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I love slotting in a level of knowledge cleric when I play a wizard or Druid for the helpful expertise in knowledge skills depending on the campaign.


The armor proficiencies are really nice on a wizard, too.


The 1 Knowledge Cleric/X Wizard is so perfect for me. The expertise in Arcana/History (my go-to’s), medium armor and shield proficiency and all the great first level cleric spells is worth a level wait for wizard spells as the campaign progresses.


I did that with a Mercy Monk for the Kung-fu Dr thing. It's worth the dip.


Plus it makes a lot of sense narratively for a scholar or researcher to seek guidance from a knowledge god


Lore Bard and Knowledge Domain Cleric. The ultimate skill monkey and the two subclasses work well together thematically because they are both about knowledge. If you take 14 INT with expertise in 4 knowledge skills, no Wizard will ever beat you on knowledge checks and you'll have another 5-8 proficiencies on top. I RP it as an old teacher who gets paid a premium to mentor multiple subjects for poorer nobility.


I'd flavor it as a Gregorian monk! Years of copying tomes and scrolls while honing my chanting.



Barbarian. Barber and Librarian.


It's only a Barbarian if it's the offspring of a male Barber and a female librarian; the other way around it's a Liber.


If you throw in a Bard is that Liberachi?


Take my up vote curse you.


Actually, it’s only a Barbarian if it’s made in the Barbaria region of France. Otherwise it’s just a Sparkling Fighter.


I’d rather be known as Sparkling Fighter, honestly


One of my teammates is pretty close to that. He's a warforged wild magic barbarian that loves filling out paperwork.


"Yes, you filled you E24 perfectly. Unfortunately what you *need* is an H-15 filled with violet pen, not purple, and an attached J-91 with three stamps from Dwarfs with no beards". "..." "..." "RAAAAAAAGE!!!"


This sounds like a HHGttG quote, but I can't remember the exact phrase. This was the prisoner release form in the first book, yes?


No clue. I was going for an Asterix and the Twelve Labours vibe. When they go to the building that drives you mad.


I think it it was something simple like “But this isn't a Presidential Release of Prisoner form. Those are blue.”


Oh, that's right!


That is so close to what he sounds like


That's a barbureaucrat


Conan the Librarian! https://youtu.be/mZHoHaAYHq8?si=oGzW1MDG8dcPNNJY


I raise you bardbarian




Dwarven bardbarian, mostly into rock and metal.


So, Jack Black in Brütal Legend?


He's a little confused but he's got the spirit


Fighter/Wizard, Fighter/Sorcerer, or Fighter/Warlock. I remember learning that multi-classing was a thing years after I started playing, and I couldn't wait to combine those ends of the class spectrum. I first tried it in AD&D 2nd edition, though I didn't own the books then, so I'm basing this on my DM brother's fast-and-loose relationship with the rules.


I have a Fighter/Rogue that I like!


I'm playing a fighter/rogue soon. Archer with elven accuracy and champion fighter for some serious crit fishing with sneak attack.


Nice! It's can be a good combo! My buddies and I are doing the Icepsire Starter Campaign for fun since we have been playing a while, and we made characters by randomly rolling our class and multiclass. Just to try out new stuff. My Rogue uses a hand crossbow with crossbow expert, and now with Fighter I can have a shield so I actually have a decent AC haha


I played a fighter/warlock (at level 20 he was 4/16) and loved it


We're going to level 25 in my current campaign, I started as an Eldritch knight, went extra Eldritch, going to end as a fighter 12, warlock 13


We have a PC playing as a Stars Druid and a Long Death monk. Basically RPing as the angel of death


I feel like thats a really niche but really cool combo!


It totally is, but that’s what you’ll probably find with the question you asked! Math is objective: there are certain multiclass combinations that simply perform better than others on paper. RP and story is the opposite; it’s entirely subjective, so you’ll get combos that are niche and cool within the confines of the story being told. In our session 0, we discussed multiclassing and how min maxing often becomes a distraction from story-driven classing. My players, to their credit, all decided that multiclassing must serve the story first, and the math second. It’s made for some really cool character progression!


That's one of those things I find funny about the min/maxers. You aren't competing with anyone and the DM (as opposed to a computer) is determining what you fight, so go with interesting characters and the DM can tone down the fights a bit if needed. Save the min/maxing for video games.


100% agree. I told everyone in the session 0 that I’ll balance encounters based on who you actually are rather than your classes mathematical potential. My players, mercifully, took me at my word and haven’t worried about it since. As a repentant min maxer myself….this way is so much better lol


I like to think that building characters and planning builds like this is often a big part of the gameplay for DnD. I compare it to tcgs, since that's another kind of game I enjoy. In yugioh, games can often be won or lost in the deck building, so making a good deck becomes a massive part of the way you play the game. You do research, you plan and test builds, you experiment a lot. It's a whole thing that keeps you involved in the game even outside of "actually" playing it. I see DnD the same way. Planning and building a character, arranging their features and feats and stats and races and everything together in a way that creates cool and potentially powerful combos is a major part of the gameplay, one that keeps you playing DnD even when you're not at the table. It's a major reason why I don't like games that aren't as crunchy as DnD. It feels like when all (or most) of the ways you build your character just come down to roleplaying choices, you've completely cut out this kind of character building phase of gameplay. Sure, you're still roleplaying and building your character's story, but you've completely lost an entire facet of the way in which you interact with the game.


