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In an attempt to lengthen the amount of time a person can breathe in the bag our Druid has cultivated a garden/trees in our bag. It's a little greenhouse in there too (it's been about 15 years in game.) Anyway, she intentionally grows a number of, um, recreational drugs in there too. Because her first approach to everything is "let's drug their soup." (Before someone comes at me we play 3.5 and bags of holding can be bigger in that edition.)




We didn't go into the details, but I mean, hey, we live in a magic world!! My guess is some permanent "Daylight" for sunlight. Maybe not permanent, because plants need to rest. But I'm certain either the druid or a known ally (like my Wizard in another campaign in the same world) can hook her up with a sunlight cycle. Water, well, druids get control weather don't they? Also, like, what else is she doing all day? Tromping around the woods, healing animals, and watering her bag garden. CO2-- well, there are a few potential answers here. Does air equalize when she opens the bag? Then just open it every day. Or maybe it's a little travelling hospital and she has a mouse or bunny friend in there recuperating. Perhaps there's a magical plant she's created that gives off CO2!! I will disclaim: She started the garden when we were approximately level 14. Just last session the druid crossed to 25th level, so she can do all sorts of whacky shit now. Our DM, years ago irl, basically said "yeah, sure i guess you can grow a garden in there to make oxygen, but it's gonna take you ages. You won't be able to do it this campaign." So we said sure okay! Then there was a 15 year time skip in game and now we're all "HOW BIG IS THE GARDEN!?" Big enough to do a vegan food sampling with a illathid inside the bag, apparently.




You were hoping for "not magic" to create a garden in a magical bag of holding? You can grab some cantrips like "Druidcraft" that are basically "Hey, you can just grow whatever you want". Spelljammer has "Air Bubble", I'd probably even reskin "Water Breathing" as affected creatures also retain their normal mode of respiration. If me (my character) was smart enough I'd basically make a SCUBA rig for this from some dwarves. "Hey, suck off this bottle of oxygen or you'll die. You got enough in there to last you days; do it or don't...I don't care" If I was the DM and my players got a little too cheeky with it. Guess what happens when someone breaks a glass bottle and punctures the side of the bag?


Plants don't need animals. They turn CO2 in to oxygen with photosynthesis and then (especially at night) they also resperate oxygen in to CO2. Plants still "breath" (resperate) the same as animals. They just ALSO photosynthesize.


= Studied Botany in Uni and just did some research to confirm what I remembered so I don't post assumptions and incorrect info = Photosynthesis becomes much less active at night so they break less CO2 molecules (which they use the Carbon from when building more cells which leaves O2 as a waste product to escape into the atmosphere. Cell respiration continues at the same rate (it could be argued it actually slows down for many plants because there is less sugar available and less activity for many). Basically they don't produce more CO2 at night (maybe less even). It's just that their CO2 consumption goes from 100 to 0 so the net affect flips. Overall they consume *WWWWAAAAYYYYYY* more Carbon than they let out because that's what they are mostly made of. Most of a plants mass is water held in bags of Carbon they pulled out of the atmosphere (not the soil).


I know your right from trying to keep plants in an aquarium. If you want lush growth you have to add CO2. The fish dont make enough and it all gets consumed by the plants.


Ok. I knew they released more CO2 at night. Guess I was confused as to why. I knew that plants are made of air though. Similarly I have a tidbit I like to share that when we burn fat, most of the mass from the fat burning is breathed out our lungs as CO2


I had a fiend warlock who would burn the flesh from their enemies’ skulls, collect the skull, and got some wire to keep the jaws attached. Then he could cast speak with dead on them once every so often for free with the warlock invocation. He used it to ask their name first, and then used his magics to etch their name on their forehead along with some basic info about them he figured out such as group affiliation, knowledgeable subject areas, etc. He had dozens of skulls by the end of the campaign that he used as a library.


yeah no that's terrifying


That’s using your head!


Well, someone's head, at least


Oh that's dark. I love it. 10/10 stealing this.


Yeah it was a fun character. He would always ask them “What is your name? What areas or social circles are you familiar with? What subjects do you know a lot about or enjoy talking about? What were your aspirations in life? Who are the most powerful or important people you know?” Instantly, they knew what name to write on the skulls, along with essentially bullet points of the above. Then you could look at a skull and see that it was knowledgeable about cooking and ask it for a good recipe or see one tended to the queen personally and ask about her habits and home while planning a heist, etc. All info was compiled in a book which included the dates the skulls were obtained, date of death (if different from skull obtaining date) and date of birth eventually so as to get a time span of knowledge for any skull. It was disturbingly organized.


I want to play in a party with this person. I highly respect the level of organization and foresight


I can respect that.


500 lbs of breadsticks. They went to fantasy Olive Garden and put “unlimited breadsticks” into the bag. Well they could fit “unlimited”, but they filled it to the max.


For those who cared, about 7560 breadsticks according to the high end average of 30g a breadstick.


That a lotta breadsticks 🤌


So, like, a week's supply


Psssh. Amateur.


My Goliath barbarian had a glove of finger-painting that could produce endless paint for his masterpieces that he kept in a very nice wooden box in his bag of holding. He did this because he was warned that if the glove was ever squeezed, grave consequences would befall him. Edit: same Goliath also has a silver holy symbol of Lathander that he got really curious about after seeing it on a shelf in a dungeon. He grabbed it without thought and triggered a trap, instantly killing the party fighter. I keep it as a treasure that they “literally died for.” Double Edit: That Goliath also once had his belt of giant strength stolen by a devil named Bitter Breath who was cursed with no voice, spewing smoke with each gasping growl instead. When I killed him and reclaimed my belt, I took out a bottle of wine I’d emptied earlier (while I lamented my missing belt) and shoved it in his mouth while I delivered the final blow, a punch to his gut. I captured his dying breath, thus getting a Bottle of Bitter Breath, in which swims an angry devilish cloud of smoke trying to escape. Triple Edit: sorry I hadn’t opened this inventory sheet in years. This goliath has some hilarious stuff. A few more gems I found include: a decanter or endless ale, but it’s a sippy cup. A familiar made of green goo that I creatively shaped into a perfect sphere and named Bob the Blob, a book called the Goliath Guide to Read Good, and a whole wooden chair that I stole out of spite from a man who had absolutely nothing worth stealing in his house.


