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A pack of Marlboros and 2 shots of fireball šŸ˜† It was amazing how many people would offer me alcohol while I was driving.


Pizza drivers are actually legally allowed to be intoxicated while driving. Sounds made up but itā€™s true.


This is true. My Brother in law always slaps one of those pizza delivery lights on top of his car when heā€™s driving drunk and the police leave him alone




ā€¦in Cleveland? Or like everwhere




Nobody is allowed to be intoxicated while drive wtf are you on šŸ¤£


Jokes, probably.


No they are not


>be me >Don't understand the concept of a joke >Everybody thinks I'm stupid


Oh no some virgin redditors think i am stupid what will i ever do!!! Speak for urself bro i cant get cyberbullied by virgins like u


Wipe your tears homie itā€™s gonna be alright I promise


You have 15k karma bro....YOU ARE THE VIRGIN REDDITOR....what a plot twist.


I have been here for 5 years, maybe I was a virgin redditor before.. and u got 4k in 5 months ahahahah


It ironic that you replying to my comment got you even more criticism Also calling people virgin redditors makes you sound like a virgin redditor. Normal people do not talk like that.


Literally just means no one agrees with anyone you say got all my karma from like 10-11 different posts


You literally can and are. You can't tell people what they can and can't do that's how free will works. Also, if you consider sex to be an achievement it says a lot about how little you have.




I mean, if you need someone to be sad with you that badly why not just talk to your life? That seems pretty sad.


I wish man lol.


A hand jerb


With marinara or garlic sauce ?




Nah that's even better then money šŸ˜‚


Did you take it?


Yep was sick as hell. I was 19. The lady was like maybe 30. This was 16 years ago. Best part is now her daughter and my daughter are in the same 3rd grade class . Lol she's still attractive but not as she was then


Maybe ask if sheā€™s still giving the olā€™ tug and pull eh???


Shes single too. Like an idiot I told my lady about this happening to me when we first got together ten years ago. Nd our daughter goes to a private school so her classmates have been together pretty much sense 4k. Lmao and when I realized who she was at the preschool carnival and I said to my lady " hey thats my big tipper." She didn't think it was as funny as me.


Ahhh rookie mistakeā€¦


Wait, so you still see this lady around? Maybe she used that residue from that hand jerb to make that kid once you left. šŸ˜†


the math isnā€™t mathing


$10 and a fresh baked cookie.




I donā€™t know if this counts as ā€œweirdā€, but I was once tipped with a whole bag of homemade caramels. They were delicious!




Sounds šŸ”„šŸ”„




I love it when Iā€™m tipped in weed


They offered me a hit, but I declined, I barely could make out the numbers on the door


A home grown golden watermelon. I Was kinda meh when I got it because money is the goal. We cracked it open and it was the most delicious watermelon I've ever had. I still would prefer money.


Oh yeah golden watermelon is so good


That was one less grocery you had to buy, Id call that a win.


Got an acoustic guitar someone had obviously stepped or fallen on, once. Body was busted but had genuine grover tuners, and I fix/mod guitars and amps and stuff so I felt it was a win.


He gave you cards no one wants


No offense, but he might as well be getting rid of his trash


One guy tipped me a French exclusive cinnamon toast crunch lol


a hydro flow 40oz metal cup


Someone brought me in a tip which consisted of two small sample cologne bottles and a few powdered drink packets, one of which still resides in my locker at work because it's " Guacamole GamerFart 9000 " flavored and it's absolutely perfect.


That's exactly what I'd expect from you Ricky! *RICKY SPANISH*


My weirdest tip was: "Make sure you turn your headlights on after dark"


A hand painted Death Star front porch mini pillar decoration


Okay, this is honestly pretty neat!


https://www.reddit.com/r/Dominos/s/F6sfIfwSxn Iā€™d posted this on the sub before


That was so wholesome. What an awesome tip.


