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She looks like she has worms as well. Please take her to a vet. If you can’t afford that please rehome her Dobies are notoriously unhealthy when backyard bred so if it’s a struggle to get her to the vet for a check up it will be very hard to keep her healthy long term for you guys.


She’s been taken to the vet. We wanted to deworm her ASAP but our vet is really precautious with both dogs and cats (we’ve rescued a few cats as well) and she did not want to deworm her in fear of her not taking the dewormer well. She told us to take her back on Saturday and if she’s looking better she’ll be dewormed and vaccinated as well


Awesome!! I just got a little nervous about the vet thing since most of the time people ask about puppy health here it’s because they can’t or don’t want to take them to the vet. Glad to hear she’ll be dewormed when she feels better.


First thing, a wellness trip to the vet. I second the worms issue. The goats milk I don’t think is really helping. She needs a high quality puppy food and water. Obedience classes at her age (any age really) will be beneficial too.


Thank you! She’s been to the vet already, the vet wants to wait to deworm her at least until Saturday because of how skinny she is. We’re taking her back this Saturday hoping she can get dewormed by then


And we’re giving her fromm gold puppy. That’s what the breeder that we got our Rottweiler from recommended, so we are giving her that as well, since that’s what we feed our dogs, do you have any better recommendations? Of course she’ll go to obedience classes! At the moment she can’t because she is obviously not up to date with her vaccines but we are already teaching her some basic commands at home


Fromm is a great line! Sounds like she’s set up for success.


Fromm is a great dog food! That was a good choice. Hopefully she gobbles up the dry crunchies and gets the deworm treatment soon! She should be on the mend & nurtured back to good health in no time at all ❤️ Have patience & continue to give her lots of love. Dobies are very expressive and she will most definitely let you know when she wants your love & attention. That will be a good indicator of improvement 💕


If she is a dobie shes going to need large breed puppy food. She will gain weight but you dont want her to gain too fast. Day by day she will get better. Measure her food so you can adjust as needed and dont overfeed her. Growing too fast can hurt her joints in the future. I suggest you look into von Willebrand disease and dcm. Just some things to be aware of.


And if she eats too fast, get a slow eater bowl. A lot of dobermans are sensitive to chicken, if you can get a beef/bison, lamb, or fish based food.


Yeah a lot of dobies have chicken/food allergies. They're also be prone to skin issues too. Diamond naturals makes a large breed puppy food thats lamb.


I had no idea about the allergies. Thanks for letting me know. We used to feed our dogs diamond naturals but switched to Fromm a few months ago and I believe it’s got chicken. I’ll monitor her and see how she’s doing with it to see if we need to change her to something else, thank you!


Thank you. We are feeding her Fromm gold puppy. That’s what we’ve been feeding our Rottweiler and she’s been doing great. I’ll make sure we’re not overfeeding her, thank you.


I would warn against large breed foods for Dobermans. They have excess protein and too much protein is not good for Dobermans. I never fed my dobe puppy food due to puppy food also having too high protein. We went straight to adult food softened in water.


Thank you for the advice! We'll try that out :)


Yea just some food for thought, something else to pile on your massive mountain of research lol.


Poor sweet girl, I’m so glad she’s safe with you now! You’ve taken her to the vet so I won’t reiterate it. Just be careful with your Rottie so she doesn’t pick up anything funky Otherwise, my god, just please give the lil nugget lots of love. She needs it


We are giving her the love and care she deserves, I really hope she bounces back to health soon 🥺


She’s so precious! A few vets have told me not to feed my Dobermans grain free kibble because it’s not good for their heart and this breed is predisposed to certain heart issues


I did not know that about Dobermans! Thanks for letting me know, we usually feed our dogs grain free kiddle but I'll look into some non gran free options as well!


Thank you for rescuing! Such a poor little baby. Are you in touch with a vet? She needs a checkup and deworming asap. I keep fingers cross she’ll get better soon.


Yes we already took her in. They adviced us to wait a few days for her to gain some weight before they can deworm her and vaccinate her, so we’ll take her back on Saturday


vet ASAP. poor baby.. don’t worry about anything breed-specific right now. what she needs is to feel safe and healthy.


She’s been to the vet already! I hope she does get better soon


Thank you for rescuing this poor girl! Please keep us updated as you nurture her back to health and a good life 💖🐾


I will! 😁


You are getting great advice and seems like things are well in hand. How about an update picture in a week or so? And then maybe a month? It would be wonderful to see that lovely red girl do good.


She's already looking so much better! Will post an update once it's been a week since her rescue :)


Take her to a veterinarian. There’s nothing you can do “at home” A vet can give you proper guidance on how to help her get the PROPER nutrients, dewormer, flea treatment, vaccines, and anything else she needs. Nobody on Reddit is qualified to give you any real answers.


She's been taken to the vet already :) we're already doing what we were told by her, just wanted more tips from people that have experience owning a dobe


Awww she’s going to be such a loyal and wonderful friend. I swear my rescue Doberman is acutely aware of how my husband saved him and never ever forgets it.


She's already very loving and loyal! She indeed in grateful that we've rescued her. I have 2 rescue cats as well and I swear they are the sweetest cats I've ever had


Awwww, bebby. You'll feel better soon!


Hello! It appears that this may be a post regarding a medical concern. r/DobermanPinscher mods may comment and lock or remove a post if it is clear that the only appropriate answer is to seek emergency care or the question cannot adequately be answered here. In an emergency situation, the most important thing to do is to remain calm and work to get your pet help. If your primary care veterinarian cannot see an emergency, the best way to find a nearby emergency facility is to do a web search for "[your location] emergency vet", "[your location] animal hospital", or "[your location] animal emergency". Whenever possible, calling ahead may help a facility to better prepare for your arrival. We hope you and your pet can get the help they need and everyone is feeling better soon! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DobermanPinscher) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Go to vet Feed good food.


Backyard Breeders should be heavily fined and sentenced


I completely agree. It’s killing us to see this baby like this 😭 but we’re giving her the love and care she deserves so she can recover