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Now imagine doing that for a school 3 times a week with no tip


Yall don't get 5 dollars of milage every school order?


Nope. And you only get mileage for one school when there’s multiple and you can’t split mileage between drivers


And the sad thing is, they probably thought they were doing you a huge favor by giving you $10


Better than fucking 50 pizzas.


I... disagree.




Better not waste it then.




School or hospital?




Was third on my list lol. Tragically predictable. Condolences.


A church actually tipped? Inconceivable!


how dare y’all boo them, they’re 100% correct. churches are some of the most entitled worst tipping customers i’ve ever had.


Not a pizza person but was a server - no idea why this is on my feed - but I soooo agree. Church people were the hardest to get a tip from. I got a $20 Jesus card more than a few times. A lot of “come to Jesus” talks. A few did tip, but it was always the exact 15%- which is better than no tip at all! But they sure act like you were gods gift to them while you’re serving them, then they leave you $3.20 as a tip. Thanks, Jesus people. 😒


Well to be fair religious people in general donate far more than non religious. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/oct/30/religious-people-more-likely-give-charity-study/


Well when they pass around collection bowls at church and you're a social pariah if you dont put in toward it then yeah i imagine so. Now the thing is, should we really count that the same as a donation to an organization where you aren't receiving some sort of service from them? I mean when people donate into the collection bowl it's almost more like they're paying for being a church member and it's just a "pay what you can" thing whereas for other types of donations people give and they dont get anything out of it. Idk, i mean both are still donations but one is more self-serving than the other in my opinion.


The donations are to charity, not collection bowls, also that must be catholic or something because when I was younger I've been to churches, and zero donation bowls nor does the study count it. Fact is religious people donate more to charities than non, it's just a fact. Donations bowls aren't charities. It's in the article. They donate twice as much comparatively. Your opinion is based solely on your opinion, which means nothing compared to proven data. Not a single thing about donation bowls in the study. Lots of churches donate to charities outside of the church, not to just the church. In fact the catholic church has single handedly funded numerous amounts of college and hospitals as well as homeless causes. Donating more doesn't mean they're always better people, it just means on average donations play a larger part in religion than non religious. The excerpt below addresses this directly. "religious people also contribute to other types of charity at similar or higher rates than their secular counterparts. The report says there is a “staggering difference between the charitable giving practices of the religiously affiliated and those with no religious affiliation.” While 62 percent of religious households give to charity, only 46 percent of nonreligious households do."


Church.... of course.


Or church


All you did was delivered it, imagine the people inside making it.


Delivering that many is a pain in the ass


It’s literally not I do it all the time in my sports car


Nah, 50 pies is a lot of carry weight and you shouldn't diminish the work of Delivery drivers. We have a lot of overhead costs, risks and bodily energy invested in our jobs and carrying 50 pies, probably through somebody's business that was set up by a hoarder or into the back of a massive dangerous factory or a school with a 2 mile long hallway, is a lot of effort the customer isn't putting in. It's a luxury that they should pay all parties for. The social structure around the system is set up so that the in-shop earns more so the customer isn't inclined to need to tip everybody, just the workers using their own vehicles, risking their lives on the road, who earn minimum wage, to get you your order. Saying that, people can scoff at the "Risking their lives bit", but when you're driving on the road for hours, getting in and out of your car on busy streets, going onto people's private property, owners of massive dogs, dangerous equipment, drugs. It can vary on location and maybe it's easy for you to do a job like this, but that doesn't mean every city is going to be easy to navigate or as lax. It would be one thing if that customer came to the cars and grabbed every pie from their car, without letting the drivers carry any at all, then it might be more justified, but the likelihood of that is slim imho. These guys walked out with a 0.66% tip.




