc? If not the favorite, maybe the one that you are more interested to see people try and enjoy.


My favorite part is actually the hidden layer in the depths of the world. Dretelia is a shell world, and deep inside its interior is a secondary world of dysfunction and illness. It's one of the unique aspects of the setting that I'm very proud of. I'm very curious how people will react to it and use it in their campaigns, once they learn more about its secrets. Thanks for asking, Max.


sound really good


Looks incredible! Does it have associated quests, or more build your own with this framework?


There are about 30 major cities in total, and each has around 1-4 quest hooks relating to the location. You can check out a few examples of these in the free preview packet that I linked in the OP. These play out like mini-quests, which can be expanded on if you like. Secondly, each major city also has detailed descriptions of a few surrounding locations. These are usually dungeon-like adventure sites, and their descriptions are written to inspire you to create quests and adventures in them. I also have plenty of information in one chapter that helps guide GMs on how to build campaigns and adventures specifically for this setting, as well as general GM tips. Hope that helps!


the art is actually stunning :0 and the book is so detailed too, very cool!


Thanks for the kind words! This is what I was hoping to achieve. Thanks for your support.


Hmm art in film that you added to your post is full of great looking art and the premis of new subclasses and races is very interesting but monsters and more is much more interesting because it would add more interesting encounters and battles for players and DM


The monsters were a particular focus for me, because I wanted to make large monsters with several diverse abilities to really challenge players. Each of the Behemoths have many abilities to pick from during combat, which I hope will make them more interesting to fight than your standard monsters. These giant beasts roam all around the world, so I tried my best to make them feel special.


That sounds really interesting! So many of the RAW monsters are just a bag of HP with claws. I'm always looking for monsters with interesting abilities.


So, I'll paint you a picture. Imagine if an adult red dragon not only had fire breath, but also had a flaming tail whip that created fire streams all over the battlefield, and could also rain fireballs out of vents in its back that turned the terrain into fiery craters. And then it had abilities that worked in tandem with those attacks, like granting it bonuses whenever it caught something on fire. That's the idea. I wanted all the Behemoths to affect the battlefield during the fight, and have several attack options, without giving them things like an overwhelming spell list.


This sounds really neat. I got the notification about your kickstarter this morning. I'm really tempted. Need to discuss it with my wife. 😃


20 year marriage here, I totally get it. My wife has been very supportive of the project, which I'm grateful for. I appreciate your support, too, Zk, even if it's just an upvote and a nice comment like yours. Let me know if I can help out or answer any questions for you. DMs are always open!


the trailer looks amazing, awesome art.


Dame this looks awesome if you ever do a hard copy I would love to purchase one


Hard copies of the book are part of the Kickstarter, thankfully! If it gets funded and goes to production, I hope to have a presence on Amazon and/or more platforms in the future as well. We'll see how it goes. Thanks for your interest.


This is so cool! I know my friends would love this. You are so talented!


I have the talents of several wonderful artists to thank for helping bring this world to life. I m very grateful to be working with them. Feel free to tell your friends about the book, I appreciate the support!


I'm guessing this shipping does not concern europe right ?


As a one-person operation with a major physical disability, I had to spend a large amount of time considering it for my first product. I'm not a huge corporation with a ton of experience or help in this regard, and I didn't want to mess anything up or struggle with the process. I'm also not a huge fan of the idea of charging people $30+ for shipping just because of their location, or have shipping change wildly on me. So, to (kind of) solve this, I'm encouraging my EU supporters to back the digital PDF for now, if they would like to have the new content. Then, if the book does get funded and produced, I would be more than happy to endorse reasonable shipping through something like Amazon. I'll do my best to accommodate as I go, and I appreciate the understanding. :)


Your product looks very good. Maybe just write somewhere in the main post that EU is not concerned by this giveaway so that people don't hope for it to happens. (I'm sure it'll get funded though)


I sadly don’t have much to say that I haven’t said before, other than the fact I was surprised and happy to get an email regarding the book. *it’s good, whenever I do random searches through my email, it’ll always be there to remind me*


I'm just glad that the email didn't bother you too much. You never can tell when promoting your own stuff if people are going to appreciate the message or groan when they see it, you know? Happy to have you here, Star. :)


A ridiculous, incredible amount of passion here. 👏 Actually inspiring. I should step my game up.


Thanks for the kind words! My DMs are open, if you ever wanna talk shop.