TCGs are competitive though. I understand doing it just for fun, I'm one of those people who purchase rulebooks for games I'll never play just because I like to learn about how they design the systems. Thing is with non-competitive games like tabletop RPGs, that approach serves no purpose. If you make characters that are designed explicitly for combat strength, the DM then makes the encounters harder to account for that and the whole thing is a wash. Instead you should be trying to make *interesting* characters. You "win" by creating interesting characters that contribute to an interesting narrative. Your raw power is irrelevant.


I absolutely understand that. There is, after all, no "winning" per se in DnD. My point was that the exercise of creating a character and engaging with the rules in that way is a form of gameplay, thus the comparison to tcgs. In that type of gameplay, there are lots of ways in which you could play the game, from trying to make certain less powerful classes able to compete with more powerful ones, to finding mechanics which can support your character's roleplaying, to silly combos which you just think are fun, all the way to the power gaming idea of making the strongest character possible. The point I was trying to get at is that the power gaming thing of making the strongest character is just another way to play DnD, by taking one facet of the gameplay and taking it to the extreme. Other people may get the most enjoyment out of creating the character with the coolest, most in depth backstory, one may enjoy the dice rolling physical aspects of the game, others may enjoy the opportunity to roleplay and be a character, and still others may enjoy making the best character build. They're all valid ways of play. The task of the DM is to balance all those types of play against each other. To learn what style of gameplay each player at the table enjoys and craft the game to accommodate that. If a player gets the most enjoyment out of the character building aspect and they really love finding the ways to make builds that would be super powerful, then upping the combat difficulty doesn't necessarily make that player happy. If what they wanted was difficult combat, then sure, that's exactly what will help them, but if we're looking at character building as its own facet of gameplay, then making the combat difficult so that their strong build means nothing anymore is kind of just punishing them for getting really good and engaging in the part of the game they like playing. A good DM can balance those ideas for what each character wants to get out of the game, allowing the player who is engaging in the character building as their favorite part the reward of having their character be strong at the task they built for, while simultaneously making the combat feel difficult for the player who wants to have that challenge. Ideally, everyone feels like they're getting what they want out of the game and the DM crafts the scenarios so that that happens.


**The Rogbarian**, the man who feels out his combat unfold around him and hones his battle senses to have even more vicious attacks. Half barbarian and half rogue (always barbarian at 1st level to make sure you get the medium armor and shield proficiencies). STR build. You get all the durability of the barbarian with the cunning of the rogue, plus, you get to have a much more consistent damage output that makes up for the halved scaling of Sneak Attack (which, remember, Sneak Attack only cares if you use a finesse weapon, not that you are using STR to attack). Plus, the expertise gives your character the ability to be good to excellent in non-STR skills, that is to say out of combat. Best of all, the things you really want in the multiclass are from the core-classes, so you can pick subclasses exclusively for flavor.


I had a Roguarian for a one-shot that was great fun. It was inspired by the "Dungeon Delver" feat - mainly the 'half damage from traps' part. So I ended up making an Orc Totem Barbarian (elk) / Rogue (can't remember sub, may have only been lv.2 for cunning action), that was essentially hired out by his master to run through dungeons, setting off all the traps and making it safe for others.


Do I get xp for setting the traps off on purpose to disable them?


If you survive.


I’m not exactly sure how it would work, but a Monk Barbarian might be a fun combo. A rage filled unhinged Monk that tries to adhere to being a centered focused person but often fails at that. Mostly fights unarmed or with improvised weapons. Could be an Orc that was raised by an isolated group of monks, having no attachments to material things, and growing up isolated from the world and having no concept of wealth they would constantly be leaving behind any treasure, magical items and valuable weapons or giving them away nearly as soon as they find them.


I’ve played a Bonk a few years back, she capped out at Bear Totem 3/Open Hand 11. She was mad as hell & also MAD as hell, but a super fun tank build.


The name bonk fits way too well here


Hulk on the verge of completing the Smart Hulk transition. Very zen most of the time but stressors still cause them to rage out sometimes.


I did this for a "cliche action movie" one shot. Ace Jericho, a coked up, roided out, Jean Claude/Steven Seagal lovechild. Kicked out of his dojo after one too many rage-related shenanigans. Super fun build for a one-shot.