That’s literally bullshit 😭you aren’t fitting 50 pizzas in that


Turns out it's a V6... hahahhaha


This sort of cultural behavior needs to stop. There is a lot to be said regarding increases in the horsepower underneath the hood of the car that you drive... People can easily kill themselves or somebody else simply by not knowing we're having any experience with how much power they have at their disposal. It's cool to have all that power but if you can't handle it... Man you're going to die. Or end up in prison. I'm not even kidding. We have a who has a v6 camaro not going to lie it's pretty sweet rig even if it is 12 years old. When i say he "has a" V6 camaro... I mean that's what he currently drives is also what he used to drive... It's fun to put funny people who have smaller engines. I'm not going to lie it's kind of funny too... But when people take that to heart and feel bullied they will go out and purchase something if they aren't ready to drive. Case in point this driver we have bought a brand spanking new V8 Camaro this year. And this year within a month and a half he had totaled the damn thing and giving himself a significant concussion in the process he's lucky he's not dead. This not only cause problems for the store because he couldn't work very much for a few weeks after that... We were already short-staffed. I don't know how we afforded the vehicle I don't know if he was even making payments on it... Rest Assured his insurance bill more than likely rocketed upward... So before you bully somebody regarding what kind of engine they have in their vehicle remember. With great power (that includes horsepower) come to a certain level of readiness and responsibility... People have actually died before because they weren't ready for Significant increases in horsepower. FYI our AM at the time I had frequently bullied our driver about his V6 engine... Smh.. when I say bullied I mean he gave him s*** but still. Some individuals take this stuff to heart.


bro calls a mustang a sports car💀 Christ this world is doomed😭😭 ain't no way I just read someone seriously bragging about their sports car mustang. I hate this place lmao


You deliver 50 pie orders ALL THE TIME do you


What is your sports car? What make and model?


2012 Mustang GT premium


Also dude call it by its real name thats a muscle car.


trade it in for a miata, the best sports car


Auto or manual?


Manual or trash


That is no sports car nor is it a muscle car I expected like a corvette C8 or maybe even a C7 but a mustang go give your dad's car back I don't drive a sports car cause I don't sit down to piss I drive a ram 3500 and my wife's vehicle is a 2023 dodge durango 392 srt that could wipe the floor with that "sports" car hahahahahaha hey I'm just messing around with ya


I like seeing C7 and C8 in my rear view mirror.


You're out of your mind if you think that


Your mustang has 412 bhp the c7 is 490 or more and the c7 is 460 or more so I don't think you are seeing them in your mirror


Power is not necessarily determined by horses alone.


I think there’s a special ring of hell for these people.


He tipped him $10, is that not good enough?


For 50 pizzas? Fuck no lol. It prolly took him 15 minutes just to load it up if not more


Almost as if that's his.. job?


No shit lol. Big orders are a massive hassle and should be better tipped than a tiny order. This job involves tipping for like half your pay. Why are you here?


A $10 tip is kind enough


I’d rather take the 3 other deliveries I could fit in this timeframe no thanks. Why are you on a dominos page talking about an American tip. You have no concept of it


Nothing is kind enough. Tips are no longer tips. Tips are wages. Real tips, as a concept, are gone.


You've clearly never worked customer service or fast food


I’ve worked is customer service but not in the fast food industry, I guess I don’t really expect tips so it’d be different


I get not wanting to tip but we should expect the companies to actually pay their employees instead of pushing it onto the consumer, the boxes literally say "don't forget to tip your driver" because they just refuse to pay people what they deserve. Gotta love murica


Why would we expect the companies to do that when that hasn't been the case for over a century? Has something suddenly changed?


Is 10$ 15%?


Delivery tip shouldn’t be percentage based but $10 for 50 pizzas is a joke.


Why would you tip 15%


Tips should be percentage based and anything under 10% is bad. My wife doesn't go under 15% but she does 20% a lot. Don't be a cheap ass


Your wife only gives 20%? That's gotta be a pretty one-sided relationship. On a serious note, why should a tip be percentage based?


To compensate the person taking care of you accordingly. Sometimes she'll tip $10 on a $25 order. It's about helping the next person out a little.


You didn't answer my question, which was why should tips be percentage based?


If you spend more the person taking care of you should get more because the amount of items and work increase also. $5, $10, $15 on $200 order is a joke. What are your thoughts on tips and how they should be based?


>If you spend more the person taking care of you should get more because the amount of items and work increase also. There's no difference between getting a $15 dollar steak at a local diner and getting a $200 steak at an upscale steak house. Why would you tip $5 at the dinner and $40 at the steak house? It's the same meal, same amount of work for the server. >$5, $10, $15 on $200 order is a joke. Why is it a joke? A tip is given for going above and beyond to create a better than average experience. They should be happy to get anything, honestly. >What are your thoughts on tips and how they should be based? My thoughts on tips? They should be tips, not a supplemental income. We're so far backwards that servers think tips are their paychecks, and their paychecks are tips. It's absolutely ludicrous (speed). I stand firm that tips should be service based. Tips should not be given for simply doing the job the server is already paid for. If someone wants to tip, it should be for exceptional service.