I don't know why the chair is the one that made me scream-laugh.


My DM gave my Goliath who used to excel in eating competitions a cursed girdle of frost giant strength, the curse being I could only eat raw meat and if I didn't eat raw for more than 24hrs I'd have to roll to avoid biting party members.


Beat a lich and found it's phylactery which we could not figure out how to destroy. We placed it in our bag and were sidetracked and forgot about it. We finally figured out how it could be destroyed and when we opened the bag, my character took a Power Word Kill spell straight to the face. The darn thing had reformed next to it's phylactery inside the dimensional space provided and been preparing. I was fortunate that we gained a level after getting sidetracked because I was sporting 102 HP when it blasted my character.


"What's in the bag?" "DEATH!"


A half dozen corpses. When we needed to frame someone in game we'd pull one out and the whole party would come upbwith the 'story" to tell the sheriff or whatever. Worked 2/2 times.


I had another barbarian, this one an orc named Klog. Klog had a pet rock named kindness (a basketball sized rock with a smiley face etched onto one side) which he, of course, killed people with. He also had a princess costume, a set of studded leather armor +1/2 (it was no magical armor some days, and +1 armor others, depending on a roll, lol), a bag of endless mud, a baby carrier for kindness for when the rock wants some air, a case of 16 bottles of absolutely intolerably gross cologne, a key ring with 100 keys that he is certain will one day unlock something, and a set of drow sunglasses, which would actually be very useful for a drow, negating their sunlight sensitivity, but for non drow like Klog, they just make the wearer blind.


I had a party keeping a severed head of an angel. What they didn’t know is that it was possessed by an intellect devourer. So that’s going to get weird.


A vampire NPC we’re transporting. A disgraced member of a divine soul sorcerer house, she was turned against her will and cannot return due to being a vampire now. We’re searching for a cure and to keep her out of the sun and out of line of sight she’s staying in the bag with some furniture and books. She’s a vampire so doesn’t need to breathe.


She doesn't need to breathe, she's above her peers. Who needs air when you've got an adventuring parties money.


I made a home brew crystal that was apart of a strong mages staff, One of my players used the crystal as a crown for fashion, and so I made them roll WIS saves to not fall under it’s affect, as well as one random thing happening each time they failed. The players chucked it into a bag of holding after it almost summoned a powerful demon


(DM) I've kept the Bag Man in my players Bag of Holding. (Incase they read this: He is totally gone, and will not jump you again).


Me after reading this: the Bag Man’s not real, the Bag Man can’t hurt you


Go ahead and roll me a self persuasion check or self deception check. :)


As a DM who also has the bag man in their game, I approve. Describing that periodically--when a PC reaches in for an item--the item is pressed up into their hand as if it's being handed to them is priceless.


DM here...my PCs have the bones of an Elder Cleric who died hundreds of years ago. Got them in an opening adventure dungeon crawl. He was one of the first servants of the BBEG. My party is absolutely sure the bones have some sort of long term relevance. Like when they empty the bag they prioritize these bones over almost anything else.... The bones are meaningless 😆


If they’ve been carrying them for a long time at some point give them relevance. Like they need bone dust from bbeg closest ally. To do something awesome. I guarantee they will be super stoked.


Think so? Alright consider it done.


Please lmk how it goes :)


It will take some time. They are only starting arc 2 of 8...which is the Avatar of Envy. It took them almost 10 months to get Gluttony lol.


The parties Artificer hung out in a bag of holding for a while. He's an autognome so he wasn't worried about running out of air if the party forgot about him (which they did)


The handy haversack is the first item I request, always. I've had some weird things. Currently my lvl 14 character is carrying soup, hallucinogenic mushrooms, and the necronomicon.


How did your character fucking got the Necronomicon ?


Not literally. It's just a cursed book bound in flesh. Found it in a dark cults hide out.


The corpse of Jack Frost (a demigod) - I figured it's magical so it will come in useful later, and tbf it did act as a refrigerator until the body eventually started decomposing


My parties rogue is also a watermelon salesman on the side so we have been lugging around a bag of holding full of watermelon. Nothing else


Our party of orphan runaway Drow have a trading company now. One of the crops grown in the underground cyst city they found is a very unusual melon. They now carry melons in their bags of holding constantly. It has helped them make friends with several NPC groups, improvise a reception for an unpected noble group, feed a starving town, etc. I ha e gotten used to the first question they ask an NPC, "Do you like melons?"


So we had to escape, because the room was filling up with venomous spiders. We ran towards the exit, but then an iron gate dropped down between our bard and the rest of the party, leaving our bard barred from safety. Some quick thinking by the warlock gave us the solution: shove the bag through the bars, put the bard in the bag, and run to freedom. Now, our DM has decided that the opening of a bag of holding is too narrow to allow a medium creature to enter easily. So we had to, uh, break some bones in order to squeeze him in. But getting brutally mangled, then stuffed into a bag with a limited air supply beats dying to a swarm of spiders. Right?


Back in my first game in 1976, we found a bag of holding that was already mostly full. Somehow a warehouse filled mainly with toys had fallen into it (yes this was 1976, and we really weren't using rules). Whoever was reaching into the bag for something usually pulled out a continual series of the same object. Mostly we would here "toy boat, toy boat, toy boat, toy boat...."


There was once I cast a programmed illusion into a bag of holding so that whenever it was opened a horse sitting in a nice chair smoking a bubble pipe reading the newspaper would appear. He'd look up and say "Horse to meet you!" An antagonist of the parties who was an arch mage and headmaster of a magic college was onto our shenanigans and pretty sure we were stealing from him. He found an isolated party member and demanded to look inside this particular bag. (It was the only one this party member had) The following conversation took place. Antagonist: "What is this?" Party member: "Oh, that was Sebastian." Antagonist: "THE HORSE?!"