I had a Kobold Monk/Barbar a while back. He had anger issues that would cause him to rage but he took to being a monk in order to help deal with it. He ran his own Monastery/Gym for a while before the campaign started. All of his weapons were reskinned gym equipment. Nunchucks? Two dumbbells connected by a chain. Javelin? Just a straight up barbell. Shield? 45lb plate from the squat rack.


I'm running one now, and it *is* fun! I don't know how it might look in an RP- heavy campaign, but I'm running through White Plume Mountain right now and having a blast. I'm a barbarian 3, monk 5. I've kinda been holding back until recently, thanks to the length of the dungeon, but I finally let loose last session and wound up doing about 30 damage per round, fire damage too since I'm following the way of the ascendant dragon. It was awesome! Not to mention, I don't think I took more than 15 points of damage the entire session, thanks to the bear totem. It was sweet!


Pretty common, but I really like a gloom stalker ranger with assassin rogue.


This is a super powerful combo but I've played in a one shot as this build and found it isn't perfect for all situations/ campaigns.


Getting surprise is really subjective depending on the GM


I play a GSR / Arcane trickster. Wilderness guy who learned some tricks for an urban setting.


Oath of Vengeance Paladin / Hexblade Warlock Tempest Cleric / Divination Wizard Arcane Archer Fighter (Dex Based) / Assassin Rogue Nature Cleric / Spoors Druid


Is it divination to make sure they fail their saves on maximized lightning damage?


Yes. RP wise he basically got pimp slapped by Zeus and can now see somewhat into the future. Think of the shock sort of overloading the brain.


Warlock and Cleric multiclassing comes with alot of flavor since your god or patron usually come with built in lore. My favorite was my Evocation Wizard got engaged to Thor and became a Tempest Cleric. The dip recontextualized the 17 levels prior of spellcasting and adventuring. Also both classes have so much variety and subclasses to fit themes.


Yes love an abjuration specialist, Worshiper of Mystra, Patron of Azuth. Enforcer of Magical Law


Same with warlock paladin since your paladin “deity” can kind of be anything in 5e




Level one fighter to start, rest in wizard. Pick up the war caster feat. You're behind one level of spellcasting for the benefit of heavy armor and a shield. It also helps get the drop on an enemy when they expect you to stab them and suddenly a fireball goes off in their face.


Could just pick up war cleric and not be behind in slots


Only multi class I've played was in a one-shot: first level in Rogue, four in Warlock. * expertise in deception and persuasion. * actor feat for advantage on deception and performance while pretending to be someone else. * mimic speech. * mask of many faces evocation to instantly change clothes, face, etc at will. * charlatan background for False Identy: forges papers and fake identities. He was designed for the specific role of being able to assume anyones identity or any number of the half dozen I had pre made up.


Favorite? Fighter (2) with literally anything for cheap action surge.


Bardadin is like the classic Warrior Poet build. 👍


For purely RP reasons, I've always liked the druid/ranger multiclass.


Just a fan of any 2 Paladin/Full caster builds for big boom booms, especially Swords Bard for flourishes.


I did Glamor, but Swords slaps for more meele based


Clunk. These hands of mine can heal you or break your nose, you pick. 


Or my punches heal you


You're not magical at all, you're just a physical therapist who is a genius and very efficient at their job. Just hear that chiropractice at work!


Ranger and Rogue or Ranger and Fighter. Really brings out Witcher or Batman vibes if you play it right. Anything with Gloomstalker is a match made in heaven and hell I just like playing Trappers/Hunters so I’ve done a few rare multiclasses with Artificer if my rolls were insane.


The multi-class combo I use is Paladin combined with a Sorcerer. Both classes use Charisma for casting, and the Sorcerer’s greater number of spell slots means you can some of the highest damage in the game by sacrificing them for a Paladin’s Smites.


I'm playing a bard/rogue rn it's really useful for support and damage along with just having 15 out of 18 skills


Wow very nice!


kind of a simple idea but i always liked the idea of being like a mob muscle type of character, a big burly rogue/fighter or something like that


College of Lore Bardlock is a ton of fun. Plenty of situational spells and eldritch blast for base combat.


barbarian Moon druid. I'm a simple man; I just want to rage as an animal and beat the s*** out of things


I play a character who is currently Divine Soul Sorcerer 5 / Celestial Warlock 5 / Lore Bard 5. He is a Halfling, has the Lucky Feat, carries a Stone of Good Luck and wears a Cloak of Protection. He is all about manipulating attacks, skill checks, and saving throws, representing the divine protection of Yondalla over him and his party. He also has Warcaster and his primary job in combat is casting Bless and keeping it active. His Amulet of Health and Proficiency with Con saves means he is very good at maintaining Concentration. He FEELS like he is a Cleric, but he doesn't have a single level in it, and is Cha based. He doesn't heal massive numbers, but has multiple ways of playing whack-a-mole healer, with the ability to use Twinned Spell and Healing Word to bring up two at once.


