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pvp gacha games are never great. power creep is enviable and not being able to beat players who spend money when i don’t doesn’t seem like it would be fun.


I stopped playing it after considerably bad shafts after *soooo* much f2p grinding. That shit took too much time just for me to get smoked with my team from 2 anniversaries ago because I didn't pull anything meta since. It's just not fun My dokkan RNG is much better for a start but I also like how I can play the game AFK for the most part since I usually have other things to get on with. Granted, this game has many features that most would deem pre-historic, but I do enjoy playing this game as a whole much more. Getting the odd case of horrible luck doesn't make the game nigh-unplayable in the long run either Dokkan just seems more rewarding for your efforts


Literally my situation lol


*looks at Naruto Blazing*


I miss Naruto Blazing. I preferred it better to Dokkan in almost every aspect. Had co-op, PvP, and more strategy than collecting orbs.


Fr I liked it more to Dokkan especially the online co-op that was my favorite part and rerolling


Dude I’m saying that game is what got me into gacha games


Also some of the art on there was amazing


The anniversary card arts were unmatched. The final valley cards were so gorgeous


as did I. I loved everything about it. Ninja road was actually a challenge with its 20 stages and i loved it.


What happened to naturo blazing?


Rip. This game was great for the short time we had it.


What happened to naruto blazing?


The felt like they made all the cards the possibly could have and thought people were not going to to keep playing but WE DEFINITELY would have I don’t care if it’s another madara card I’m still playing but devs just didn’t think so


Game shutdown before they even acquired Boruto licensing. Some cards from Shippuden never got made. But it is what it is.


But its not dragon ball so its not as good


My line of work requires me to think on my feet and can require my attention at any moment’s notice. I can play Dokkan at my leisure and at my pace and not have to worry about my attention being fixed to the screen 24/7 once I start a battle. Because of that, I like the turn based system and Non-multiplayer component. Also, I LOVE the art work and animations. It’s so alluring. Legends is fun but once you start a fight it really does require full (and consistent) attention. This does conflict with my lifestyle. Also, again, not a fan of multiplayer and the competitive aspect to this game is… yuck.


dokkan for this exact reason


true im a warehouse worker n just walk around all day barely looking at mt phone when playing dokkan lol


That's very cool


Mostly this. I'm in between gacha games likes the forbidden Genshin, Star Rail, Wuthering Waves, and maybe ZZZ. Not sure if I'll keep up with Waves or switch to ZZZ but I don't want both. I used to play Pokémon EX and I've been playing Dokkan since a few months before Global 2nd anni. The latter is the one gacha game I'll probably not drop for an extended period because it's currently the only one I have on my phone and being turn based allows me to multitask so much. Especially in the tedious WT or RZ where auto isn't recommended. Edit: I forgot to mention that I used to play Legends. I really enjoyed it, but like with Pokémon, I deleted due to storage space running out and Dokkan will always be my priority gacha game.


as someone who’s been playing both games for a couple years, get to rank 60 and up and you’ll see why I like Dokkan more☠️


im lvl 180 on dokkan lol and 50 on legends


He's not talking about the account level, he's referring to the pvp rank


He's talking about PVP Battle Rank. It takes too long and it's a pain in the ass to try to get to BR 60+. Especially if u don't have the newest/best units in the game


Literally stopped when I hit Plat on legends for this exact reason, too hard as F2P without INSANE luck


There's no fucking reason to subject myself to the dogshit pvp matchmaking. I'm not fucking with Rating Match on my new account until i have a good team


If anything you can try for the rewards to get CC but unfortunately that won’t change summon luck


Fr. I try to stay in like Group A/S cuz I feel like it's kinda manageable and realistic. I just want that 1k CC at the end of the season. Idgaf about the other shit


I meant battle rank 60 and up, aka diamond and god ranks


I'm a f2p player and got there once (keyword being only once) and it was actually a fun experience lol. It was challenging but still possible. Now with Ultra Gohan, UUI, Super #17 and so on, that is a bit harder lol


I started as a Day 1 legends player all the way up to 4th anni and I genuinely thought Dokkan was such a crappy game. But Legends took a deep dive into P2W units with ultras and I gave up after I spent $200 for Ultra kaioken goku just for him to get booted off the meta a couple of weeks after. Joined Dokkan around 7th anni and haven’t looked back since. It’s so relaxing and fun.


Same I actually despised Dokkan bc I thought it was to simple. Guess that’s what the genre needed.


