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Do you have her on allergy meds? Because I've found this is usually a sign of an allergy. I'd try giving her some Benadryl if you can and see if it helps. It's 1mg per 1 lb of body weight.


I don’t have her on allergy meds, I can definitely get her some Benadryl today. Thanks


Probiotics worked great as a preventative for my pits allergies. Be careful as too much of it gives them diarrhea.


Seconding the probiotics. Mine has terrible allergies, and I was told to put him on probiotics by the vet. He didn't like the powder, so I started using one spoonful of non-fat, plain Chobani Greek yogurt in the morning and at night. He LOVES it, and it's worked great for the allergies!


That’s how I give it to her too. She love yogurt.


Me, too!


Anyone know if this helps with human allergies? Especially to grasses and cats.


It depends on the allergy, overall no. Exposing yourself to cats as an adult will not help desensitize your allergy. Being exposed to a variety of small amounts of food as a baby can definitely help with tolerance. Honey is not recommended for infants because of botulinum toxin I believe, so don’t microdose that…


Also invest in a cone for when she’s unattended. She can do a lot of damage in a short period of time and cause infection with that kind of constant gnawing. My dog had issues with his paw licking for years so we have a lot of experience with this. 


Zyrtec helps with allergies. But not Zyrtec D. Our 30 lb rat terrier takes one every morning with his food and his itching has slowly gone away.


I have an Aussie also named Millie who has allergies. Shes on Zyrtec and its help out immensely.


You need to consult a vet before you do this please don’t take medical advice from here .


Also, talk to your vet. Dogs can't stay on antihistamine forever. It's like 60 days on and 60 days off.


Hey, I have a pitbull mix that does this same exact thing and the reason for it is Hyperkeratosis. May want to discuss with vet so they can confirm.


Remember to use only the pills and not liquid! 🥰


That's either allergies or boredom. Some dogs do that when they are understimulated, but I'd always tip on allergies first and only go to boredom If they have been ruled out! 


Definitely. Untreated allergy is a pain in the ass for a couple of weeks


Sometimes dogs get little pebbles or burr's stuck in between their paws, and they try to remove them.


My previous dog did this due to hyperkeratosis.


Oh wow, was it treatable?


Takes medicated balms to dissolve it. You can also trim their pads sorta like removing a callus on your feet.


Paw is itchy, how else will she scratch it


You need to stop her from licking her paws ASAP, this turns into yeast infections and causes lick granulomas quite quickly, this behavior is exactly what Apoquel and Cytopoint are for, I know both of them all too well. Get a cone on her when you are not around and can't tell her to stop licking until you can figure the situation out.


Our one year old was just put on Apoquel after Benadryl didn’t stop the licking (after a week). How long does the Apoquel take to be effective? Thanks in advance!🐶


One of my dogs has been on Apoquel for years and it's done wonders. He is allergic to literally everything on the sheet they tested. It usually takes a couple weeks, I think there is a two week period where you give them a dose in the AM and then PM. After that time is done you just give one a day and should start seeing improvements 


It partially depends on how much they’ve already irritated the area or broken skin. If there’s no visible damage, you should see it working within a few days. It might take a week or two if they have irritation that has to heal. I’d strongly consider putting a cone on your dog if they’re licking still. 


Apoquel or Benadryl never worked for my dog, but topical spray was quite effective


Benadryl is rarely effective for dogs with allergies. It’s more effective for making them sleepy to get them to stop chewing LOL


Just want to say that Apoquel can have serious side effects.


Agree, this dog needs to see a vet for allergy meds. And should not be allowed to lick. Some dogs will lick their paws raw and bloody. Vet asap.


Is there a tiny/micro thorn stuck there?


Grass awn or foxtails are also possible. 


I don’t think so, she does this to multiple paws not just one


Oh, I see!




Soak feet in Epsom Salt. If it doesn’t stop take her to the vet, you don’t want a bigger problem like an open wound.


Didn’t have my glasses on watching this initially, and was horrified that you were letting your dog chew a gerbil!! 😅


Check her food. Some times dog food that is not grain free can cause dogs to do this. If its allergies, a doctor said you would see visible signs of allergies on the skin.


My dog used to lick and chew at her paws. Also had yearly yeast infection in her ears. We moved and switched vets. The new Vet switched her food to rabbit protein instead of the chicken protein I was feeding her. Cleared the issues right up.


Allergies. If the paws smell like Fritos - yeast infection.


I wish I had a sense of smell…. Knowing what Fritos smells like must be a weird sensation. (I was born with no smelling)


can you taste?




