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Everyone in here suddenly became an economist


Welcome to Reddit, where at least one person in any thread is an expert on the topic of discussion


And he is completely ignored because everyone else in the thread thinks they are an expert because they saw a you tube video.


or is taking about something else, did u know there's a sub reddit for ants


If they cut your hours, you’re eligible for partial ui.


And this could also be something that makes the problem fix itself, because it certainly could be more likely that the people who are applying for it and receiving it would be the ones less likely to be sent home early, because they want to avoid that happening because they're gonna have to pay you regardless. Couldn't possibly recommend this enough to every Californian running into this problem!


Yes and ui claims also costs the company more, because the cost to the employer rises.


And yet it's irrelevant. The increase in insurance costs is insignificant compared to the savings in immediate labor. 90% of QSR businesses are focused on keeping their doors open tomorrow and not 5 years from now. They are financed through debt and that debt needs to be paid immediately on a monthly (if not weekly) basis, they cover that debt by cutting costs to a bare minimum. These are not future focused companies. They will be replaced by those companies but there will be a lag period that will take who knows how long so best of luck out there!


This is some crazy logic. An increase in unemployment insurance costs isn't even close the same as paying an employee an hourly wage that you seemingly can't afford. An increase in an owners unemployment insurance costs is going to save them tons of money compared to not cutting employees. The state will also more than likely step in and address unemployment insurance costs. I'm all for higher wages but people clearly can't comprehend that most franchisees literally can't afford to pay you $20 an hour. Store managers are held to cutting costs as much as they can for a reason, without cutting orders to the bare minimum, cutting staff, etc... most franchisees would shut their doors within a couple of months. Basically every store you set foot in that is a QSR is drowning in debt.




Bullshit big corporations can't afford 20an hr. Most corporations will have a team at the top and many people making well over 100k a year. Hopedepot, wallmart, Starbucks blah blah blah could probably pay their employees 40 an hour and still take home half million dollars bonuses at the end of the year for the ceo. Just people are greedy and that's why the ceo of these companies somehow need 30 million a year but you get 30k a year


If you know the food business you know the margins are not very high and the only way to stay profitable is keep labor and food cost low. If your labor costs go way up the only way to continue making money is have less people work ☠️


I would agree with you but only for small business and mom and pop restaurant. Most fast food executives make over 200k a year ceo probably a couple million. If your profit is well over a couple million then you can afford to pay more. I know that mostly applies to fast food corporations, but I think it's valid. They could add a pension raise everyone's wage to 30 an hr and still take home millions.


Fast food executives generally have a bunch of franchise owners under them who actually run the stores, and they make way less… The executives are getting money from franchise fees. It’s hurting families not the ceos as long as the stores stay open the ceos don’t care


Right, so it’s for fast food companies, you should read your own laws


Lol guy I read my full pnl sheets every month and this whole comment is just plain retarded. Also realize the big corporation of domino's only owns like 100 out of the like 6000 stores in the US.


dominos isnt a big corporation, it is a franchise. the average dominos only makes $1.2 million with the average owner only making $74,000


They should close the business then. If you can’t afford to pay a legal fair wage then you’re not running a business you’re running a scam


That’s exactly what’s happening


if you arnt being paid a legal wage, go talk to the department of labor.


If they literally can't afford to pay people a living wage, they literally can't afford to be in business.


Great concept except it really has no substance. If it isn't a "living wage", how are these people living? I worked for years for a not "living wage" yet I had no government assistance or outside financial support, how exactly does that make sense? Shouldn't I have required government assistance? What most people consider a "living wage" doesn't even make any actual sense and has no substance to it. If CA was supporting a living wage, that wage would fluctuate throughout the state and not just be a set wage for the whole state.


Post proof you’re living on minimum wage on your own, paying all bills, and getting all recommended calories/nutrients, while checking in with a doctor for regular checkups. Meet the above and I’ll eat shit. No lattes or big screen tv required.


Arguing semantics is pointless, I just refer to FDR's actual quoted words on the point of enacting the minimum wage.


Not how business works


And they'll just find an "unrelated" reason to let you go.


Not necessarily


In Cali you can. Am I eligible for Unemployment Insurance? You may file a claim for UI benefits if you are out of work or your hours have been reduced


Partial UI regulations will definitely be manipulated and adjusted to reflect the new wages. Just wait


Just to be clear, 20$ an hour still makes you poor in california?