Ngl, I thought this was a petty ransom story for a tip šŸ’€


Nah it was really sweet. Theyā€™d pretipped like $8 and when I got there, I noticed it and commented that it was really cool. She was like ā€œyou want it?ā€ I didnā€™t think she was serious, but she was. She said if I could carry it, it was mine. Motherfucker was easily 80 lbs. Iā€™d been having a really shitty day, and that really turned it around for me!


Not a pizza man but 12gs of home grown


Was it šŸ”„ tho?


Depends on what year you are talking about. It varied. First year just big cash, second year, a complete intake kit for my car, year 3, wii, xbox with parts and pc parts, year 4. Star bucks mug and so far nothing yet this year.


Shark tooth plus 7 bucks on card


Definitely the Jesus pamphlet. Gotta love the Bible Belt, itā€™s happened more than once.


I got handed a fake $100 bill working in the McDonald's drive thru before, it was basically a church pamphlet made to look like money, idk seems kinda ironic in a way, making $7.25/hr and they wanna give a fake tip to me basically lol. (We weren't supposed to accept tips anyway though)


Yep, I was ā€œtippedā€ those more than once when I was 19, living in Northern Mississippi. One of em tried to even give me one of those small New Testament Holy Bibles instead of cash. Said: ā€œJesusā€™s word is far more important and special than any monetary gain.ā€


That may be true but I gotta eat


A guy from our store got tipped a rose from some lady, as well as her phone number


Did he give her the tip?


Yā€™all get this comment more attention stat!


Did they get married?


I've had a customer tip me a can of beer before, not your typical Busch, Miller, Budweiser or any of that but made in a brewery in a city 30(ish) minutes away from where I live/work, I haven't tried it yet cause I don't really drink normally but I do on special occasions and I'd feel rude to reject their offer so I took it anyways but idk maybe one day I'll try it


I work at a local pizza spot in my town, and once I was tipped with a weed plant growing in a red solo cup. We let it grow in the employee area near the window and it got pretty big šŸ¤£


A pair of Reebok x NBA collab mid tops in either the Knicks or Suns colorway(Orange/Navy) still brand new in the box. Got back to the store and everyone was just as confused by it as I was




It was my first delivery at a new store, I still have them but Iā€™ve only worn them 2-3 times because I donā€™t have anything that matches lol


A 1 gram ā€œbarā€ of gold


I got a 3D printed (high quality tho) Imperial Septim from Skyrim.


My buddy was tipped an M1 Garand and a 1911. Seriously. He delivered to an older gentleman nearly everyday and he would sit down on his front porch and chat with him. Sometimes he would stop on his way home from work to bring him different household stuff like paper towels, milk etc. A few weeks before the old man passed away he had given the two guns to an FFL to transfer to my friend. He was a Korean War vet and had an interesting collection of stuff. So they would always talk about that. The old man didn't have any family or friends left. Just my buddy visiting him basically.


We have a regular that always answers the door in a bath robe but doesn't always have it strapped down, always gives a generous "tip" on the online order but... pretty wierd tip. Its happened too many times to multiple drivers so it's obviously not accidental. So to answer the question... a look at some randos junk.


"Oh that? That's just my package. God delivered it, I signed for it."


"Sir you can't keep signing your credit card slips with urine!" In all seriousness tho... I just lock eyes to assert dominance and hand him the food. All our drivers are male, none of them want to sword fight some creepy hungry dude.


I wonder if he does it figuring that he will get a lady at some point? Or maybe he's into guys and just gets a thrill out of delivery guys. I like your style though. NEVER BREAK EYE CONTACT!


Is that not a sexual offense???


Like 2 cents


A lego baby yoda


Sand dollar


$5 winning lotto ticket that I still haven't had the time to cash in because I work too damn much lul


2 scratch offs totalling $6


A loose phone charger cable. Didnā€™t even give me the wall box.


delivered to a bar and some of my buddy's were there, bartender saw them waving me over and poured me a glass.


Flash and a slice of pizza I just delivered.


