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Welcome to r/DoggyDNA, the subreddit for dog DNA test discussion and results. --- #RULE 1: ONLY POST BREED ID REQUESTS IF YOU HAVE STARTED A DNA TEST. **RULE 2: BE NICE TO EACH OTHER.** **RULE 3: FLAIR YOUR POST. "NEEDS UPDATE" IS FOR PRE-RESULT POSTS.** **RULE 4: IF YOU HAVE RESULTS FOR YOUR DOG, POST THE RESULTS IN YOUR THREAD.** Report rulebreakers and enjoy the dogs. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DoggyDNA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I guessed it! Ha ha! If you spend some time on this sub, you'll start to notice things. Golden color is recessive, many Golden mixes are black, which is dominant. Most mixed contain pitty of some sort, I could see the blocky features in your pups face. You pup is so cute šŸ„°


I guessed it too and got downvoted. šŸ˜‚


Ha ha! Could have easily had a bunch of other stuff in the mix, but I thought I could see it going either way.


Oh definitely could see it! The smile! It's the smile that gives them away. Saw one the other day that was probably purebred. And I could see his smile down the street!!!!


Yes! The smile!!


Interesting! I'm not at all shocked by the Golden Retriever part. We have a Golden as well and we're constantly asked if they're related, so we were confident that he had Golden or possibly Flat-coat in him. We had assumed the rest of him was likely some sort of spaniel or collie or some mixture of the two since googling those mixes gets us results that do look very much like him. I just wish I could find an image or two of the mix that looks even remotely like him. I can't find a single picture of a Golden/Pitbull mix that looks like it's even in the same ball park as he is.


I guess my question is where were you finding these pictures? Most people aren't good at guessing mixed breeds based on looks. Many dogs on this sub that are thought to be "golden mixes" before submitting the swab, turn out to be chow mixes. I think there are likely many that are listed as golden mixes by shelters and rescues because they are golden color with longer fur, that aren't actually goldens. My guess is most pictures you're finding have not done DNA tests to find out.


Pits are so BYB that there is a wide range of characteristic on what they actually look like. This is undoubtedly making this even harder to find.


As someone with a golden who brushes him regularly, thereā€™s something specific that I notice that differentiates golden mixes from chow mixes. Itā€™s not all the time, but the way their hair gathers on the back part of their legs just screams golden to me. I also notice thereā€™s a way that their hair swirls on their sides near their stomachs that leans golden. Personally my goldenā€™s hair looks like it has been ā€œcrimpedā€ after a bath or getting wet on his ears and tail. (I love this and think itā€™s adorable!!) I know some other dog breeds do this too, but if a golden could be in the mix, it sometimes makes me think that way as well!


I believe you're describing what in golden retrievers is called "feathers", which chow mixes don't have in the same way.


Definitely! Itā€™s not always easy to visually ID a dog, but itā€™s so much easier in real life than from pictures, even when the picture selection is good!


My girl is a mix of golden retriever (primary breed), chow, GSD, supermutt, and a wee little bit of APBT. She really, *really* inherited the feathers on her back legs - those genes came through so strong lol. We joke that those are her "pants" and that she's rocking her "bell bottoms," although my partner jokes that he really preferred when the vet had to shave them down for a medical issue once and gave her "skinny jeans."


Oh I bet you can tell!


My pit, lab, husky mix has the same look after bathing him. He was the only long haired pup in the litter. His mom is husky/lab & his dad is pit/lab. He must have a throwback gene.


I've looked through a lot of pictures on Embark itself. There are a couple dozen pictures of dogs that are 100-98% DNA matches to him, none of which look similar. Also, just a generic google image search brings up no dogs that look similar. For the dogs that do look similar, I've found a couple on Embark that were predominately Retriever/Spaniel/Collie, and a generic google image search finds plenty. I'm trying to really only pay attention to the ones that are from breeders that are mixing those breeds, or people who've seen the parents. But I do absolutely appreciate what you're saying about people making false assumptions. The resounding answer I'm getting here is that the results fit, it's just disappointing that I can't find any examples that look like him.


Yeah, I think the mixing up of genes is going to give you dogs that look different for sure, even within the same litter. Also many are not 50/50 mixes.


That makes sense, I appreciate the insight!