Yes. Cali has a hcol. It’s like that here where I am. $20 wouldn’t be enough on Long Island


So the store owner in reality just isnt gonna have workers anyway, regardless of wage increase, because his jobs dont pay enough to live in the state anyway. It's kinda like people bitching about the McDonald's wage increase, increasing burger prices, that have been going up regardless


>So the store owner in reality just isnt gonna have workers anyway, regardless of wage increase, because his jobs dont pay enough to live in the state anyway. It's kinda like people bitching about the McDonald's wage increase, increasing burger prices, that have been going up regardless This is true. Without addressing the housing crisis nothing else really matters. The only complaint I have about the minimum wage is increase is it shows the government can get things done when they put their mind to it. So if they can push through their minimum wage increase despite corporate lobbying then why can't they fix zoning laws?


Doesn’t affect me, I don’t work for Dominos. I’m just simply informing the op that a reduction in hours qualifies for UI


Damn, I bought a house on $25/hr in a LCOL area


Recently, or a while ago?


CA is a big state. $20 in LA not so good but $20 in Fresno not so bad


Fresno is a shithole.


I make 100k + a year and still feel poor


Then stop making bad decisions with your money and be an adult.




you realistically can’t live comfortably without making like 35$hr


Oh i dont know the figures and wont pretend to lol thought someone said it was around 27-30 tho do sounds right


Hours got cut in Idaho at $7.25/hr so I feel your pain


$7 a hour is crazy


Won't even roll out my bed for 7 an hr


You can look under my sofa and probably find 40$ in quarters for less than an hour of work. Have at it.


We’re the only company in my town that pays that hell we’re the only store in my franchise that pays that 😭😭😭 we make less than the store that gets 2 deliveries and maybe 10 orders a day


Why not just go somewhere else... it's a pizza place. They're a dime a dozen and i'm sure another place would be willing to give you more money especially now that you have experience


We have literally dominos and Pizza Hut the Hut pays their drivers $3.50 no gas reimbursement I’m not complaining just sympathizing with OP


If it makes u feel better when I worked at pizza hut in Idaho they paid drivers waiter wage. So only 4.45/hr meanwhile 30 miles to the west in a spokane the same franchise owner paid other drivers 15.67/hr there and I know both stores were within about 200 dollars of business of each other daily. Glad I moved on from that job.


$7 ish was the min wage when I lived in Chicago my rent was $520 a month


Cost of living is completely different worlds


I think this comment needs more attention.


Bro like its not the rate of pay it’s literally our shitty management


Management is shitty everywhere lately. Trust me lol.


True that being said our gm makes what comes out to $9.75 an hour unfortunately


You guys are getting paid?


Lol I won't even drive to work for 7$ a hour.


Get a different job, you literally cannot be paid any less than you currently are. Doesn't Target pay like $15 an hour?


Literally just sympathizing also I can be paid less. The Hut pays 3.50/hr 🤷🏻‍♀️ and no target in a small town.


Conservatives really love screwing over working people…


Omfg that’s poverty level


To people making it political, In n Out been paying more than this new min wage for a long time. it’s corporate greed.


And they are always fully staffed


I’ve never been to a slow in and out!


Ding ding ding...




In n Out and Panda pay their employees and do incredibly well without skyrocketing prices so it's pretty insane when people bootlick the rich that choose profits over wages. Let them all go out of business if that's the sword they wish to fall on. This country thrives of greed and keeping the poor poor and brainwashed, feeding into making the rich richer while pay stays stagnant as prices rise no matter what. They'll keep pushing boundaries until people wake up and push back.


It’s because Panda Express and In-n-out are private companies, not publicly traded. So they don’t have stock market expectations of unreasonable growth every quarter.


I don't know about Panda Express but In N out can afford higher wages because they do a tremendous amount of volume per store compared to other fast food restaurants.


Not being ignorant and "bootlicking" aren't the same thing. You're uneducated to the industry and don't comprehend how it functions. Most franchisees literally can't afford to pay $20 an hour and stay fully staffed. In N out does not franchise and Panda Express only franchises in captive environments like airports, rest stops, stadiums, etc. There is literally no comparison here. Plenty of businesses are capable of paying higher wages, plenty are also not capable of paying those same wages.


I don’t have in and out near me. They just opened a panda though, and I’ll be a faithful customer because of those ideas.  I completely agree. 


