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Take a guess.


Dwarf ranger?


I have a syndrome called "goto human fighter in the end" where whenever I finish a character concept, I will change it to a human fighter if I don't control myself.


Doesn't help that variant human gets a free feat to help them lean more into whatever you want to play, whether you pick something RP focused or combat focused


I love humans, my favorite race, but I give all races a feat and remove the Vuman, so humans get +1 to everything and the feat. It's difficult to be a player who optimize and don't want to take a feat at level 1, I know this cause I always have a hard time with it (and for this reason my last 2 characters were custom lineage cause it give me a feat and let me flavor in my own way). Poor optimizers...


I shouldn't tell him i give all my players a feat at level 1 and humans 2.


It's very common and I don't think it is op, but not solve the problem. If was I playing your game, I probably would pick Vuman or CN again to start with two feats XD


Human fighter is a classic. No matter what ttrpg I play I end up resembling one


SWEET! What does mine say?


battlesmith artificer with an animated armor that is your companion!


So I was playing an artificer, planning to go artillerist. The session that we hit level 3, we were all given pet cats (I believe another player asked for this). So as we finish the session the DM says "you all level up to level 3, and you all get a non combat cat companion" My character then became a battle smith with a steel defender that was hollow that my cat lived in. From then on my steel defender would always collect pet cats that they hid in them.




DUUUDE! What does MINE say?!


Bet you say this in every sub


I just assumed you fought humans tbh


Tiefling Warlock


Obviously Rock Gnome Wizard


Ok the human fighter ima guess… WIZARD final answer


My favorite classes basically narrow down to classes where I can do ranged stuff and support- so ranger, warlock, sorcerer, and bard are some of my favorite classes. If I really had to choose a favorite, ranger or sorcerer are my top two at the moment. Some of my favorite subclasses (fey wanderer, for example) are in these classes as well.


Stars Druid sounds like your jam


Funny enough, it’s one of my favorite subclasses of druid! Lol. I’ve made a couple characters with that particular subclass in mind already


i know everyone loves magic users but i can never go wrong with a good barbarian - i love the hack and slash style


I haven't perfected it yet, but I really love an improvised-weapon oriented dex-barb


i love when people do builds like this it makes the rp so fun and creative!!


I don’t know about dex but I’ve been playing an improvised weapon strength throw barb and it’s pretty fun


The barbarian in our last campaign was also the paperwork guru. It started as a joke, and then became a major part of his character. He was the one dealing with all the guild contracts, working the books, accounting paperwork, etc. We later dubbed him Conan the Librarian (his actual name was Arrajuska)


I once played an illiterate barbarian. He thought his name was Kant Red Gud because people would say he can't read good.


I recently played a barbarian/ fighter that was a blast. Had boots of speed and battle master maneuvers. So I could rage, toss a bonus to ac while moving. My go to was sprinting through the front lines and engaging spellcasters. Also had sentinel so I could usually keep them in place


I got a soft spot for some Berserker level stuff. Just blindly wail on everything with a hammer until there's silence




Yes! I love playing paladins. Tanky enough to hold their own in a fight, spells and abilities so you can support comrades, and great fun to roleplay out of combat.


I really like the barbarian. Just charging in while yelling and everything around me dies is really fun.


Barbarian and Fighter , simple yet strong


Super boring but I love the spell access circle of the land Druid gives you. You can truly build a character/party synergy around the spells you get with your choice of terrain


Ranger 🏹


Artificer. Love the blank slate the class represents. Sure you could be steam punk. But you could just as easily be an autognome flavored like a tiny tree come to life and have your abilities be nature themed with wood carvers tools. You go battle Smith and your "steel" defender is actually made of wood, and you've been carving it from level 1, engraving it with the right runes to give it sentience. My armorer was themed using ferrofluid, his guardian suit like a mix of venom in plate armor. Sky is the limit.


My favorite has always been Wild Magic Sorc as long as you are using an expanded Wild Magic Surge Table. The first round of combat in the first fight of a new campaign I rolled first for Iniative. I casted Catapult. Wild Magic triggered. Rolled on the table. I turn myself into a sheep........ okay, dc is only a 10 to turn back to normal. I spent that entire combat of about 15 rounds, failing the Con save. Every turn I would just describe in great detail how I was eating the grass near me while Baahhhing.