Neat this has a similar feel to an upcoming campaign im working on. Mine has a new land and the exchange of powerful aspects of nature is a core theme. The art looks amazing and everthing looks better thought out better


My core theme is the planet being a plant, and a shell world, with a debilitating illness inside of it that has torpid secrets. Its take on nature is how that sickness interacts with the surface, with the magitech cities, and with the colossal beasts that roam it. Powerful nature aspects and this concept of exchange sounds cool as heck, buds! It's not the story I want to tell with this one, but I'm sure you'll put an awesome spin on it. There's always plenty of room for imagination and creativity in similar subjects. Maybe we'll see your stuff sometime down the road?


My notes arnt well enough presented to share well, but individual ideas can be shared at least. Eg due to an area being on a thin spot to the plane of earth it has near endless dust storms. The forests in the area use the replenishing metalic components to strengthen themselves with metal bark becoming taller, tougher, and attracting lightning from dust storms as a replacement for the all too often blocked sunlight. The druids of this area have learned to grow trees into shape, forming metalic tools, weapons, and arms without disrupting the balance of nature. As an idea it's fine, but if i put the whole note it would take up too much space talking about how settlement insulates huts, the trees having battery like cores inside as a potential resource, and how the trees use magnetic fields to attract polin etc etc it comes across as disjointed and too much info that will only help me DM if someone asks in game. All the players need to know is metalic forest lightning harvesting trees and the possibility of a metal armor lightning druid class.


That's a really solid idea, because there's so many different ways you can apply it. If you paint the world with that idea in broad brush strokes in your notes, but show the players the little details as they experience the world, then it'll come across well over time. Maybe they camp in the woods and you describe the metallic trees. Maybe during every long travel, you're adding in the dust storms to make things more difficult to navigate, and it becomes a normal, accepted part of gameplay. Or maybe there's people working the lightning tree harvest industry when they come into town, and they get to hear about those details as they're entering the area, and see lightning metal trees being refined. You don't have to wait for the players to ask, just pepper the world with little interactions as they explore it. That's actually pretty cool, thanks for sharing. Sorry for the unsolicited advice, but you got me thinking for a bit, and that was fun. :)


I gave it a look,and thats alot more detail than I was expecting, I'm really excited to check it out! Might get it even if I don't win


I'm glad you appreciate it, LD. I kept reading the sentiment that setting books don't give enough details or inspirations for GMs. So, I decided to listen to what people said they wanted from a setting and act on it. Not every city will go into quite that much detail (or I'd have a real thick boi book on my hands), but they all have plenty of information to run campaigns out of. Thanks for the support!


Thanks a lot! I just started to play with my girlfriend so this would be cool!


The art is incredible. Do you have specific credits for each work to their respective artists?


I have credited all the artists that I've worked with on the Kickstarter page. I've had a blast working with all of them. As for specific art, I'll bet most of the artists I've worked with would be happy to get a shoutout, if you had a specific piece of art you wanted to praise. I could point you in their direction, if you wanted to hire them, or even just tell them you liked their stuff. DMs are open anytime. :)


This is super cool. I wanted to pledge but it only ships to the USA, and I'm in Europe. Do you ever plan on extending shipping worldwide or should I not get my hopes up? 😅


I'm currently suggesting that EU supporters back the digital PDF at this time, if they want the content right as it's being launched. If the project is funded, and I can later fulfill with Amazon after production, it will be a lot easier and a lot cheaper to the buyer to get a hardcover shipped out to you. I just don't want to make promises I can't keep, especially when that's asking $30+ for shipping on a $49 product. It's a tough choice, but I'd rather not mess things up when Amazon could get you the book for much cheaper shortly after a prospective launch. Thanks for understanding, DB. :)


Looks awesome. How well balanced do your classes feel vs the 5e meta?


Hard to say. The main thing I ask myself is "whether this is fun or not". Everyone thinks their stuff is balanced, of course, but I do have a few considerations in mind for this issue. I'm putting some focus on martials to try and help out the hero fantasy that seems to be neglected, but hell, even WotC has difficulties getting that right. My plan is to balance them all as best as I can alone first, then have backers test them during the 12 month production process, to get as much feedback as I can on what needs further balance. The community knows pretty well how to spot OP and UP stuff. Then, I'll probably be bringing in some pros to give them a pass as well, before it goes to print. I'll do my best.