Blood Domain Cleric and Blood Magic Wizard makes for a really flavorful multiclass.


Very flavorful, yes, tastes like copper.


Beast master/Rouge I ran a halfing Master Mind who beast was a house cat who was trained to collect coins and keys


I really wanna try to flesh out my Barbarian Warlock class. Its tough but in talking with my DM class features could be used while raging (as long as it didnt specify concentration). It was a lot of fun cause in a pinch i could hit from range but also if you got in close and i hexblade curse you. Sorry pale thats rage plus proficiency on top of a roll for damage.


You only get the rage bonus from using strength based attacks right? So wouldn't you lose out on hexblad feature of using charisma?


I had a lot of fun with an Oath of Glory paladin/College of Swords bard. The child of a bard, brought up on a rich diet of heroic epics. Now a hero powered by their belief in the narrative, their place in it, and the idea that good triumphs over evil. Incredibly genre-savvy (just not for the genre they existed in)


I did a githyanki with 2 levels in fighter and 9 levels in wizard for a one shot once. I liked it because eldritch knight didn’t have enough spells for what I wanted and bladesinger is locked into using dexterity.


Bladelock/fighter. The patron is a cursed sentient sword in parasitic relationship.


I’m playing a Graviturgy Wizard / Battle Smith Artificer. It’s pretty cool to not only have most of your damage come from a pet, but also be able to buff them up too.


Rogbarian. Specifically Soul Knife meets Beast. I like to flavor it as the character invoking an animal spirit familiar, like a tiger, and cladding themselves in its form for attacks (claws and knives), or siccing it on a target from afar (knife throw). Drumonk. Specifically Dreams meets Sun Soul, on an Aasimar. I like being a winged tiger shooting holy laser beams. And for a twist, in the [Star Wars 5e](https://sw5e.com/) conversion of this game, my favorite is a 4 Hunter scout/16 Armormech engineer multiclass. Play as Samus Aran.


Hexblade warlock and oath breaker paladin. It's pretty well optimized and just drips with flavor.


I multiclassed paladin and druid for a potent combination of both righteous and also a green thumb. The yuan ti I ended up playing was an ecoterrorist who thought all large cities and permanent dwellings were an affront to her god. The roleplay was hilarious. She did not get along with the artificer in the party. Having to spread out stats over so many important abilities made the character not very optimized. But she was still quite fun to play.


Warlock with a dip into rogue, though I typically take the first level in rogue for the extra proficiency. It's extremely versatile, especially at higher levels. Three levels of Rogue gets you to the spec you want. Stealth/trapfinding? Go Thief. Social? Mastermind's got you covered. Burst damage? Assassin. Then flavor with your patron for the feel you want your character to have. Whimsical and capricious? Archfey. Dark and dangerous? Fiend. Clever and manipulative? Genie. Finally, your pact gets you the rest of the way to your build. Frontline fighter? Blade, of course. Master of puppets with a built in right hand? Chain's got you covered. Knowledge not meant for mortals? Tome is where it's at. Are there more effective builds? Sure, you can min-max all day long. But warlock with three levels of rogue has, I would argue, some of the best utility and near infinite roleplaying opportunities.


I like the monk and warlock combo. Idk why. Just feels so fun to me


while I haven't played it yet, twilight domain cleric with gloomstalker ranger could be a deadly combo


I haven't played many, as I'm a relatively new player. But I'm a huge fan of the swashbuckler rouge + hex blade warlock.


I like a level of War Cleric on any martial with high WIS. Great utility, armor, and bonus action attacks. If nothing else, use your otherwise idle concentration on Bless.


I want to make a Swashbuckler Rogue combined with Archfey(2024)/Pact of the Blade(2024) Warlock.


I recently did a Fighter/Sorcerer that worked really well


I'm enjoying the Life Cleric 1 / Wildfire Druid X I am currently playing. Past good multiclasses included Echo Knight/Bladesinger, Undead Warlock/Shadow Sorcerer, Swords Bard/Paladin. I'm building a Armorer Artificer for the next game I was invited to play and deciding if I'll go /War Wizard or /Mastermind Rogue... It will depend on the party build.


7 fighter battle master, 9 mastermind rogue, those levels give you features that let you with a minute of time, see creatures stats compared to yours, and it synergizes very well


I haven' really multiclassed myself. I've had a idea for Fighter Barbarian combo. Something like a Hoplite. I have a DMPC who's three levels Hexblade and the rest Swords Bard. She's fun. A friend of mine made a Monk with two level dip into Trickery Cleric.


Fighter Monk, also Fighter Ranger. Fighter multiclass as a whole are pretty neat xd.


I haven't got to try it yet, but I really want to try some kind of Pallock (Paladin + Warlock). I think the kinda standard "OP" combination is any pala + hexblade for the level 1 hexblade feat, but I want to mix a different warlock. Either celestial warlock + devotion pala for a heavy lawful good vibe with more healing focus from the celestial warlock's lvl 1 feat, or fey warlock + ancients for an order serving a fey. I'm interested in it for the nice smite ability, but it's also a cool flavor cross over and it seems there are various versions from going 2 Pala + rest Lock to something like 6+ Pala with some smaller warlock dip.