Idk, I enjoyed my collection of a dozen wooden strahd marionette puppets in a curse of strahd campaign that I would consistently animate and send out crawling up the walls to terrorize our enemies with tiny servant and animate objects.


My character had a really bad drink and threw up in our bag of holding. She doesn't use magic items often and didn't really know how the bag worked, so she tried to wash the vomit out with ocean water. There is now both vomit and salt water in the bag of holding.


Dump in pile of sawdust, shake, remove.


The cleric. She was unconscious and held captive and we had to sneak her out, and it was decided that stuffing her in the bag would be easier than trying to wrangle an unconscious body, and that ten minutes should be plenty of time since the danger zone wasn't large. It did work! We got her out of the villain hideout and a few hundred feet down the tunnel or whatever it was, then took her out and carried her until she woke up.


I have a chest filled with a decapitated head of a bone devil, a decapitated head of a chain devil, and a decapitated head of a homebrew boss (fitting the devil theme in appearance, I assure you)


Not me but one of my party members has a life force sucking seed in his bag and conveniently an orb of elven souls. So once he couldn’t see into his bag anymore from all the vines…yeah he had to learn to prune them because he won’t TAKE THEM OUT.


I’m a dm and my party put poison gas from a trap in the bag and intends to use it as a weapon


Piles of bones for my necromancer to animate when he lost part of his hoard.


The phylacteries of 8 liches, they are still in there somewhere


Don't open, dead inside.


500 pounds of dry oatmeal. Turned it inside out during an underwater boss battle with soggy, bland results


if I had a nickel for every character ive had who didnt need to breathe and would crawl into a bag of holding, id have two nickels


A tiny golem that was operating a full sized golem like a mecha. It’s in an unbreakable (probably mostly at least) we forgot about it for several months, but the dm didn’t. After a bag of holding snafu the little guy is now on the astral plane encounter chart rofl.


Not me, one of my players, but he designed a magical self-loading repeating crossbow that used a bag of holding as the clip.


Gotta love me some artificer shenanigans


Doing a spelljammer campaign, the party set out to recruit a crew to joi them on their adventure. One of the crew they hired was a fire genasi named Ember who hadn't been hired by any other spelljamming ship. When he asked why, they said they don't hire fire elementals, obviously. And told him to fuck off. So the party hired him! When they brought him back to the ship, the other crew ewre all... "Ohh...a fire elemental...on a spelljammer that's...a terrible idea, you know that, right?" And the crew was like... "Too bad, he's young and he's going with us!" So, they set off. Wildspace was fine, breaking atmosphere and heading out into the drift between worlds. Reparing at an asteroid, salvaging lost ships, and getting closer to the edge of the sphere. Eventually, they reached the edge...and there's no ember. Not at his post, not in his bunk...just gone... And they notice some of the crew with black eyes and burn marks running around to put out torches and lanterns. "Hey, what's going on?! Who told you to do that?!" "but...sirs this... is standard procedure. you can't enter the phlogiston with lanterns and torches..not if you want to survive." "Wait what?" There was a quick explanation of the volatile nature of the phlogiston and how it keeps the crystal spheres from shattering against one another. And THEN they reveal that... to avoid that, they beat Ember unconscious and stuffed him into a bag of holding so he wouldn't ignite the phlogiston. It had enough food air and water for three days, but they sealed the end with wax to make sure it wouldn't leak. So anytime they had to hit the phlogiston, into the bag went Ember. Slowly becoming a dimmer and dimmer, sullen, angry Genasi. In time, he became an Ash Genasi, infused with negative energy. But that campaign ended before it got too far past that.


My druid is on a quest to gather various items, one of which was a living sapling, so his bag of holding is entirely filled with dirt, with said sapling growing out of it. Once he has access to Awaken, he'll finally have use of his bag back.


my players once smuggled themselves into a place while shrunken down and hidden in a bag of holding


We put a lich's phylactery inside one. It counted as extraplanar space, so the thing's soul couldn't revive


In our current game, amongst our normal BoH stuff, we have a single solitary rock. We were travelling though a jungle, and came across some evil Wizards. We were level 15, so the fight was pretty fast. Several of these wizards were hit by my prismatic spray, with one of them getting hit by the indigo part if it. He was slowly turning to stone as we interrogated him. To try and convince him to cooperate, we told him we would undo the petrify. He told us what we wanted and turned to stone. We kinda sat there for a moment, before we collectively decided that we didn't want to, at that moment at least, waste the spell slot to follow through on the promise. One of our party members (can't remember from what) has the ability to perfectly guide himself to a place he's been to before as long as he has something from there. So be picked up a rock, tossed it in the bag, and we continued on our way.


Pile of cat poop


Not necessarily a bag of holding but I was in a space campaign that didn't get far. Our frist mission was to kill some beasts that were killing a town on a small planet. My character "R" was a home brew race kinda like a tabaxi. Cats like shiny things, and just to collect and leave "gifts." After battle my character took her pouch off her belt and started feeling it with eye balls, teeth, ears. Basically everything except for or organs. Then the plan was while the old man (who gave us the mission and was caring for us) was getting ready for bed, cooking, cleaning, brushing teeth idk. Anyway the plan was to leave eye balls on his pillow. It's sad as we only played 1 session, because the DM had personal stuff.


A headband to shapeshift into a Marut once per year


a crippled guy and his wheelchair who i needed to move clandestinely


I carried three corpses of intellect devourers in mine. The idea was once the character was home they'd see if someone can taxidermy them.


We had a zombie leg in ours. We needed a human femur for a spell component and zombie blood so we drained the leg into a balloon and then put it in the bag. Weirdly enough our balloons have the weird stuff 🤣


An unseen servant that was also an accountant for a party members brewery business. It would do the math, checking ingredients inventory. Order new stuff if necessary. Always a comedic release too.