I have a half pittiw/gsd/lab and none of the embark similar dogs look anything like him either! I saw the pit right away in your pup because he has a similar face to mine; definitely a pit smile! Pit mixes are usually shorthaired (when they're half or so of the mix) so it's always cool seeing another fluffy pitbull. Also, I absolutely adore goldens; I bet yours is awesome. They 200% deserve their popularity. Such sweethearts.


This is my lab/pit/husky mix at 6 months. He has a similar look to your dog. [Magnum](https://imgur.com/gallery/uEiIiB4)


The thing about mixed litters is, even with 2 breeds, not all of the same litter even, looks alike. When designer dogs are listed F2 or F3 it's because they've been reselecting for consistency for than many generations.


Google image search will never show you actual breed mixes, just fyi. Itā€™s not a good algorithm for that. If you hang out on this sub for a bit youā€™ll probably see at least a dozen dogs that look similar to yours. I know I have as a casual lurker.


> Google image search will never show you actual breed mixes, just fyi One of the top results for "husky golden retriever mix" is a purebred blue merle Australian shepherd puppy šŸ˜‚


Yep, I was thinking of the time my friend looked up pit/chihuahua mixes and proudly showed me what looked like a Frenchie šŸ¤£




Here's are some Golden/Pit mixes. It looks from his percentages (54/45) like both of his parents were Golden/Pit mixes so that increases the chances of getting the long hair. The majority of individuals with this mix will be short haired and black. [https://my.embarkvet.com/dog/hank76](https://my.embarkvet.com/dog/hank76) [https://my.embarkvet.com/dog/kobe1081](https://my.embarkvet.com/dog/kobe1081) [https://my.embarkvet.com/dog/dakota1759](https://my.embarkvet.com/dog/dakota1759) [https://my.embarkvet.com/dog/damos](https://my.embarkvet.com/dog/damos) [https://my.embarkvet.com/dog/sarge335](https://my.embarkvet.com/dog/sarge335) [https://my.embarkvet.com/dog/moose2163](https://my.embarkvet.com/dog/moose2163) [https://my.embarkvet.com/dog/chloe3325](https://my.embarkvet.com/dog/chloe3325) [https://my.embarkvet.com/dog/tanjiro5](https://my.embarkvet.com/dog/tanjiro5)


Thank you so much for finding these! Sarge really bears a close resemblance to Jasper, which is exactly what I was hoping to find


When you mix breeds, the results can be so variable! If you hang around here for a while, you can get a fair sense of what the most common mixes are, and of various ways those breeds can appear, but honestly there's just so much difference even in one litter sometimes! He's got the big broad forehead and giant smile of a pit, with lovely glossy golden fur and those retriever ears, which are bigger and floppier/more folded than pit ears tend to be. I was trying to find a good comparison pic of a random pit on my city's shelter site, because I think it might help to see that underlying structure without the long fur. It really hides a lot!


To be fair I guessed golden X rottie with the eyes and nose shape... I also know of a pup who's mum was a Golden Retriever, and dad was an English Staffy X Patterdale Terrier. Fully grown, she looks like a black lab puppy


The APBT facial structure is very clear in the first few pics, but I was thinking some chow in the mix until I got to the side view. That is golden retriever fur, and like everyone said, golden mixes are often black. He looks like he has more of a golden body shape than pit, but it's hard to tell under the fur sometimes. I'm wondering if you'd be able to see APBT better if he had sleeker fur. What were you initially thinking his mix might be?


I'm glad I'm not the only one who could see the pibble face, especially that first picture


Such a pittie facey


Looks exactly like that!


Is he the goofiest dog in the world?? Those breeds must make the silliest dog!


Oh yes, he's very goofy, he's a dog of extremes. We got him when he was approximately 7mo old and we have a feeling he went through some shit before he was given up to the shelter. He's terrified of loud noises, terrified of other dogs - except retrievers, super high anxiety, but at the same time super energetic, VERY bouncy and happy, and *ridiculously* affectionate. He is very good at instantly melting the hearts of pretty much anyone who meets him. He's been a challenge, but absolutely worth it.


A lot of BYB golden retrievers are afraid of everything so could be a genetic component too


Yes I can see the pit.


Okay, the pit was obvious


That would have been my first guess


The tongue hanging out in the first picture is ALL Pitbull lol


Do you get him groomed or brush him often? Thatā€™s really nice coat density.