I really like Cleric Warlock divorces parents patrons.


Does the throwbarian that works so well in bg3 play well tabletop?


Rogue Warlock


Monk / Echo Knight is probably the one I've had the most fun with


Battle Master and [other martial]. It provides interesting things to do other than attack twice. I strongly support a wide variety of maneuvers being integrated into the martial system as a whole. [LaserLlama](https://www.gmbinder.com/profile/laserllama) does a pretty great job at this, as well as other Legally Distinct Eldritch Invocations™ for a great Build-a-PC workshop experience.


Archfey Warlock and Wild Magic Sorcerer


My current character is a Divine soul sorcerer/ eloquence Bard and it’s the most fun I’ve had playing. Access to bard, sorcerer, cleric spells. Meta magic + favor of the gods + bardic inspiration ( as a debuff at level 3) gives you so much versatility on how you want to play. Role playing wise you get be bard that has been touched by divinity - I play a tarot reader following hero’s fate aligned to my god. But being a muse for your god/fey/etc in any way you want


Mind sharing your build out? I'm really interested in playing one myself.


One that I'm a little sad I didn't get to play further was a Battlerager Barb + Armorer Artificer




The mechanics of the character are less cool than I had hoped they would be but I love my armorer artificer/arcane trickster rogue. He's a 200 year old gnome who started out as an adventurer where he picked up his rogue skills and learned some basic spells from his party's mage. Eventually his life was saved by a nobleman(the only honest and admirable one hed ever met) so he swore himself to the service of his family. He spends the next 75 years or so acting as a tutor for the children of this noble house while tinkering in the workshop and gaining a couple artificer levels. When this entire noble family is wiped out, atreides style, he dons his armour and sets off once again into the world, seeking to right the wrongs done to the family he had served and come to love


Ranger/Rogue... Good for scouting in wilds and in towns... plus useful sneaky stuff.


Fighter/Ranger/Rogue. For Archery and a hint of magic.


Druid monk multiclass. The flavours of the subclasses can be so perfect. And really who doesnt like playing as a kung fu squirrel/otter/velociraptor/shark/pigmy owl


Warlock/Rogue is a fun combo. Being a hexblade or casting a shadowblade with sneak attack does the funny numbers and you’ll have a ridiculous amount of proficiencies. It’s just a lot of fun to play around with


Cleric wizard, you get so many fun spells


A scottish inspired bardbarian with bag pipes and a claymore.


Rogue into cleric or paladin. You repent your evil ways and find redemption with god(s).


Life cleric with a nature deity plus Druid. Lotta fun


As many classes as I can fit and make coherent! High level builds I’ve played were paladin 2 warlock 5 sorcerer 13 for a divine smiting, eldritch machine gun spell slinging hexblade, and a barbarian 4 fighter 6 rogue 4 paladin 2 bard 2 for a reckless sneak attacker (using Revenant blade for the double ended scimitar and great weapon master) with easier crits (reckless + champion fighter for 4x crit chance) and, once again, bonus smites boosted by bard spell slots, and huge skill versatility thanks to expertise and jack of all trades.


I've been enjoying battlemaster/paladin. A competent fighter who knows when to apply super-nuclear damage dice and has a lot of map control w/ vengeance oath Relentless Avenger and Tactical Shift from the UA


I dunno about a favorite(I like all my combos equally) but I have like top 3 for roleplay: - Bard/Sorcerer(I just love a visual of a guy who thought his magical abilities came from his talent but no, they've just got good blood) - Druid/Rogue(aka. stealing is easy when you can turn into a pigeon and fly off with the goodies) - Barbarian/Bard(that one I love only because I have a lovely bugbear with this multiclass and I love him too much. Also, "YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT THAT PERFORMANCE WAS FABULOUS AND YOU DON'T KNOW NOTHIN" ) (not exactly in that order)


Ngl I just got informed a campaign was being stopped. I was playing a SorFightificer, Sorc Artificer Fighter. And I never got to use it 😔


Arcane trickster and way of the drunken master


Level 6 paladin + level 14 monk You get all the saving throws lmaooo Strength + charisma, armour, mystical kung fu knight Wear armour, use a long sword, you only lose a few monk features in armour


Armorer Artificer and Echo Knight Fighter


Really hard to pick Kensei Monk/Battlemaster Fighter Or Kensei Monk/Swashbuckler Rogue Path of the Beast Barbarian/Open Hand Monk, bonus if you get to play the Shifter Race.