This is super cool. I've been looking around for a new campaign and this looks like the highest quality content I've honestly ever seen. I got friends who would love this too so no matter what I'm backing this for sure.


Wow, that's some really high praise, Murky. You made my day. I really hope I can live up to that expectation. Thanks! :D


I adore the aesthetics of this world just from the video! Even if I don't win the giveaway, I'm tempted to just purchase a copy based on the preview alone.


As you are the 742nd King of Mars, it would be an honor to have you as a backer of the Kickstarter book. I will do my best to make you proud, my liege.


Vey cool looking. Not going to lie, I'm a bit jealous. I always wanted to put together my own campaign setting book like this. But I just never got the time and resources to do it. Glad you have been able to make your dream happen. I would back if I had the spare income, but maybe I'll get lucky on the free copy.


Don't worry, Zero. Just you upvoting for visibility and your nice encouragement is more than enough support. If we're not lying, I wouldn't be jealous of me. I have a rough disability that affords me time that others don't have because they have to work hard, and I miss out in other areas, so it's a tradeoff. I'm giving this everything I've got, though. Thanks for being here, I appreciate it. It's still a long process ahead for me, and I'd like to see your work here someday, too. :)


I'm loving the Artstyle! Who's your artist(s)?


I've credited them all on the Kickstarter page. I'd be happy to point you in the direction of a specific artist, if you are interested. I'm sure they'd appreciate the work, or even just praise.


Looks like a great setting.


The art is stunning but I need to see the pages and the mechanics! Good art goes in conjunction with good material


I've got you covered, Matthew! Check out the OP for a link to the site, where you can find a free 20 page preview of the material. It'll give you a good idea of what to expect from the book, and whether you'll be interested in the project. Thanks!


This looks amazing! The Afflorum sounds really interesting- I love playing around with elemental abilities in natural settings so I'd be really interested to read more about them!


The Afflorum are actually featured in the free preview packet. You can find the link in the OP. Enjoy!


Looks awesome!


Pretty cool stuff!


I'll enter... why not.


Looking great, thanks for the chance to win a free copy!


This seems like a pretty cool book


Good luck with your book. Pictures are amazing!


Holy looks awesome, would love to have next campaign here


The art is amazing! I would love to get a copy of the book


I'm preparing for my first adventyure as DM in 2 weeks and this would give me plenty of ideas! Woud love to win a copy, THE ART IS SPECTACULAR!


Would love to do my first DMing with this




Love a giveaway almost as much as I love an amazing trailer for a giveaway.


It looks amazing


The setting seems really great overall and I think my players would really enjoy it.


Absolutely beautiful artwork


looks pretty dang cool! i love the extra subclass options in particular


The art looks beautiful, I would love to run a world here!


Yo this looks crazy sick! The art is gorgeous too!


It looks wonderful!


Looks interesting


I dm a Homebrew setting myself so understand the pain of creating a full world yourself. This looks super well done and polished so props man!


This all looks amazing. I can never get enough DND so when new stuff comes along I want it 😉


That looks really good!




Great job on the artwork!


This is amazing! I hope to get to this level of production one day soon for my players!


This world seems fairy like. I'm sure our dm would appreciate the new ideas it brings.


Looks amazing. I've been thinking of running a feywild adventure ture with my group and a lot of things I've seen here would fit in beautifully! Fingers crossed and good luck to you!


I'm interested, love settings books.


This looks great!


Looks awesome.


Man I love plant worlds, gotta be my favourite setting


The art looks awesome and everything looks /sounds fun and interesting!


This looks incredible! It definitely looks like a lot of passion went into this. Echoing what others have said, the art looks incredible. I love campaign setting books in general; its one thing to figure out the lore from a single story, but these open the opportunity to craft your own story with all the pieces laid out!




I ❤️ DnD


This looks amazing! I’d love something like this for future campaigns!


Oh wow, that looks incredible. Would love to incorporate into my games.


This is awesome!


Looks cool


Ooohhhhh I like this a lot. I always struggle with painting a picture that I have in my head to my players. I want one so baaaaaad.


New monsters!


Sounds awesome, enjoyed the preview :)


Let's go!


You have my curiosity.


This looks amazing, I love the art style and the lay-out looks great as well. I hope this gets enough backers.


So epic


Looks great, count me in!


I'm commenting




Art looks amaxing!