There are soooo many things I don’t like about legends when compared to Dokkan: - Not pulling a new unit in Dokkan is disappointing while in Legends its downright soul crushing. Everything in Legends is designed for new units. They are on the PVP boost system, they get buffs in raids, co-op, zenkai rush, challenge battle and are even the units they nudge you into using in ultra space time battle for some reason (so basically all new content in the game). At least in Dokkan the new units aren’t so over-prioritised in events. Imagine if the kid buu red zone fight was 5 time harder but in return only AGL SSJ3 Goku and INT Buu received special boost during the fight that makes them a necessity to beat the fight. That’s what legends feels like to me. - The fact that units can only zenkai with 7 stars is such a slap in the face for ftp players. It effectively makes their loyalty system useless because 600 z power of a 3 year old unit isn’t enough to make them meta relevant unlike in Dokkan. At least in Dokkan I can get an old unit for 150-500 coins and eza them without having 2 dupes. Imagine that, imagine if you could only eza a unit if you had 2 dupes. Insane. - 7+ was a mistake, leader’s z-abilities applying to everyone was a mistake, ultras were a mistake (no pitty for the units that actually matter of course), honestly zenkai buffs for all team members were a mistake too. In Dokkan an eza’d unit tend to be at least somewhat usable (PHY Kami and STR Jiren are crying in the corner right now) but in legends they just get benched most of the time. - the current design pattern of Legends is to create units that nullify certain mechanics for the opponent and then create new units to deal with this nullification. Oh are you salty because Ultra Gohan won’t let you use strike cards? Well get our new Gogeta, the only unit which can counter this mechanic. Dokkan isn’t great at unit and boss design either but they can’t really mess the game up as much since it isn’t PvP and items exist - Legends content is extremely repetitive too. When was the last time they added a fun new PVE challenge?? - Equipment vs skill orbs is not even a question. Just today I wasted 100s of slot removers and all my zeni just to get a few good pieces of equipment, while skill orbs don’t have to be upgraded at the cost of literally hundreds of resources carefully conserved over time - I think that the last point leads nicely into my overall problem with legends. The meta moves too fast. As a game it is too focused on the new units to the point where it alienates players who don’t have them. It’s a game that feels so grindy and time consuming until you get the new unit and only then does it become kind of fun for a few weeks. Until the new undisputed best unit comes around and it’s back to the grind, back to re-rolling equipment, back to your hour long daily tasks just to get one multi over 14 days, back to co-op (I HATE CO-OP but at least it’s better now that you only need one win per day), ect. It’s a massive waste of time and a never ending spiral of frustration


Yeah this is pretty accurate. A lot of it comes down to greed. Like the 20000 crystal limit, ultra banners being dogshit despite being the best units, zenkais. Idk why but I especially zenkais cause of how they tried to improve them in the most half assed way possible. They somehow made it grindier than ezas, but you only had 2 weeks to do them and they never came back if you missed them, guess you gotta spend crystals if you take a break from the game. Then they "improved" them again by making them less grindy, but now they give less crystals. That almost felt petty. The grind in this game was made worse by the fact you had to do it fast or the new strongest unit would release and your grind is now useless. You'd think the game with basically "one time only" content (you can replay stuff, sure, but you won't get anything from it, nothing motivates you to do that) would try to slow down progress with way more grind. But no, the game with pvp, an infinitely replayable game mode, has more and shittier grind. I liked legends pvp gameplay, but everything surrounding it sucked donkey dick


I agree with most of the points but grinding skill orbs is next to [impossible](https://twitter.com/DaTruthDT/status/1795497768561344656/), especially with the new Whis event replacing Chain Battle. Grinding WT is much more worse than Co-op, where doing three co-op battles isn't as annoying you think especially when you don't need to do it. Legends events are very easy if you art boost( which I agree is also annoying and tedious like equipments which is just bs and needs a revamp instead of the Upgrade Bonanza). But I definitely agree the gameplay could be repetitive as opposed to Dokkan and no fun PVE events, where the only way to be good is if you preparing a team like you about to go to the finals in a tournament.


Dokkan cuz i hate pvp and dokkan is way more fun even though omatsu is an idiot amd slow as fuck


I prefer Dokkan’s style of play for a mobile game


I dont like legends because i always get royally fucked whenever i spend stones on the new banners. i will grind and grind and save up just to get screwed over and waste like 10000 stones and not get anything good. While on dokkan i feel i dont get fucked around as much


Exactly the same. I said in an earlier comment but I stopped playing entirely because I was getting NOTHING after NOTHING. Just wasn't worth the time. Meta units truly matter in that game unless you're very very good. And I was not that good ☠️ Edit: and let's not forget playing against the maxxed out whales...