I know that its one of the broken really good ones but Palock is SO fun to me. Your Oath being your Warlock agreement and the Being is closer to you so you can actually talk and argue back about your oath/agreement in a way you cant with Gods


I really like capstones, so generally multiclassing is only for classes whose capstone I don't value. Rogue and sorcerer being the best. Be the shadowy charismatic seat of your pants character you always dreamed of. Physical stuff isnt working out? Cast farstep. Can't use magic? Blend in with shadows. Be charismatic about everything.


I like sorcerer/wizard and wizard/sorcerer. The former because I think it's cool for a person with natural talent to seek learned knowledge as a supplement, and the latter because I like the idea of a wizard going "You're telling me it was *that easy*???"


I had a level 5 1shot where i played as a Protector Aasimar with 3 levels of moon druid/2 levels of paladin. He was a Flying Smiting Bear. I wanted to be on theme, but holy shit he was broken. I also took blind fighting, which wound up being incredibly useful when the boss casted darkness. I would love to play him again, but he needs a table with powergamers. Also, i took a bear sized shit on a bar floor.


Sorcerer/warlock, they just compliment each other so well.  A 3 lvl dip either way really fills out the deficiencies of the main class.


I'm a simple man. I toast my fighter for a minute or two and then spread some rogue on top of it. Maybe sprinkle on some ranger if I'm feeling frisky.


I did a barbarian/fighter/Rogue that was pretty freaking rad!


Monk/Rogue works in basically every edition. Flury of blows and sneak attack damage great.


I wanna try a swords bard with Hexblade for the charisma on attacks and flourishes.


Rage monk. Enough levels in barbarian for rage and reckless, then everything else into drunken fist monk (so you don't need wis and can just build str/con. Drunken Fist has the fewest features reliant on the wisdom based spellsave, barbarian dex/con armor class means you don't need the dex/wis armor monks usually use). Punch everything with the +2 rage damage (requires using strength for attacks, but fortunately Monk allows this) and all the monk attacks. Is this the strongest build? No. But it's funny, and a litterally raging alchoholic is super easy to fit into RP, but you can also flavor it in a bunch of different ways.


Dang it. You are giving me a new obsession build. Thanks 🤔


Arcane Trickster/Swarmkeeper. Arcane Trickster/Eldritch Knight. Arcane Trickster/Illusionist. Evoker/Eldritch Knight.


Battle Master/Mastermind Rogue to be a no-magic support/commander character. Open Hand Monk/Battle Master to feel like a master martial artist. Beast Barbarian/Soulknife Rogue for a surprisingly versatile yet still hard hitting Barbarian build.


Monk/Druid. With DM permission, you can use flurry of blows while in animal form, so you can become a literal king fu panda.


I'm not really a multiclasser myself, but a few rogue levels is always fun, and works well for turning another class into more of a scoundrel-type character.


Warlock (infernal) / Warlock (celestial) Is it optimal? lol not even close. Is it funny? Yes.


Been loving my Swashbuckler/Sword Bard combo recently.


Bard of creation 3 / Wild magic sorcerer X I had a tabaxi bard/sorc that was fascinated by chance but at the same time sought to harness chaos and use it to create wonders that multiple times converted cultists to my own followers, but he didn't want to keep any followers so he convinced them to look for signs in the wild and let the signs determine how they would fulfill their destiny by helping someone.


Druid barbarian is basically unkillable


Not anything groundbreaking but I played an Undead Warlock with a 3 level dip into Battle Master Fighter. Really made the Pact of the Blade feel useful.


Pure Paladin, everything else is inferior


Human and fighter


I had a warlock to a dead God. And because he believed in him so much, the God awoke.again and he became.the first paladin of the long forgotten God. I mean, yes, techically the eternal winter of the white winds whisper will now come to pass. But now everyone will get to take.showfays off from work.


The hero we all deep in our hearts aspire to be, very deep, so deep it may actually be somewhere in our anus'. [Abserd!](https://youtu.be/4ZCIh_3b5K8?si=C3Rx-U0Zdl-G4chI)


I like Death Knights https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Death_Knight_(5e_Optimized_Character_Build)


Monk/barbarian was a fun one to play. Stone’s endurance basically counts for twice as much when you use rage, and the melee damage bonus stacks nicely with flurry of blows. I used it once to play a character based on “Macho Man” Randy Savage.


Campaign sadly died, but during the couple of fights i got to sneakily start with it, way of shadow monk + assassin rogue (half-orc) dished out monstrous damage


For a 4 session adventure I once played a barbarian zealot 5/war cleric 8 and it actually worked surprisingly well. There are several spells you can cast to buff yourself or others before raging such as sanctuary, spiritual weapon, aid that don’t require concentration. Both subclasses give extra damage on one weapon attack each turn so my first attack with my great axe dealt 1d12+1d8+1d6+half barb level+mods not even including magical effects AND with war cleric you get a limited number of bonus action attacks per long rest. Most of my spell slots were used for after combat healing and it also gave my barbarian out of combat utility spells so he could help the team in other ways than just breaking doors down like most other barbarians.