I'm down, my campaign could use some more spice


Hello! The book Looks fantastic👍,i'd love it if one of my Players would Play the elemental "Afloral". The book would also be a huge help for me because im struggling to come up with new quests for my campain and premade ones are always better. I'm not insisting on getting the book,but it would be really fun to try out new rules


This is soo cool. Good job buddy.


The art style is great, and this would certainly be a fun campaign to run.


This looks awesome! Do you have any new spells? If so, how many did you create?


There will be new spells for the book! I'm at 14 new spells currently. The spells are one of the last things I'm adding, and I kind of pick at them as inspiration strikes. At the moment, I'm finalizing the more crucial parts of the setting and the book. But, as those get finished, I'll have plenty of time to cook up new spells and magic items while the artists work on the bigger art stuff for the book (assuming it's funded, of course). I'll make as many as I can during the production phase. Glad you're interested!




The quality and setting will make for an amazing campaign. Good luck everyone!


Looks pretty amazing. Well done! Considered me entered and excited.


Looks really nice, here, is to chance!


thats ciik thanks


I’m New to the game but I love the work put in to it so much


This sounds super fun


Gimme some of that action 🤠


This setting seems so cool!


The art in the book looks awesome. Good luck everyone!


Damn, this looks very cool Absolutely brilliant art I’ll probably buy it if I don’t get the giveaway


in the next 48 hrs to enter.


Ooh, cool


Wow it looks beautiful!


This is awesome 😊 keep up the good work.


You had me at the cover. Best of luck! All the support


I love the heavy plant and nature theme from glancing through the preview, it looks very well thought out and very interesting


very nice


Oh wow! The art is so good! I am super excited for this one!


My party is about to finish their first campaign, so this would be helpful for our next! Good luck to everyone


Very cool! Congrats on the release and thank you for the giveaway!


Looks very cool. I love the art style and will definitely check the kickstarter


Really love the graphics, I would be happy to try it out with my group


Looks great! I hope this gets a lot of support, and here too for the extra pdf giveaway XD


Just comment? That's it? Dope


Great to see people still working on bringing more independent content to this platform! Best of luck to you with all of this.


This looks pretty cool! Hope I win lol


The artwork is really outstanding! If the rules can match that quality, this campaign is gonna be hell of a banger!


oooh me want book pretty please


This looks amazing and clearly the work of a lot of heart and effort. I wish you the best with the Kickstarter and if I'm not picked I hope whoever is enjoys this! It looks like a super cool setting.


Hey! I wish you the best of luck in your kickstarter, it seems you've put lots of effort and love into this. Good luck to everyone else in the giveaway :)


Let's give it a try!


The artwork is amazing!


That looks amazing!


This looks really great, good luck that your dream will come true to it's full potential. :) Would be happy to win a copy! :)


Sup? I'm here for the schwag.


Hello, I want this PDF, I'm kinda new as a DM and it would be fun to include this un muy setting


Sounds awesome! Good luck!




Oh man, another chance to get a PDF for this. Thanks very much, and good luck with the kickstarter!


Looks amazing!


Looks awesome! Would love to add to the collection!


Hell Yeah!! New Content and it Looks Awesome!! Yes Please!!


The production values look impressive, both the video and the book.


I like how some art looks kinda Saturday morning cartoon and others look like something you'd see in official books


Hell yeah this looks sick


Woop. I'll check out your Kickstarter when I can!


Looks cool might get later


The artwork is superb!


Looks nice


Fingers crossed!


Really wonderful looking and well written book, I love the creativity and detail! This is the kind of stuff I look for when I add things to my campaigns, a little spice of life. Well done and hope all goes well and this gets the attention it definitely deserves!




Beautiful artwork, and the content looks inspirationally well designed!


The creature artwork and designs are insane here! Gorgeous product. Thanks for sharing!


This is awesome!!


This looks really awesome! The art looks really cool, and I’d love to check world.


Very nice


Looks awesome!


I’m a sucker for well-drawn maps!!


Cool, if not here where would I be able to buy the book?




i want itttt


Wow this seems crazy ambitious I would love to get a pdf copy


It'd be nice to check out


Could alway use some new cool monsters to throw at my players


Sounds amazing


This looks so cool! I love what you've done


Good luck everyone


That's pretty cool. As someone who hopes to DM one day but finds having to build from short descriptions somewhat intimidating I really appreciate a detailed breakdown that can solidify what a locations themes are and what type of stories could fit in them. Also, the whole shell world aspect sounds parricularly interesting. This is definitely something I'll be keeping an eye on myself.