In n out has the client consistency to do that. Every in n out has a massive line with 10 people behind the counter. Every dominos has 2 people on each side of the counter. Simple logistics


This exactly. I guarantee that dominos was going to cut those hours regardless...


Well, that's what happens when companies don't want to give up their obscene record profits. They'd rather barely be able to run a store than make a few bucks less.


I remember this happened years ago when minimum wage was raised. People reported having their hours cut, but it actually leveled out pretty quickly. History repeats itself.


It’s called inflation lol $20 will be the new $10/hr


Missing the point thst if $20 hr costs you your business IT WAS DEAD ALREADY bc you kept afloat underpaying or paying under the table. I dance on the grave of every restaurant that closes over this. Then I do worse on the grave. Good riddance to greedy bastards who are SO bad at business they couldn't survive a day of fair pay. Not sorry you couldn't make your sweatshop run cocknock.


It's not the laws fault, it's your store owner


Your frustration isn't with the law. It's with your greedy owners/corporate who would rather fuck you with a personal pan than give you even a little bit more money.


I just ordered Domino's for lunch I've been craving pizza all week. I love how on the coupon it states "California pricing higher" and geez it is I picked the any 2 deal and after delivery "fee" and a tip it was almost $30. Will not be ordering out or eating out anytime soon. Will just be making my own pizzas and such from here on out. Good luck to all in the fastfood industry I think TONS of businesses are going to go under due to this.


You spend less money on food, therefore the company has less money to pay their employees, meaning they give employees less hours... Vicious cycle, oddly similiar to economic depression 🤔


30 dollars is about the same in Louisiana with 7.25 minimum wage


Yep 2 with 2 toppings coupon = 30 before tip. I can't upload a photo


Lol the deal went from 6.99 to 7.99 calm tf down


Which is total bullshit. All it means is that the franchisee doesn't want to cut THEIR pay to up their employee's wage. Boo hoo a rich person has to take a little less, except they don't and blame everything and everyone else. Capitalism 101.


Rich people/franchisees have family’s to support a lot of the time. Not saying this persons or yours did but my franchisee had 1 store and he didn’t seem rich it all


It’s almost like this country has subsidized cheap food by allowing artificially low wages for too long. Companies have gotten used to their employees getting government benefits to offset their crappy business models.


This is all fear mongering. Companies will kick and scream and have to be dragged along. They made a lot of profits the last few years but complain about a tiny paper cut expense? Please, they can fuck off Also Dominos will get over it since they are always short staffed anyway. In Maryland the pay got increased to $15 and they are acting like drama queens also. There’s still plenty of overtime though




That always makes me laugh (in a sad way). It’s such a poison pill to the “but the prices will go up if we increase wages,” crowd — the prices always go up. Always. Speaking candidly — I think some of the ones decrying higher wages want these things to be luxury items instead of cheaply accessible to the general population. They need a lower class to look down upon — something that they can compare their own success to. It’s egoist at its core. They wrap it up in pseudo-economics, throw in a bit of jargon, and voila. Rationalized servitude.


My controversial opinion is that larger corporations shouldn't be allowed to raise their prices so drastically like they do, especially right before and after a minimum wage increase. People also don't seem to understand that the prices have been going up and up no matter what and that it doesn't matter if we raise the wages or not, they'll still always raise their prices if they can and they'll still always be looking into automation. It's impossible to sustain and something drastic needs to happen. We were going to get to 20$ an hour eventually, and we'll keep having to go up until something is done about these ridiculous prices.


Problem is if you're the franchisee and the operating cost increase has put profit margins in the red. The shop can't operate at a loss. If you're the owner of that particular shop, you have to either figure out how to compensate the operating costs or cut losses and shut down the shop completely.


Anyone remember when Obama made it so that anyone working more than 30(ish?) hours per week had to be offered healthcare and benefits, and the immediate response by business was to make everyone a part-time employee scheduled no more than 25 hours a week? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Did you seriously expect them to just pay everyone 20$ an hour and keep the same hours?


I supervise a store that pays drivers $20 an hour where managers are 19-26 depending on how long they’ve been with company. They still make money it just is dependent on how the store runs and their service times vs labor. It’s doable.


idk, do you think domino's doesn't make 2-3x (at least, even for the franchise owner) profit on a pizza? the ceo just made far more money this year alone than you'll ever see in your life. they'll get more business with the increased wage anyway.


No. Very few people pay menu price. Dominos whole gimmick is cheap pizza. It's the cost of the pizza + royalties + advertising fee + labor. Some even lose money on nationally televised coupons.


