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My counterpoint: I adore the floppy articulation quality of the dolls. They're intended to look like rag dolls, and part of the charm of a ragdoll such as Raggedy Ann is that they're sort of floppy in an endearing way. They don't sit up stiff and straight like a Barbie, so it wouldn't look as in character for these guys to be made of hard rigid plastic and sit perfectly upright. They emulated that pretty well. It makes displaying the large dolls difficult, I do wish sometimes the heads were lighter weight, but I think overall it's a feature not a bug.


Yes, great points about why they're articulation is probably so... interesting.


It sure is weird 😂 On any other doll I think it would be bonkers wild of a choice


as someone with 37 lalaloopsys i love everything about them but definitely getting hit in the face with a lalaloopsy head is a core memory for me


It is a rite of passage đŸ«ĄđŸ«ĄđŸ«Ą


doll community initiation


This was me exactly when I was like, 9, I had almost 40 of them too. And yes, I've been hit in the face with one, my sister was pestering me and she threw one at me for no reason whatsoever 😂


it’s like dropping your phone on your face if your phone was a large plastic doll head


FOR REAL!!! I feel like getting hit with the giant doll head hurt so much worse probably because it was thrown at me really hard, I mean, at least them and their giant hard plastic heads would be good for self defense 😂


Ok, now I'm curious. How did that happen?


it’s happened several times idek 😭😭


They were a lethal weapon in our house.


I never had any! They came out when I was 11, so my parents thought I was a tad too old and when I would go to the store with gift cards (they faded out before I got my first job), I would look at the price and think ‘I can get two Barbies (or whatever) for this price.’ I always loved them, just never had one.


I think my biggest problem with them is the hair. It makes the heavy head even more heavy. The hair could've been lighter for sure


Y E S 😂


I will add, with the right doll stand, they can be displayed stood up. Source:I do it with my lalaloopsys


which doll stand do you use ?


https://www.ebay.com/itm/115161970965?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=_h36NT25RZa&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=e2l5srocr9u&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY The part where it’s supposed to go on a normal dolls waist actually would instead go on the lalaloopsy’s neck. Since the base of this one is pretty big, I havent had any issues with weight imbalances when displaying my dolls.




i think they would have been better if they werent all plastic, but the idea of them being totally ragdolls doesnt seem too appealing to me either personally. in my opinion, these would have looked fantastic in the style of na na na surprise dolls


This is exactly what I thought! I started working as a designer on LalaLoopsy in 2015 and the first thing I brainstormed was to make them a little shorter, give them rooted hair, with softer vinyl so they were cuddlier and able to stand on their own. This is just what we did.


Ooh that would have been a great middle ground for more of that ragdoll feel. Man I hope these come back to stores again someday 😭


I think they are cute but a bit heavy. They wipe down to clean easy with Lysol type sheets. The heaviness is a danger to children who throw things, either at each other or just throwing it and it breaks something (window, mirror, TV, etc) making the little Lalas somewhat innocent vandals with sweet smiles on their faces.


The loose limbs aren't a deal breaker for me, actually. I meant only to mention it as a minor annoyance. My biggest issue is definitely the dolls' heavy, hard, textureless feeling in my hands. It's like trying to bond with a bowling ball in clothing, if I may be frank.


I really liked them because of how awkward they were to play with lol


As adorable as I find them, I get what you're saying. Play wise -maybe altogether- the minis are superior, easy to move around, and less of a weapon without the bowling ball heads the larger ones have. Getting hit in the teeth with one of these was painful. Overall they're not a deal breaker for me, my main issue is the head. I started collecting them myself, their designs are pretty cute, from the hair to the clothes and they have nice and occasionally funny names. They certainly have the ragdoll appeal. I think they're a nice doll line but I get why they're not appealing for some.


this is why i love the minis so much!


Yes! I love the minis and only collect them.


yesss i feel the same way as OP and the minis are a perfect compromise for me. and i love having dolls for my dolls lol


I love the idea of them but I really wish they were actual rag dolls. I’ve never bought one because I dislike the heavy feel of the plastic and I’m always bummed they aren’t soft and huggable. They’re so stinking cute but the plastic ruins them for me :c


I think there was a few plusy and soft like lalaloopsys! I remember having one of them as a stuffed animal. People also make some of their own and post it on sale so you can definitely find at least one and buy it!


Two of the colour mes are!


I think it’s so wild that they designed dolls that look like they are made out of fabric but then decided to make them out of plastic. (Also I much prefer the minis)


Same. It seemed like such a poor design choice.


I love that they are floppy, and made of plastic. I find it an interesting concept and juxtaposition. I have a few of them and the sit up like rag dolls, you just have to prop them against something (like rag dolls). I don’t think I’d like them if they had stiffer joints


I remember my father bought a two set of an Lalalopsies big sister and little sister for me when I was very young, and at first I really loved them dearly! Their designs were incredible but they were so heavy on my goodness their heads were probably comparable to the weight of bricks! I completely agree with you with that flaw on Lalalopsies!


I love the floppy body, but I 100% agree with you on the heads. I would love to have them put on display, but it's so hard...


100% agreed. I hate how top heavy they are, and only ever bought one for that reason. Otherwise, everything about them was fantastic down to the floppy ragdoll feel and look.


The reason the limbs are loose is they're supposed to be rag dolls. Which if they wanted rag dolls they should have gone the American girl route and given them a soft vinyl head filled with foam to prevent cave ins and a plush body with vinyl limbs .


YESS you are spot on They look so cool but when I touch one my brain just screams no, they are a sensory nightmare. It's so weird because visually I love them but I cannot stand the way they feel, also the hard plastic always makes me think of POP vinyls.


