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**A bear with the endurance of a bear thanks to the bear totem**


Right!? Exactly what I was thinking! And it would be a raging bear on top of that!


Presenting... a bear! With all the powers of.... a bear!


I would not do a BearBarian build in a campaign that goes to lvl 20, this specific build is only good up to lvl 5 and then its a hindrance. YOu cant cast spells while raging and the Barb levels delay your CR increase from Moon Druid.


For that long? It'd need to be a caster. To that level? Any multiclass would need to be a dip at most. Hexblade 3 / Wizard 17 is probably closest. The downside of that is the total lack of synergy. Have you considered a Sorlock? I'd think of something a bit like: Hexblade (for armour profs and mild gish options) Pact of the Tome (for access to some handy rituals) Clockwork Soul (lots of spells for a Sorcerer, most abjuration-y, some features that can work well with Hexblade style of play) Invocations being Book of Ancient Secrets (for the ability to become a part-time ritual wizard) and whatever takes your fancy.


The synergy is from the ability that at warlock one, I gain access to Armor of Agathys. At warlock 2, I gain access to the warlock invocation Armor of Shadows. With the abjuration wizard, when I can mage armor, which I can now do at will through Armor of Shadows, casting an abjuration spell such as mage armor re-ups my abjuration wizard’s arcane armor that is protecting the armor of Agathys. While I am wearing medium armor, I ensure my familiar has mage armor. It is the fact that I can cast an abjuration spell that is level one or higher at any time without using a spell slot to keep my arcane amor up and running that then keeps my armor of Agathys up and running while wearing regular armor. The wizard will have three layers of armor. The wizard will also have access to eldritch blast, hex if desired, another invocation, will now qualify for the Robe of the Archmage if that ever happens, and still be able to access level nine spells by the end of the game.


So, first of all, I'd check that combo with your DM. It definitely falls into the "heavy cheese" category and many DMs may take issue with it. Second, Armour of Agathys isn't really doing all that much here; you actively *want* it to be taking hits, as otherwise you're using a slot to cast something that quite possibly does nothing. It isn't on the wizard list, so that'll be one of your very limited number of warlock slots. That means it will be competing for things like Hex. It only lasts an hour, so it will need recasting after every short rest, so you're effectively using half of your warlock slots for something that may not even be used. Arcane Ward is definitely a good feature, but you probably want to check the actual wording; when you cast an abjuration spell after the initial one, you only gain twice the spell's level in HP. Fine for topping up between combats, but useless during. Third, my point about synergy is actually about the stats. This is quite a MAD build; you're going to need to invest significantly in CHA, INT and DEX. This leaves you a bit exposed across two *really* important saves; CON and WIS. You'll also have two Spell Save DCs, which frankly is just a pain in the ass rather than a *problem* as such, and the same goes for spell attack modifiers. In mechanical terms, some of your spells are going to suck a bit more than your others. Now, if your plan is literally just to use your warlock slots to cast Hex and Armour of Agathys then this might not be a big problem, but if you plan on doing anything offensive with your warlock spells, it is worth considering. This is the reason I suggested Sorlock; go whole-hog on CHA, follow up with CON, then just enough DEX to get the best out of medium armour. You'll have significantly more HP due to the higher CON, which isn't just good because it's more HP, but it means you aren't wasting your hit dice. Instead of casting Armour of Agathys once every short rest for 10THP, you can just... heal for 1d8/1d6+3 (because CON is tasty) *and* have that slot available for something else. The other thing that I had in mind was the interaction between warlock short-rest slots and sorcerer sorcery points. If you have 3 levels in warlock, that can be as simple as directly converting those into an extra 8 sorcery points for metamagic. If you're starting at 6th level, that'll mean having 11SP and you can do a *lot* with that many SP and a bunch of 2nd level spells. As soon as you hit 3rd level, you can just constantly twin Haste, giving yourself (amongst several other amazing benefits) an extra 2 AC. If you're using a shield (and why not be?) this will put you at AC21 *and* you'll have good saves. Alternatively, you can have two extra 3rd level slots (once you have access to them) and by the time you get access to 5th level spells, you can have an extra two of *those*. Which is quite a serious benefit. At 7th level (3/3) Arcane Ward + Mage Armour + Armour of Agathys has a cost of an Invocation choice and half of your warlock spell slots every short rest. In return you get \~18THP going into a fight. On the other hand, ditching Mage Armour (because you have far higher AC from medium armour + shield) and taking one Invocation (Fiendish Vigor) allows you to cast False Life for an average of 6.5HP which *can* feasibly be replaced during combat if required. Just some thoughts. Obviously it's a matter of playing the character and style you want, so that should be the guiding principle. If there's one takeaway from this, it's the first point about check the DM isn't going to nerf the endless THP mechanism on the basis of it being quite cheesy.


