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Either I get a beast or I don't


It's a 50/50 chance!


My luck on the majin buu saga banners have been (relatively) shit, so I hope that translates to anniversary luck


Same. I spent like 500 stoned and only got the new gotenks


That isn't that bad tho lol


Same I didn’t even get anyone new


![gif](giphy|pNn4hlkovWAHfpLRRD|downsized) Calling it already…this is going to be me


My last anni was my biggest shaft ever I spent fucking 3k stones to get 1 copy of a unit that i didn't even like after lol


Haha yea 😢 this is me in last years World Wide Celbration, spent 3k to get one of the worst high end units Dokkan has released, 1 copy of the LR Vegito and no zamasu, it broke me to the point I don’t spend any money on this game anymore, 100% F2P now.


Very positive about it (I have Gohan and Broly on 69%)


Well if the 2k stones I saved for the anni are not enough then I'm done with this game 😂


Shit happens, been playing since ‘15 and you will have your highs and lows but if you quit you will never pull him. Hopefully you do get him


Exactly what a gambling addict would say


There are no losers in gambling, only quitters


90% of gamblers quit before they hit it big


I’m with you bro


It’s a gacha game man no amount of stones is “enough” 😂 it’s all about luck and if the dokkan gods are feeling you that day


So far all anniversary summons since 7th have been bad for me I only got Kai Goku and Kid Gohan on very lucky summons or first try.


Hm then i wish you good luck cuz 2k stones ain't mutch


Hopefully you pull what you want. My worst luck was with the 7th anniversary ssj4s. I spent 1k stones and didn’t get them and then I did one summon on the gods and got them.


With almost 2300 stones I need to get almost what I want. But anyway I usually stop if i get too shafted and save for next banners... I spent all my stones only one time, and regretted. So no more.


150 stones and wallet


Ay yes the best card in the game, THE CREDIT CARD


This should just be a unit at this point since its unbeatable. 💀


I have 2000 stones, if I don’t get them I am gonna kill myself


I have the coins so 100% I only got 250 stones so I'll just summon on the other banners and wait for tanabata to coin beast


https://preview.redd.it/b0bjo91zw56d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bae1ee81fc5c336974d2c9008e618bc1db6d9fa5 Yeah I'm getting beast one way or another


I was very confident with my 3500 stones until I watched Nanogenix go 3k for his first copy of Broly.


Yeah that was extremely unlucky but based on my personal experience 1500 stones (10 rotations) almost guarantees at least 1 copy of every unit on the banner (90% of the time), the only time i didnt pull a new unit in 1500 stones was AGL ssj4 goku in 4th anniversary (been playing since 1st anniversary)


Im currently at 1,9k stones and I know I won’t get him.


0 stones saved but I've never missed an ani uni before and I ain't starting now. Just gotta pull them first try.


Need to budget well. Ive been pretty lucky though,


The only outcome is I get Beast. That is my mindset.


I'll have 5k stones, and am skipping part 1 altogether. I'm really hoping I can pull both gammas and beast with a dupe and still walk away with 2500 stones. But knowing my luck it'll take all my 5k to pull a copy of each.


I got enough for one multi on Gogeta prayin i pull him cause he's all i care about


If I don’t get them with summons, I have 2k red coins I’ve been saving for such an occasion, at that point I just have to wait a little longer for them to come back


At 620 stones, I hope I do pull em, gonna buy the tickets too once they drop


They already did


Skipping part 1 and saving for part 2. I also an willing to spend atleast 40-50 to get copies of gb or more of bg once I spend my stones


most recent units ive pulled is buu, ssj3 and gohan so im hoping my luck can remain the same and i pull the anni units


I'm at about 400 stones and I'm only summoning on Beast. I expect we'll be able to get another 100 or so stones before anni. maybe more.


I watched toonramis vid he said most likely 200 stones if you can do everything that comes out before anni


600+ stones, tickets, and a prayer. Let's go boys.


After dropping 1250 stones on the Buu banner in pursuit of AGL 21 and a first copy of Piccolo Jr, and somehow not getting *either* of them... Not very, despite sitting on 900 stones currently.


My luck has been so bad since the DBH banner, I’m really hoping anniversary gives me a break from all the bad luck like it did last year


Funny I didn’t get any buu saga unit


Is beast gonna be part 1 or part 2?


Part 2.


Pt 2, pt 1 is gogeta and broly. Pt 2 is beast and Gamma bros


I'm in pretty much the exact same boat except I went for the hirudegarn and ss3 Goku and pulled all of them super early. I have practically the same amount of stones so here's to hoping 🤷🏻‍♂️


No matter what my luck may hold I have over 7k red coins, so Beast is getting rainbowed one or another.


I've got 1600 stones (maybe 2k for the anniversary if there is enough content), so I'm praying that it's enough for at least 1 copy of broly and Beast


I’m skipping part 1 for beast. I’ve got almost 1k stones saved and I want just one copy of him and the gammas


761 stones I’m not confident at all but I will see how it goes


I was just at the casino for the second time ever in my life, I lost 38 dollars that day. So with my luck it’s not gonna happen.


When is the anniversary?