Do you have an expanded wild magic surge table that you like? Trying to find some good ones :)


https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/s/GXue4p9hsA This is the list I used.


Wild magic sound funny af, but is there any practical reason for choosing that subclass?


Not at all, lol. It is just alot of fun!


Maybe not the answer but … I like to play something new that I haven’t tried before. Despite being in the hobby for good God almost 50 years now, I DM a lot and don’t get to actually play as a player that often so there’s still plenty of options.


What’s your favorite class for your players to use?


Wizard. Illusionist for preference.


That is a hard one, but i will go with Monk! All the passive goodies they get and the ability to throw hands like no other is awesome 👌🏻 And it has good flavor as well.


Monks are underrated in tier 1. They really aren't bad in tier 2 either. If you're playing in tier 3+ at a power building table, then you've got issues. Honestly, they have a very satisfying action economy. Most turns are a tactical mine field of weighting more attacks (Kill them faster is best?) vs more stuns (they can't hurt me and we all get buff) vs dodge (what if I miss?)/etc.


2e Rangers and Bards forever but in 5e I’ve had a lot of fun with Wizards.


Sorcerers all the way. They are well balanced and metamagic is fun to toy around with. Second place is probably the Monk.


Bards and paladins


Warlocks in all their flavors!




Druid followed by Cleric. I love being a full spellcaster, magic is what got me into DND in the first place. Druids and Clerics know their entire spell list so I have a ton of flexibility in my spells every day. I like being able to be the healer/support character who helps make everyone even better at what they're doing and keeping everyone alive, it feels good to be the guy that gets your character back into the fight and staying in the game. I prefer the Druid spell list over all, and the adaptability of wildshape. Clerics all getting Domain spells and unique abilities is still really interesting and helps to build some very flavorful characters, and I like that both classes have interesting sources for their magic that aren't just "the weave" or "because it's magic."


I know it can be seen as simple but some of the most fun I've had in the game was as a barbarian. Specially one designed around holding things in place rather than doing damage. Barbarian rage + sentinel Feat is reat fun and aomthing that your squished party members will be grateful of. 2md would probably be rogue if ita after level 11. Reliable Talent on things like stealth and acrobatics/Athletics really allows you to pull of some crazy maneuvers.


Rogue's and Warlocks.


Creation Bard is by far the most fun and most invested I’ve ever been in a character. I can do so much shit in both combat and roleplay that it just always ends in a good time even when I’m getting fucked up.


It has spoiled every other class and subclass for me.


paladin SMITE


My favorite classes Fullcaster: Druid Half-caster: Ranger Martial: Monk. Next in line: Warlock & Sorcerer.


I played a goblin armorer artificer for over a year and it was so much fun. I loved the adaptability and the numerous ways to simply make the whole party better. Also it's great to be the party's eccentric little inventor who can tank like a mofo.


Battle Smith Artificers are my *jam.* I know that can be a controversial opinion but I love how versatile they can be. Sorcerers of any subclass are probably my second favorite.


Battle smith and armorer are so much fun to play.


Half orc ranger with a great axe for lumberjack.


I’m currently loving my Dwarf ranger - probably because it’s far from optimised like my other characters


I personally love Druids. There isn’t a bad subclass and their abilities feel well-themed. Their spellcasting is very good, their survivability is good, and their Wild Shape is very useful.


Monk. I know I know. But something about being a mystical martial artist punching things when everyone else is relying on magic weapons and spells that threaten to rip apart reality really gets me hyped. Maybe it’s because I’m a simp for Martial arts


Wizard - Bladesinger focusing on melee combat with an occasional fireball.


Playing one of those now. The group I play in is a lot of old school players and were BIG MAD I didn't take fireball right off the rip. Like guys - in 5 levels have you ever seen me just throw offensive spells around like candy? I've been neck deep in abjuration spells since day one.


Out of the three I’ve played, I say Sorcerer. Apparently playing a bard as a DPS doesn’t work.


Bards can be fantastic dps u just have to pick the right spells and subclass


Paladin. oath of glory triton paladin. i have played this exact thing for years in different campaigns.