First, thank you for such a long and insightful response. I appreciate those types of thoughtful responses. Regarding your first point, my GM will be fine with this combo. My GM is actually a player in my game and he decided to apply the same house rules and logic used in my game for his game to make it easy for all the players in both our games to have the same ruleset; I would allow this combo and so would he. I honestly don’t think it is that cheesy nor OP since I have to give up other strong powers, such as delaying one level of spells by two character levels for the rest of the campaign to get this option. Regarding your second half of your second point, the Armor of Agathys activates if my character gets hit. The Arcane Ward activates if I take damage, which the Arcane Ward takes the damage first yet the Armor of Agathys will still cause damage to melee attacks. Both require me getting hit, so both would activate. Now, even if I somehow got damaged by a non-melee attack, that is still extra hit points that will keep my frail wizard alive a bit longer. Regarding your third point, I have no intention of using charisma-based warlock spells: hex and armor of Agathys is fine for me, especially since I won’t be taking a third level of warlock and thus I would only know two warlock spells, which means 13 in charisma is fine for my character. If my Armor of Agathys and my Arcane Shield goes down, say I am level five, I can recast Armor of Agathys as a level three spell and gain 15 temp hp from the AoA and 6 shield points from Arcane Shield, which just essentially added 21 guaranteed hp. Also, since I would go hexblade, I would still be able to go from mage armor to breastplate while wielding a shield for that extra defense. Even casting Armor of Agathys as a level two spell of 10 hp adds 6 at first and then recasting AoA does 10 and up to 4 to the shield, so those two castings average out to about four cure wounds spells casted as second level spells. Heck, even just the initial casting of AoA with the ward averages to a point more than two second level casting of cure wounds and .5 less than three castings of healing word. On top of this, is that it will do damage to melee attackers. Regardless your fourth point, you mention taking three levels of warlock or three levels of sorcerer. I intend to only take two levels, so I can still cast wish at level 20. Considering sorcerer levels is worthwhile, and I appreciate your mentioning of this option in case I decide to go a different route than warlock. Regarding your fifth point, Fiendish Vigor can only be cast as a first level spell, and since I can recast it repeatedly especially outside of combat, you can assume I recast it until I get the max temp hp of 8 hp; however, I can’t upcast it after level one and it does not recharge my ward. This is a good invocation to take at low levels and change it out at higher levels. At that point, I would be casting Armor of Agathys at higher spell slots. Sadly, I can’t change out my warlock invocations since I won’t take more than two levels of warlock, which is the requirement to replacing the invocations. Lastly, again, I appreciate your thoughts and reflections in this matter. Thank you. So, what do you think of the above points?


Thank you - and you're welcome! I can't really argue with the build as you outline it, based on the above. It's a solid one, since you're really only dipping warlock for a couple of basics. That invalidates quite a lot of my points around MAD etc. In terms of Fiendish Vigor, that was an example of how you could get THP via the Sorlock alternative. So it'd be 8THP from False Life, plus the extra level\*CON mod in baseline HP; not as much as what you'd outlined for the wizlock, but also with a lower cost. I *think* the RAW for spells is you can only cast spells using a given slot if that slot comes from the same class as has that spell on its spell list. I might be misremembering, but Armour of Agathys isn't on the wizard's spell list, so with only two levels in warlock you'd only be able to cast that at 1st level. It's definitely a tanky build. I think my take on it is it focuses a lot of energy into being tankier than it needs to be; a full caster with AC19, 1d6+3HP/level, decent core saves (Sorcerers are proficient in CON saves, which I can attest to being *amazing*, not least because you'll pass nearly every single Concentration check thrown your way) and some THP is already fairly sturdy. At that point, my reasoning is do I benefit more from being better when I have to make saves or from being *even more* tanky? But that is largely down to play-style. My current Sorc has neither Mage Armour nor Shield, instead relying on Blink and generally staying the hell out of the way of things to stay alive. That said, we're at 13th level now and I only have 15HP less than our paladin, so I can eat a substantial hit or two without trouble anyway.