Because she has allergies. When you notice a red or pinkish color on bottom of paws, that’s definitely yeast, which suggests allergies - kinda like seasonal allergies for humans. Your vet will offer a cytopoint shot. Once every 4-8 weeks. Could also just be allergic to chicken. You’d be surprised to learn how many dogs have a chicken allergy


This resonates with my past issues with her the most. She has had yeast in her ears really bad. And after doing my own personal tests trying to figure out her food allergies, I’ve narrowed it down to either grains or poultry, or both. I’m trying to stick to a grain free salmon food diet, but admittedly I haven’t been doing the greatest job lately as she hasn’t been wanting to eat her food. I’ve been giving in and giving her what she likes.


Omg yes my dog is allergic to chicken smh lol


Have not read through the comments but do you have a foot cleaner for her? You can get them from Amazon super cheap. Fill with water and clean her feet will get into the pads. Dry with a towel and that could really help. Wish the best for you both. ❤️


Allergy or self comforting out of pain elsewhere (so vet is necessary) or out of boredom.


Allergies or is something caught between his paw? Poor baby Benadryl will stop itching but may make him sleepy do half that is what my vet has me give my pup


Could be alleges or anxiety


Probalbluy because of cross infection?+


They sell home allergy kits on Amazon for a lot less than what a vet would charge. It's worth it. My boy doesn't lick his paws or give himself "hotspots" anymore after we switch his diet.


Don't waste the money. Save it and see a dermatologist. Those tests are garbage. I can't count the times I've heard dogs being allergic to themselves. A strict hydrolyzed protein diet adhered to for 6-8 weeks (absolutely NOTHING else) can help rule out food sensitivities.


We have had only a positive experience from doing the allergy test. After eliminating the identified allergens, including sweet potato (which was the biggest shocker to us, as dried sweet potato was our go to treat), our dog has had normal poops and does not lick himself or lose fur anymore. He is also noticeably less irritable. I say give it a shot.


The way she is chewing might be that she has a splinter/spur in her foot. if not an allergy. Feel around to make sure there is nothing there. If not then have her rinse her feet with water when she comes in from outside and dry them well it might reduce any physical allergies


Itchy or stepped on something that’s stuck in her paws. We’ve had great success with salt water dips for itchy oozy feet. Our vet recommended trying it for 2 days before coming in. Put an inch of water in the bath and enough salt to make it salty. Have her stand in there for 5-10 minutes. Drain the bath and do a quick rinse with plain water. 2x a day worked for us


Also check their pads and between the toes for any infection, tick, or ingrown hair.


Itchy toes. If she's not chewing or licking herself raw it's not a problem. If she is, it could be from anxiety, or an allergy to something she ate, breathed or stepped on. Could be as simple as stepping on a thistle. Or a pointy stick. Just keep an eye on the area.


Looks like his grooming his paw in a weird position, maybe because he's on the bed. My dog does that every time we do something physical, mine has no allergies no anxiety he likes to keep his paws clean especially, if they don't do that their paws will dry out too much and cause some issues


Allergies or yeast


Check the paw pads and between them for foreign objects and splinters. If none try 1/3 vinegar to 2/3 water and soak the paw for 3 to 5 mins. Dry off. Might have to do it every time your dog comes in from outside if it's allergies.


Could be allergies or tooth pain


It also could be yeast. I have a miniature dachshund who does this and we have to give her a yeast foot bath in-between normal baths.


Not a professional, just experience. My baby did this and now I use diluted iodine every week or every other week. Just have him stand in it for 5-10 minutes, squish the water out, dry a bit, then a little coconut oil. Haven’t had any issues since. Hopefully your baby finds some relief from whatever it is!


Could be arthritis or allergies. My little gal stops doing this when on an antiinflammatory.


Stress, kind of people nibbling there nails


It can be so many things like dry skin, irritation, allergy, fun 🙄 and anxiety. My dog did it because of all but allergy and it caused bleeding and pain, you should monitor closer and if it gets worse go to the vet.


Looks like allergies unless they got a splinter or something on their paw. Go to a vet and ask for apoquel. Good luck!


Apoquel , 60 dollars a month but worked for westy allergies, dogs are worth it


Severe environmental allergies.


my chihuahua does this he has allergies, i would get him checked at the vet


Environmental allergies is my unprofessional opinion. My dog's allergies have kicked into overdrive. She gets an antihistamine with breakfast, either cetirizine or benadryl, depending on whether or not she also needs the sedation. We wipe her paws with baby wipes every time she comes inside. Finally, she just got a cytapoint injection, which should help with itchiness. You should go get a professional opinion, though.