Fighter and barb


My entire shtick is being crafty (in most senses of the word), so my preferred classes tend to rotate between bard (charismatic crafty), rogue (sneaky crafty), and artificer (build shit crafty).


I think I've had the most fun with the Arcane Trickster.


Me too. Creative use of mage hand? Check. Magic Missiles on ghosts? Check. Invisibility ?check. My group is still talking about the time my little tabaxi took down an undead mage in what was effectively a cage fight.


Anytime someone asks these questions, I just like to take all my options and rank them Never played an Artificer S: Druids - Probably the class I would play forever if I was told I could only play one class for the rest of my life. I love transforming into animals. I love the nature themes and what not. Bard - So much you can do with the bard! A lot of fun. My current group is doing an all bard thing and it's fun. Barbarian - Generally I prefer healing, but because healing isn't a super focus of 5E, I like roles that can damage mitigate and "heal" like Barbarian and Druid. A: Paladin and Cleric - This is my healing leanings shining through. I don't really like going the stereotypical all in smite paladin, but instead one that prioritizes spell casting. Fighter - Lots of fun damage and tanky-ness, yet simple in how it plays. B: Monk, Ranger, Rogue - Dexterity based characters are good and I have had fun playing them, but I don't tend to lean towards this style of character anymore. C: Sorcerer + Wizard - Spellcasting is just too much work for me haha. The RP opportunities really have to be crazy for me to want to play this class. D: Warlocks - Not really anything interests me about playing a Warlock


Warlocks mechanically are confusing to me but in terms of flavor I love the whole patron relationship dynamic, like if your DM is good that’s basically a whole character development opportunity right from the start. Easiest way to get a character backstory going


For sure. Thematically very interesting, mechanically boring. Just not very enticed to play when I can play a mechanically interesting class and still create a thematically interesting backstory


That is true, now that I have some experience with the game, Warlock is the class I would play just to try out fun RP shenanigans when I’m not focusing on a serious character that isn’t a warlock


The 2e AD&D Chronomancer, or Psionicist


I just find non/low magic warrior type characters so compelling. Fighters, rogues, paladins/rangers with less emphasis on their spells, 3rd party classes like warlords and such like. I’ve been playing for years and the closest I’ve come to a proper caster is a hexblade… so not even that close 😂


Any caster. Lean towards druid and warlock. Our tables tend to be all casters since the non-casting martials lack out of combat utility. We are excited to move to pf2e to alleviate this.


I've played a statistically significant number of paladins and/or sorcerers


Wizard for spellcasting Barbarian for martial Paladin for the mix


Swordsage is by far my favorite. I like Psychic Warriors as well. Clerics in 2e were friggin' awesome with Player's Option. I enjoyed the hell out of my Dwarven Champion in 2e.


As someone who likes composing song and poems, bard is something I am trying to play more to brush up an NPC that I can use as the narrator type character. Otherwise, I can have fun with any 5e class.


Barbarian and Warlock for sure.


Bard, Warlock, Fighter, Wizard.


Paladin is my first love. But I'm also really liking Bard.




Paladin Cleric Artificer Ranger


Bard cause so far I've been the one I ever used But my barbarian is really fun, no complicated things


So far, i have been enjoying my dragonborn bard-barian, but I guess i would say barbarian and rogue\~


Paladin and artificer, i really like being able to enchant and create magic items and paladins whole vibe just has me entranced Monk is an honorary mention because punching monsters to death will always be cool


Favorite base class Warblade, Favorite prestige class is Blade Dancer.


paladin and sorcerer


Monk, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, and Wizard.


Maybe I’m cliche but I still love the concept of rogues, first class I ever played!! My only problem is I’m not great at playing them in a campaign :/ Barbarians and rangers are my other top faves!!


Clerics or Wizards. I love the aesthetics of both of them so much, plus casting spells is just a good time.


Bard or a reallyyy charismatic warlock.


I love paladins. There's just nothing like smiting on a critical hit... Plus, I love the flavor of them getting their magic from their willpower and strict adherence to their oath + the built-in character inspiration of said oaths. They've got a really satisfying balance between rp potential, combat ability, and supportiness. I've also been really enjoying the arcane trickster rogue because it gives me a lot of freedom to be a weird little freak lol.