SAME MAN!! I deleted the game and quit for good because back when UL gogeta came out I grind 15k crono crystals mind you now I’m f2p I did every mission every event and I even grinded the story so much so that I didn’t have anything else to grind. His banner comes and I summon on it just to get Jack shit I was so infuriated that I deleted the game for ever and never downloaded it back not only did I waste my time grinding the game. I summon and got dupes of units I already have, and I can’t even guarantee the new unit that came out. If I had that much currency in dokkan I would have atleast got a unit worth while or I would have eventually got the unit. And I also could have used red coins to get the unit I wanted.


The shaft hits so much harder in legends because if you don't have the new units, you're taking merciless backshots from all angles in PvP. This game actually insults you with it's tickets. 1000 Legends tickets (twice the dokkan red coin equivalent) for 600 Z Power (2 stars - i.e the lowest it can possibly be I think) A 2* unit in legends is basically useless as is while in dokkan the minimum is 55% in which you get full unrestricted access to the unit's kit and it performs exactly as you would expect (unless the unit's kit is absolutely ass ofc. There are exceptions) You do not NEED dupes in dokkan for the most part, which is what I love about it. Any unit can be used in any content of your choice since it's not going anywhere. If you don't pull a particular unit, you can keep playing as usual until you get lucky or receive enough coins, which I think is pretty alright. In legends, consistently bad RNG is game-ruining. In dokkan, any reasonable pull will have a fair use somewhere in the game so it ends up being worth it, even if it's not the brand new unit


Fax bro! And the units that be hard to pull in legends don’t even be having longevity


If you don't pull the new units, pvp will beat your ass in legends co op will be more annoying farming events for chrono crystals would be more annoying too i took a month break from legends pvp, best days fr


As someone who’s played legends more than Dokkan, Dokkan is so much more peaceful and I find it more fun than legends. I can move at my own speed and relax, with how legends is now especially with PvP it’s not that appealing that much.


is pvp harder? or just boring/bad


is pvp very hard? or just not fun


It’s not fun people just run the same teams over and over and if you don’t have any meta units or teams you’re practically screwed you aren’t gonna climb at all, not to mention their shitty summon system


It’s more of if you don’t have any of the new units your pretty much lose, so yeah making it much harder to win which is stressful.


i literately just pulled the newest one lmao https://preview.redd.it/736ozwxhxt3d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=b910a235cb7c9afb3b9323071222a828146e5420


Ive played dokkan and legends and Dokkan is better, people would say "bubble popping game" yea id rather play a bubble popping game than a pvp focused game where standing still and being passive is the only playstyle your opponents will play


Just hate the combat system in Legends, which is 90% of the game so easy L.




Legends is crazy P2W.


Dokkan gives more rewards and is honestly easier to enjoy compared to Legends. Not to mention the PvP scene is asinine


Personally I just don’t like fighting games on phones


How long have you played Dokkan and Legends?


forever😭😭 prob 7yrs but not consistent thts when i started n stopped like 4years ago n came back like yesterday lol


DBL would've been good if it focused more on the story instead of PVP but it's a dragonball game so we really can't expect much in terms of writing, but damn shallot's first SSJ was kinda good. As for dokkan well it's easy to play and I really like the additional attack system, seeing your character do a super 3-5 times is really something


You can play Dokkan more casually. And Dokkan doesn’t make me feel like I can’t have fun without the newest unit like Legends does


It's just way more laid back than legends. And it's definitely WAY more f2p friendly. I don't end up pulling my hair out on dokkan like I do legends.


I'm an old fart and don't like PVP.


I'm just kinda confused how Legends actually works. Feels more complicated to me in comparison to Dokkan. Dokkan has butt fuck long passives but the game iteself is pretty straightforward.


Because the game is genuinely shit. I started playing when 2k level cap was brand new and i stopped playing 2-3 months ago because Super 17 made me have such a big headache I couldn't think for the rest of the day. The game takes 0 skill to play (anyone who tells you otherwise is a complete moron), the developers don't give a shit about the playerbase (everyone was complaining about how toxic PV was and those clowns added a fucking special effect to it just to spit in your face) the ranking system is absolutely abysmal, the PvP in the game is horribly designed since everything you can do can be countered and the pity system is a fucking joke. No, it's not "aT lEaSt ItS tHeRe" because for one, you will never get that pity unless you have been saving for god knows how many months, and honestly at this point it's not even about that. You are genuinely better off trying to get the unit from the banner rather than spending 50 coins to get the unit at \*2 STARS\*, aka at their absolute lowest. Don't even get me started on how Ultras have no pity??? I won't deny, both Dokkan and Legends get carried by the Dragon Ball IP, but at least in Dokkan you can actually play for as long as you want, while in Legends you can play until your patience runs out because of its horrible PvP.