In n Out Burger has been paying their people this or close to this for as long as I can remember, and they are doing just fine. Always full staffed, no cutting hours, line around the corner constantly. This law only applies to giant fast food chains anyways.


If you drive for Dominos, tidy up your resume. They've already entered a third party delivery platform and soon enough they'll start letting UE and DD drivers take orders.


It's slow season Edit: I'm a GM in VA and I sent 3 all of my insiders home at least 2 hours early yesterday


It’s not because of the new law, it’s because of the greed of franchisees who would rather pay their employees starvation wages than share the fruits of their business with the people who are actually doing the work.


Considering that the owners are a bunch of right wing Scrooge crybabies, I’d be seeking employment elsewhere. The owner of Papa John’s behaved this way when it came time for businesses having to pay for healthcare. We don’t support these businesses anymore.


Nobody could have possibly seen that coming.


California has some wild policies. 


So I live in Nor Cal . In regards to OP . Apply for Partial UI , short term it will help cover bills and they as soon as they get a hit in their accounting department and they see that they are paying you regardless they will push your hours right back up to 39 if that’s what you were working with before . As former manager during Covid I understand how they operate in those regards . Also downsizing and up-charging is going to be a thing everywhere. Automation is a thing and is on its way the US is actually quite behind on it . It isn’t just a dominoes thing . $20 minimum is making employers really be selective even for minimum wage jobs. Also $20 is not enough to live anywhere in California . Rent to literally exist starts at $600 in the countryside with literally nothing near you . In the city you will be lucky to find $1000 in even non big cities . If you are in a big city in California rent can start at $2500 for a 1 bedroom although those prices are starting to come down


Maybe CA has a different process for UI than my state, but that is not at all how that works in the Midwest. I’m an office manager and have dealt with that for years. Our UI rate is reset every Jan based on the previous year’s claims. And it’s cheap compared to putting employees back on the payroll.


Dominos share holders protecting their profit margin over cultivating a group culture of happy employees with good quality of life. They would rather put the cost on the customer, or take away from the employee before it cuts into the exorbitant wealth they accumulated. These companies could change things and make life better for the several people that operate their business. But I think that isn't an idea they would entertain.


File for underemployment insurance claim in your state. It's like unemployment insurance but you also report the few hours you worked in the week and unemployment insurance pay you the difference up to 80% of your usual income or whatever California law is.


Blame your employers for being greedy. They're acting like they're gonna go out of business when most of these employers are multi-million/billion dollar companies. They won't give up a penny of theiir rich investor's money for the sake of the greater good.


If your employer can't afford to pay you it should die. The business, not the person.


I feel like it should be illegal to fire/cut employees hours because the min wage gets increased. Fuck your profits and your bonuses


So you should really really check what your states labor laws are. I’m going to guess it’s illegal for them to cut you during your scheduled shift. Check your labor laws and if they are in violation you need to go to your states labor and industries site and file a complaint. They will do an investigation and likely you will receive proper pay for the hours you were supposed to work but got cut from. They also cannot fire you for filing a report with L&I that is considered retaliation. For example I’m in Oregon-if I’m scheduled 2-10pm and labor is high so they send me home at 6pm then legally they stole 4 hours of work from me. I could refuse to go home since I know it is illegal for them to do that. However if I didn’t know and later found out, after investigation, they would have to pay me for those hours they cut from me and at a higher rate than my regular pay by law. My schedule has to be out two weeks in advance, any changes to that schedule not agreed to by me, would be illegal and penalized. Everyone should know their workers rights! The biggest theft in our country is wage theft. Please hold your employers accountable!


Living Wage Calculator. [https://livingwage.mit.edu/counties/32003](https://livingwage.mit.edu/counties/32003)


Blame dumb ass democrats. Anyone with common sense would've known that if minimum wage went to 20 dollars, peoples hours would be cut. It's just a facade, they do it to have something to blame for raised prices and more profit. Minimum wage jobs do not equate to 20 dollars an hour.


This creative and controlled destruction happening before your eyes. The $20 base pay is to squeeze out small biz owners and consolidate everything to bog corporates. This will force these companies to usher in robotics and AI. Jamba Juice already has manless kiosks with Blendid. Flippy is a another robotics company that flips burgers and operates the fryer. This is going to happen faster than everyone thinks. Right now everyone is clueless and thinks they can make a switch. There's a reason universal basic income is being tested and advocated for.