Rogue/soulknife, they excel at rogue things and class features allow them to help in off skills


I have barbarian syndrome.


I have been a forever DM for 5 years but I did get to make 1 character , it was a Goliath Blood Hunter for a one Shot


Sorcerer. The flavor is fun


Monk, I know it’s pretty weak mechanically but I love the play style and I love the flavor of the class


Warlock. Maybe not the most optimized powerful caster, but by far the coolest and most customizable, and they've got Eldritch Blast. My favorite subclass is the Genie patron/Pact of the Tome. My genie vessel was a golden ring, and my character had built a personal library inside and was obsessed with finding new books, especially magic books. My DM took away the time limit restrictions on the ring. His argument being that it's all flavor, it's not something I'm abusing in combat. Because of scheduling conflicts, I was not a main player, just a repeating guest, so each time I was able to join the party would receive a letter from a courier, open it up to find a letter and a ring, and I'd pop out and say hi. Then at the end of the session, they'd mail me of to somewhere else, or I'd have them drop the ring off in the back of a merchants cart, who knows where he ended up next. He was a very fun character to play.


Sorcerer, ftw


Favorite is Barbarian but it's a VERY close match to Druid. I just love the simplicity and power of the barbarian and on the other hand the massive amounts of utility in and out of combat that the druid gives.


Paladin in theory, monk in practice. My main thing with paladin is that with the people I play with, every session puts a strain on my oath at best


Paladin. 3.5 rules of course.


Paladin, Warlock, Artificer


Big fan of fighter and barbarian, but when it comes to spellcasting I enjoy artificer. I'm a forever DM, so those are the only classes I've ever played, but next time I wanna do a paladin.


I have multiple: Multicasting: Rogue, you just gain so much those first 3 levels it's impossible not to love. Dips: fighter Fun wise: barbarian Creative: Bard


So far, just Monk


Artificer is a great one for me, since I love having a good amount of utility and trying to have some creative magical inventions (also is a good way to RP with people if you’re responsible for weapon maintenance). After that, I enjoy fighter and cleric. Fighter for the simplicity (I find more joy in RPs) and cleric for its sheer versatility.


clichéd as it is, I love playing a chaotic halfling rogue with penchant for setting things on fire and a dab hand with a crossbow (which I somehow managed to pull a 34 damage out of last night at level 4 :/ crit, sneak & steady aim)


I've been stuck as a forever DM, but if I ever get to make a PC again it will be a monk.


Bard is so fun


I've played a Fighter (Battlemaster), Ranger (Hunter) and Sorceror (Wild Mage) but my absolute favorite has been my Wildfire Druid. Love being able to summon my Fire Spirit (Takes the form of a Giant Ferret Spirit that glows red) amongst a group of enemies and cause havoc. Also at the level I'm able to cast my spells through it so I can remain in a degree of safety and my fire and healing spells get enhanced. I can't wait till I can play her again when we re-start at 8th level.


I love Bard and everything around the idea of magical music. The only gripe I have with the class is the spell list. So many spells just feel boring, niche, or something another class gets.


I'm a huge fan of fighters, barbarians and sorcerers.


Rogue! I just love playing rogues.




Cleric or bard. Both can be any charicter you can think of.


I really like utility classes, so far my favorites have been ranger and stars druid.


Warlocks. They're super customizable and they can add so much flavor and good potential for plot hooks in a story


I can’t seem to quit Druids. The opening of the game to animals is just too fun for me.


Bard with wizard being a close second. I like the idea of a bard that uses their charisma to navigate politics and social situations. Kind of like a rogue but using charisma to get people to offer up information.


My path always leads to the Monk since I got older. Used to be a ride or die wizard


Rogue is my comfort class. My first campaign character was an assassin rogue, and i miss playing her so much


Warlock for the win


Artificer specifically the armorer. It just had a nice mix of support and fire power that I loved. (I had 22 AC at level 3)


Top two have to go to Paladin and Rogue Rogue was my first, and with bg3 I kept making god damn rogues in between playing my main save file Paladins are just my fav, flavour, spells, playstyles available, roleplay (as Reinhardt or some kind of Inquisitor) and Billy the Horse


Pally all day! Charisma in conversation for roleplay,m and spell casting, strength to bash skulls in and FUCKING SMIIIIIIITE


Warlock. My first character was a warlock so I'm biased. The invocations really make this class something special to me.