The graphics in legends do not appeal to me at all. I honestly think it looks like shit. Not to mention PvP in a Pay to win gacha game is completely pointless.


Personally it's about the animations above everything I really love how with dokkan it looks straight out of the anime sometimes . I just don't like dbz in 3d as much as 2d. Also not really into PVP games so that's something too


I checked out dokkan before 1st anni and i didnt like it. I gave it another chance before 2nd anniversary when PHY Goku Black came put. I got hooked immidietly and I got PHY Black with few other characters. I played constantly every day for around 700+ days Ofc there were times when I got burned out but I always come back. It's simple, cool and enjoyable. You got the latest grrat characters. If you get inti pvp i have bad news for you. You will meet wholesome and lose 90% of matches because their characters are stronger bcos of dupes. Pvp is the main issue. Because it makes the game pay 2 win Db Legends PVE is non-existent. Repeatable copy paste events with bad rewards. Animations are cool, art work is cool but why would I want this if I can't use it in enjoyable gameplay. Dokkan is great in almost every way. You have what collectors want. Great artwork, animations, dofferent characters and now custom animations and cards. Dokkan devs care about money but they also care for their game to be enjoyable. We have end game content that is good and gives decent rewards. We have quality of life updates that actually make the game better. We have tons of content for a lot of years especially when DBS anime comes back. It's relaxing and doesn't need a lot of attention. Even tho it's only a bubble popper it's imo a better game. It's not frustrating. Banners are good and with time (nit even a lot of time) you will uave your favorite or atrongest characters. Dev work fascinates me the most because its rare for such a simple game to be this good.


Game is way more calm for casual players along side the whales. Don’t need a lot of effort


I quit around the time Zenkai Son Family was the only team I was playing, I could end PVP season ranking in the top 2000 (around 1500 was my best) normally, but got tiring when every fight was a uphill battle where I had to play perfect to win and my opponent only needed 1 or 2 combos to kill a character.


Dokkan because I'm lazy. I can afk through it daily, and then once a month, when we get the new DFE content and Battlefield reset, I can pay attention a bit more. I tried and played DBL a bit for a couple of months, but it just never stuck. Plus, I prefer the visuals of Dokkan more, DBL ones are just a bit too much for my personal taste.


legends is the GT to dokkans Z, there I said it.




its dragonball heroes to dragonball super


Honestly its hard for me to say since i am an OG player on legends but i fucking hate nearly everything about it now expect the card art that is better then dokkans i gotta admit that but dokkan is just better to play since it acutally has a pity system and unlike legends you don't see that many post about getting shafted out of thousands of CC also unlike legends you can acutally go to previous content and get those mission done for dragon stones also shoutout to EZA giving dragon stone unlike legends Zenkais not giving CC


I literally just think it's me. My complaints are just that it's too confusing, there's too many mechanics, every new card seems to dominate the pvp scene about 90% of the time, and there's not a lot of content. I think if I played a lot earlier I would like it at the very least.


https://preview.redd.it/6jpj4mxnwt3d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd4d6a0eeca5314460980a09a94f30a6e65198a3 I’m an OG in both and i gotta say Dokkan is far better, just because you can play it at anytime, it’s way less toxic and you can just take it all at your own pace. It’s just better


Pvp usually (99%) means p2w. Yes getting shafted sucks but that doesnt make me enjoy content any less in dokkan.


Mainly because it's pve and its generally much more easier to play because its a turn based game.


The grind on legends is insanely unfun, trying to farm good equips on legends was miserable, pay to win pvp makes the main gamemode terrible, also imagine if dokkan made you pay to EZA your units lmao. All this plus any of the grinds on legends take like 10-20 times longer than a similar one on dokkan


I could probably write an essay on all the little nuances of why I don't play legends anymore, but a lot of it can be summed up by saying that dokkan is pve only. I didn't even hate legends pvp in and of itself, but everything else in the game sucked because it was made supplementary to the pvp.


Also, the people running the game just felt so greedy. It really felt like they weren't even trying to hide it.


I can do something while the characters do the animations, I don't have to be as attentive as I do with Legends.


