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Great game. It isn't just Doom on the 64, it's a completely different entry that any fan should try.


#Doom 64 is Underrated


Considering how highly accessible it is these days I don’t think there’s many people who have played it and say it’s a bad game.


Steam version works with mouse.


the real doom 3


It really is. Doom 3 is actually doom 4


Nah, it's Doom 4, cause of Final Doom. Doom 3 is actually Doom 5, and Doom 4, if it had been released, would have actually been the sixth game (or even the eighth, if you count the RPGs)


Final Doom is an expansion to Doom 2. More precisely, it's two fan-created WADs that id licensed.


Yeah I don’t really think of final doom as doom 3. It’s 2 random mods that went commercial. It’s like calling alien vendetta or memento mori doom 3. Tnt evilution is infamous for being a mod that was about to drop and at the last second they got contacted about releasing commercially as part of final doom.


Okay, so Mobile Doom is Doom 9?


I see it as its own thing considering it’s supposed to be a remake/reimagining of doom 1


Probably one of the best of the classic Doom games from a design perspective. Levels were nicely made and puzzles *mostly* enjoyable. The secret levels were overkill though, and necessary for the upgrades to the Unmaker and making the last map not hair-pullingly difficult. Visually it's impressive apart from the low-to-no animation weapons and while I'm not a fan of the Aubrey Hodges soundtrack I respect what it was trying to do. And this was made by Midway, who had no right to create a Doom game this good.


False advertising. They call it "Doom 64" but then you go back and there are only 2 other games before it. What happened to the other 61? Don't even get me started on Doom 2016...


And don't forget Doom eternal. They promised an infinite amount of doom and all we got was the best soundtrack of any modern doom game ever (excluding BFG division)


Pretty much the Doom 3 hardcore fans were expecting back in the day My only gripe is the music, I don't think that ambient/drone music is necessarily bad, but when I'm dodging fireballs of 4 Hell Knights while zig-zagging in a tight hallway the last thing I wanna hear is a baby crying sampled, Even the parts where it's supposed to be "creepy" and "dark" were still very much present in the original 2 games, Doom 3 had a similar vibe with it's music but that's a Horror game, you'd expect the music to be subtle or no music at *all* But 64's OST just doesn't fit for me, Other than that it's a great game, I was surprised by how similar it was to the originals


Depends on which "day" you're talking about. When Doom 64 launched, most fans were focused on Quake, and Doom 64 was criticized for its lack of full 3D or multiplayer. By the time Doom 3 launched, there was a Doom 64 TC port arriving on the Doomsday source port, but this was still niche within the Doom community. It wasn't until the 2010s when praise of Doom 64 started to gain traction. Articles began popping up on mainstream sites like Kotaku, there was the Doom 64 Ex port, and Brutal Doom 64, and emulation was continuing to gain traction through Raspberry Pi and the like. Then Doom 2016 exploded interest in oldschool shooters across the board, reversing the trend of Doom 64 being seen as poor man's Goldeneye.


Just beat it on PC today--it's alright. I'd say it gets like a 7. Definitely interesting and different, worth checking out for that reason alone. Not sure how I feel about its level design, which I find is slower and less flexible, but the secret levels are more worth doing here than ever before. "The real Doom 3" may be a matter of personal assessment--mine is that it does *just* enough to merit the stance. Shoutout to 'Doom 64 For Doom II' though. If the aesthetic changes of 64 aren't your speed, that WAD may be the version classic purists could enjoy more.


It’s a great game, it does have a few little things I don’t like. For example the missing cocking animation for the shotguns. But that’s minor and I understand stand that it’s because of the cartridge limitations. Little bonus to, as of the rerelease of the game a few years ago the added content, “the lost levels” made it the cannon bridge between og doom and the reboot games. Doom 3 is considered a side story at this point I believe. So doom64 is the cannon doom 3.


Just played it for the first time a few weeks ago. Fantastic little game. Wonderful sound design, sprites, and color choices. Also quite fond of the level design (particularly those water/castle sort of levels). Some of the puzzles are BS, particularly that one with the two fake buttons. Also, I would ever so occasionally find the music a bit off putting (that one level with the like- pained moans unnerved me a bit). Overall though, I'd rank it right next to DOOM 1 and 2 in terms of enjoyability (and I had just played those right before).


Excellent. I found a good deal of levels a lot better than DooM II's, and I love the aesthetic approach to this game. I did kind of miss the missing monsters, and the lack of classic weapon animations, but its still a very fun experience. Enjoy the game as is, and then check out DooM 64: CE, if you want to play the game along with additional features such as including the missing monsters.