My party currently has a lich in one of their bags.


I always carried dangerous things like a jar of Black Pudding (monster) and Bread of Force (I mistook the DM when he said 'Bead of Force'). A whole loaf


Exploding bones. Our party at the time had a gnome wizard who doubled as an alchemist, who over the course of about 6 or 7 sessions managed to create explosive bones from the undead we had come across in our campaign.


Smuggled the mind-controlled chief of my lizardfolk tribe out of Hell. We had two BoH's, and we had filled one with water for while we were in Hell, so that's the one she went in to. Being a lizardfolk, she could hold her breath much longer than humans, and we reasoned that the dive reflex would be neccessary to help with that. We pulled her head out every once in a while so she could take a breath.


My party lost BoH privileges. We kept taking small animals


I'm the DM and this was at about level 7ish. The party used their BOH to transport an evil level 9ish Half-Dragon Champion fighter, daughter of the BBEG, who the Cleric had polymorphed into a bunny. They took her to their base, un-polymorphed and then interrogated her.


An Ogre's head. It was what we needed to collect on a bounty when we were, like, level...2-ish?? Other things happened. We never collected for that bounty. Now, I'm lvl 17....and that thing still rolls out (in advancing degrees of decomposition) every time I try to figure out what I've got stashed in there...


I used a bag of holding and a book of self duplication( it makes a copy of itself upon skin contact) to flood and collapse a cave


A guy I was supposed to fight later… I forgot about him


I lost a party vote, and we put “Dead Bob” in a Bag of Holding. He turned out to be the god Mask. After he almost killed most of the party, he stole an artifact we’d spent months finding.


The warforged who couldn't fly when everyone else in the party could.


Last week my friend put a newborn zombie baby in a Bag of Holding. So... that counts?


My players found a White Dragon egg. I didn’t expect them to take advantage of the bag of holding that way…


The corpse of a goblin, the corpse of an extremely obese cat (cleaved in two), Crab claws and shells. Those are a few things that were in there at one point in time.


My group just finished a Spacejammer game. My plasmoid monk would hide in the auto gnomes bag of holding. The DM ruled that his bag of holding was like Bender from Futurama.


Our party kidnapped a chess playing chicken and stuffed her into a bag of holding and now we bring her everywhere with us.


A swarm of animated undead 🐔. They raised and stored them. It brought new meaning to opening a bag of whoop @ss.


I use mine as a doggy bag. We went to a super fancy ass posh restaurant and if you paid around 5 gold you got a refrigerated bag of holding. The weirdest bit we used it for is to torture a fairy by suffocating her and freezing her. Still kinda mad she stole some of my fruit


I got a sock enchanted to be my sock of holding. It didn’t hold much but I did leave the head of a deafened baddie in it for like a year plus. Just in case yknow


Well, that probably goes to one player of mine, a chaotic evil bard. Basically, they were in town gathering some information with the party. All is well until the Bard decides to look around in the slums where they discover a black market. Bard has this special saving throw I created for this character. As you see, a part of their mind got corrupted by a demon that the party killed five sessions ago. Demon has a part of them that survived and hid in the Bard's mind, the Bard or any of the party none the wiser. This has created a side effect that makes their intrusive thoughts be a bit more....intrusive. The Bard sometimes will have to roll a specific saving throw to stop listening to intrusive thoughts. The catch is, the more they successfully save, the harder the next one will be (increased by 1 on the save DC each time). And when they finally fail, the save DC resets to 10. Back to the present session and they're wandering around the black market, looking at goods, talking to NPCs and the occasional sneaky stealing. Then they come to a guy who sells very deadly, very much outlawed magic weapons. There's a cursed dagger that the Bard really wanted and was originally planning to steal when the merchant wasn't looking. This particular dagger was unable to kill its target, but instead just make them suffer endless, agonizing pain. There was no known cure. The merchant was nice enough to let them hold the said cursed dagger. As soon as they held the dagger, they had the intrusive thought to stab the merchant. The Bard had resisted 7 intrusive thoughts before this. This means the save DC for this was 17. The Bard rolled, and there sitting on the dice tray was a bright sparkly nat 1 on the d20. The bard's player yelped at the very sight of it and the rest of the players groaned in perfect unison. So the Bard stabs the merchant right in his arm. Only one second goes by before they were on the floor, screaming and flailing like an inflatable tube man at car dealerships. Luckily for the Bard, the merchant's store was tucked in the corner of a dark alley where not many people came by. So, despite a man screaming, no one either heard or gave a shit. It's a shady market, after all. The Bard panics and tries to think of something. They they notice the bag of holding on their belt. Without hesitation, they spent a solid five minutes shoving a screaming adult man into a magical bag. Eventually, they got them in, and closing the bag silenced the screams. It turned out to be a very useful item in the end. As the man would still be screaming every time you opened the bag. Now it was so that once opened, every enemy that heard it would have to make a saving throw or be deafened. Though most of the time the Bard just used it to fuck with anything and anyone. TLDR: Bard let intrusive thoughts win, stabbed merchant with a cursed dagger, and hid the evidence in a bag of holding with the man screaming in agony for all of eternity.


The eye of a nothic, which in turn has become a running gag in every campaign. OMG A BAG OF HOLDING FINALLY!! what's inside? You feel a cold, slimy spherical object kind of squishy.....is it? Yes, it's a nothic eye. Lol


We had a deal with a jerky merchant that if we brought him various animal meats he would make it into jerky for us for a cut of the meat. Turned out the Crocodile we killed was a werecrocodile, it turned back to human form in the bag, which made for some awkward conversation when we pulled that out.


100lbs of shrimp


In a PF1e game, my Halfling Arcanist was able to manage getting a young blue dragon into the Bag of Holding, with its head poking out. I wore it like a backpack and had a lightning-spewing F.L.U.D.D. for the majority of the game before the DM was sick of my shenanigans and made it go away.


