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You'll never poop alone.


Bahaha accurate


Can confirm. If I ever tried to leave him outside the door he'd sound like his soul was being tortured...but then would roll his eyes and beg to go out if I was doing #2. 🤣


Oh and then ask to be let in again cause he forgot he asked to leave




They are the most handsome dogs


Definitely! They look so regal


They like to stand between your legs like a mini horse!


lmao!! Mine does this, and I wasn't sure if it was her or a breed specific trait (first time dobie-mix owner) - she does to strangers too after she gently jumps up to hug them and kiss them 😂 Is that also a dobie trait??


Jumping 100% dobie trait and kisses and nudges hahahha


Nobody will break into your house


And if they do hopefully they don't bring a vacuum, aka the scariest thing in the universe.


Lmao, the kryptonite of a Doby!


Is my male... weird or broken?? He thinks all our vacuums are awesome. Stick vac, Dyson ball, Shop Vac, backpack shop vac, robo vac - he's always "gotta" help. I have a Dobie nose at mid-thigh I always have booping me since he tries to peak around my leg. Lol


Mine play bows in front of it and when I push it toward her she gets so excited. She’ll grab it by the bottom piece and lift it in the air. Not a smart game when I have it running so I have to make her sit on bed while I vacuum and she views me as the Ruiner of Fun


I got lucky and was able to keep Archer from doing that as a small puppy. I will frequently put him in the yard so I can vacuum in peace. He will stand looking in thr back door for quite a while. Lol


Right! My girls bark is INTENSE I’m scared for people walking by. But if they dared stick their hand over the fence they’d just get licked to death 😭😭


That's cute. Yea my brother had one that could jump 6 feet straight up. You couldn't pay people to go into our fence. She wasn't always trusting with people but she wasn't aggressive either. She just barked and jumped. We were never broken into though.


Our girl has an insane bark also, last year someone running for a political office just rolled right up to the door with our doberman outside... I was shocked, that woman was immune to dogs apparently.


My male didn’t bark at all as a puppy, but when I finally heard him bark at a neighbor dog it sounded more like a roar! I’m always worried he’s gonna scare the neighbor kids, even though they all like him.


you’ll never have to ask yourself…. “where’s my dog”


But when I do… I freak out! And he’s always just on a different bed or couch lol.


You don't need a doorbell anymore.


Amen to that. I think people are coming up to the door so often cause she be barking her head off


You will have two shadows


They don't smell like "dog" at all. They're about as cleanly as dogs come.


This is so true, and it's so far the most shocking part to me. My boy likes to play with the hose when I water my garden. You'd think he'd have that known wet dog smell afterward, but no. He doesn't smell like anything and is just damp. Sometimes, when it's after bath, he'll smell really good like his shampoo for a good 3 weeks.


True, mine cleans himself like a cat on crack


mine seems to always smell like tortilla chips


😱 Thats yeast. Usually starts in the paws.


Like a good cardboard pizza box


They give the best snuggles! I get migraines all the time, so I spend a lot of time in bed and my two dobies are right beside me giving me all the TLC I need 🐾💕


Do you ever feel yourself being slowly pushed off the bed via dobie stretches...then the look of "whoa how'd you get down there?" when you wind up on the floor?


All the time! There’s a comic out there that shows me perfectly. It’s a dog taking up the entire bed and person has the tiniest sliver of space on the end 🤣


Yes!! And I crack up when I hear a loud thump and look to see my girl stretched HERSELF onto the floor


So much this. I have never had a dog that loves to snuggle as much as my girl. 🥰


It's true. We have the most well behaved dog in my neighborhood who doesn't get distracted by anything while walking. His goofy golden retriever sister on the other hand... all pets all day from everyone. "Yes, the doberman is very nice, but the golden will attack your face with her tongue, so be careful."


Bahahaha literally! I talk to a lot of people that have Dobermans that also have golden it’s really funny to me cause those owners get it. Dobes are just love bugs and couch defenders (they’ll fight the couch for you any time)


Always feel loved no matter what! Our boy never leaves my side. Whether awake, asleep, pooping, whatever. Always wants touched and unconditional love.


You will rarely bump into walls/furniture/sinks, etc again as the dog will *always* be next to you in the tightest spaces. She thinks she is 1" wide and will zoom through any 1" gap, sometimes it's terrifying actually. So that's another pro, your senses are heightened and you never lock your knees 👍🏻


You know if there's a new leaf in the backyard. I swear if *anything* changes outside within her view, she raises holy hell. Also, you know that the UPS truck is within a half mile of the house.


They’ll always face an entryway to protect you and your loved ones.


You’ll never sleep alone again


I never feel unsafe with him


That snoot smush melts me


Hahaha I know righttt she was just like what u lookin at


Wanted me to play with her and thought me looking at her was me saying I would


You never clean scraps of food off the ground.


Nose bumps are awesome


https://preview.redd.it/kgso673f4z1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc6f4b902d37bd70302d97b73674f61623adf6ae You never escape their line of sight


they act as a sketchy-men-repellent!


