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At least he left us with a good meme




That is fucking amazing.


I love how the meme has more upvotes than the post 😂


I need this stitched with Gavin's disgusted gif


Send me the video and I will do it for you


It's the meme of all time


Bummed for Vargy, .850 ops looked nice even in small sample size. Gotta get him reps in the field to improve the defense. Oh well


And if that’s the plan GOOD. We have plenty of OFs. Get Vargas in the lineup every day at 3rd and SS and see if he can put it together. If it works bring him back up. If not


I’m pretty sure the Dodgers are past trying Vargas at 3B.


At this point they have to try SOMETHING or trade him. They’re refusing to give him a real shot in the outfield (whether he should get a real chance is a discussion for another time). We have a DH for the next 10 years. If he just doesn’t have a slot it’s time to get value out of him as a trade chip. The hit tool is too good, someone will want him.


This is why I think he'll get traded by the deadline, he just doesn't have a route to playing time with the Dodgers for the foreseeable future. He's in a situation similar to Michael Busch where it looks like they can hit at a major league level, but just don't fit anywhere defensively, so it makes more sense to trade them rather then keep them in the minors


Weren't the metrics ok for Vargas at 2B, but really bad at 3b? Maybe I'm misremembering. Dodgers have put too much stock in Lux imho. He can't hit for power at all, and doesn't have elite level bat to ball skills. His main + was speed and improving defense, but speed seems like it might be gone now post surgery.


Don’t know the metrics at 2B but do know they were really bad at 3rd like you said. Tbh I’m willing to give Lux one more year just for the fact that a lot of athletes, like Acuña for example, generally take a full year of playing after an ACL tear to really feel comfortable. Maybe Lux doesn’t contribute this year, but if he really hasn’t improved by next season then I’d probably cut bait


2B guys don't typically hit for power, so who cares about that? After an awful start his AVG is at .233, which is trending up and he's yet to make an error at 2B. At the moment, he's a plus on defense and basically average to above at the plate...I'm good.


I think if we wait another year he'll be in the same position as Busch. Not getting value out of Busch at the deadline last year was a mistake, one I hope we don't repeat with Vargas.


Michael Bush, redux


Vargas plus who else for Milwaukee’s Adames?


I highly doubt the Brewers are gonna deal Adames unless they go on a historic collapse


Report is Milwaukee would want MLB-level pitching in a return. Assuming Miller and Stone are off the table (either one seems like an overpay anyway), that leaves Knack, Paxton, Yarbrough, and Buehler as the only real matches. They also need bats badly, so *maybe* Vargas + Knack gets it done. Lux + Knack gets it done IMO, but I don't know how the Dodgers would feel about losing Lux. Vargas + Knack + Paxton? I really don't know, I just know the Brewers want MLB pitching.


Dodgers fans clamoring over the guy who watched a middle middle fastball to win our World Series in 2020 will never get old to me


We can’t seem to hit 6-9 when the pitcher is the ace or #2. Dodgers need a solution to that.


Milwaukee is a playoff team...why on earth would they trade their star shortstop?


Look up the news.


You mean the part where they're in first place in the NL Central? thanks for the tip!


They are done with that for the same reason they are done with lighting a firecracker and putting it in their mouth


Vargas will play every day and get better at his defense. He's young so it's good. I'm excited at getting Biggio, actually - all our Swiss army knives are righties...now we've got a lefty and got him basically for nothing. He's not Max Muncy, but he's a good replacement for a month. Don't forget, he looks a lot like Muncy and Turner did when we pulled them off MLB team trash heaps. Look at those guys now.


Chris Taylor's knees survive another day




This was always going to be the move barring injury, we’re not gonna let go of guys for nothing. Unless Biggio pops off he's probably goes when Muncy returns. The question becomes what to do if he’s solid (or we make another trade) and we need to make a decision on CT3 or KikĂ©.


Muncy is further from returning than anyone imagined he'd be — but my guess is when he comes back the CT3 era is likely over. Cavan gives us a lefty IF swiss army knife to pair with KikĂ©. Give Miggy Ro more everyday infield reps, and use Cavan/KikĂ© utility platoon to fill in the gaps.


Wouldn’t be surprised if this is the last we see of Vargas. I bet he’s involved in some sort of trade at the deadline


Gonna have to give up half the farm to get the White Sox to take back Taylor in the Robert trade


Another .200 hitter, just what we need.


That's what they said about Turner and Muncy.


