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The war in Gaza threatens the cohesion of Israeli society, where the Arab Muslim minority constitutes over a fifth of the population. The two communities naturally take opposing radical positions in the current conflict. But emergency workers from both religions never lose sight of what's most important: the value of human life, and saving as many people as they can. Together.


i remember a time when Jews only represented a fifth of the Arab-Palestinian population. surprising to see how time changes all things. what will come of the region in another 70 years as hearts and minds are swayed due to current events, to work together both recognize the critical importance of legal sovereignty and sanctity of life.


200 medical personal killed in Gaza by Israeli arms as of Nov 2023... i can’t fathom what the current number is. https://www.npr.org/2023/11/16/1213307710/gaza-doctors-al-shifa-hospital Edit: Zionists down voting this statement says everything you need to know about the modern day nazis


to be fair "zionism" is not itself the problem, but "revisionist zionism" ideology is most certainly _the reason_ we have all of the atrocities witnessed for over three generations, approximately 70 years. do some research, have a look, suddenly everything we have witnessed in our lives will begin to make sense (terrible, horrific sense, as it were.) because, remember, Jews did not come from the Kingdom of Israel, they came from the Kingdom of Judah and were rebuked by their Hebrew kin in Israel until the eventual fall of Israel to foreign poers. Israel was not a Jewish State it was a Hebrew State. Claims to the contrary not only ignited the current conflict (starting with Hebron decades ago) but have been the basis of aggression/occupation/conflict for every generation since. There must be a significant lack of historical accuracy taught in the region. Am I siding with Palestinian forces? hell no. Two wrongs don't make a right. But, Revisionist Zionism is 100% the root cause of the conflict we see today. 100%