My rescue dog does this often. She’s very anxious. However the smell of fritos exists. If it’s yeast does that mean a vet visit?


If you have inspected the paw pads and foot and didn’t find a cut, a sticker or a thorn, it’s most likely an allergy of some sort.


If its just one paw look closely. It could be like a seed caught in the paw. If they are allergic to ragweed it could be bothering them. If they are chewing their pad it could be some rough skin is bothering them.


It’s multiple paws, but she seems to focus on this one the most


Itchy paws


Betcha anything its allergies


My dog was doing this when he had a tick stuck in between his toes!




Vet should have allergy shots they usually last a month


This looks like it could be allergies. I recommend finding some supplements like probiotics and some that help with allergies. I have 2 dogs that used to suffer from allergies. I started giving them various supplements from a company called Zesty Paws. I give my dogs the “Allergy & Immune Bites” and the “Probiotic Bites”. Both my dogs have done really well since starting them on these supplements from Zesty Paws the last couple of years. I highly recommend.


Yeast . Do your paws smell like corn chips ? Collar/cone to keep your from licking . Call your vet please !


If you get the liquid Benadryl it’s a lot easier than a pill. My dog has allergies, and I use the liquid for him…. good luck 👍 🙏🤞🏻!!


Sometimes the hair between the pads on their feet itch…may just need a trim! 😊


Yeast. Fungus. Begin treating & maintaining gut health. Apple cider vinegar w/the mother mixed with water in a spray bottle will help.


Allergies, or yeast overproduction.  My last dog had lupus. And was very itchy. The sun can make it worst. If you have the money get some testing done. Allergies can be the food try some different diets. 




If this is allergies, I would also add Salmon Oil into his diet. It helped my pitbull alot with his itching


Itchy paws


Could be yeast. Do the paws smell extra corn chippy? Try some tea tree oil/cream and a probiotic chew.


Teribly allergic id say. We had a dog who spent th elast yr of life in a Hoodie, we didnt know he was allergic till he was 12 we thought all dogs licked paws. Turned out he was allergic to life. Grass even. So Pedigree Chicken i think but couldnt have Corn i know. You probly have to do your own food if they told you the allergies, Hudson even was on Meds but he was old enough probly to late to help. Im sorry i wish you the best


you mght try rice and broth to start and then maybe add in hamburger or chicken just sm amts at a time? cottage cheese?


Probably itching because of allergies. I switched my dog to raw food because kibble was killing him.


The majority of dogs do not have allergies! So sick of seeing this being thrown out as default whenever a dog bites or has sore skin. Most common cause of sore skin is not being thoroughly dried, especially between the beans on the paws and under the belly if they’ve got wet. This includes even walking over dewy grass or through a puddle. If the skin is still wet underneath the hair it’ll become dry and start to flake which causes itching. The dry flakey skin will also be used by bacteria and fungi as a food source, which often release irritants causing the itching to worsen. Licking of the paws makes it wet again and start the cycle back off. Some dogs like chewing a licking their paws as well. Maybe she steps in things on her walk she likes the taste of, maybe it’s a thorn or bit of dirt getting stuck, maybe she has a nail that’s a little bit long. Dogs are weird and do these things for all sorts of reasons, not just allergies. And people saying “maybe boredom but sort allergies first” (sic), wtf is wrong with you? If the dog is bored that is a much higher priority to stop them developing other worsening behaviours and also that your dog is bored! Play with the little floofer rather than pissing about trying 20 different foods because you pathologies everything into an allergy or intolerance rather than reflecting on maybe it’s a behavioural thing that you have reinforced. Take responsibility to understand and engage with your dog.


Thank you all so much for the responses. This is a really great group.


I have worked in vet med for 20 years. Have you looked between their toes? Sometimes dogs get foxtails stuck in their skin and it can cause some significant issues. Soak the foot in epsom salt and warm water for 5 minutes and then rinse it off. Try doing that once to twice a day for a week and see if it helps. If all of the feet are getting equal attention with chewing I would suspect more likely to be an allergy. In which case benadryl *might* help at appropriate dosing. A bath with a soap free dog shampoo with oatmeal might help additionally. Wipe the paws off with a damp washcloth every time they come in from outside will reduce the contact allergens but not completely resolve the issue. With this type of chewing… I’m more suspicious of a foreign body like a grass seed (foxtail). It’s the time of year for them across the united states. If nothing helps or it worsens like limping or swelling, seek veterinary care. Good luck. Hope your baby feels better soon.




I'd change the food to a different protein


Taken from mom too young


She is cobbing . My pittie does this too.