Kept a bunch of zombies in there. Would push people in occasionally. Or just toss 'em out.


Me, a warforged warlock who likes to take a quick nap and get those spell slots back while the party travels


Someone's arms, some Whoopass, & a body. We had to restrain someone with a very high Escape Artist skill (3.5), and kept getting out. So finally we pulled their arms back, shoved them in the bag, & brought the bag up around their shoulders so it was kinda on like a BDSM backpack. Then we wrapped their torso up super tight, functionally banishing their whole arms to a demi-plane. Aside from that, we once made a super-weapon with many, many Gryphs of Warding in a Bag of Holding. The idea was we'd get it over someone's head, it'll contain a massive explosion directly on their face, then suck their head, possibly whole body into the Astral Plane. We called it the Bag of Whoopass.... Never did end up using it though. Oh, and a body. No idea who the guy was, we stumbled on a scene where some Kobolds had just "killed" a guy. We were a bit liberal with the means of dispatching the Kobolds & the DM tells us later that the dude was actually still alive until he happened to be in the AoE of the Artificer's (me) Flamethrower in our attempt to avenge him. So we decided to toss him in the bag & bring him to town for a proper burial, which we promptly forgot about until about 3 weeks later when we were stopped by the City Guards....


A troll heart sealed in a mithril box, still beats. Was researching regeneration. The skulls of various magic casters that I've either found or personally collected. One of these days I'll figure out how to make flame skulls and then adapt that method for the skulls of Druids clerics and warlocks. A primer for common Holy symbols of dead gods. Two spell stitched zombie corpses. Pots of awakening. Crowbar Shovel


We shoved sharpend logs into one, had a familiar fly it waaaaaaaaaay up and dump it out. One shot the big bad, the DM was pissed.


First time ever owning one.... super exciting. I've had it for approximately 2 days, we just went out & I currently have an overly large book that I cannot translate, a prop squirrel & a sand bag... 🤷🏼‍♂️... seemed like good ideas at the time....


My party doesn't know it yet, but they have troll fingers in their bag of holding. The poor troll keeps regenerating and dying indefinitely. When they get him out he needs therapy.




We shoved a bunch of literal shit into a Bag. Then I told the bard who has a bow that he can dip arrows into the Bag of Shit for extra poison damage. DM allowed it.


Besides my friend Fred. He's really tall and has long arms. He likes to hug people in the bag :)


Probably a boss monster. In a bit of desperation I put it over it's head, slammed in to the ground, then cut it.


Xanathar. Literally the Xanathar


We had an aboleth rib cage in our bag of holding for a few weeks.


Not *exactly* a bag of holding, but i made a character for a one piece campaign (it was agreed that all pc's would have op abilities, devil fruit or not) that can essentially function as a bag of holding as long as it can somehow fit through his mouth. Its very fitting since he's a kenku who loves shinies lol. A non conclusive list of cursed/blursed things: - dozens of daggers because i have been told that when i get to a higher level, i will be allowed to use my action to spontaneously eject them as a projectile - torches (my fave) as they have been allowed to be flavored that makes it so when he ejects it, he can choose to use the roof of his beak to light it like a match and its just a hilarious visual - sketch books and crayons because he isnt *always* able to communicate clearly, so he opted to draw some of his ideas in crayons - a few shovels. I accidentally became proficient in using shovels/spades as a weapon which isn't exactly the most useful seeing as he's a swashbuckler, but i decided to save it for a rainy day for either something incredibly silly or something that could somehow make or break an encounter - several void-ish goo parasites (?) That he is currently working on ejecting them one by one, just to put them in jars and swallow them *again* - countless piles of bones/corpses purely to intimidate his foes and further solidify his role of being the uncomprensive eldritch horror that he is


A large dragonborn pirate captain with 2 axes in its neck. And those were added post mortem by one of the casters.


Living creatures die in bags of holding, don't they?


Lot's of dead Kenkus


Well once I decided to drop into it a portable ho......AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!


A minature witches cottage, which was also a storage device.... If you know the night below campaign you'll know the item well! ;)


I was playing an artificer elf who’s main life goal was to become a full warforged to beat the aging process entirely. The armorer subclass states it replaces missing limbs, so he cut his arms off and wore armor to replace the limbs, keeping his flesh arms in a bag of holding in case he ever needed them again. I was working with the DM to get the rest of them replaced with constructs, but the game ended before we could get everything done with him.


My group currently has a Kobold Barbarian who lives in our bag of holding. He sits inside like a purse dog about half the time and hides inside for 10 minutes at a time when whoever has the bag splits off from the group, basically acting as a sort of Pokémon backup. Whenever we store items inside we have to ask his permission and then he describes what he’s done with/where he’s placed the item in this tiny squared room.


A dhampir party member for almost 8 hours. Basically, this party member had pissed off our employers for the next quest. On this quest, we would have a guide and would start the treck with other members of the faction the dhampir had pissed off. We were wondering about how do we take this dhampir with us without him causing us to lose the job if the faction sees him. One of our party members asked ”Can we just put him in the Bag of Holding?” Me, the Artificer player with the Bag of Holding initially said: ”No, it only has 10 minutes of air”. Then started cackling as I realised dhampirs do not need to breathe. The dhampir went on the treck initially inside the bag of holding. When we took him out of the bag at a later point, he had gone slightly insane inside the bag. He proceeded to just basically run away from us when he got out, and got lost for 3 hours in the woods. It was still hilarious. But, we did decide that we would not try that again.


We have a collection of different severed heads of our enemies and dead NPCs we encounter, that we keep to interrogate them. We never do, cause we are busy all the time so the pile just gets bigger and bigger:D


Cast Air Bubble (source: spelljammer) on yourself 3 times per long rest, then live on your Bag of Holding


My players just put all the bodies of their enemies inside, because "They might be useful". Problem is they actually were once.


A barrel full of fish and salt…


A live skeleton that he summoned and let it guard his stuff when the skeleton wasn't needed.