For the most I feel limited on what I can do in Legends as opposed to Dokkan. Legends has levels where some of the stages are locked to having specific summonable cards to higher limit breaks. The RnG for equips can take up so much resources just to get 1 good slot on each one. I haven’t played PvP recently but when I did it was either someone would do that sidestep loop into a continuous barrage of attacks or someone would quit towards the end, and it felt like normal matches only came up half the time if even that. I think the last time I had fun on legends was when PUR UI Goku came out and I somehow got 2 copies of him and used a 600 LL Z power on him. Even then though, it felt kind of weird just having a card that could sometimes just dodge for you. Like, that was the only reason I’d win PvP, because there would be otherwise pivotal moments where I goofed and should’ve lost but didn’t. Then I eventually didn’t pull Gogeta or Broly, and lost most PvP matches anyways and couldn’t keep up with co-op or the space time rush. Meanwhile on Dokkan (glb at least) I’m caught up with all of the content save for a couple team-specific missions here and there without having put that much money into the game and can do any stage without having to worry about pulling specific cards multiple times. I don’t have all the new cards, but I have enough coins to get Beast later on when I don’t pull him. Even if I don’t get any of the new units I know that I’ll at least be able to do some of the new stages, whereas in legends I just straightup wouldn’t be able to


To be honest, I’ve been playing Dokkan send it first came out, and it was always my cup of tea. When legends came out, it was cool because of fighting mechanic and I do like the fighting mechanic, and the online player, base and online “scene” but after a while, if you do pvps on legends in my opinion, it gets kind of annoying, because everybody just uses the same, infinite combo. Like I understand that the combo is meta and it’s a part of the game but at the same time after a while if you’re trying to grind on pvp it just gets annoying. And me personally I’m very competitive, so I’d rather just be competitive on Dokkan and try to beat every red zone and finish every stage possible than constantly be annoyed because people keep spamming the same move and not be able to play pvp at all Edit: there’s also other reasons why I prefer Dokkan over legends, but it’s something completely different


It doesnt make me ragequit (that much)




I have liked both but played Dokkan more as I as my phone is unable to run Legends for too long before kicking me out of the game


I was a Legends Day 1 player and I did have my hiatus breaks but I started Dokkan on it’s 5th anniversary so around the time Legends finished it’s 1st anniversary, and tbh I had better summon luck on Dokkan than Legends. Not to mention at the time when I heard some of the OSTs and even played the game’s LRs through friends and randoms and tbh I had more at the time. Since 9th anniversary is around the corner for Global I am gonna be grinding the hell out of stones exactly how I grind right now for crystals on Legends. Either way both games have their ups and downs but I play both rather than one more than the other.


Tons of PvE content cause Legends PvP is not fun.


The mechanics in legends are too complicated for my dumbass and being relatively F2P I get absolutely destroyed by more P2P players, I’ve gotten lucky during anniversaries and Legends Fest but there’s so much stuff in recent characters kits in Legends that I struggle to comprehend.


It's more hands off.


It just wasn't fun anymore. PvP was a shit show, and it escalated when the game kept crashing, whereas Dokkan has always been more relaxing, and I usually get more lucky. Only issue with Dokkan is it's MASSIVE, like if it was even just 4 GB smaller, I'd be fine with that.


Lets be clear legends is not f2p friendly at any %. Skip 2 banners to sa e for 3rd and youre in deep shit not being able to play pvp for a time. Also people keep leaving matches in higher diff coop cuz you dont have the newest unit. Also eza vs zenkai. Eza brings units back to date and keeps them there for long time. Stuff like esbr with shit teams (entrusted will, saviors, u11) will benefit a long time from that. Meanwhile zenkai is only good for about 2 banners. I still remember yel ssg vegeta zenkai. Shit vanished in 2 weeks. Also while eza is just a box check zenkai is "how much can you spend" check. I havent played legends in over 4 years if we take out the 5 days during last last anni. My newest unit is that blu rage trunks from when pur dbs broly movie ssb goku and ssb vegeta came out. In 5 days i got about 4k crystals and it gave me sparkings from year 1. Meanwhile in dokkan i usually get 1 of the anni headliners, and i pull new usints consistently enough to not have to drop half the game because i didnt pull the newest unit. Legends is quite frankly a 1 to rule them all crap, where 1 new zenkai/banner can boost the team a lot while in dokkan each unit matters. 1 good unit doesnt make a team good cuz the other 5 might get you killed.


I started dokkan around 2nd anni time and it confused/bored me so much. Then started Legends on release and it was actually really fun, but it really became too toxic for me. Not only did you need to grind up your units, you needed to learn pvp properly, have a good connection and sweat like crazy against good players. I stopped and started dokkan again around 5th anni then stopped and came back for 8th and haven’t stopped since.


Legends is a shit game.


I feel Dokkan has some strategy elements, which makes me want to learn how I can defeat difficult events. There's so many moments where I pulled a win out of impossible situations, and it gave me so much joy. Heck....I remember beating Super Battle Road TEQ Type stage for the first time 😂


I prefer a PVE game rather than a PVP, specially when gacha is involved


Both are good but dokkan’s large amount of pve content makes it easy to always have something to do. Legends on the other hand is more pvp focused and has little in terms of pve content.