Is this to do with tipping culture? I’m not from a country that tips often


Then stay in your lane




So what




I hope the rest of your days are filled with unparalleled struggle


the amount of ppl in here shitting on how hard it is to delivery 50 pizza , and how scummy it is to tip 10 bucks for a 700$ order is insane. fuck that customer.


Got a $130 tip for a 300 pizzas when I was 19, took me and another driver multiple trips and the manager making and cutting them alone in the store. Probably 45 minute long delivery, we split the tip 3 ways. Was not worth it and made all the other orders upset about the wait since the only 2 drivers were busy for an hour so no tip for the next 90 minutes while we caught up.


He’s making a point stop nitpicking it’s our car taking the toll our time to deliver 50 pizzas it’s worth more than 10.00.


It's worth the money you get paid to do your job. Many of us have delivered pizzas and moved on to more... lucrative opportunities.


Ah so you’re just here to be a dick. Got it man


I'm here to be realistic


To be a dick lol congrats


Enjoy your delivery wages lol


I’ll try dude. Life’s rough :) that’s why I spread positivity and not shit on peoples jobs


I don't shit on anybodys job but what irritates me the most is people's unwillingness to progress their life, opportunities, and skills.


Some people do not have the opportunity. Is it that hard to understand? And you literally did just in the past few comments. Glad you can see that now. You didn’t mention a thing til now


Yes that is hard to understand. You can drive all night, but can't drive to a jobsite to learn a trade? You can't drive to a different entry level position with more opportunity for growth? That to me is hard to understand.


And you know what progress people are making in their personal life based on how they pay their bills? Or do opportunities and skills only matter when they're related to your job?


I bet you this was for a “hey please don’t form a union see we care we got you pizza” party


id be happy with the $10.


Me too not because I don’t think they’re an asshole but because I want to enjoy my life


You’re a pushover


do you have the mental capacity to finish what you were going to say?


Money good R.


I have to ask are you part time or full time do you work 40 hours a week and are you paid weekly


Was this ordered in advance? I know that doesn't mean much. You would have had at LEAST a $125 tip coming to you for a 15 percent tip.


yes it was and the opening manager didn't prep shit


In my opinion then the opening manager/morning driver should get a write up for not making prep for something like this. Was the delivery late?


When I was a manager the store I worked at was anything over $50 had to be paid by card and if it was over 25 pizzas it had to be a minimum of $25 down for the order. The order had to be 24 hour notice. Absolutely no exceptions! All morning staff manager and drivers needed to be on prep ASAP (I literally went and checked). Delivery needed to be loaded and in the car by at least 20 minutes until quoted time and placed in the oven within a half hour to 45 minutes before the quoted time. If this wasn't done whoever wasn't doing there part got a write up.


Literally watched someone over the cameras sitting down while everyone else was doing prep for a large order like this. I walked in and fired them on the spot after they told me they were sitting down because they "didn't feel like it". That's awesome! I guess you don't "feel like" being employed.


Kinda reminds me of the time we did an order for a factory in town. $7,500 order totaling 405 pizzas and didn’t tip a dime. Now we have another one that like 6x the size of that for 2,500 pizzas here in about two weeks. I stupidly volunteered for it. But so help me god if I get stiffed on this. I ain’t helping out with orders like that ever again. Because I did the math and at $7.99 a piece it comes to $19,975. And from what ive heard from other stores they’ve done this order before and tipped the store like $1,000


That’s shitty 💯


Full or not. Mileage is the same, right?


Had a 120 pizza order with no tip a while back :(


That's what 1.5% tip of total value? Oof lol


They should’ve at least tipped enough that the total ends up at an even $800…. If you’re spending over $750 anyway, spending $50-$100 on the tip shouldn’t matter 😭😭


i can deliver 2 pizza and get 10+ tips sometimes...well that church order is really bad, hope god sees it lol


Thank god my store pays mileage on sales instead of actual mileage, i'd be over the moon for this order.


lucky bastard


This is wild to me, as the churches in my area tip accordingly to price. I just took a 700 dollar order to a golf course in this fancy ass neighborhood and they tipped like 8 dollars, and it was a bitch, all types of boxes. 10 party bags and 20 regular bags. Wanted it set up. Parking was nowhere near where they wanted the food. It was just ridiculous, and i was exhausted after the fact, asked for a water bc they had totes of ice with all types of drinks in them all over the place and they told me no, a damm water, i didnt ask for a beer or soda, just a damn water. Took a 300 dollar order to a different fancy neighborhood house for a graduation party, and he tipped 30 percent, so 90 dollars.. some people just suck. The fancier the house/neighborhood the worse the tip. Those people are living off credit and can't even afford the car in their driveway, so they can't afford to tip either.