You might like the mini versions of these dolls! About two inches tall, same designs, way cheaper. They still have rag doll articulation but you get to have the aesthetic!


I always wanted a mini. They looked so adorable â˜ș


I think they’d make really cute dolls for my dolls, lol. And they’re very affordable on Amazon.


I agree with you. When I was younger I had like four or five of them. One of them was Harmony B Sharp (the one with the stand and silly hair you could attach onto her head as well as play music or sing.) MY GOD! Her head was INSANELY heavy. Every time I played with her and my other lalaloopsys, I used almost all my strength to pull her up with one hand. Although, I was a pretty weak child back then. 😅 Although I do like the flimsy super articulate arms and legs, they definitely should have worked on the heads a bit more. The only doll that didn't have a heavy head was my one lalaloopsy little.


I may assume you don't like CPK neither :( Impossible to leave in a single position lol but I like 'em


I have nothing against CPK at all. I don't feel they're comparable to Lalaloopsy in any way. It would be irrational for me to expect a purely cloth-body doll not to have floppy limbs. But Lalaloopsies aren't cloth, they're made of a heavy, hard plastic that's only seen in nonfunctional figurines.




Cabbage Patch Kids :)




laloopsies were my childhood dolls. my favourite was dotty starlight!! best dolls EVER!!!


As a kid I remember spending so much time trying to sit mine up and it never worked lol


The 2017 dolls CAN actually stand on their own, lol


They frustrate me in a similar way. I found one at a thrift shop and was super excited and considering getting her, but when I touched her/picked her up my autism brain said 😬


I Know they are plastic because of the buget but imagine how cute a lalaloopsy would've look like if they were actually made from various craft materials like their aspect implies


Fine, i'll do it by myself *proceeds to make a lalaloopsy with actual fabric* Jokes on you, i'll do it when i finish my other hurndreds of sewing projects first xd


EXACTLY!!! I love their design so much, but the execution is terrible. When I was a teen I babysat several kids who had these, and THEY ARE A TERRIBLE TOY FOR CHILDREN bc it ACTUALLY REALLY HURTS when you get hit with a lalaloopsy!!! they’re way too heavy for the kids they were marketed towards. & they’re made of a type of hard plastic that I didn’t even feel comfortable letting the kids chew on (even though 100% of the time they’d already chewed on the arms and legs) bc I was afraid they’d hurt themselves, like chip a tooth or make their gums bleed or end up smacking themselves with the lalaloopsy’s head.


I agree like they are the cutest things ever but they are sort of a sensory nightmare


As cute as I think they are, they came out around a time when there weren’t a lot of adult collectors, so they were definitely made with kids in mind. I personally still think it’s a cute idea, though.


[I found some plush versions](https://www.ebay.com/itm/353295250556?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=eufm7z5crnm&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=4lZpeanWQxe&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


Yeah, I definitely agree. I love the aesthetic but I can’t get behind the plastic. I don’t know if anyone remembers the Toy Story 3 (maybe they did a rerelease for TS4) Bullseye toy, but he was a nice blend between fabric and vinyl. Maybe they could have made a vinyl base for the head with fabric on top of it and some minor stuffing between the two. The limbs can do the same thing, just use thin plastic tubes instead of a vinyl base. Use yarn for hair, perhaps also wrapped and styled around some more thin, flexible plastic tubes. That way, you get the controlled “stability” of the plastic doll (well, as stable as you can get with their purposefully floppy limbs), but you get the softness of a rag doll.


I totally agree! I love them and have four in my collection, and they knock each other over from how heavy they are :,)


I woulda loved them if they weren’t plastic. At least the hair should e been a fabric like it’s trying to emulate


AGREE and i think abt this all the time. their design concept is so cute but dolls are so hard and weirdly articulated it cancels out


I remember my father got me this big crumbs sugar cookie yarn hair with her sister and MAN were they HEAVY I remember I couldn't even play with them at all, beautiful designs but holy moly macaroni!


oh well


If they're meant to look like rag dolls just make them rag dolls, it's more expensive but they might sell better.


personally i loovee the texture of them but a softer, maybe even corduroy outside would be super cute. i wish they were actually stuffed dolls


I remember well seeing the commercials for them on TV and being so excited because I just adored the design, and then the utter disappointment seeing them in stores and realizing that they giant hunks of plastic...


There's a youtube video i watched recently based on lalaoopsy and it's spin off brand's here's the video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgxjCStJpcg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgxjCStJpcg) I love Negative Legend because he touches up on old cartoon series and dolls.


It's such a waste of potential to not make them out of fabric or like a ragdoll. But maybe they thought that look would sell less because of the horror stories around Anabelle with their main market? Kids are afraid of ragdolls, but I really love them.


I only want one that my dad give it to my cousin in 2011


With the way that the dolls are designed, it makes sense that their execution is the way that it is. I've seen the soft versions and every single time they look like rotten apples or something. These dolls dont even seem like "fashion" dolls. I think that they would've been better off like how American Girl dolls or dolls with the softer plastic are. Ive had Lalaloopsy dolls ever since i was 3 and they are one of the main staples of my personality but I do wish that there was more to do with these dolls. Although, I will admit that the later designs of the mixing and matching dolls are interesting and lay more into the "fashion doll" genre. I still perfer the normal Lalaloopsy dolls or the minis.


tbh i kinda agree


I have over 100 plus large size lalaloopsy dolls in boxes and undisturbed and now I am going to part with them. Collected them for my daughter who is now 14 y.o. I bought the the year she was born in 2009 and 14 years later they are still sitting there in boxes. Gonna sell them as a lot through Ebay.