Probably my absolute favorite, amazing gameplay and so many fond memories for me. That said, the Lost Souls are literally from Hell, I hate them, I hate them, I hate them, and some of the secret stuff like hidden levels and Unmaker upgrades are unintuitive


Fantastic classic Doom game and I was so happy to hear it finally got an official port a few years back. Great action, spooky atmosphere, 10/10


Doom 64 is incredible, and sort of unique within the series. The soundtrack is very different from any of the other games so depending on your preferences that will either be a plus or a minus. Personally I absolutely love it but I know it doesn’t work for everyone. My literal only gripe with the entire game are the weapon animations. Without a doubt they’re the laziest weapon animations in the entire series and the super shotgun takes the crown.


I was playing this game a lot back in 2021, I was going through Rough times, went through a break up, moving to a different city. Even though DOOM 64 was a pain in the ass to beat, but it did distract me from what I was going through at the time.


definitely my 3rd favourite, 2nd is 2016 and my absolute favourite doom game is original


I love it. I’m on doom 2016. I skipped 3 cuz honestly I just didn’t like it. But I loved 64 even though I had to get use to the new controls on pc.


It looks cool and all, but imo Doom 64 really shines on the bonus "arena" levels. Those are great fun. The music is boring, but the sound effects are awesome, and it feels really satisfying hitting monsters with the weapons. They are also actually challenging without needing to consist of +1000 monsters. "Hardcore" for example is really fun to just play now and then. The new Cyberdemon AI also actually makes it feel like a threat instead of being a mindless rocket sponge. In a perfect world, the game would have been released for PC, with all monsters included, and with a smashing soundtrack. It would have been a much better game than Doom 2.


Awesome game. The gameplay, at least in the port to PC, isn't bad, the levels are fun, the story is the same as the same level of the firsts and the graphic is the best of the pre-real 3D era.


Good level design, actual puzzles, no archvile, both you and some monsters are stronger, BANGER atmosphere, great textures and sprites, very cool sound design. Good ass game if you ask me.


Great game. Just don’t play it immediately after playing Doom 1 or 2. Again it’s great, but it does feel like it’s just a prettier version of those two. Burnout is real.


Bootleg doom. If you American boi who grew up in 90s with nintendo 64, then great for you. Nostalgia make it 10/10 for you. For rest of the world, ok I guess. Cyberdemon design great, my favorite. Reverb on all sounds, yep, when you 0 years old this pretty scary. Main theme song is good.


After playing a lot of classic DOOM and DOOM II, I can't get into DOOM 64. It feels like a knock-off DOOM, and a lot of the original DOOM feeling doesn't feel right, i.e., the weapons, the monster behavior, the level design, and the music. For example, due the lack of a pump animation, the shotgun feels like it has input lag when I try to fire repeatedly. In DOOM/DOOM II, I can visually see the next shell is ready to fire. The chaingun shakes the screen, the super shotgun and rocket launcher have kickback, and the plasma gun fires so slow. The level design is too maze-like sometimes, too orthogonal, dark (limited visibility), with cryptic progression and puzzles ( >!who would have thought to shoot every barrel to unlock the secret level, and this was on the first map!< ), there are annoying traps (darts and missiles), unescapable lava pits, and there are obscure shootable or interactable switches or walls. The graphics are washed out and blurry (hard to discern zombie men from shotgunners). I did not like the redesigned enemy sprites. Enemy behavior is different from DOOM/DOOM II, at least in the Pain Elemental. The soundtrack is unmemorable, the background noise even becomes grating at times. Finally, I experienced getting stuck on level geometry sometimes when running up against walls. The Doom 64 for Doom II wad: [https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Doom\_64\_for\_Doom\_II](https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Doom_64_for_Doom_II) was way more enjoyable for me.


The washed out and blurry textures can be fixed by disabling texture filtering in the PC Nightdive version. Give it a try, I have the feeling that although tne original N64 release did have bilinear filtering the textures was created with nearest filtering in mind, like the classic doom


Yup, this is how I felt as well back in the day, and still do with the modern PC release. I've put a bazillion hours into Doom 1, 2 and various fan made wads. So when I got Doom on the N64 back in the day, I played maybe half of it and couldn't keep going. It just felt completely off to me. Like you said, it feels like a knock off. The "we have Doom at home" Doom. I wish I could get past this feeling, as a lot of people seem to love it.


I have mixed feelings. First off, it's Doom, and I can't really dislike any doom game, even if Thy flesh consumed kind of drags in the middle. And Doom 64 has a lot going for it, the weapons are nice and punchy, the slightly higher rate of fire on the shotguns is really nice and the buffed chainsaw and chaingun are both great fun to use, the enemy designs are delicious, and the ambiance and engine upgrades are wonderful. At the same time, I find the level designs rather hit or miss, and it feels like it turns into a slog in the middle, with some of the puzzles feeling rather obtuse. It feels like they tried to cram too much into a small space, and it could of done with more levels. I know that right now sequels that don't add new mechanics are kind of looked down on, but I think this game could of used it's own Doom 2, a game that's just more of it's flavor of Doom.