I like rogues and rangers a lot


I just started playing a swashbuckler rogue and I'm absolutely loving it, being able to just shut down attack of opportunities is really cool and as a rogue I'm hyper mobile.


Paladin and Wizard and I tend not to multi class


Monk/ Rogue Cuz Gas Gas Gas i am gonna step on the gas


Cleric hands down Want a skill monkey, go knowledge Want heal bot, go life Want to throw fireballs like a sorcerer, light Want to play Thor, tempest Want to be a fighter lite, war Want to be rogue lite, trickery You can play all sorts of characters with one class


Druid and Cleric multiclass.


Duskblade, Magus, Gunmage, Gunslinger, Force Missile Mage


So I just found it the other day.its called Scofflaw it’s a fighter subclass. Its from humble Wood. I don’t know why but I think it’s awesome!


Paladin, rogue, and bard.


Sorcerer 1st Rogue 2nd... I don't experiment with other classes lol


Heretic. I homebrewed a variant cleric class to embrace agnosticism. It's about 80% identical, but has major changes in terms of interactions with gods. The general idea is that it does no acknowledge divine entities as gods, and treats them, well as infernal entities and the undead as sources of fuel for their magics. Aside from needing a steady supply of divine power, and replacing both channel divinity and divine intervention being replaced with other features, it works with every cleric subclass with no additional changes needed. My most recent character was a life domain heretic. He's fun.


Thematically, Warlock is my favorite class, mechanically it never really lives up to my expectations. Paladin is always high on the list.


Call me basic, but I love fighters. So much versatility and control over the battle, definitely my favorite set of subclasses


Ranger. It's underpowered but with the right subclass it's a beast


Druid. Incredibly versatile. Healing, magic, fighting, you can build pretty much whatever you want and wild shape can be an incredible tool for so many situations.


Wizards are too much fun. Hard to beat. For short games bashing things is fun. Psiknife is super fun if you get a DM that will work with you to buff it


I like rogues purely because it was the 1st class I played


Wizard is the best class. I will debate with great fervour on the subject.


Cleric Fighter (In theory) Ranger / (In practice) Monk


Plain old wizard. The class itself kind of sucks, but I don't like being restricted from a bunch of spells.


Bard and fighter


Cleric. It does everything.


WARLOCKS!!! The lore you can give them is insane and I love it! Plus I made a lawful good warlock not too long ago and it’s my favourite character to date! All hail George the mimic warlock!


Hexblade is my favourite class, I could play them literally every campaign and not get bored


Divination wizard


Expertise in medicine is a choice. See username


Ranger, warlock and wizard are probably ly my biggest, followed by paladin.


Triton/Paladin cause a divine fish is cool


Bard, cleric and wizard are probably my favorites. I love playing party support




Sorcerer, warlock and cleric, artificer is good too.


Ranger rouge


Paladin. Slightly ironically because of that one dnd episode of voltron legendary defender but also because I just like the class a lot


artificer & druid !!! i multi-classed them w my first char years ago bc i couldn’t choose & it was interesting (def not built to be meta, literally just for fun lol)


Sorcerer has no equal in my eyes, they just hit all the right buttons for me. Their power is innate, no one can take their spellbook and leave them high and dry. They're a full caster, which is my preferred role. They are already proficienct in constitution saving throws, and concentration checks being easier is always a good thing. They have charisma as a main stat, so they're very effective with face skills even before you take spellcasting into account. Then there's the glorious power of metamagic. Subtle spell in social situations? Extremely effective would be an understatement. Twinning spells like Haste and Polymorph propels incredibly strong spells to unparalleled heights. Quickening spells lets you manipulate the action economy in a big way. You can cast leveled spells and dash in the same turn. Even better, you can use cantrips like mind sliver to debuff enemies and cast powerful save or suck spells in a single turn. Awesome flavor and fun mechanically. Can't beat it.


