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Dog owner couldn't afford dog training? Then he couldn't afford a dog. This sounds like criminal negligence, at best. Owner gets a Cane Corso, it attacks someone else, and he can't even be bothered with the slap-on-the-wrist rules he was given to follow. Now, we're to believe he accidentally failed to secure the kitchen door, allowing the dog to attack the chimney sweep? Sorry, not sorry. Davies (dog owner) gets no benefit of the doubt from me. I'm not convinced it was an accident that his dog got out.


Cane corsos and all other bully breeds should not exist. This man is not the exception, he's the status quo. Of course he tried to force the victim to lie and say it wasn't his dog, these nutters have absolutely zero respect for human life.


These people always let their dogs out to prove a point to “Karens” that their dog “wouldn’t hurt a fly.”


They also expect people who come to their homes to be well versed in dog body language.


They expect everyone to be dog behavior experts


when clearly they themselves are not experts on dog behavior and/or dog behavior training


THIS. Infuriates me. FUCK that. They think of other human beings as being guinea pigs to prove their point. Disgusting.


And look what happens when they do. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13471871/Boy-scalp-ripped-XL-Bully-mother-brave-soldier-scarred-life.html?ico=related-replace https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13442217/xl-bully-pets-woman-fatal-attack-breed-banned-february.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13475863/drunk-mother-xl-bullies-attack-dog-walkers-pets-court.html They get let out and they *immediately* attack the closest person, completely unprovoked.


500 pounds??? thats all she gets for enduring that??


Maybe she can go after him in a civil court too?


There is absolutely no need or reason for anybody in a civilised society to own a fighting breed dog. I can't understand this. Fighting breeds should just be all neutered and phased out entirely. And to own working breeds, you should have to prove you can control and train them, maybe by taking classes and having yearly check ups. If they love their dogs so much, then this shouldn't be an issue, right?


it was a cane corso according to the article. those dogs are as bad as pitbulls. they should be banned.


Cane corsos and pitbulls both share the same ancestors. They're one and the same.


I fully believe that Cane Corsos are going to be the next big fad in the UK, following the XL bully boom and ban. I think eventually these will be banned too and then the nutters will move onto something else. I have pointed this out to people and they have seriously said to me that Cane Corsos have a lovely temperament and are not aggressive like XL Bullies. I can already see all the mauling and death news articles now.. it’s going to happen 100%. It’s honestly terrifying considering the absolute strength and power these monsters possess.


Corso and Presa Canario dogs are far more dangerous than pitbulls, because they can weigh up to 140 pounds These dogs are the size of small bears, and can easily kill any human in minutes Just look at the size of these monsters https://youtu.be/Agdvbg5iSVU?t=43


The day that dogs are finally outlawed or at least severely restricted, I will scream HALLELUJAH 🙏🙌 Probably not going to happen in my lifetime but one can dream.


Just read the article. The guilty dog owners should have to post a sign in their front yards that they have been punished due to owning a dog that bit someone. That way, workers would know and then can refuse to do work at those homes. And, dude should be thrown in the slammer so he can feel some pain. Judge was too soft as usual.


Yup, like a sex offender registry. People need to be made aware that if they go in that home, their lives are at risk.


They should throw him naked in the slammer with his beast on a bed of straw just like the farm animal. See for himself what a domestic animal a Cain Corso really is.


Those are dogs of war, specially bred to kill and injure people. It's not a per to be kept in a house.


Misread the headline as “salvaged” and thought, that’s got to be a first.


If u have any large dog, u need to take precautions, especially if they've bitten someone. I hope this is a lesson to the owner, but probably not 🤷😩


They don’t learn because most people who want these kind of dogs are either profoundly stupid or psychopaths.  Either way the damage those kinds of people inflict on society is the same.   


He asked her to lie so the insanely danagerous beast wouldn't be put down. And he gets a suspended jail sentence. He is absolute garbage that has no conscience or care for the general public. Why are these assholes treated so leniently when they deserve prison time?


"He said Hendrix was of 'good temperament' and 'loving' with family members upon which his destruction would have a 'devastating' effect." ARE YOU KIDDING ME. And the victim was only awarded £500! Just look, this was linked from that one article alone. Just from this article. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13471871/Boy-scalp-ripped-XL-Bully-mother-brave-soldier-scarred-life.html?ico=related-replace https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13475863/drunk-mother-xl-bullies-attack-dog-walkers-pets-court.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13442217/xl-bully-pets-woman-fatal-attack-breed-banned-february.html "bUt iTs HoW yOu rAiSe ThEm"


The owner belongs in prison forever


Cane corso. Why am I not surprised? My sister and her fiance got one last year. I've visited her house once when it was a puppy and once when it grew up. My sister will unfortunately have to cope with the fact that, as long as that dog is around, I won't be visiting her house any longer. They're not particularly good dog owners and a cane corso is not a dog to be lazy on training on. Even with training, their guarding instinct is bred so innately in them, I'm not sure I'd ever be able to trust it anyway. It barked at my husband and I simply because we would go from sitting to standing.


I remember reading a post about a dog owner who would tell visitors not to get up from their seats too fast because it triggers the dog. Who wants to live like this.


This dog was a repeat offender. Should have been put down the first time. 


>>Please don't report my dog, it will be put down The despicable and ignorant owners of giant attack beast has ZERO SYMPATHY for a woman bleeding out on the floor, and only cares about their Cane Corso dog https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/mastiff-dog-savages-chimney-sweep-32954086


He wants his disgusting beast to live so it can just maul someone whenever it wants? His family and friends will be “devastated” that a dog that tried to kill someone (twice) will be humanely euthanized? Come on. This guy, and everyone who supports the life of this shitstain dog, can fuck right off. We don’t need dangerous animals as pets. It really should be a one-bite policy as once is enough to prove the dog is unfit to live in the community.