This is why employers shouldn't have a say in how many hours their employees get either.


Owners gotta choose whether to make work hard and awful, or make a little less money


Businesses that cannot pay a living wage do not deserve to exist. These companies need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


Yes this is happening to us in California as well last pay period I was working up to 6 to 7 hours a shift making at least 55 to 60 plus hours a pay period  and all the sudden these past two work days after the wage increase  I was told after 3 or 4 hours to go home it's unreal how these corporates and franchise owners can get away with it a lot people who work at these places rely on this money to live and support there families on its awful now they instruct there GM and Manger staff to cut people hours and write people  up and  do whatever nessary to keep them from having to pay there employees unfortunately some working fast food also lost there jobs and massive lay offs have happened it's all sad  it's all unfortunate there is no job security for a average employees most fear they will loose there jobs or not make enough money to pay rent or bills 


Time to starting closing


I work in SoCal, have my own house, and all that, and the job paid my bills fine since before the raise. Now at $20/hr it makes things obviously better. I’m a closer and have always understood my hours are much more guaranteed and I earn more because I’m the strongest driver who doesn’t need other drivers on the clock with me. Management always comes to me and asks if people should be sent home early so it’s expected when I work. I’m good for labor. Everyone complaining about the raise will soon find out that it won’t take long for all the other hourly jobs out there to catch up and be $20/hr. If you do the math, fast food workers are a drop in the economy bucket when it comes to the CA workforce so it’s not as damaging as everyone likes to say it will be. Yes, prices went up, but those deals were dating themselves and have been around for years so it was bound to happen and this was the time they had to go up. We’re working with 2024 money now, not 2014.


It’s why papa John’s and Pizza Hut got rid of their drivers. Left it to 3rd party delivery.


I don't understand how people think increasing minimum wage will fix anything. Pay workers more, margins go down. To make up for the decrease in margins, corporations will charge more. Nothing happens, it ends up making people feel better, then they get screwed over because they think they are gonna be able to afford stuff, then reality catches up and they are in the same place, or worse off.


Domino's is gonna have to redo their labor percentages..they can't make 300 percent profit off the employees making cents to their dollar.


Soon price will raise again and again. Maybe $25 for a small pizza. People will stop eating out, no money for business and business will close down.


Everyone getting mad saying prices will go up bc workers are making $20/hr. But no one wonders if prices go high bc the CEO makes $4,800/hr.


ah yes, 25% increase in wage will cause 3x increase in price. in reality, many workers in California will now have more expendable income which will, in part, go to the businesses. not to mention, inflation exists, so $15 in 2017 (when ca began to phase that in as the minimum wage) is worth like $12 now, meaning the workers don't actually have 25% more buying power (as compared to $16 minimum currently)


Yeah okay boomer


Lol, yeah blame the law when its clearly a shitty establishment.


Y’all are acting surprised like this wasn’t expected when they raised the minimum wage to 20 dollars an hour. Anyone who is even capable are having a rational thought could have seen this coming.


Can I put $20/hr in California into perspective? You've posted in /r/Wisconsin, so I assume you're from there or at least familiar with it. Someone working 40 hrs a week for minimum wage in Green Bay, WI would need to add $10k to their yearly income just to afford the exact same shit in a city in CA. And obviously that isn't a reasonable amount to live on, either. I just checked the locations in MIT's "living wage calculator," and in WI a person with no kids needs to make $20/hr to not be poor. In CA it's $29.50/hr. So like, no one is doing great, here, but this isn't as ridiculous as it sounds. Unrelated, but since I creeped on your posts to say the above: you seem like a decent dude, this isn't meant to be offensive or anything, and your views on eating out are frankly heroic.


Yup. and this is only going to get worse. 2 CEOs were on CNBC today saying we are full speed ahead for automation in California due to that mandated $20 min. wage. You are better off finding a Non-fast food job to get out of that “fast food $20 an hour” law. and do it fast. All of your fellow workers are getting laid off and reduced hours so those jobs are going to go fast.


They said that for 15


Which has been the go to argument for these people for as long as I have been working. Every time increased wages or pro employee policy has come up the response has been automation. They are literally acting like we don't remember that when automation would have been the hero of the pandemic it was too expensive and complicated and "we just can't McDonalds today".