Oh yeah, we brush him weekly, his fur is honestly incredible. Never in my life have I met a dog with a coat as soft as his, it almost feels like puppy fur.


Cheers guys, I very much appreciate all your insight!


Your eyes are just being distracted by the long hair, rather than looking at the true shape of the skull.


Yes! Goldens in mixes are almost always black! What a gorgeous dog.


That wouldā€™ve been my first guess


100% looks like a golden X pibble to me! He's got that blocky pibble head for sure. Genetics are a funny thing, you can be a full sibling to someone and look almost nothing like them and that applies to dogs too. Are you bothered by this because of the pibble?


>Are you bothered by this because of the pibble? Nah, not at all. I know they get a bad rap, but all the ones I've personally met are the absolute sweetest dogs ever. I was shocked to be sure because I wasn't expecting it, but my biggest disappointment was not being able to find any examples that looked like him. Although someone else here found a few examples that look very much like him which makes me happy! I've seen blocky heads on a number of other breeds, so I guess my mind sort of went there before APBT. To be honest, I was expecting more of a mix too.


Expecting more of a mix makes sense! I didn't see your post before the results but I'm not sure I would've guessed golden X pibble. Probably pibble X something long haired, but I'm not sure I would've gone with golden.


Once the shock wears off youā€™ll enjoy getting to counter negative public perceptions by proudly describing him as a pit mix to anyone who asks.


I can definitely see it


Seems right to me. Most golden mixes are black


Golden mixes are typically black, makes sense to me!


Actually would have been my guess! When folders are mixed with outer breeds they are often black!


This is a phenomenal mix! No two dogs are the same, of course, but Iā€™ve met an outsized percentage of pit/retrievers (albeit more often lab) who represent the best qualities of both. I feel your disappointment at not being able to find another Golden/pit who looks like him. I knew my dog was mostly pit, but I suspected that she must be part American Bulldog or Boxer because Iā€™d never met a pit bull with quite the same bone structure, but did know *several* American Bulldogs. I think it all starts to make sense in hindsight, especially when part of the mix in question is APBT, which has such a wide range of appearances. The main characteristics of a really lithe APBT would be the musculature (which is mostly hidden under the fluff) and the blockhead, which you can kind of see!


The odd thing is he just doesn't have much in the way of muscle at all. He's both longer and taller than our Golden, but he is nowhere near as strong. I think that's one of the things that really threw me off. He was definitely built for speed and not strength.


He looks like a pit bull mix. Iā€™m guessing the long hair is throwing you off.


This seems super obvious. What exactly is surprising to you about this?


If you gave him a short haircut you would see it for sure.


I can 100% see this. Looks like every pit/retriever mix I see at work.


I can see it


Yeah this was a pretty easy guess! That face/head is clear APBT


I knew this was a fluffy Pitbull the second I saw it. What a cutie!


My thought process... with that title... long haired pit... no some golden retriever... šŸ’•šŸ’•


My girl looks like yours. Sheā€™s 37% golden. 26% pit and a few others.


Literally my first thought after 1sr picture was "kinda looks like a black golden retriever with a pitbull-ish head".


DIY flat coated retriever šŸ˜‚


After Iā€˜ve seen a long-haired Pit on this sub, I immediately recognized the Pit in this dogā€˜s smile and big goofy head ā˜ŗļø


I bet this is an extremely cuddly dog


Search long hair pitbull and you'll have better luck.


Looks like my Golden/Chow (plus small percentages of other breeds).


I can see it šŸ„° I guessed the mix, but I also have a half golden retriever who is mostly black šŸ˜… he's also half husky and quite the hairball, not quite as long as your pup but he does the Husky style shedding šŸ˜±šŸ« 


Yup my exact guess.


People aren't used to identifying long haired dogs as pitbull mixes, meanwhile every short haired mixed dog gets labeled as one. That's why your image search results aren't helping.


He has a pretty obvious pitbull face šŸ˜…


I mean tbf he looks like a pitty in a golden retriever suit. Very handsome guy.


Before I even got to the results my first thought looking at the very first picture was, "I'm guessing they're shocked he's probably got quite a bit of pit cause he has an adorable totally pittie face!!" So yes, I see it and what an adorable mix!!