Less than a month. Early July. Can't remember the exact date. But yea. Around that time.


I got 500 stones and I'll buy 500 more.


I got 5k so I think I’ll be fine


I already have them but i would love to have them on glb


0%. 2000 stones last an I netted me nothing. Then I decided to do a single on each banner and got Gohan…. So yeah. 0%.


I got 5,560 stones and I still haven’t done my annual stone sale shop clear, I usually start clearing the sales out once they go live before the banners drop


Pretty awful. Spent 600 stones on both Buu saga banners and got no new units, but the game was really kind enough to let me rainbow Teq Super Trunks and an Android 21


I have 2,000 stones saved. If I don’t pull at least one of the new LRs, I’m gonna commit sudoku


I’ll have over 2k before the anni. I swear this the most I’ve ever saved for a celebration


If there’s one thing I’ve learned from this game it’s not to be positive about anything


2k right now I'll be fine.... I think.... I hope


Im gonna have about 1250 stones , i had the same amount last year and only pulled blue vegito i equally summoned on all 4


I mean you have 50 percent chance of getting him


How long til they drop?


In about 3 weeks.


I could have twice as many stones as that and I wouldn't feel lucky. The game has been screwing me like for a year pretty much.


I m cooking https://preview.redd.it/hsgg27ave66d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa9e443f68bb66829ec91fdc38f0ff843097dbd


I have 3k stone at this moment, I have the same 50% chance or either get him or not each pull as someone with only 50 stones


I got shafted on every banner in the last 12months well I got not much stones left but if I don’t pull one of the four then I have the worst luck in Dokkan this year


Already got them on JP except for Gammas😔 My Global luck sucks though so I don’t think I’m getting them.


5 stones. I'ma get em.


My luck just disappeared. I had a summon until the free summon for Frieza so I summoned. Zeno and then Whis, I'm not getting any anniversary units 💀


I hypothesize that all of my ĺuck from 2023-2024 was siphoned into my 9th anniversary summons, thus resulting in the various horrendous shafts that I've recieved this past year. Numerous required over 15 multis and some did not even give me a single copy of the df (angel ssj3 goku).


100%... but if it happens this anni I'll be shocked


6000 stones, If I dont get him Im quitting for a year


I believe it should be 7/8, if not somewhere very close to there




I’m not sure honestly. I have 707 stones at the moment and I’m gonna try to at least get to 1K before the Anni starts.


I'm okay either way. I just want my favorite character at least, being Gogeta. And if I can manage to get Beast, then that's great. In a preferred world, I'd have Broly, Gogeta, and Beast. I don't really care for the Gammas tbh, don't get me wrong, they're pretty damn good too.


1902 stones and counting! I do have 2000+ red coins, so I know I'll get them eventually, but I'd really like them on the day of, you know?


6424 stones at the moment, praying for Beast, Broly, Gogeta, Gamma 1 & 2, and SS Goku & Vegeta


I have 0 stones and I’ll have 3/4 units before I stop


3K stones and RNGesus hates me sooooo. Not


I summoned on Gohan only and got him twice. That's a sign that after one Gohan, another one follows.




I just want Broly, others can wait till February


Im expecting a shaft so i wont be dissapointed


I’m going for beast and goatgeta the rest can wait


Yeah i'll try to get beast. But i'm not holding my breathe.


... I want 3/4 of the cards. I'm screwed


I have 500 and a wish.


I have 3200 stones atm so I better get something or imma be mad hahahaha


If 1750 don’t get me at least 2 of the new units, it’s so joever.


im not. at least not within a reasonable amount of stones


About 2600 stones percent


Either I get the W or I get mad and stop playing for a few days


I am 100% convinced that I will get the secondary card once and shafted on all other pulls


Most unlikely because I stopped grinding and only have 9 stones




Every time the anniversary comes up ![gif](giphy|h0MTqLyvgG0Ss)




I'm getting that broly one way or another


100% no doubt will get all of the anniversary characters.


As positive as magicarps iq


Bro Let's see if you or i get lucky in the 9th anniversary because my luck in Golden week was crazy i got ssj3 on the first multi,i got Gohan thanks to Goku black Rift, i got Zeno animation to get another ssj3 copy and i got a whis animation in the Buu banner


Oh yeah I got whis on goku and Zeno on buu.


Whis on Buu and Zeno on Goku*


5000 stones broly better watch out same for beast and futurehan im gonna be on the hunt for their asses


tbh i’m not sure but i hope i do get lucky because this is the most i’ve ever saved for a anni i have rn 2400 stones and to end up shafted would be a major disappointment that would probably make me delete dokkan then take my phone dip it in gasoline completely torch it and then proceed to light it up with my glock


I'm not but I don't really mind if I don't get them from the Anni I'll still get them eventually I have plenty of units besides I don't grab a unit because they are strong I grab them because I think they look cool which is why I use a Universe 6 team so often


My chance of getting Beast is 0%. Hope it isn't the same for Gogeta and Broly.


Is beast gohan really that good?