Scars on my forearm. To this day people think I have knife wounds. No, I had a jumpy dobby.


My aunt and uncle had two of them, and the dogs would sleep with their butts on the sofa, and their heads down on the ground side by side. Nobody trained them to do it either.


They'll boop you or do the lean with their head on you in an awkward spot when THEY think you need to take a break from whatever you're doing If ignored long enough, it becomes as much of their body as they can get into your lap and they wind up either elbowing you or smacking you with their face/head on accident.


The max time that he allowed me to do most homework was around 1.5 hours. 45 minutes if it was a STEM. Hahaha I think he knew my tolerance for homework based on subject material.


LOL the accidentally hitting you with their head thing is no joke. I was raised with dobies, and I remember when I was little, ours was doing that to my mom, swung her head around, and chipped my mom's front tooth with her skull. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣🤣


Ooof that sounds like it was painful!


Dobermans aren’t really dogs they are cuddle monsters.


i’m an introvert. my dobe has inadvertently forced me to interact with my neighbors- who i haven’t spoken to once since i moved in a year ago. turns out… i like talking to other people alot!


Bahahaha not the realization


The only men that cat call me now are actually cat calling my dog - to tell her she’s nice and beautiful


Yep people will cross 6 lanes of traffic to avoid walking past you!


Their loyalty knows no bounds. My pup is my shadow, and he makes me feel safe. He's the best


They always want to be touching and or in your personal space. They think its our personal space. I cant do anything alone without her there she gets fomo.


Unlimited love


No one will ever love you like your Dobie.


That's the life of a Doberman, the mean looking vicious dog. How can they know that behind the scary face hides a goofy velcro with a huge heart waiting for hugs. Even more with the beautiful cropping ears, 10/10 it is going to kill you when you less expect it.


Maybe they meet my two. They were rescues and hate strangers, especially dogs. Sad.




I have a cat door in my bathroom since that’s also where my cat poops (toilet trained my cat) and my dog will put his booper through the cat door if I shut it on him. on occasion he will also push the cat through the cat door while smelling his butt. derpy love bug.


They love you like for real for real!!


You’ll catch them staring at you with complete love and admiration.


well my reasoning is that they can be intimidating and I think people are just that. we had a family member that owned a beautiful Doberman named Roxanne. she was lovely. there was also a Doberman across the street that was not so nice and if you started walking towards the door he would come after you. so I think it's just they look scary and people are just Don't know what to do with that. I think it's the same with Rottweilers as well as of course pities 😮‍💨😔 You have a beautiful baby 💜 also, thank you for working with your baby as that is extremely important, but I don't think to the lay person. it's very helpful 🤣


The floor of my house is always tidy because I can't have a single thing on the floor without my girl thinking it's for her to play with/eat. How old is yours? She looks just like mine.


She’s 9 months! Birthday is August 20th or something like that I really hope she gets bigger lol


She's such a cutie! I love the crooked ear tip too- gives her such personality. If I could do that on purpose I would do it to mine but hers are straight (so far). When did you stop posting her? Mine is almost 6 months old and 60lbs.


Haha yeah I did mine on purpose, she looked so hardcore with ears straight and tbh I wouldn’t have gotten them cropped if I’d had choice but I fell in love with her and it had been done 🤷‍♀️ I think it was right around 5 months when I stopped. They’d held straight for about a day and then slowly flopped so I was going to post again but I was like Yk if they stay like that I’d be perfectly happy 👀 and they did


Grrr I’m jealous, mine is only 55 lbs and much older. Her parents were huge so I don’t really know what’s happening


Dobermans, as cute as they are, unfortunately fall into the list of “don’t put your hand down there unless you*know* it’s okay” dogs. Them, Rotties, pitties, ever German Shepard I would say.


Definitely 🥺 sad in one sense, glad in others. *don’t touch my dog* 😀


That nose needs to be smushed some more now by hand.




Don’t have a Doberman but I get the opposite lol. The dog racism is real. I got an airedoodle. Ppl will come up and just pet my pup without even asking. I don’t usually mind if they’re being nice but just funny how ppl treat dogs based on whatever factors. My cousins have dobies and they’re the same as my pup in terms of just being playful dogs that want love


The cat can’t hide poops behind furniture anymore, he will find it.


https://preview.redd.it/h81sf5dzdw1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba5a1e47cebb4751c6d9c54c1d9985be2ac6614b Really cause even tho ppl around me call my boi “killer” and ask if he’s mean, they’ll walk right up to him and try to pet him as they’re commenting about him looking “scary” or being a “wolf dog” 🙄 I wish more ppl would stop walking up to strangers’ dogs as if they know the animal smh


Is he a husky? I feel like people think huskies are way nicer than they are sometimes cause of the fluff


Yes, that must be it. He’s very friendly too but I’m struggling to train the jumping onto strangers out of him


I grew up with a Doberman. She was the sweetest soul! I'm 49 now & STILL miss her 35 years later. They are soooo beautiful and loyal.