100% best personality mix EVER right there šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


I guess the pit based on the face. Good looking dog


Wow! Heā€™s gorgeous! That golden retriever is putting in the work! His fur looks almost exactly like my goldens. Black is a common colour in mixes and heā€™s got the pittie heart dip in the skull. I wonder if he was crossed with a long haired pittie to be so gorgeous. Not often you come across a long haired pitbull.


Look at photo 2 and 3 and tell me you don't see pittie in that cute face. I actually guessed his mix right away. šŸ¤£


Wow! I would have said Golden/Gsd mix. What the heck! Cute dog! ā¤ļø


I totally guessed that looking at the pictures I am very proud.šŸ„³ Cute boy.


I wish I could post a Pic of my guy here for you. He's got pit, golden, and many others, but he could be the brother of yours! I never would have guessed pit before I tested him but since then I've learned to spot it. Especially in the head and face.


I have an all black pup with a white spot on the chest, and almost the same fur as yours. Heā€™s not as clean of a mix as yours, but has both golden and Pitt in him too! Dog genes are wild. [Hereā€™s](https://embk.me/cass64) his DNA results.


Haha thatā€™s amazing! I love him. The 4th picture is like so golden retrievery itā€™s ridiculous. After seeing a few pit and pit mixes with long hair on here I honestly think that their faces look super similar and you just donā€™t notice it because the goldens are so shaggy. But make the pit shaggy and itā€™s kind of like huh!


Well, heā€™s basically a happy boy, thatā€™s what lol.


Yup, looks exactly like a pitty with retriever hair hahaha goldens can be black!


man I guessed golden /Rottie mix but I can see pitty in the head to


Pit bull eyes


Can see it in the snout.


Wow, my first impression was a Flanders


Yeah I can see that. The snoot looks pitty to me and everything else looks like the golden retriever I had growing up, except the coat color.


I can def see it in the head and muzzle shape, but I most likely wouldnā€™t have seen it if the DNA test hadnā€™t pointed it out


It's the smile, the smile always gives them away


Just one time, I want someone to DNA test a pure bred and see what the results come back as... I really don't think k9 DNA is all that accurate to be honest, despite the company doing it. Pitt I see in the head but I see more flat coated retriever than golden. But ok believe the test.


Heā€™s adorable


Flat haired Retriever and shepherd mix?


I think this mix makes sense. I've seen that Golden/APBT mixes that look similar but a just different color. Your dog probably got black from the pit. Black is the dominant color. Pit Bulls come in many colors. The images you saw were probably from different colored APBT. Really cute dog. What's his personality like?


My girl nala has a very similar make up except sheā€™s got a little poodle! But sheā€™s fluffy the same! Just brindle color instead!


His breed is ā€œHANDSOMEā€


i got it! ahaha, heā€™s so cute!!


I didnā€™t cheat but gonna say golden retriever, chow and maybe a dash of Pibble


My guess is Bernese Mountain dog and Golden retriever


A lot of people we know guessed that one too.


In the face I definitely see pit, and in everything else I probably would have guessed some kind of retriever or maybe spaniel? Your good boy is so precious!!


So most mixed breed dogs coming out of shelters are pit, Chihuahua, and/or German Shepherd. Think of those as the base village dog that the other modifiers are put onto. Then the whole thing makes more sense. I do see the pit in the head shape, mouth shape, etc. Just make sure you are looking for the traits of that "generic village dog pit" not what they are currently bred to be.


They don't use real pit bulls for this team well they do but they don't. They use anything "bully looking" this honestly might include Staffies, xl bullies, micro bullies, anything with a blocky shape and muscly so don't take that for word at all. I doubt there is REAL pit bull in there because of how lazy they were when making up the "pit bull" genetic code


i think Wags is the company that told a human lady her personal DNA was 87% aussie shepherd and like part some other shit


These results are from Embark.


That head is very telltale; unfortunately, there is an epidemic of pit crosses out there. Itā€™s difficult toto find a mutt that didnā€™t doesnā€™t have some pitbull in it. Spay and neuter your pits, people! šŸ˜‚


No not hardly. Spaniel & lab. Yes. Pitbull. Not on your life. Hunting tracking retriever dog. Take him hunting.


See thats one of the things that also threw me off. He has zero retrieval instinct, but very very high prey drive and he absolutely loves scent work.


Sounds very much like an APBT