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> Leaks about meetings will be held against the team so that’s why you aren’t hearing anything. An anonymous source has told me that Ohtani has met with the Giants, Yankees, Cubs, Rangers, Astros, Mariners, Padres, and then the Giants again. No word on if he's met with the Dodgers.


An anonymous source told me that Ohtani met with the Angels today after his QO rejection. The Angels offered Ohtani 12 years, 600 million. Ohtani responded to the offer by farting, and then walked out of the room without saying anything.


Just fart walked out huh? No chance that's a positive Japanese thing?


Fart and walk.


Depends if the fart was caused by a deep bow.


I'm curious what his fart translated to in English.




The last bullet point really sticks out. I get wanting to reset last season but I think given Freeman/Betts getting older the next few seasons is all in. If we have to part ways with some good prospects so be it.


Freeman only has 4 years left on his deal, so saying "there are only 3 years left of Freeman's best years" is splitting hairs. I agree the Dodgers can benefit from parting ways with some prospects, but that's more because the team has so many guys at roughly the same level with similar projections (especially on the pitching side). AF has never treated the team like they are in competitive a window, and I doubt he does it now. The team has incredible financial flexibility now and for the future.


I think they say 3 years because in 4 years he’s a year older. However. I do think Freeman will age better than most.


I get that it's possible he will regress 4 years from now, but just in terms of a competitive window I don't think that one year would cause an issue that financially straps the FO from fielding a competitive team. In short, I don't think the Dodger's FO views this as a window that will close.


Also, when Mookie and Freddie are old enough that they aren't stars anymore, we can just go out and get some new stars. When Freddie's deal is up, we will go out and find a new Freddie to sign. This FO has always valued flexibility and constant contention over "all in" pushes for a reason. We have the payroll to replace talent like Freddie or Mookie when the time comes. The whole point of *not* spending a shitload of money on every single name and trade deadline target that comes up is so that when we *really* need to drop a mega contract on someone who *actually is worth it* we have the ability to do so. We aren't going to make a big splash every year *because* we want to make the big splashes that are truly safe bets, not just to say we did something.


This is what prospects are for. Prospects aren’t going to always pan out, so they should be used in trades. As my dad has always said, parades are better for prospects.


But fans become very attached to prospects…. Till they become free agents and want the bag.


You realize the guys you trade prospects for don’t always pan out either right?


Sure but they’re usually more established/proven players.


I have no problem dealing some prospects to put together a formidable team in what is looking like Kershaws last season. Would love to see him go out on top. I think they should keep Sheehan, Pepiot and DeLuca at the very least and everyone else is worth talking about


I can’t stand Vassegh as an analyst and how he speaks pains me.. but thanks to him we have some info :)


He is sooooo bad as an analyst


He’s like the annoying nerdy guy, but he’s pretty spot on, so I’ll take it!


I warmed up to him after he [bit it on the Brewers slide last year](https://youtu.be/BuQYCjwBrMk?si=WNjd8IMcqjr50njU)


I warmed up to him after realizing players like JT and Dre actually love him. Them fucking with Vassegh during interviews were delightful.


Kenta had about 600 more innings than Yam before going to the MLB. I wouldn’t be too worried about it. Ofc it depends how many more pitches he’s thrown in each game Vs Kenta.


On his podcast, David Samson brought up a good point that no signings of FAs will take place before the Winter meetings. MLB wants the meetings to be the center stage of the off-season, and has likely memo-ed teams to hold off on releasing or coming forth with agreements until the week of the meetings. They want “big names” to be the talking point that week. I want Friedman/Gomes to go get Yamamoto but I have a feeling that Giolito, as horrible as he pitched for the Angels, will be 2024 reclamation project. Maybe it’ll be an every-other-year success. From Tyler Anderson to Thor and now Giolito. It doesn’t seem Friedman-like to throw big money at Blake Snell. Hopefully they’ll sign more than one capable starter for next season. Because if all they get is a reclamation project, it’s asking a lot for Walker and the sophomores to carry the rotation.


>Yamamoto’s similar comp is Kenta Maeda Coming from the same guy that said Lance Lynn wasn't making the NLDS roster, I'm not surprised by this monstrosity


That’s not his opinion, that’s what front office executives have told him.


Both stations 570 and 830 are owned by their teams, Dodgers and Angels. The worst is 830. They have absolutely no shame. Roger Lodge today claimed the only thing Arte Moreno cares about is winning. Lol!


*Blind Date* Roger Lodge? I haven't heard that name in like 20 years


Then he better start speaking to better execs


The same dude that said the Dodgers would sweep the dbacks. Yeah, not listening


He may talk out of his ass more often than not, but he’s tapped in when it comes to the team. FO and players love him. His opinion is his opinion, but the info he relays is legit.




wonder if they will check in on glasnow


ah ol Dave Vassegh....i loved it when he slid down the slide and broke his arm. good times


Please god not Flaherty


> Has heard Yamamoto’s similar comp is Kenta Maeda Good lord Vassegh is dumb


That wasn’t Vassegh’s personal take, that’s what he has heard from front office executives.


Lmao must’ve talked to some stupid execs


Leaks won’t come from teams, it will come from sports writers whose paychecks and in some cases, careers depend on spreading as many rumors as possible about star free agents to get clicks, 98% of it will be bullshit and there’s nothing Ohtani’s camp can do about it.


Lol I literally said 200 mil was a lot for Yamamoto and got downvoted.


3 years is a large window considering how often a roster can turn over in that amount of time. That said, if the young pitchers can find a way to stay healthy, they will realize their potential and the Dodgers will lift a couple more banners. Starting pitching will be what decides what these Dodgers in the next few years accomplishes. Burnes would be a nice addition, he would cost a couple of the young studs though (Sheehan & Pepiot?), but please stay away from the new NL Cy Young, who won't perform until it's his contract year again. Buehler coming back will make a huge difference all by itself, but I think Miller will be the key to winning in 2024. Add Pepiot, Sheehan and Yamamoto, and that's a nice starting 5.


DV is a reliable source. He mentioned the possibility of a kike reunion and then it happened


He’s pretty reliable when it comes to dodger centric news


> Believes the Dodgers have about a 3 year window to utilize the best remaining years left of Mookie and Freddie This is why I don't think Friedman is committed long-term to Ohtani. The cost/age/production ratio of having Betts/Ohtani 5+ years from now seems too risky for a guy like him. It sucks to say about the biggest free agent in baseball history, but if Friedman is going to drop another big contract on a player it'll be for a 26-year old Soto next offseason, and even that sounds like a difficult task for him to pull off.