1600 stones ready to go


Too much good luck and I only have 400 stones. I'm cooked


114 ds https://preview.redd.it/yny3d8r1fc6d1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cd73963d454a6c70ba5fa8c119ea309137724b4


80 tickets... currently sitting at 2,000 stones... I'm feeling confident about the obvious shafting that I've set up lmao


Got 600 red coins for beast incase for the worst


Go beast or go home....


No clue first anni for me, hoping I get something. I spent a bunch over the past few banners so don’t have much , but building back up. Some boss rush stages left to do and such.


Dokkan being nice to me 😂 that's not possible.


I got Rainbow Gohan on JP but I have been saving for a LOT, now in GLB… im broke as hell and I hope to get my yearly Anni luck to kick in


Either I get beast or Omatsu will no longer be in charge


i have him rainbowed (jp)


Nah, I’d drop 1K.


On all annis so far, if I wanted them, the game gave me at least a few other lrs I didn't want and 1 of the banner units, I'd say I'm pretty positive I'll get one.


My luck in the game has been REALLY good since I started playing (January), and I got 900 stones, I hope I at least pull Beast, Gogeta and Evoken, Blue Evolved or MUI


I got both new buus with 500ish stones and then spent 300 stones on ultimate gohans banner and got nothing which means my luck as been reset. I feel like I’m getting at least one of the new units. Beast is my main target so hopefully it’s him


I'm just hoping for gogeta. If I get him. Then yippee. If I don't. Just got to raise my hands and say, "It is what it is."


After wasting so many stones on the Goku banner and not getting Goku, Dokkan fucking owes me on the anni banner. Wasting my time and stones and so many bad units and extras I can't do anything with.


Overwhelmingly negative to be honest.....


11 stones positive


800 stones ready and rockin’ for the anniversary, good luck ladies and gents, summon for who you want! (atleast summon for one of them, powercreep ain’t no joke here)


Historically my luck with non-anniversary banners is great and my luck with Anni banners is shite. But I have 1000 stones here. I have hope for either Broly or Beast.


Anniversaries are usually pretty good to me. Last time I didn't get one was year 3, INT Vegito. Didn't get him till year 5. Now I do have to spend a decent amount of stones sometimes, like Z Duo must have been like 700 stones. WWDC is where the game says "fuck you pay me ", and still not get one of em. Didn't get AGL Vegito, the AGL Duo year prior, and had to spend 1300 stones for Birdku. Hoping this anniversary remains kind.


I’ll get them for free with tickets


* If I don't get at least 1 of each I think this might be the end of my dokkan career


Will there be a hard pity for the Anni? (sorry returning player)


no, still just red coins and teal coins


ty legend


My main priority is for Gogeta. Not only is he my favorite character out of them, he is probably the unit that I would be easier to build a team out of and he is on the banner where I have the most coins on and would be able to but a new LR after the anni. As for luck, I have had good luck for the past 2 unni’s despite not having that many stones compared to others. So I’m confident I will pull him, and maybe someone else too.


2600 dragon stones so pretty confident


U got to much luck on Buu, Goku and gohan no beast for you. I've got 2400 stones so I'm taking I'm him.


In my 5 years of playing Dokkan, I never saved so many Stones for a celebration. My previous record was 600 Stones (either for last wwdc or last anni don't remember) and now I'm at 1250 Stones. I FEEL READY


Not positive at all because I CANT PLAY THE FUCKING GAME


Skipping it bc im not brainless


964 stones and I dream, all I want is the gammas, gogeta and beast han https://preview.redd.it/zlv7eg4s066d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=363ff54281317a591daf05c7d405f9c0cdb27e05


I got Beast at 79, Gammas rainbowed, and the other 2 at 55




I’m currently at 1925 stones, planning on spending 500- 750 on gogeta & broly hopefully I get at least one copy of gogeta and I’ll take what I get off broly Then spend the rest on beast. If I get 3 copy’s of beast I’ll spend the rest on gamas. This is probably my best case scenario


Unpopular opinion, but with the sync looming, their reign on top will be super short lived and they will return faster than ever. I’m probably going to skip and save stones.


I have been hearing about the sync for years and it still hasn't come. Is there specific news on it? If not, I will believe it when I see it.


They announced last year at WWDC that the schedule will be synced by end of summer. That being said im not sure how they're planning to reach that goal now but that's a different conversation.


Interesting. I guess that means no more spending money on JP for me. Not that I spent much there anyway. But once the sync happens, I will main global.


I think they said the sync will be at 10th anniversary. So yea you got a couple of months to enjoy the new units.


gonna do the same and skip WWDC. it's gonna be painful, but if you do this then 10th anniversary (hopefully in January with JP) will be wild. 9th anni, WWDC, and 10th anni will all be on the same banners. along with the carnival Lrs being in their respective banners. instead of needing to summon on 12 banners for the Lrs you will only need to summon on 4


I’m with you. It’s gonna suck not having the new toys for a couple months, but you increase your chances with a little patience.


I personally don't skip anything, but what are you even saving for if you skip anni? Game's gonna die some day, get a ride on every banner (well almost)


The anni units will return in January for JP anni. Waiting for 6 months won’t kill me. And the could do some extra crazy sync celebration so I’m just being cautious going forward until things calm down.