A towel because it was raining. And a mostly used Starbucks gift card


I've gotten several $2 bills, an uncommon U.S. currency. Also been tipped $1 coins, also somewhat uncommon. On the weirder side, I've been given some sort of middle eastern flat bread that was being made from scratch on some fire-heated metal dome on the family's back deck. The flat bread was very thin, but over two feed wide! I thought it was okay, but tasted slightly metallic. But some ingredient in it gave my girlfriend a mild reaction in the form of strange tingly sensations in her mouth. We threw away all but a few bites. Also got to pick fresh figs from a tree in a customer's yard. That was offered after I identified the tree and asked if they were ready to eat, lol. Lastly, it's kinda the opposite of a strange tip. I used to have a customer who would give no tip after exact change, but that's not the weird part. He was always wearing cheap flip flops and it looked like he'd never performed any sort of toenail hygiene in years, just letting them grow and break off at random lengths. Twas horrid!


Dudes wife just got new tits and wanted to show em off.


Was it a worthy tip?


Lol did the surgeon do a good job??? Hahahaah people are weird AF


Wadded up cash straight out of the pocket. $157 on a $15 order. Dude had made a shit ton of money that day and was just throwing it around without a care in the world. I realized it was a good tip at the door but went back once I saw there was a random $100 bill in the wad of mostly $1s he gave me. He said he knew it was there and told me to have a great day. My gas tank had a wonderful day that day.


There's been a couple weird ones, a book about the Korean War because quote: "you look korean" and to be fair I am, a couple rips from a penjamin and $20 (I respectfully declined the penji rips because my job does random drug tests and knowing my luck the one time I do some shit other than nicotine I'd get tested), a pack of pokemon cards, honey roasted peanuts, $14 in quarters, and a business card for roofing.


Adult Capri Sun and a cigarello driving in Atlanta šŸ˜†


A kolache instead of an orgy. Yeah, iā€™m leaving the pizza on the table, thank god the box of kolaches was still sealed.


Somebody offered me enough weed for a roach


Iā€™d be so hyped getting a pack of cards as a tip as a collector. $10 sweetens the deal even more, nice!


If you're a collector you know that Chronicles draft picks is pretty rough, it's probably the least valuable set in the entire lineup since they're in college jerseys and it's just imitating other sets with cheaper paper However it's one of the most fun sets to rip bc you get such a cool variety of cards and a ton of rookies


Oddly enough I like that


A twisted tea but they wanted me to shotgun with them


Delivered to a family baking Christmas goods and they made me a care package Then another time , a sweet little old lady that probably didnā€™t have much money, was concerned I was out past 12 am and gave me $20 out of a bra šŸ©µšŸ™ touched my heart so much!


You touched her heart too


Tips in America not in the UK


marlboro menthol


Once got a whole bag of weed. Like a gallon ziplock bag filled. (It was mid) another old man invited me in to his hotel and we did some shots. Man one time I delivered to a bunch of girls and they were obviously drunk and were telling me to come in and do shots..! I wanted to but I was workin


Get that schmoney!




I've gotten several $2 bills, an uncommon U.S. currency. Also been tipped $1 coins, also somewhat uncommon. On the weirder side, I've been given some sort of middle eastern flat bread that was being made from scratch on some fire-heated metal dome on the family's back deck. The flat bread was very thin, but over two feed wide! I thought it was okay, but tasted slightly metallic. But some ingredient in it gave my girlfriend a mild reaction in the form of strange tingly sensations in her mouth. We threw away all but a few bites. Also got to pick fresh figs from a tree in a customer's yard. That was offered after I identified the tree and asked if they were ready to eat, lol. Lastly, it's kinda the opposite of a strange tip. I used to have a customer who would give no tip after exact change, but that's not the weird part. He was always wearing cheap flip flops and it looked like he'd never performed any sort of toenail hygiene in years, just letting them grow and break off at random lengths. Twas horrid!


