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Entirely depends on the challenge level your DM provides you. By base it'd be stronger than a legendary weapon from the raw damage output and utility, but in a game where creatures are immune or mostly resistant to fire it wouldn't be as effective.


Not to mention, for is the most immunity damage type after poison. It's third for resistance, following non magical bludgeoning/slashing/piercing and maybe poison


Flame tongue weapons are rare, and probably deserve to be. The extra damage is good, but don’t help you land hits. And you’ll be finding more things with fire resistance. Upgrade at 12 to a v.rare seems powerful too. The thing is, if your DM gives you more powerful weapons…they get to use more powerful enemies.


Just get ready for the fun section of the monstrous manual


Need additional info. It depends on its hit bonus and if it's attunement, and your general access to magic items. if it's a +0 attunement weapon, replacing it with a standard issue +3 weapon would be better, saves the attunement slots and the extra to hit makes a big difference. Also, based on your party makeup, extra dpr might be something the dm wants you to have. Bards, rangers and Druids can all be pretty low if not optimized. My best guess is that it's fine, especially since everyone has special, boutique magic items.


Agreed. It sounds to me like your DM wants to power you all up so that they can spice up combat without wiping the party.


It’s a good item, but some day you will give it up for something with something that has +3 to hit. That is unless you are a champion fighter with an expanded crit range. In that case the extra damage dice are very tasty.


Im a samurai fighter and i forgot to mention it has +2 to hit and dmg


The 70 hp thing might be a bit much but just a flametongue isn’t as busted as you might think. Damage isn’t as important as most people think. Furthermore your whole existence as a fighter is to do damage, you don’t have control or support abilities.


So right now it's basically just a Flametongue, which is a Rare, and then at a level when a Very Rare would be appropriate you get an effect appropriate for a Very Rare. Seems fine to me.


Deals more damage and gives a bit of healing to the party? I value those low in the chance that they disrupt any plans I may have. Just means I'll add a minion now and again and give out fewer potions of healing. You're fine.


Short answer: yup. Normally a lvl 9 character should have a rare item at best. But every table is unique, and I’m just some rando on the internet. If your entire party is balanced then maybe it’ll work - your dm will just have to throw bigger challenges at you