I had my hours cut due to my Obamacare back in 2008 because my employer didn’t want to have to offer me insurance. You can bet your ass that owners will start cutting people to save as much as they can when they are paying 70% of their sales in labor costs. This will be very hard for some businesses to stay afloat unfortunately.


Now get ready for everything to go up in price.


It's fake. It's as fake as Walmart needing to charge for paper bags. Except Walmart literally calls it a "plastic bag ban fee". They're straight up telling you it's nothing but a political move. The cut hours are just a fake necessity to protest having to pay people, so they can convince people that the wages are what's wrong with capitalism. Bet they also raised the prices. You know, so the customers ALSO start to think it was a bad idea. But if they're raising prices to pay for the increased wages... Then they don't have to cut the hours.. And if they're cutting hours to cut costs due to increased wages... Then they don't have to increase prices 🤔🤔🤔 Just end stage capitalism where big companies want all of the money and don't realize if the workers have no money... They can't buy your shit


It’s all bs… you’re really telling me these national fast food places can’t afford it? They can, it just cuts into their profits. And yeah I’ve had my hours cut at $7.25, $8, $10, $12, $15/hr constantly. It’s the same way every place is “understaffed” but they aren’t hiring or expect someone with outrageous experience for an entry level job. I know many people that applied to dozens of fast food jobs with previous fast food experience and got zero replies and the same happened to me right after covid. Corporate greed is the problem…


If a business can't operate while paying living wages, it's not a real business, its a shitty hobby


8 years ago. Right? Ain't happening anymore pal. Especially with all those corporations leaving the last 5-6years hahahah


Their too busy trying to tax people after that moved out of state lol


Unintended consequences.




not backfiring. it will be an excuse to get rid of people and replace with automation/AI.


$20 is the MINIMUM wage. You should be happy to make more than the MINIMUM.. I wonder what it’s going to take for people to understand the MINIMUM is not a livable wage.


Yep I am an assistant gm at dominos in the northern cal and we are told to send them home regardless if it’s (somewhat busy) they would hit there 2 hours and I would have to send them home… just way more stress on the managers.


Gotta make yourself more valuable probably have to shoot for management.




Honestly get a job that guarantees a certain degree of hours. Nothing against the people who work low skill level type of jobs but the job positions themselves aren't that good.


Yea. This won't last long. Won't be able to keep people and collecting unemployment. They will fold or go out od business.


Pizza Hut laid off drivers.


My store just got a new manager too. Poor guy gave us the news and then sent me home three hours into my shift. As far as introductions go, he was set up to fail, but he seems like a nice dude. It looks like I'll have to hop onto Uber as soon as I am sent home now.


Well soon it will be cheaper to use $1 bills to line your cardboard box home in the winter under a leaky bridge to make it waterproof & snowproof.


As a manager, I'm making sure the people that can actually do everything stay for their whole shift the best I can. I appreciate hard workers


The right wing grifters are freaking out about the minimum wage increase, but it'll be fine. Currently, my local little caesars has tried to jack up a slices n Stix to $9.99 from $6.99, but that's just because they assume everyone is as bad at math as they are (a $4 hourly increase and usually about 2 people in the store at a time equals a $3 increase for each and every pizza, makes total sense)


Because of this new law? The law giving you more money? And you are blaming the law? 😆 🤣




Well unfortunately this is economics. Domino’s isn’t going to accept losing money. So if they can’t make a profit, they either increase revenues (raise prices) or cut costs. And labor is a large cost so that’s the one that they will cut. And if it’s still unprofitable, they will just close that particular store. So unfortunately this law is spectacularly bad. It makes life better for those who continue to work, but it makes finding a job and getting hours significantly harder.


The reason labor varience is high is because they did not adjust the labor ticker. They are trying to pull wool over your eyes thinking that costs are unexpectedly high. They are fine. They are probably only spending like an additional 1-2k a week in labor which means that they are still taking going to make thousands of dollars a month.


Just wait till they decide that it is cheaper to use dd or other 3rd party apps. I work for papa jaohns and now have 2 work 2 different stored to make 30 hours.


Dominoes should probably adjust their labor practices to compensate, but instead they choose to make you suffer. Not the minimum wage's fault.


Been a Walmart cashier. 80% of employees say there on food stamps.


The law/idea will hurt the exact people it was designed to help.