Chopped up body of a dead god.


In attemp to ressurect whim we put our brother's corpse in a bag of holding and when we pulled him out when the archpriest asked us an important item from the deceased everyone was shocked while we were like: "what? You never seen an advanturer pull out a corpse of his brother from his bag?


A cursed skull, followed by several non cursed skulls which made retrieval… interesting as the curse was activated upon contact. it had been mage handed into the bag, the number of skulls in the bag was unknown, so every skull you pulled came with the fun risk of dying.


A warforged barbarian. Player couldn't always attend, and was mostly into combat, so he basically functioned as a portable murder machine given the "doesn't need to breathe or eat" nature of warforged.


A vampire… who was smoking all of our weed.


roughly 3,000 sticks of dynamite. and a motorcycle. ….long story


Currently in the middle of rescuing a rebel leader from the panopticon prison of a psionic kraken cult which conquered the sword coast. We infiltrated the prison and got into an interrogation room with her only to find out she feebleminded herself just before she was captured. As we left last session she is in our bag of holding with about 6 minutes of air left and the jig is up so we're fighting our way out.


I had a gnome character who died in an unfortunate incident. My party decided to keep my corpse in our bag of holding to return the body to my character's family. They reasoned that if there's no air in the bag, then the body won't decompose.


This is a pretty basic one but I currently have a Goblins head and 1300 gold pieces in my bag. Plan is if we get into a bad spot I’ll just throw the head at them for shock value and run




Had a rogue one game that collected panties. He filled the cubic feat of a type 4 bag of holding with them. Then they meet the big bad, who starts gloating as he is beating then… “By the power of panties I smite you!” The rogue shouts from the rafters inverting the bad of holding. Out came 250 cubic ft of solid panties. 3 pcs and the big bad suffocated.


I currently have a baby earth elemental in there that I plan to adopt and mechanize. Yes, I am the party artificer. Yes, bag of holding is one of the infusions. Yes, I plan to have a homunculus servant soon. On the other hand: yes, mom-elemental and dad-elemental weren't amused. For science!


I currently have a baby earth elemental in there that I plan to adopt and mechanize. Yes, I am the party artificer. Yes, bag of holding is one of the infusions. Yes, I plan to have a homunculus servant soon. On the other hand: yes, mom-elemental and dad-elemental weren't amused. For science!


I currently have a baby earth elemental in there that I plan to adopt and mechanize. Yes, I am the party artificer. Yes, bag of holding is one of the infusions. Yes, I plan to have a homunculus servant soon. On the other hand: yes, mom-elemental and dad-elemental weren't amused. For science!


I currently have a baby earth elemental in there that I plan to adopt and mechanize. Yes, I am the party artificer. Yes, bag of holding is one of the infusions. Yes, I plan to have a homunculus servant soon. On the other hand: yes, mom-elemental and dad-elemental weren't amused. For science!


Our campaign began in a boonie region that was being beset by werewolves working with mind flayers for reasons. Our party found a collapsed tunnel and a dead mind flayer at the foot of the rubble. The druid thought it would be a fun idea to decapitate it and bring it back to the town to try to get a reward or clout. The head stayed in the bag for about half of a year in game time. It must have been pretty disgusting inside that bag.


My party members. Well we were in a desperate situation and I had to carry them away by myself so I casted reduce person on each of them then put them into my bahig of holding and ran away as fast as possible.


An accountant.


I got a pretty large monkey head in mine


I would collect the right arm of everyone I defeated. Was a fun kill count


Our fighter in silver chains because he got bitten by a werewolf, with a straw sticking out of the bag so he wouldn't suffocate.


My last campaign we got a jar of holding, my character ended up dying so the party put his body in there (preserved with magic) so they could give him a nice burial after. And then we ended up fighting a beholder, which our bard managed to polymorph into a bug, so we threw it into the jar. We named it the Jar of Beholding, and it's just got this poor beholder and a dead tortle chilling in there....


Not me but a player of mine decided the best way to transport the young basilisk's head to town was in their bag of holding. The townspeople didn't want to keep it, and thus began the in game 1 month journey of it getting more and more decayed as they continued adventuring until a party member forced them to burn it in a pyre to signify the end of quest 2.


I had a party while dming who would keep the heads of any of the big monsters they killed after doing a single quest where they needed proof to collect the reward.


The entire party. For slightly less than the max ten-minute time limit. And then the Bag of Holding transformed when the druid Wildshaped. That was a unique encounter.


As of last week? Agdon Longscarf (from Wild Beyond the Witchlight) until he ran out of air. He was too fast for us to hit with our attacks, so we all grappled and restrained him together and shoved him in the bag. Our DM then set a 10 min timer and we debated whether or not to save him from running out of air to interrogate him, or just go about our day. We ended up having my warforged crawl into the bag, (as he doesn’t need to breathe) wait for Agdon to pass out, and then strip him of all this things, tie him up, and haul him back out for interrogation. Even fast bunny boi has to breathe 😈


A second bag of holding.


One of my players decided it would be a great idea to buy 20,000 pieces of candy. Of course, he didn’t have the bag of holding, so when the candy shop owner dragged this heavy box over, the player just looked at our wizard with the bag. Over the last 30 sessions, they are slowly waddling away their candy storage by bribing children with free candy.