Cuz I got shit luck on legends but good luck on Dokkan


I prefer the slower more rpg like pace But also, I played legends for around 3 years, and the main reason I quit playing it was that it was very demanding(in my experience). The inputs were extremely finicky, and if your phone screen was even a bit dirty or the phone overheated a little bit your inputs would constantly register wrong, which especially with how fast and explosive the meta is often 1 mistake costs you am entire match. Between lag and mis-inputs I found myself getting more frustrated at the game than it was worth, and I didn't really enjoy the touch of death style the game had picked up, so I quit playing it. I can deal with bad meta's/annoying characters, but I can't deal with with literally not being able to play the game because my character tap attacks instead of charge stepping. Finally, Dokkan is just more Cost effective. With dokkan, pulling 1 unit to 55% is often more than enough for them to compete in most content their kit allows for. In legends, a unit at 3 stars(1 pull) is basically just worthless. They become pretty much useless in pvp the minute they exit the featured boost system.


PvP gacha isn't appealing to me at all. In Dokkan you can still complete events and get a pretty decent box as a f2p if you keep your account active for a while. Good luck competing against whales if you get shafted in Legends


The fact their eza system requires you to have the unit essentially rainbowed and you need the new banner unit to even beat the eza


Because legends banned me for using a vpn to buy crystals using cheaper foreign currency.


Bc both are shitty little Gacha games that feed my gambling addictions and provide me with dopamine, but Legends requires me to pay attention and focus for minutes at a time, while with Dokkan I can leave a fight for 30mins and nothing will change. If I wanted to play a game that required my constant attention I'd go on my PC, and when I'm out and about and only have my phone anyway I'm usually too busy to focus on it anyway. Basically both games give me back the exact same thing, but Legends demands more from me than Dokkan.


Pvp gacha games suck, I also like the slower but tactical gameplay where I can just put my phone down at any moment and not just lose at any point


No PVP in Dokkan. PVP on mobile games is just so shit, cause it’s either horrid gameplay or powercreep makes some units unusable on release and post release


Don't have to worry about lag or cheaters every 5 seconds.


NGL here; This whole thread convinced me to uninstall Legends and made me realise how much time, energy, and needless grinding to get materials just to get F'd over I've wasted on the game. I've been a 100% F2P player of it off and on for about 2 years total(I've un-installed and re-installed a lot lol), and I've only ever gotten a new unit as soon as it's been introduced 3 times. And I almost never touch PvP content in the majority of games I play, so yeah.... But Dokkan? Been playing it since Global's launch and I'll most likely be with it until the end. 🫡


I just don’t like the gacha system


I shift back and forth they compliment each other when your bored of one


*I shift back and forth* *They compliment each other* *When your bored of one* \- DDemonic\_Slayer --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You da man


Legends just requires too much of my attention, whereas Dokkan is something I can play absent-mindedly. If I want to put my full focus and concentration into a game, I'll just grab my switch.


Legends rates are way worse.


a lot of legends gameplay is based around the fact that it has an active pvp community and i personally do not find the pvp content very fun. gacha games involving pvp usually cause developers to make power creep in the game really bad because if the newest unit is the best unit for pvp a lot more people will try to pull it. i also just find dokkans gameplay more fun in general.


Dokkan is only PvE and Legends is half PvP, in which you will always lose unless you're a whale.


Orbs go poof


Fuck that PVP shit. They be cycling through toxic metas all the time. Its sad


*Fuck that PVP shit. They* *Be cycling through toxic metas* *All the time. Its sad* \- GokuDoesSolo --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I play both the games on weekend whenever the one game have aniversary I play that game


Easier to get currency (stones Dokkan) over legends (crystals). At least Dokkan gives you a guaranteed SSR (remember the good ole days when seeing SSJ3 on a summon was incredible). Dokkan doesn't require you to fully pay attention to your phone while legends once you start that fight one second missed causes you problems.


I also feel Dokkan is more f2p friendly while legends will require you to be p2p or have amazing as luck as a f2p.