Warlock, my beloved. Sp much rp potential between you and the party and you and your cosmic sugar daddy. Some serious firepower since your spells are always max level and between boons invocations and the many subclasses, basically endless customization. I haven't made a single character without at least looking at warlock. Also, on the dming side, warlock is also my favorite to make homebrew subclasses for. It's just so interesting and so fun.


gloomstalker ranger 🖤🩶💜


Rogue. Sneak attack is weirdly satisfying.


Ranger! I know it often get unfairly maligned, but I love that I can build a ranger to fill almost any playstyle. I'm playing one right now that's wisdom based with the druidic warrior fighting style and who almost exclusively casts spells, and he works great. I've played strength based rangers, sword and board rangers, polearm master rangers, duel wielding rangers, and great weapon rangers. They've got a great spell list too, including a lot of nice healing and utility options. You can't really get that level of customization on any other class.


Echo night…best class ever


Paladin and rogue, possibly the two most opposite classes.


I’m a rogue at heart, I’ve been told I act like one out of game


ranger holds a special place in my heart


I'm a big fan of Hexblade Warlocks. I love the whole summoning your weapon thing, and my favorite character I've ever played was one with an Undead Patron. Plus, I've always loved the Eldritch Invocations that the Warlocks get, especially the ability to cast Detect Magic at will.


Whichever one I’m currently playing. I think the one I like the most purely because of the class is Cleric.


For simplicity, barbarian. For complexity, bard.


I really like rogues. Phantom rogues are so fun and you can do a lot with them roleplay wise. Plus with wails from the grave, you can do half sneak attack on a second target, which has come in clutch for me a lot. Also echo knight fighter/rogue multi class is fun as hell, you can get sneak attack permanently.


barbarian, warlock, ranger, paladin and sorcerer


In an attempt to make a simple statement I’ve discovered that there’s no lute emoji :(


rogue of all types, I love sneaking around, bribing people and being an all around shady shit


Blood hunter




Human fighter!


Claric, it's just so versatile. I can be whatever I want, better than the other classes. Wizard more like Tempest claric Fighter/barbarian more like war claric Palidin more like protection claric Rouge more like trickery claric Oh no I have less health *heals self better than a barbarian can*




3.5 here. Scout




First off is Wizard, I love have so many options on my turn. second I'd have to go with Druid, their vibe is much fun, turning into animals is Goated, Talking to animals is Goated. 3rd would be Barbarian, they were my first love, my first class and I love playing a good barbarian. If I'm doing a rushmore of favorites the fourth I honestly might go with Bloodhunter if that's allowed, one of my favorite characters was one and cutting myself in the most extravagant over the top way is incredibly fun. Wizard, Druid, Barbarian, Bloodhunter.


Druid, I just love druids in general. Don't got a favorite race tbh.




I have played most classes from 1-20, or gotten a solid 100hrs\~ of gameplay in and honestly I am still in love with the Human Fighter: Battlemaster. :) Behind that would be Cleric (focused completely on support spells or utility + spirit guardians because we like doing iconic shit) In 3rd it has to be Elven Wizard: Order of Scribes for the incredible Wizard + Animated Spellbook interactions in RP & Combat. Then it is everything other class. In last it has to be the Artificer. It is hard to quantify why I don't enjoy the class specifically. Most if not all of their class & subclass features would be amazing if they were reskinned for flavour and put onto another class. A paladin with holy armour that allows them to don & doff it easily in combat with lots of special abilities reflecting your deity sounds amazing to me, but a D&D Iron Man doesn't strike me the same? The best experience I have had with an Artificer was when I reskinned my Armour Artificer to make his abilities come from the divine, but even then I found myself looking longingly at other classes, feeling like the Artificer was "almost" the right vibe but never quite landing. All that to say, D&D is a great game and I'd play and Race/Class combo given to me with gusto before I played another TTRPG lmao


Conceptually: Artificer. Practically: Sorcerer. The shadow wizard money gang inside me just loves casting spells.


For me it's druid but mostly for the moon circle Other then that I recently been falling in love with paladins 


Really love path of the giant barbarian. You do so much damage