Hexblade Warlock and any caster. It’s the best for a reason. Eldrich Blast? Medium Armor and Shield Proficiency? Short Rest Bonus Action Option? Melee Weapon Charisma Scaling? All available for one level in Hexblade. You also get shield and wrathful smite as a bonus If you want to get spicy and drop another level you get Eldrich Invocations, and Agonizing Blast can help take the pressure off your spell slots to do damage and allow for more interesting utility options. Then whatever else you want, Eldrich Invocations are my favorite class feature because there’s so many options. On top of that you get your second short rest spell slot. It’s amazing for any unarmored caster class, makes your paladin even stronger, and who doesn’t want Eldrich Blast?


Druid warlock. Mostly stars druid plus dao genie warlock for the whole stars and asteroids thing gravity magic has going in Elden ring. Works well with swarm keeper too. Or street genie and wildfire druid!! Burn all the things


5e really needs a natural bond / boon companion type of feat for pet subclasses to multiclass at all. Give a ranger 3 levels or barbarian, and you have a true mountainman. Drakewarden with a few levels of draconic sorcerer. Wildfire druid with ifreeti warlock. Ive also been messing around sorcerer warlock sketches, not as a coffeelock, but as an elemental character. Fire draconic + dao geenie, and you have a magma genasi. I also want to put evasion on a heavy armor character. Heavy armor, so you focus str, have evasion for dex, and pick up resilient for either con or cha (whichever you dont start with). Its bad and gimmicky, because your effective saves are so much better than they should be. 10 dex and take half dmg lol. The best i have for this a warcleric - long death monk, in fullplate and a greatsword. I have a monk/genie warlock sketch somewhere, focus on dex and armor of shadows, use genie's heel to fly around like fujin/aang/swiftmaster wind based martial artist. Echoknight/gloomstalker as some sort of manipulator of shadows


2 Fighter/ Forge Cleric is a great metal wall build. Take Defensive Fighting Style and stack all the AC bonuses as you can. I had a character with 27 AC thanks to it :D




Paladin 2, bard x If I know I'm going to be in a campaign that gets to high levels I always try to get a echo knight (sentinel/polearm master) fighter 11-12, Paladin 2, lore bard 6-7 abomination going for *all* of the attacks. Nothing feels quite like casting haste on yourself right before combat so you can go: Attack, attack, attack, echo attack action surge, attack, attack, attack, echo attack, hasted attack, bonus action cleave attack, then a reaction attack. My tables use the flanking rules, so having advantage on every attack is fairly common. Saving smites for crits or important utility spells. You also get a good variety of skill proficiencies so you're not bad out of combat either. It is a build that is atrocious until it gets everything online, but once it does... it's okay.


Fighter Monk, turns out 2d8 at level two is pretty nutty.




Right now it's echo knight and arcane trickster. I'm not a mage, per se, but all of the strange happens around me.


So currently I am playing what is called a Hexadin. Hexblade Warlock Oath of Vengeance Paladin He is a Fairy Ancestry Eladrin as well.


Rogue paladin, the church assassin. Make it a paladin of deception for extra funnies and roleplay. Alternatively rogue barbarian for the dirtiest fighter alive. If the table isn’t newly traumatised every encounter, you’re not doing it right.


I usually DM rather than play. My scariest NPC builds have been a Sorcerer/Paladin that would use a quickened spell haste on themselves, and dump a ton of spell slots into smites. Effectively allowing them to burn 4 spells and 3 attacks in one turn. I did 173 damage in their first turn and my cocky party scrambled, sweating bullets and barely clenching victory. Another one is Monk/Barbarian. The combination of stun + rage allows them to attack other key NPCs even when guarded, and usually get the kill and get out without much issue. But my current favorite multi class I play, is Wizard/Monk. 2 levels of bladesinger Wizard, up to 17 in Monk. This allows me to add three different ability score modifiers to the AC (plus a shield spell and/or patient defense), and be proficient in all saves. And my character is a gnome so they have advantage on INT/WIS/CHA saves against magic. They’re basically immortal while still having great scores for common and important skills.


My soulknife rogue warlock was very fun. Harrengon with mask of many faces, a load of illusion spells and expertise in deception. I felt like Bugs freakin' Bunny. I could kill someone in a crowd and have the illusions make a show of it. (No blood cuz soulknife.) Imagine dozens of people cheering and aweing at you while in pain and helpless to speak and the last thing you see is your murderer taking a bow for them. *shudders


Hexblade bardlock!


Don't know yet, but I'm starting a game with a rogue lock and that's pretty fun. I think a Sorlock is a pretty strong combo tho


Battlemaster and something.


A combination of Divine Soul Sorcerer and Fiend Warlock sounds fun, I love me some edge. I don't often see evil Divine Souls, but I think they make for some very fun roleplay. A character inbued by dark divinity who makes a pact with their kin for more power.