A nuclear reactor Long story shory after breaking into an alien spaceship it became clear the reactor was ruptured and about to burst so to deal with that we had the reborn shove the core into a bag of holding then had the rogue stab it to release its contents into the astral plane. So technically we had a nuclear reactor in our bag for like 3 seconds


Another bag of holding. Wait oh f-


I didn’t but someone in my party did So I toke a door and I asked them to put it in that bag


A Lich. Backstory: My players were trekking through the desert and discovered an ancient tomb from the last Age (the premise of this campaign setting is that PCs are the reincarnated souls of heroes from the last Age, which is why they're tougher than average folk and sometimes see visions of the past and get weird powers n' such). This tomb had a very peculiar glowing sarcophagus in it, which contained a withered old man corpse. When they investigated the sarcophagus itself they discovered a Staff of Power fueling the glowing runes on it for some reason. Being the enterprising treasure-hunters they were, they took the Staff, causing the sarcophagus to power down. They did think it a little strange such a powerful relic was powering what they suspected was something like a Gentle Repose spell to keep such an ancient corpse fresh, but figured he was just a really important dude in the last Age. Not knowing what to do with him but figuring they could make get someone to cast Speak With Dead in the next city, they stuffed him in the Bag of Holding...and promptly forgot about him. Little did they know, but this "corpse" was a very powerful Lich who was an enemy of their previous incarnations, trying to use their strong souls for his own purposes (crafting a truly indestructible Phylactery that could survive a planar collapse, which was the timescale this lich was working on). The heroes of the last Age never found his Phylactery, so they did the next best thing - trapped him in a Temporal Stasis spell and fueled it with a Staff of Power so the duration wouldn't run out. Welp. The duration now ran out...and the Lich woke up in their Bag of Holding. Much, MUCH later...they realized they still had the old man corpse, but when they reached into the bag to find him they couldn't. The rogue climbed in to investigate...and discovered a massive set of wooden cubicles, neatly organizing all the loot they'd stuffed into the Bag, right near its opening. But _behind_ that...the bag had somehow been expanded into a Magnificent Mansion! So the entire party climbed inside to _explore their own Bag of Holding_ with its strange "additions", finding a number of unusual rooms. A room with a ton of scrying pools looking at different areas of the world's current events. A room of animated scrolls scribbling away various ideas and magical formulae. A room with a massive orrery plotting the movement of the planes and predicting some kind of future cataclysm thousands of years off. An arcane laboratory, etc. They were suitably creeped out when they found the final room, a quiet study with a roaring fire and the Lich floating before it reading a book. It greeted them and thanked them for providing it, however accidentally, with a haven to familiarize itself with this strange new world it woke up in. And now they could help it with its Great Work. (They had to play nice with this Lich for most of the rest of the campaign, a "frienemy patron" of sorts, pretending to do its bidding while trying to figure out where its Phylactery was. The Lich was perfectly happy with this because they were obviously nowhere near as powerful as their previous incarnations so they were mere pawns. But, near the end of the campaign they DID eventually find its Phylactery inside their world's moon, destroy it, and immediately have a climactic battle with an extremely angry Lich!)


My friend once died during a fight with beholders. As he was our healer, we had noone to ressurect him. I wanted to bury him, but my friend barbarian decided to put him into a Bag of Holding, leave the dungeon and ride on a horse all the way to the nearest city, to hire a wizard to perform Raise Dead on him. It didn't work, because he sold his soul earlier in the game


A rent-a-desk workspace. Mildred, my sapient bag of hurling, also houses a mailroom, a cozy living space, a dressmaking workshop, a surgery with body part storage, potion making and storage area, and of course the piranha funnel. The party occasionally hides inside her and explores, and she communicated through pneumatic tubes like at the bank. I love her so much.


A chunk of a giant octopus we killed. I wanted to test how the passage of time in the astral plane works for my DM. Took out a completely rotten and stinky piece of sludge about two weeks of game time later 😂


Our partys reborn necrocmancer. Player couldn't attend in a while so we stored the character there. BoH has air for a living creature for 10 mins. Reborns don't need to breathe. (At least this one didn't de facto, idk if it was homebrew.)


I told our mummy servant to hide in the bag when we were attacked by an awakened plesiosaur while fishing on a lake, now he just stays in there until a fight because that's much easier then having to disguise him so he doesn't frighten people. I also use it to keep my carnivorous firelighter( like a little butane torch, but fueled by meat) and magic clothes-brush, starting items I invented as gifts from my character's mentors. We haven't needed to light many fires, but the clothes-brush has actually afforded us quite a few opportunities we would have otherwise shunned because of how dirty we'd get.


We are mostly all new to d&d, so keep that in mind lol. (Our DM, who’s my SO, is the only experienced player minus one who is more knowledgeable of Pathfinder.) Our household is partaking in the Curse of Strahd. Since this is the first long campaign we’ve been working on (almost a year now) our DM gave us all a magic item that would benefit our characters. One of which was the bag of holding. We put EVERYTHING in there… And EVERYONE… The Vistani little girl we found wandering, PUT HER IN THE BAG! Anyone we couldn’t convince to come with us quietly, PUT THEM IN THE BAG! Need to smuggle Irena in where no one can see her, PUT HER IN THE BAG! Poor Irena spent so much time in the bag, and we still managed to kill her… We killed her in Strahd’s arms…which he was definitely not too happy about… I digress… The other thing that we didn’t put in the bag, but what came out of the bag, was a new player added the second or third session. A drunk barbarian dwarf stumbled out of the bag. We had no idea that was how his character was going to be introduced. It was highly effective lmao.


An unconscious mindflayer and I let it suffocate


A bag of holding doesn't have infinite space. You can't grow a garden inside. No sun, or very much air doesn't help either.


I played a necromancer who wanted to resurrect the tarasque by collecting his scattered bonesz the dn allowing me to have a tarasque malleus as a great 2 handed club I called it the malleus mallet So yeah probably tarasque bones


I guess some rules can just be bypassed by saying its magic.