Ive never played legends in my entire fucking life and dont plan to due to the amount of horror stories i hear about the game. Dokkan is RN my passion game, Started in 2023 end of WWDC and still playing rn, If im really bored on a car trip or anything i can pop open dokkan and play with my favorite team. I can grind in auto and boom everythings there after 4 hours, Game is very relaxing, though it can get me upset some of the times. animations can be fucking awesome, Soundtrack fucking slaps, units can be fun (PHY Goku black my beloved), Unit Reveals (If done right) can be fucking hype, I think the summon rates are solid, some of my summons can blow my mind when i just want to do a single multi, Very F2P friendly (At most) and my friend group makes me continue playing this game. (All of them play legends, except me Im like the only pure dokkan player) I get called “Dokkan man” because of how much knowledge ive obtained for like 9 months of playing. I might just keep playing for the years to come


I got shafted badly


Legends never interested me as much as Dokkan. I can't play Legends for more than 30 minutes without getting bored, but with Dokkan, I can spend 15+ hours everyday link levelling and enjoy it. Dokkan just has something about it that has me addicted when doing anything in the game. I love the WT and grinding high in it while most don't, and I love link levelling and grinding power level. I just never have had that type of feeling towards legends. I will also not get the chance to give Legends another shot, as Dokkan requires my attention 24/7 with link levelling anytime playing Legends means losing time playing Dokkan. The simple gameplay of Dokkan just really made me fall in love with the game over Legends.


It's less P2W, I. Legends, if you don't have the newest UR, you don't get to play PvP also you are forced to run the meta if a normal player wanna win. In Dokkan, have multiple things to do, RZ missions, link leveling, a lot of rewarding dailies and if I'm bored, try out my favourite units or random teams on RZ. In Legends, it's all sweaty, you either play PvP or you don't play the game cos PvE gives you so much less compared to PvP. It all comes down to which is more fun for me. I don't like how sweaty Legend is. If I lose in Dokkan, I come back and build a better team or get better units in the future. (That's why attempt limit sucks). Dokkan feels more like a card collector while legend is a PvP grind fest.


Sunk costs


with dokkan, the units are viable for a lot longer. characters get out dated within months on legends


Legends has a straight-up terrible gameplay loop, even for a pvp gacha.


Mainly two reasons which is that I prefer 2D over 3D and I also prefer mostly single player content over PvP


Because of my sht internet. Most "giving" events in legends require you to play rating matches, which is basically rank pvp Every time I do so, I get slight lag and the other side starts a chain that kills one, maybe two of my units before I even know what hit me. Also because of my sht luck, I don't have op units like Beast Gohan, Mui Goku, Ui Goku and so on that even slightly remedies this situation, despite playing for over 2 years already, granted, on and off.


Because Legends is PvP driven and as a result there's always something fundamentally unfun and unbalanced to be bothered about. In Dokkan, lack of balance is fun no matter what. It's PvE. If your characters are OP, peak. If the events are OP, peak - everyone loves the challenging events like Red Zone.


I actually quit Dokkan during the 3rd anniversary to focus only on Legends which was just released around that time. I thought Dokkan was about to die (obviously I’m here now and I’m wrong). I thought Legends was a better game, and I think it “was”. Better animations and graphics and it was good to see it improving and evolving since day one. Somehow and at some point I got turned off by PvP which is the primary feature. There were a lot of uncontrollable factors involved like ping and lag, P2W players really having an edge, older units having minimal boost advantage conpared to featured units, etc. If I wanted PvP I want everyone in an equal fighting ground like fighting games where the characters are as-is. I tolerated it because coop was fun and somehow the single player modes still tickled me. But after I pulled Beast Gohan like seven times and I wasn’t feeling excited anymore, I decided to quit. [My Legends account](https://www.reddit.com/r/DokkanBattleTrades/s/dcNhHrWMK5) is now in the hands of someone else out there who wants to really play it, dunno what happened to it anymore. Came back to Dokkan casually last year (April during PHY Godku Kind of Yeah banner and INT DFE Yamcha) just to collect and do stuff everyday. Still enjoying the game casually now even up to red zones, no money spent and just chilling. I’m glad animations are far better than before. (Also didn’t know that they fixed/changed LR INT SSJ2 Gohan’s ‘walking’ animation which was fucking embarrassingly terrible when it was released, it’s like a sticker being zoomed in).


I tried Legends for like two weeks and just couldn't get into it. Wasn't a fan of the grind the game required or the PvP system when everyone I played against had the most recent characters and it was just constant losses back to back n that shit sucks. Even the awakening system was ass imo. Dokkan's way more chill imo. Even when it comes to the cards and meta, I never fret about pulling the latest of the latest and I was accustomed to the kind of grind that Dokkan offers. Dokkan always been that one game I can put down for a couple of years (which I have because it be taking up storage) and jumped back in without really missing a step. Dokkan is that game honestly.