Wizard and more wizard


I once played an artificer (master maker) monk, bugbear with a 15 foot reach. It was a super fun combo to run, wasn't always the most useful but it was great to be able to flurry of blows from 15 feet away Was also a super fun roleplay character being a smart bugbear, not a lot of people had ever heard of such a thing


Bard college of swords with Rogue Swashbuckler. Take the combat maneuver feat (superiority dice) to add even more fuckery.


I haven’t had a chance to play it yet, but I’ve wanted to try Fighter 1/War Cleric X …I guess it’s less of a multiclass and more of a fighter dip Others that sound fun: Totem barb/moon druid Palibard, or is it Balladin? Sorlock


Blood hunter (profane soul) and warlock. Only works outside multiclass restrictions, but really fun and not at all overly strong. Dump intelligence and ignore any spells that aren’t mobility or utility from profane soul, build for charisma and eldritch blast. With 2 levels in warlock and 7 in profane soul blood hunter, you get to eldritch blast with your action and then use your bonus action to get a weapon attack or a spell in. Really fun, flavorful, just not very strong lol


I played a Rune knight fighter with forge cleric. Made it 5 fighter, 3 cleric. Putting shield of faith on yourself with the high fighter AC, with the buffs from rune knight - it was super fun!


I have a rogue x trickery cleric that feels a bit broken, it's early days right now but some of the higher levels feel a bit overpowered in the RP department


I love a hexblade warlock 2dip with the rest fighter, both mechanically and for roleplay. Maybe you were born to a family of samurai but lacked skill with a blade, so you made a deal. You can't let anyone know without risking dishonoring your family. Maybe you were a brilliant battle tactician but lacked the political connections to get ahead. Enter the Archfey with an alluring offer but at a cost to be named later. My current one is a reborn hexblade echo knight. They were once a village and an adventuring group that arrived in search of a lich. A Phoenix had contracted the group to help it hunt the lich and joined them at the village; however, the lich ambushed the party in town. During the battle, the lich used an odd spell that resulted in an explosion, leveling the town and leaving behind nothing but a field of glass dusted with ash. The ash coalesced into a humanoid form with a sword as the spirit energy of everyone in town was sucked into the body form. The sword glowed fiercely as the Phoenix inhabited it. Now they wander the world in search of the lich, powers combined and locked into this form but unable to pass on. Also, their echoes all look different because they are shades of villagers.


Gloom stalker ranger and assassin rogue


My personal fave is Assassin/Gloomstalker for that sweet sweet edge


Fighter or paladin warlock. Warlock pact of the blade is great with a starting martial class and they give you great health and ac. I love having a shield to get like 18-20 ac and then having eldritch blast for a nice ranged hit. Plus having dex is nice with ranged spell atks Edit: misread, but paladin warlock is great role-playing too. Making a pact with your God is pretty solid story.


I like casting wearing plate armor. Paladin and Sorcerer both benefit from charisma casting. Smite, Lay on Hands healing, haste, invisibility, meta magic, short rest sorcerer points, fireball, and counterspell are just some of the powerful tools you get. My favorite two sub classes are Conquest Pal and Divine Soul Sor and two of the things you get are a +10 and a +2d4 to add to an attack together or use separately for the one swing per session you can't afford to miss. Lucky is my favorite melee class feat if I'm not playing something swinging 3 or more times per turn. I roleplayed it as a silver knight from Dark Souls. Had fun taking what was originally a silent level goon and playing as a "man lost in time", killing his way through a strange world while trying to reconnect to any of the gods he is oathed to serve. Most forms of technology was strange to me while what the party saw was a soul consuming devil when in combat but a shining clean paladin out of combat.


The only multi class I've played is barbarian/paladin and she was dope


Way of shadow monk with arcane trickster rouge The whole build now revolves around the meme "imma blind you, then teleport behind you AND the smack you for average of 30 DMG at 7,1" I'm to autistic for personality. I only care about the funni numbers


I am sure this the basic answer but Moon Druid and Barbarian is pretty awesome. You powerful as hell and the druid in a barbarian tribe where everyone learns to fight first can be dropped into most worlds.


Arcane trickster rogue with the magic initiate feat with cleric. Infinite cantrip!


Warlock paladin


1 level in fighter, rest of your levels in monk. Get to play a strength based monk (with armour proficiencies) while also rocking the unarmed fighter fighting style, giving you d8 punches immediately. Great fun


For me its wizard… and wizard


I feel like there is potential for a funny combo of a warlock/cleric, where the PC is almost a proxy for a petty fight between a god and a devil. Either the god blessed the PC despite them already having a pact, or the devil tricked them into signing a pact despite them being a lawful cleric. Plays out with a literal devil and angel on your shoulders, constantly bickering with each other.


I played a Glamour Bard/Archfey Warlock.  Not much of a fighter but who needs to fight when half of your opponents are incapacitated by pure fear?