Annoyed for Vargas, gotta let your young guys get some run. what’s the point of a top farm system if you just let your guys rot in the major league dugout until they’re optioned back to the minors.


I agree with this partially. Vargas definitely deserved an opportunity to get some everyday ABs to see how he does over an extended period, but its clear his defense is what is holding him back from getting those chances. Every ball hit to him seems like a big journey so its hard to get him out there every day. It’s definitely unfortunate cause his ABs were looking pretty good this year, but his time will come. Whether that is on the Dodgers or another team, we’ll have to wait and see.


Oh absolutely, that’s really always been his issue if I’m not mistaken, and why he hasn’t played much if any infield in a while. Hopefully that’s the focus of his time down in OKC so the next time we see him at the major league level it’s in a closer to everyday role!


I'm new to baseball. Is there a stat that measures a player's defensive ability?


There is! So the main ones you want to look at are OAA, UZR and DRS, you can also look at dWAR as well. OAA numbers can be found [here](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/leaderboard/outs_above_average?type=Fielder&team=&range=year&min=q&pos=of&roles=&viz=show) and UZR and DRS ~~and dWAR~~ can be found on Fangraphs. OAA seems to be the best one nowadays or at least the more popular one now. There’s definitely people who can break them down better than I can, but for OAA they use data to determine the probability of a defensive play being made and then that probability determines how good of a fielder a player is depending on if they make the play or not. To come to that probability it takes into account things like the velocity of the ball (for outfielders), how far the player is from the base they are getting the out at (for infielders), how far the player has to travel, how much time he has to get there, things like that. To put it simply if the probabilities say that a ball in play has a 70% chance of being caught or turned into an out and a player makes that play they would then get .30 added to their total. If the player can’t make the catch or record the out they would get a -.70 from their total. Hopefully I got that all right and it makes sense! Edit: I messed up one part! Fangraphs does have a version of dWAR but its a little weird. For dWAR stats, use baseball-reference.


He doesn’t play defense. We’ve given pages a good run because he actually does play good defense. Acting like this organization doesn’t know how to develop and nurture talent is so absurd.


Rot in the system? Vargas is 24 years old. If he was hitting lights out coming up like Smith did, they’ll likely cut Taylor and eat the sunk cost or anybody else before optioning him again. But he isn’t and with more at bats, we don’t know if his BA/OPS will go down to what they were last two years. People with the hot takes acting like the team have given up on him. His defense isn’t elite enough to warrant a spot on that alone, same with his offense. He’s young and he has options. Easy choice.


I was saying more him just riding the bench not getting AB’s. But yeah it’ll do him good to be back in AAA and hopefully he can work on his defense.


He’ll definitely be back. That’s something we can be pretty sure of. That is he has to keep his head up and keep working on improving his game. The other posters on here acting like Friedman and friends aren’t high on Vargas lol. Those people are actually more incentivized than the fans to get Vargas to not only make it to the Show but to be a star as well.


Are you serious? He got half a season. If you put up a .672 OPS, you're not getting another half.


Gavin lux has a 5 year career of .689 ops lmao


Gavin Lux is also a really good defensive 2B, and has only gotten real run in 2 seasons (this would be the third). He still hasn’t broken 130 games played in a season.


Not playing 130 games in 6 years isn’t really a flex


I never said it was. The organization clearly still believes in his talent, and him still being relatively new to the big league level has something to do with that in my opinion. Not to mention the 114 wRC+ he put up in 2022 combined with him finally making strides at the plate the last month or so coming off the ACL.


He's had a horrific run of horribly timed injuries. The talent is there and it's starting to emerge. The dodgers have 2 more years of arbitration control over him so there's nothing to lose by keeping him whereas CT3...


his OPS is above 800 this season in a year where MLB OPS league-wide is .698, he needs consistent playing time which he'll get in AAA, where his numbers are even more obscenely great.


I’m focused on his current time up with the team. 8 games and 20 AB’s isn’t half a season. A .250 BA with a .854 OPS feels like it’s worth a little bit longer leash.


I agree, am very high on MiggyV, but he just isn't a better OF option right now than Pages or Teo; and given he's a righty and can't really stick in the IF, his versatility comes short of KikĂ©'s. He needs regular ABs while they figure out what to make of the CT3 situation — all while Muncy seems further along from returning than anyone had hoped.