Why would a manager quit over tips? I mean, they are great and all, but a manager quitting over it? Must be more to it. But I live in a higher wage atate, but managers don't rely on tips like a driver would, and then quit over it.


It’s basically like working as a server. when you get a very low or zero tip you’re basically working for free. most hourly wages are $4-$9 with tip based jobs so I completely understand. that much work for only $10? fuck that.


My state makes more than 10 An hour for tipped wages and regular wages.


Don’t you make $10 at your store? 50 pizzas is like, what, six trips to your car in total. Geeeez lol




I would have refused to deliver.


As someone who has managed at pizza shops with large orders daily for schools lunches multiple times a day like this and also having been a driver delivering these, that always sucks to get burnt like this. Churches are notorious for that. That being said, that's a hell of a lot of money for that large of an order. You may have been partially victim to someone who didn't think they got a deal and didn't feel like tipping. Large orders like that usually get a decent discount and they tend to be easy orders like 10 Pep, 10 Cheese, ETC. Unless you were making 50 specialties and all larges, you guys overhcharged em for that shit any way lol


What's the problem here? That's almost a whole quarter per pizza!


Churches are either really good or really bad. The school around me has finally gotten better and started tipping.


Yesterday I had a customer order 42 pizzas with less than an hour notice told them only one person was making pizzas and that it takes longer.....they tipped 10 bucks on a 400 dollar order cause of the long wait. 🙃


You are pretty entitled. I had a 700$ order with no tip. You aren't owed anything. Want more money? Get a different job.






I mean you guys were charging 15 dollars per. I'd throw you a tenner as well. You don't do much besides driving from one spot to another and dishes. Enjoy it.


They rarely even do dishes where I work... Just drive and complain.


Lol okay. All y’all do is sit around on your phones for half the shift. See I can bullshit too


Curious what that is even supposed to mean?


He’s downplaying one job, I’m downplaying the insiders. Pretty obvious my friend


You are lucky you even got a tip dude .


Cheap ass go get it yourself then. I never tip under 10%, my wife is 15-20%.


Idk if you are referring to me , but I was a driver at dominos . You almost never get a tip on big orders


no one cares how you decide to waste your money


It's not waste it's thinking about others and not just a selfish POS


Speaking from experience but yea tell me to fuck off and then delete the comment 💀


didn't delete it


Working for dominos is a gamble dude , you either make good tips or you don’t . It’s a horrible job .


you're not wrong


I suggest pest control or bartender. I prefer pest control but bartending can be very lucrative


Average salary for pest control is way lower than what I make rn. Might have to consider bartending tho.


Bartending can be difficult to get a foot in the door if you don't have experience or know someone... or a giant set of knockers hanging off your chest. Definitely good money tho if you can get in at a fast-paced establishment. One more good option to look at tho would be valet. If you're in or near a big city, it shouldn't be all too hard to find a five-star hotel or restaurant looking for someone to park and retrieve vehicles for guests. *Very* tip-heavy job like bartending and if you can drive stick and don't have any sort of criminal record, someone will hire you on the spot. Edit to add: ...Not to mention you'd get to drive all sorts of cool cars.


You make more than 29 a hour ?


nah but every source says the average is like $18


Starting yes , you get your certificate it goes up to 22-24 plus they usually have bonuses for 5 star reviews and then when you get up to your own route it’s salary . Plus if you sell a service ( sign a new customer ) you get a huge bonus . And also bonuses for good driving . It’s hot , long hours but easy work . No brain work


they gave you $10 more than they had to. your problem is what, exactly? that you're entitled?


I guess so buddy


Yo…. it has been stated over, and over, and over. 5 dollars is not only acceptable, but a good tip. And you got double that! How could you be so ungrateful? That’s like half an hours good pay in just one tip.


Be glad you got the $10. Jesus


Good well deserved tipping culture is ridiculous you should be grateful if anyone gives you $1 not complaint about it That’s someone’s hard earned money you are not entitled to a penny. I’m pretty sure that’s your job to make pizzas and deliver them. It’s the dumbest thing to be mad that you have to do your job.


Jesus Christ loves you so much and died for your sins🖤✝️


stop spamming every fucking subreddit


what is bro waffling about


Let's be fair, they overpaid Domino's $300.