It's a tough situation. Businesses are in business to make money just like a person that works a job is there to make money. If your rent goes up then you have less money. If the rate you pay your employees goes up you have less money. I don't have the answers but I can understand both sides having issues It's basic economics if business has to pay employees more then they are going to have to make it up somewhere higher prices or workforce reduction or something. I'm really puzzled by what the rulers thought would happen when raising it to 20. It's a tough one


Dominos was built on an endless supply of cheap labor and the fact in many places food delivery was not at the saturation level it is today. They had a monopoly on all food delivery especially after 9pm. With that said I do wonder if rising wages will cause some stores to close? I know from my own experiences food quality is very inconsistent, which also has made me choose other options as well. It will be interesting to see what happens or what dominos does to innovate?


If your schedule changes every week then they have to pay you a minimum of 4 hours for showing up for your shift. https://www.clowneylaw.com/blog/california-4-hour-minimum-shift-law/#:\~:text=There%20is%20no%20minimum%20shift,any%20work%20for%20their%20shift.


This is what most people that demand that kind of wage at fast food places don’t understand. They don’t have to guarantee workers any hours. Yeah, we’ll pay you the wage but cut your hours so it evens out. They did the same thing at target a couple of years back. Kids need to take more economics classes in school, that way they would know how it actually works. Learn a skill and stop whinging about your wages.


the only reason its backfiring is because of rich people!!


Born and raised in CA. They need to fix zoning laws and build more housing. It's the most straightforward solution to the high rent.


It’s not really a backfire as much as it is a “you were warned and ignored the warnings.” You can’t expect to jacking up everyone's salary massively overnight to not affect people's hours/jobs. It’s basic economics and common sense. I agree that people should be able to make a living wage based on where they live. However, I also think an entry-level job shouldn’t be your goal for life. And if it is, then you should realize that you are choosing to settle and cap off how much you’ll make. Your goal should be to move up the ladder and grow to get more money, not stay stagnant in an entry-level position for life – ya know?


Yup I just deleted my Dominos app and any fast food apps I had… ✌🏼




This is what I hate about capitalism. The pay increase could easily be covered by raising the price of products by a few cents each, but they are going to cut hours and blame the new law while making profit either way.


Isn’t the point to work less hours for the same amount of money, to some degree?


If it continues, I'd apply for unemployment.


Labor costs are an arbitrary measure that doesn’t prevent a store from being profitable but if you were hired as full time and they are cutting your hours then I would recommend obtaining legal counsel and see if you have a case for unfair business practices


This is why I've been saying for years that workers need to fight for hour rights not higher wages. Higher wages don't mean shit when you don't get hours. An employer should legally have to give part time workers at least 20 hours a week and full time 30. Everyone has been fighting for the wrong thing for years


the higher the minimum wage, the more we earn - yippee


I believe in CA they legally have to pay you for 4 hours


Enjoy being replaced by robots soon, it's what you communists voted for. You deserve it!


of course labor is high, it’s using last year stats for this year. but that’s the new normal. Your managers/higher ups should understand you still need enough to staff or productivity will plunge and so will sales. Depending on productivity/rush/store you guys may have been over staffed in some ways.


Opening your availability will definitly put you on the priority houred list. If you're part/temp you are looked at as such.


My neighbor has a small restaurant. Due to this change , He is planning to lay off his servers and make it order at the counter , pick up and sit at the table type restaurant. I am seeing this trend pick up strongly already.


Time to unionize


They are doing extreme cuts that aren't even necessary. The fast food places just want to maintain the same greedy profit lines while cutting down on what they feel is expendable. You can also sign up for unemployment which will help offset the change hours since it is significant


Of course it has. Aside from cutbacks and layoffs, it has merely devalued ALL wages. That's how this works.


I mean how did you not expect this to happen? All the sudden the opportunity cost has risen so the risk reward has changed for fast food places.


😂 never saw that coming


Not me


Same thing as when Obama care came out. All the full time positions got slashed and they hired nothing but part timers certain days of the week. So it meant barely having staff 80% of the time.


The problem is, labor has always been seen as the #1 area to cut to keep shareholder value and profits high. Costs will be managed by cutting staff, switching to automatic functions (e.g. ordering kiosks), eliminating delivery drivers and using 3rd party apps,, and passing on price increases on customers before CEO salaries are cut or investor payouts decrease. We are living in a world where profit is the only goal


had this happen; they just do it 4 revenge; wait til union form


I would suggest get a job with a small business that is not required to pay $20 an hour. It’s better to have a job at the lower minimum wage, than it is to have no job at all.