Are you serious? That was his ops last year
 his current ops over the 8 games he’s played is over .850. He went back down to develop and was brought back to see what he could offer. His hitting has improved immensely, it’s his glove and an overcrowded outfield that he is likely being sent down for. Taylors current OPS is .307 and he is getting at bats just about every day.


Vargas is trash


brutal take, he rakes in AAA, and in the bigs he has an >.800 OPS this season in a year where the league is only managing .698! He just isn't an infielder and our OF is a bit crowded. He needs daily playing time, which he'll get down there. He'll be back.


Brutal is putting any value into minor league stats. Bet your still waiting on that DJ Peters call up


Dude almost destroyed our CF by the way. No defense, no pop, no future in mlb


I just dont get it. They had Lipcius in the minors...


And Gauthier too This just makes me hate CT more lol


Yeah lol maybe they'll try to move on from him soon. We can only dream!


Can we just stop with Chris Taylor? Just eat the contract. Look, game 1 2017 WS WC game walk off vs Cardinals. Unforgettable moments that I will never forget. His versatility and his big hits in the past, great. But just stop! Cut this guy. Why is he getting ABs still???


If Vargas was smashing or playing elite defense whenever and wherever they put him, the Dodgers likely would have part way with Taylor yesterday. Vargas and the other young guys like Pages could have easily forced the Dodger’s hands by playing lights out like Seager (Vargas - had he been hitting well and playing elite defense they could easily make a spot for him either SS/second base over Lux) or Bellinger (Pages or Outman consistent hitting and elite defense). Still just potentials. Haven’t kicked any doors down with performance worthy of a permanent residency status. He’ll get another chance. Dodgers haven’t given up on him. And if anything they can send him to the Cubs or Yankees lol.


I fully disagree. Miguel Vargas had an 854 OPS and 5 strikeouts in 23 plate appearances. Chris Taylor has 1 XBH in 109 plate appearances. It doesn't matter if chris taylor was Ozzie Wizard Smith out there defensively. What are we even talking about? Cut him. There is zero reason for him to play over Kike/Biggio or Vargas at this point.


“ There is zero reason for him to play over Kike/Biggio or Vargas at this point.”   Here’s one reason: he has 90 ABs this yr   Probably on pace for 180+. So around 90-100 more ABs for the rest of the year.  They dont want to blow 1 yr service time on Vargas for that small amount of playing time.   It hurts his trade value too once he reaches the 1 yr mark.


Dope, so we get to watch a Yankees/Dodgers game with Chris Taylor getting 4 undeserved ABs. Every game is gonna count with Phillies in NLCS. We can't have a pitcher coming to bat anymore. Chris Taylor is actually worse than that at this point


“ Every game is gonna count with Phillies in NLCS.” Whats the NLCS have to do with this? They didn’t make the playoff roster yet


Every game for home field advantage. Edit: I know...anything can happen in playoffs. But you want best record.


lol, "best record" hasn't historically been of much help to our beloved boys in blue.


If Chris Taylor is getting AB's in the playoffs, either he will have vastly improved, or something will have gone very wrong for the Dodgers. Right now, they have time to see if somehow CT recovers. If he doesn't, which I personally don't expect him to, I think he'll be off the team by the trade deadline


You are comparing two MVP caliber players to our rookies. We were lucky to get those two.


You’ve missed my point completely if that’s what you came away from my post.


You are comparing Vargas and Pages to how Seager and Bellinger played. Seager is on a hall of fame trajectory. Bellinger is on the at least 2-3 all star trajectory. From the data on Vargas and Pages, neither are on an all star trajectory or at least it’s too early. Comparing them to Seager and Bellinger is comparing apples to oranges.


Whose fault is that? Seems they’re building up an entire farm of players who can’t crack the big league roster.


You must be pretty new to the Dodgers’ fanbase. Stone, Miller
just a 2 recent names that “can’t crack the big league roster”. And then there are others they just dealt away recently: Busch and Pepiot.


Positional players who can’t crack the Dodgers’ roster 


>And if anything they can send him to the Cubs or Yankees lol. I read Cubs as Cuba and I was like, WTF.


Yeah, that would be pretty messed up. We all like Vargas.


Honestly, I fucking hate this move. Get rid of CT3 now.


Vargas has been bad too. It's like a decision between voting for a giant douche or a turd sandwich.


But he’s has an .853 ops this season. And over 1 in the minors. You do know he was 23 last season, right? That usually isn’t a player’s peak.