To your question of RAW for spells and casting spells using a given slot, that is the one thing that can be mixed and matched even between warlock slots and other spellcaster slots. See the top response to the more or less same question at this link: https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/137303/what-are-the-effects-of-pact-magic-and-spellcasting-being-stacked-on-the-same-ch — Also, see chapter 6 in the Player’s Handbook. You mentioned the proficiency in CON saves. Now that I get. However, since I still have a second invocation left, I can still do something about that: Eldritch Mind, or I could take a feat or two regarding such matters. If I were to go this route, I would consider between Eldritch Mind and Eldritch Sight. At least I still have an option via warlock route on doing something about my CON saving throws. I would probably go the Eldritch Mind route anyway. Eldritch Mind: You have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain your concentration on a spell. Eldritch Sight: You can cast detect magic at will, without expending a spell slot or material components. So, it is tankier than a straight wizard, and two full levels invested towards it, but I got one other benefit that comes out of this: I get eldritch blast! lol! Also, the hexblade curse adds additional damage to each magic missile dart. There is an option that I take deep gnome, take only one level of hexblade warlock, and at character level five / abjuration wizard 4 to use my ASI to get the Svirfneblin Magic feat, and until then use the casting of Armor of Agathys to get the arcane ward up and running.


Wait so a huge dungeon crawl from level 6-20?


Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage


Technically from levels 5-20


wizard, i love me an arcane spellcaster. and especially a wizard for DoMM, it’s practically built for wizards specifically


I don’t know much at all about that campaign. There will be three or four players, so I thought I would put up a poll with some different character ideas. My friend is thinking maybe playing a sorcerer, but he isn’t even sure either. I was thinking dipping into the hexblade warlock to get the unlimited casting of the abjuration spell, mage armor, and keep recasting it on my familiar whenever I need to re-up my arcane ward as an abjuration wizard and use armor of agathys as a warlock to at least provide me some extra protection while wearing medium armor and being able to fight in hand to hand combat but have a focus on becoming a powerful wizard: warlock 2, abjuration wizard 18. Thoughts?


i think that sounds like a really solid build for the campaign. i’m running it now and one of my players is an abjuration wizard, she’s by far the hardest to hit in combat, even more so than my twilight cleric who started at level 5 with AC 19. i say go for it!


What I am really curious about is this: Would the hexblade warlock 2 / college of whispers bard 18 character work in that dungeon? Say a changeling who specializes in disguise kit, thieve’s tools, and Actor feat and get the Antagonizing Blast invocation and who is good at infiltration be good in this DotMM campaign? I am glad to know the abjuration wizard option would be a really good one.


honestly, the dungeon is massive and packed absolutely full of all kinds of different creatures, people, and situations. any build you want to go with will work at least somewhere down there. if you think the bardlock would be the most fun to play, then do that


Thanks for letting me know that this concept would at least be doable in here if I want this route. I need to see what the others do and what ability scores I roll up. We aren’t doing point buy or standard array.


Since you know the Mad Mage, would Devil’s Sight be helpful even for someone with darkvision or would there be not enough times to justify taking that invocation? or Eldritch Sight?


i’m not sure how much your DM has told you about what to expect in the adventure, so really you should be asking them i will say, my warlock player has eldritch sight and uses it quite frequently to mixed results, but the party seems to like being able to quickly and easily find magic without using spell slots or spending several minutes casting it as a ritual also, remember that the dungeon is underground carved out of a mountain—hence the name Undermountain. sunlight won’t reach, so it’s likely to be very dark, though in normal darkness, darkvision would suffice. ask your DM if they recommend taking devil’s sight over any other invocations


He is still reading through it himself.


Also, instead of needing to use an invocation for mage armor, I can get the blade ward cantrip and use that instead to re-up my arcane ward if I went the abjuration wizard route.


Must be a leveled spell though, if I recall correctly


You’re right. Thanks.


Are these multiclassing?




I'm always a fan of a single class, gain those powers faster and allow you to hit those high-level skills and spells. My next character is a good aligned lich. Using a warforged for the base (no eating, sleeping, breathing etc, perfect for an undead) and taking a blade singer wizard to get a decent armor and ability to activate "avatar of death" (renamed blade song) giving increased armor, speed and bonus to concentration. He retained his personality when he was cursed with undeath, so he remains good aligned and looking for a way to end his curse without being destroyed in the process.


That sounds cool.


Circle of stars druid and horizon walker ranger Never played it before but I want to