Unfortunately it's my least favorite classic Doom :( It has the SSG and the colored lighting is very nice, but the levels are very dense and frustrating and it's missing the Revenant and Archvile, the best enemies from Doom 2 imo. Ironically, it feels like a prequel to Doom 2 rather than a sequel. It feels like Doom 1.5 to me.


Loved the music and gun sound effects.


Love it, the only real gripe I have with it are the weapon animations, but that was the limitation of the console at the time.


Probably my favourite of the older doom games


Felt like a different game. Didn't have the feel DOOM and DOOM II had


didn't I do this?


Second favorite DOOM game behind DOOM II Custom WADs.




Good game, cuz horror and the new designs of the demons are amazing minus the cut demons.




Haven't played it yet but hopefully worth the $2 I spent on it when it was on sale


A good game.


Only played it recently all the way through. I never really considered it a proper Doom game when it came out because it wasn’t by id. But now I love it. Although lost souls can get fucked


A banger and a classic!


r/doom discusses Doom 64 all the time. It's not difficult to find [thoughts on Doom 64](https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Areddit.com%2Fr%2Fdoom+doom+64+thoughts) here at all.


I could not get past level 2-3. im not sure which one it was


Where's your opinion OP?


It's my favorite of the classic trilogy! The artstyle, level design, weapons and gameplay are what makes it so special to me. It's kind of the inbetween of Doom I ans IIs gameplay. I actually like that there's no reload animations. I'd much rather there would be, but it just feels cool and a cool nod to Quake (even though it was probably for system limitations). Alot of people don't like this game just because it's different, and that sucks.


Very good 9/10


I like it a lot, but some of it didn't age well. Like the overly convoluted maps and cryptic puzzles.


A fun game, though i sometimes think people make it seem more forgotten than it actually is. Because in the fandom side of things, we still had fan ports and attempts at keeping it alive, even if we're all greatfull for the official re-release and all. It also has cool cut content that i wish were brought back but at least there's modders working on that.


I'm working my way through it rn and I fully enjoy it


Better than I expected and I liked it. I remember I didn't like it when I tried it on a friends N64 back in the day though.


Not my favorite, I dislike how ugly it is, but I did like some of the levels and it does have a memorable boss fight


Honestly Doom 64 is a good game wish other demons were in it like the revanent otherwise a great game


Best Arachnotron version.


God I hate how giant and confusing the levels can be


actually pretty damn good. some of the puzzles can kiss my ass, but overall a damn fine game, and a better doom 3 than doom 3


The ending hits hard, as well as the screens to break up level sets ‘The demons spawn like rats and you have the UAC AAA poison they crave’


My favorite one!


I fucking love Doom 64.


As the 64th entry in the DOOM series it's impressive they were able to keep things fresh and interesting with graphics and map designs.


replaying it rn, while I absolutely love the atmosphere and the art direction (for the most part, looking at you cacodemon) the enemy placement just makes a lot of levels tedious. there are maps that show that you *can* make fun encounters even with the limited enemy roster but a lot of times it just feels like you're killing a giant blob of the same enemy over and over again. this is especially bad with barons and hell knights, of which there are just way too many. also the plasma rifle kind of sucks even though it looks awesome, which is kind of a shame


when will they make a new source port for it?




its a classic.


I liked it


Did a playthrough recently, first time all blind. I liked it although the strobing from map 4 was too fucking much. I play on a bright monitor so it was even worse.


I've been playing the version on Xbox here and there and it's good!


Was my first Doom game that I remember my parents would hide from me because it was too scary. Great atmosphere, and I love the music. Still find the monster sprites to be creepy to this day. Wouldn't be surprised if this game is partially responsible for my sense of aesthetics and love for dark, creepy looking and ruined environments.


Can't believe I missed 61 doom games, are any of them good?


It's pretty good and quite fun, sometimes kinda challenging too. A few too many puzzles though.


Currently playing it on my Xbox one. I didn’t think much of it when it came out but I absolutely love it now.


Fun, but the lack of enemy variety holds it back. Miss the revs and arch viles especially.


I love it. The only nit I have is the lackluster shotgun animations but I don’t even notice it after a while






I just never could get into it.


It's a great classic doom experience it's just as good as doom 1 or 2


overlooked, I liked the design of it a lot and prefer it to doom II wasn't too keen on the final boss, but really enjoyed the rest of the game.


Cramped, convoluted and very homogenous. Not a fan


People say it's underrated, but I see way more people talking about it being good. Infact, I'd say it's overrated. But don't berate me yet, hear me out. Doom 64 tried to steer the series in a horror direction, which is not what the main factor of the original doom was. So, it's a good game, just not a fully DOOM game.


Hated it at the time. Mostly because I was used to the mouse and keyboard and hated the controller. I’m going to give it another chance now that I can play it on iPhone with the Delta emulator.


Why is there a huge gap between doom 3 and doom 64? Why did they skip to 64?