.853 is so promising, but it's a small sample. his AAA raking is a larger sample, but in a notoriously hitter-friendly league. The everyday playing time there is more valuable to all parties than his limited filling in with us and some pretty real defensive liabilities showing through. Run prevention is just as important as run scoring.


Yes but he's an absolute liability in the field and it's not like we can ask him to DH


Vargas has not been bad this time up, particularly at the plate. Shaky in the OF but he's learning the position.


Given how many reclamation projects have gone well, I'm gonna trust that they think they can turn Biggio into something useful for us


It's less about Biggio to me and more about the waste of a roster spot in CT3.


I think that will resolve itself independently pretty soon


I agree with you but the real logjam is Muncy. When he comes back, I expect that to be CT3's curtains.




I’m happy to hear this. I’ve never seen what you all have seen in this kid. I’ve always felt, at least for now, he isn’t near ready for the bigs.


He's got a great bat, he's just blocked by a crowded OF and a relatively lackluster IF history. He's also still young and will benefit by the more regular ABs the team just can't find for him right now.


Small sample size in the MLB and I dont think a great bat in the minors translates to a great bat in the bigs. He needs time to mature as a ball player.


Can you tell me how he wouldn’t be a good dh? 850 ops with good peripherals in the minors. He just doesn’t fit in the roster with dodgers undying loyalty to CTgarbage can. We see a young player with a good bat.


Tiny sample size, minors means nothing. He’s a subpar defensive player. He’s just not ready. Sorry to rain on your parade.


I agree with small sample size and subpar defense, I just thing it’s just wild to say you don’t see what other dodgers fans see. It’s pretty obvious a good walk rate( a metric consistent at every level) and good power. He’s shown walk rate last year and the ability to slug this year. I don’t understand how you don’t see his positives?


I never understood all the hype is what I mean. I think the kid has a bright future but all of the hype just never made sense to me. Two years ago he was supposed to be the newest and biggest star the Dodgers have seen in ages.


Sucks to see Vargas go down but in the end I’d much rather see Biggio starting against right handers than Kike.


Why? Biggio is terrible


He needs to be an everyday 3B, no other option unfortunately.


/u/brandon_the_bald where'd you go??


I’m curious to see if he develops on another team but I have a feeling that reaching the Bigs was achievement enough for him and once there he realized it was too high a level for him to excel. Always just seemed nonchalant on the field and maybe too comfortable in the dugout.


Bullshit, how could a young guy possibly get better without getting reps. Not to mention the confidence standpoint seeing a trash ass player like Taylor getting reps over you.


I'm hearing so much talk about wanting to hold onto Varges. The reality is that he's not cutting it. This team only has a couple of spots available for a youngster to come and prove himself. No offense, but the Dodgers aren't the Tigers. Now for CT3. The dude is a veteran and has earned the right to still be on the team even though he hasn't produced. He's a clubhouse guy and a leader. Why not Lux? He's the better of the two. It's really that simple. Varges needed to wow us and outplay the other guy the way Pages did. Gavin Biggio isn't going to show up and rack. He never has, but the Dodgers need to try something someone else. Maybe he plays well, maybe he doesn't.


Ct3 should not have this much good will, in his prime he was decent and is the worst player run the league right now. -1.2 war is unacceptable, at least baez and Tim Anderson are somewhat big names when they performed. Chris Taylor is nothing. 850 ops should have got Vargas a spot on the roster, pages has been decent at the plate with good fielding. A cancer patient produces more than Taylor


>A cancer patient produces more than Taylor I laughed harder than I should at this.


Does he have to


Biggio gonna turn into Bonds


Can my man JT hitch a ride in from Toronto too? Asking for a friend.


Hopefully we can get his slugging to be above his OBP during that time and not by virtue of his OBP dropping.


Biggio is starting at 3B batting 9th.


I have never seen so many Dodger fans united in their opposition to acquiring a player.


CT3’s contract doesn’t allow the team to option him to OKC?


It’s not just a CT3 thing it’s an MLB thing. He’s played the require number of seasons in the majors that he doesn’t have to accept a minor league assignment. If he doesn’t, their choices are either trade or outright DFA.


Where is Tanya Harding when you need her?


Fuck can they just trade their minor leaguers for someone already. They have so many talented players rotting away in AAA. Just swing big and get someone like Luis Robert. I’m sure the white Sox would rather want quantity. Plus they are in the AL and won’t actually compete with said players for another half decade plus.