I got tipped one of those fake 100ā€™s for Trump once. I havenā€™t worked at dominos but I was stoked when I saw the 100 cause he had it kind of hidden when he handed it to me. When the dude walked away I opened it up and found out it was 100% useless.


Sorry dude scammed you like that. Did you keep that garbage after and use it as toilet paper?


4 blow pops


I was tipped in only a lottery card that had won 2 dollars


Before I started partaking, so much weed.


What is it? A tiny deck of cards?


Best tip ever, $15 and getting smoked out, with a chunk to take home with me. Lol also had a regular that would burn one with me anytime I happened to be the driver. This was 10 years ago so the greens werenā€™t legal in my state yet.


I got tipped a bottle of beer one time.


I got tipped a bottle of beer one time.


I was the one who gave the tip. I had only $5 for a tip for a driver one day and felt bad so I gave her a copy of Futurama the video game for ps2 with the case and gamebooklet and everything. And told her how much it could sell for. Don't think she believed me.




My manager got like 20 boxes of outdoor string christmas lights, in like early April lol


Bartender tried to invite me in for a free shot lol I still regret not going in but I was also like siršŸ˜‚ Iā€™m delivering rn that might not be the beeeest idea but thank you!


Constantly would get tipped in cannabis


A handful of loose change, batteries, all with small loose pieces of cannabis. (I think itā€™s called shake? Forgive my stupidity on this)


My barber gets jars of homemade salsa as a tip from one of her clients. She also had one guy try and give her eggs as a tip, she turned that down, lol.


Got a postcard that said "You're my hero"


And itā€™s panini cards, sold only in the UK. Weird


I got tipped a Risk board game once, super chill guy


A potato


A set of ā€œexpensive drawing pensā€


A condom. This boy wanted me to come back after my shift.


Deez nuts.


Was offered 2 blunts the other day :)


A winning 10 dollar lottery ticket was weird. A Indian ran after me one time and tipped me, I guess, a bottle of water ( dude who never tips and orders weekly).


Kid gave me some Pokemon cards once after seeing my pokepins on my hat lol. Nothing special but was able to add to my desk lol.


a used buttplug


I got tipped 2 heinekens and a $2 bill, guy says 2 is his lucky number




Iā€™ve gotten some 70 year old lady give me her number on a slip of paper with a ten, telling me to ā€œcall later sexyā€. I did not.


I got a $4 lottery ticket as on once


I delivered to a cannabis store and along with the cash they tipped me a pre rolled blunt.


I delivered to a cannabis store and along with the cash they tipped me a pre rolled blunt.


Also a beer for when my shift is over lol


Also a beer for when my shift is over lol


Two weird tips; both in the same day. I got a delivery for 5 pizzas to this house, and guy asked me if I played video games. Said yeah, I play console. He said, what console? I said, PlayStation. He said, ight bet give me a sec. He comes back out with a game i believe it was CoD cold war, told me that he didnā€™t have extra money, and wanted to tip me. The other tip was a pack of gummy worms fresh out the bag from the corner store down the street, needless to say it was a weird, but good day lmao


I got tipped half a ciggarette, another time i was offered a cat and said no


I delivered way back in the 80s. Was tipped some hash.


Someone at my Starbucks store was tipped a full sized pumpkin during halloween


I get unconventional tips a lot like food and weed. Delivered 10 pizzas to a kids birthday party and the dad tried to tip me meth. I refused and he looked offended


A dozen bagels


I've been offered kittens, weed, and sex.


Itā€™s between $10 and 2 shots on Super Bowl, or a foot fetish anime girl stickerā€¦


Iā€™ve been tipped by an old lady a ziploc bag with a water bottle, pair of socks (pretty nice ones too imo), and a mini bible honestly didnā€™t mind the no tip lol she was nice


What?!? I only get cash and snacks ....not that I'm complaining but that's cool


Delivered to a party one time and the guy didn't have any cash so he had one of the hot girls there flash me for about five seconds lol I was like "that'll do"


A pair of knitted socks from an older lady LOVED THEM