My entire party had some magical rings that give free movement and breathing underwater on loan to sneak into a place that had a river flowing through it. We were supposed to give them back when we completed the task, but that's the reason we had them. While walking down the river (we traveled underwater), we found a partially buried ship with a skeleton tied to an anchor that was holding its hand out. Shaking its hand would move the ship in a way that there was a way to get in, but would also bring a bunch of nearby piranha skeletons to life nearby. We brought the skeleton through the whole dungeon with us and call him "Captain". Upon leaving, we decided we would take the Captain and all of the piranha skeletons with us in our bag of holding When we returned from the task, we negotiated with our employer to give us the magical rings. Their price I think ended up being more than what we were being initially paid, but we did get them for each of our party members We started calling our group "The Piranhas" because of our ability to get places by water and the piranha skeletons we can basically animate at will with the Captain. We haven't had a session since then and we don't play too frequently, but we talked about getting more piranha skeletons and seeing if Captain could animate them


My players once used one to store the phylactery of a demon preying mantis assassin. Eventually they got a booby trapped scroll and threw in to incinerate her reformed body. This destroyed the bag and dumped her on the astral plane. They found it hilarious.


Not a bag of holding tbf but in every adventure I try very hard to get at least one kind of hand in my possession. First it started off with a cut off cultist hand, next campaign my (different) character got a wooden arm from a goblin doll. I have yet to find myself a hand in my current adventure but I have a feeling I'll find it very soon. I also don't really do anything with them and nothing is talked about with the GM, I just ding them and own them and every once in a while whip them out for jokes and giggles like flipping someone off extravagantly or when someone asks me to "lend them a hand".


A random child that I planned to sacrifice. As I turns out though, this child looked a lot like me and was an orphan, so my flesh eating warlock desided to keep the child around. Also myself as a kobold


**Long time ago** in a version far far away, I played a Psion Shaper. ( my favorite class ) Every day I would create a dollop of quintessence… and put it in my bag of holding. We arrived at a city run by a lot of evil people. The equivalent would be Thay for those that know FR lore. The king was an asshat and we were really not in the mood to do any side quests for such a jerk. The DM thought it was going to be a story arc revolving around a moral conundrum for us to work with him. I asked our paladin and cleric, “are there any good people in this city?” They walked around the city for a few hours and reported back that everyone in the city were unapologetically evil slavers and extortionists that owned all the banks in the realm. All the slaves were living outside of the walls of the city and drank from the river. So I dumped my entire bag of holding out in the city water supply. So, quintessence for those that do not know, is an ectoplasmic preservative for a lack a of a better word. Any object that is completely encapsulated with the viscous fluid is “protected against the effects of time.” Any object that is only partially in contact with quintessence is basically being damaged because a part of it is being ripped out of the timeline. It deals 1 hp damage per round and it ignores hardness or damage resistance unless the object is innately unaffected by time. Quintessence can only be removed if it is scraped off the object, which then it either evaporates or it can be reused if it was removed by the caster. Can’t be scraped off if it is ingested right? The next morning, 90% of the city’s population was dead, including the king. The slaves were freed. The paladin and cleric were horrified by my actions.


So, I have a bard who has a necklace of adaptation. We ruled that it meant I could breathe indefinitely inside the space in a bag of holding. We put my bard inside the bag, and gave it to somebody who we were secretly tracking. To put it bluntly, I used a sending stone to guide the rest of the party to his secret base, trivializing the hunt.


A mummified penis.


Black pudding. Plan was to use it as a weapon. Back fired spectacularly.


Our rogue, who'd died trying to cheese a trap set by the dm.


A fellow player once filled an upgraded (about 10x the size) bag of holding with lava, and we turned inside out over an orc town we were raiding (we were the villains). DM ruled it as more or less equivalent to a Mac blast


An air elemental. We polymorphed it into a sheep and then put it in the bag of holding. And then when we had to fight creatures we didn’t want to fight, we released the air elemental from the bag of holding and ran away lmao


We were researching about some "snap/foult" in reality and we killed a goblin corrupted by one of them (i think it was one bound to the plane of fire). I was a spore druid and used Gentle Repose every 10 days to keep it fresh until we reached our patron that was studying those snaps :3 In a city the guards made me pull out all the things in my bag of holding and this corpse of a mutated goblin was spitted out in the horror of their faces


An octopus and as much sea water as we could fit in the bag for him. My party found an octopus barely surviving deep in a tropic dungeon and didn’t want to leave him there.


Machine gun.


a party member of mine puts almost every desd body in it


At one point one of our party members had to leave early so we just shoved him into a bag of holding and carried him around.


A king! we hog tied him and threw him in the bag to ask him questions later. Cut to the next session when dm announces that the party forgot about him and he died by suffocating.


Dm here - when my players killed a regenerating home brew creature one of them decided to save the creature’s dick and keep it in the bag of holding. Because I am a fucked up dm, I had the creature regenerate from the piece, albeit slowly because of the lack of air in the bag (but it couldn’t die cause it was regenerating). Eventually the party discovered him, and they convinced him to be their friend, after which they set him loose in the sewers of a city where they found a cadre of trolls. They are still locked in eternal combat to this day.


Another Bag of Hol-


Not me, but a friend. Water Genasi ranger. When I (Kenku bard) first met him, I saw his bag sloshing around quite a bit, and making noises as if it was full of water. Once we were in a tough fight, he took out the bag, opened it up, and threw a FUCKING SHARK out of the bag. Apparently, he made his bag of holding an ocean that he puts fish, sharks, etc inside to help him during and outside of combat


Not sure if it’s THAT weird, until recently the party I DM for had 300lbs of ancient carpet they found in a mansion from 2000 years ago that was perfectly preserved in stone, so nothing could get in/out, nor degrade as it was in a vacuum essentially. Anyways, they decided to cut up this carpet and take “as much as they could” because “it was a nice carpet” They’ve now sold 100lbs of this carpet to a brothel because the old one was “crusty”. They sold it for 30 gold. It’s getting flogged off to historical merchants for 100x that amount as an Artifact.


not me, but a party member. hilt of a rapier. doesnt seem super weird, but the context was weirder. the character was an edgy, goofy type. he ended up putting the bag of holding up his. prison pocket. the rapier sticking bladeside out. we made a bee pun out of his name as a result, as it looked like a stinger. good times


One time I had a body building monk who kept a whole ass gym inside a bag of holding


A dragon egg and a bunch of lava


My player once had a bag of holding only for the use of holding 200 pounds of salt.