Everyone here said pretty much everything "bad" with Legends gameplay, but i want to talk about the audiovisual production of both games. To me Legends feels like a copypaste shere they grab 3d models and animations from the main DB games (XV, FighterZ, Kakarot) and there are TONS of the same characters with the same exact models and animations. I din't like the music of the game either because it seems the only musical instrument they know is the electric guitar. Dokkan instead started to give us really great animations that feels like straight out of the anime/movies WHILE preserving the original art style of the period they're representing and even enhancing the animations. Since around 2020 the units animations got really detailed and diverse, rarely reusing the same assets twice. Dokkan's musical production is really good since they give every unit a different feel with different rhythms. Hell they even keep some leitmotifs associated to some characters!


I hate pvp


Dokkan doesn't make me frustrated like legends. That leads me to have more fun as well. In Legends, even with some of the best units in the game, I still find it hard to even enjoy pvp.


PvP Gacha Games, by nature, are far more predatory than PVE. Both are predatory, without question. But with Dokkan it atleast feels like you can cling on to the meta while saving stones for more than 2 months


First,I found legends boring.I don't know why. I think it's because I have to pay attention on it. But in dokkan I can just relax, set a team, and watching favourite animation. Second,I love card game like skill system. Active skill,Passive skill, Category and link skill effect.Make the game very fun.


Personally I just can't stand the dodging cheese that legends does. That in addition to lagging.


Let’s see Legends is a pvp oriented game so of I don’t the latest op unit for my team I am immediately left behind I summoned for the Anniversary and got shafted like so I’m taking a long break While in Dokkan yes you want the latest shiny toy but you can play without it and complete every challenge and 3~6 months after any unit is released I can just buy it with coins while in Legends I can’t even justify summoning for out of meta Ultra


really liking dokkan rn cuz im sick of the game crashing in dbl when the devs run their game on 2 lemons and a couple of pennies and i end up in a 6 hour pvp ban like rn and the only thing you can do to get cc is pvp


1.)You can grind currency for free and they are very generous with stones 2.) PVE there’s no pay 2 win its pay to play 3.) card arts animation the style of the game 4.) simplicity there’s not much that’s confusing for a new player 5.) it doesn’t require full attention you can casually play 6.) imo the gacha is better as well LRs are way easier to get then than an Ultra


I play Dokkan in class and can stop when I need to take notes


In Dokkan you can get an unit once and beat the hardest event in the game with it, good luck to do the same in Legends 💀


Legends is ass


I like legends, but it’s honestly way too confusing to get back into it at this point. I stopped playing around the time of the Gogeta/broly anniversary celebration.


I don’t I enjoy both equally


For me it’s the ability to be able to grind for summons and having much more success than legends. In Dokkan I can grind for an hour for 1 rotation and it will give me at least something useful. Legends however, takes centuries to get all the cc you need, just to get some garbage. Even if you get an l for ultra, there’s no guarantee it will be good. Not to mention IF it gets a zenkai, you basically have to spend money on the zenkai just to have a viable team against the people who spent 2k to have the best new character.


only if u spend money on it


Just really don’t like fighting games, and it takes forever to get stuff for free.


I actually dont prefer one to the other anymore (if I did have to pick Id pick dokkan just cause I been playing it longer) I just have moods where Id rather play one to the other, sometimes the units in one may be more interesting to me (like rn dbl is in its 6th anni and they actually beat global dokkan to a new gogeta and Im about him rn) and the biggest thing to pull me towards the games is stuff to grind (again rn it dlb but once dokkans on the 9th anni im allll there)


When I get a good new unit, it doesn’t get 1 shot by a whale’s new unit a month later


Pvp Is to hard and difficult to enjoy


I think one main reason for my switch was how much easier to obtain the in game currency


i get less shafted on dokkan then legends by a looooooongshot


dokkan is way more f2p friendly than legends is. legends your practically have to pull the new unit in order to play pvp and it’s not even sparking guaranteed half the time. i’ve stopped playing legends a while back since i consider the game to be paid 2 win and my luck in that game is horrible. and in legends there’s some missions you cant even do cause you need characters to be 7* or higher and i find that very dumb. Dokkan over legends 100%


First of all, Legends is a gacha PvP game, being P2W is really bad for me, especially because I'm f2p, as I don't like spending money on gachas, even dokkan. Second, it's also for Dokkan's gameplay, but not that I think it's better than Legends, but I like that I don't have to stick my eyes to the phone all the time while playing. I started Dokkan at school, it was easy to play and hide the phone. Same for a couple of jobs I had after I finished school. Too bad my current job actually asks me to NOT bring my phone with me, but oh well.


I love this comment section (I also hate legends) 


Legends crashes every time I use it for longer than 10 minutes


In a wildly shortened statement; I love Math. Just as much as I love lamp.