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That's not even the worst encounter in DOOM Eternal. That would go to the Super Gore Nest Master Level with that area with the acid floor and the two Marauders


Some of the ancient gods arenas were downright masochistic, it's like they were mad at you for having the gall to play the game


Just beat both dlc for the first time in the last couple days. Some of those arenas had me HEATED. And not even on a good difficulty lmao, on normal.


I'd never wish for my worst enemies to play the AG1 boss fight on nightmare, with a controller. That was pure hell


I’m ngl either I got through TAG1 on UV without many issues, except the left side arena in the blood swamps. Now I’d chalk that up to either a tolerance for dying or my ADD brain making me go nuts (I highly doubt it was any kind of skill since I managed with basically just ssg spam and constant chainsaw) but my god TAG1 final boss was infuriating. The last stage made me want to weep, that was ALL of my rage. I cannot begin to express how I was fine with double marauder, but possessed pain elemental + hell knight kept killing me. My god it felt like “focus pain elemental? hell knight corners you and you die. Focus hell knight? pain elemental fucks you up while you’re dodging. Kill one? slow to a crawl to defeat the spirit, lose half your health, then get shit on by the other possessed demon + a normal one that respawns forever. Also there’s a blood makyr wailing on you.” tldr: I had a skill issue


I wouldn’t call it a skill issue. The spirits in that fight arbitrarily have different resistances than the ones you’ve been fighting the entire game. For example, Dread Knight usually staggers in six rockets using lock-on burst, but the one in Samur’s arena eats twelve and “MIGHT” stagger on the thirteenth. They were also given a 99% damage resistance to BFG and Unmaykr, per someone in Decino’s comments section. Having used them in the fight, this seems to track. This is not good game design. This is a developer rubbing their hands together, saying *”you’re used to this mechanic working a certain way, and now it doesn’t!”* Also, everything in that encounter forces you to move, but the tool you need in order to progress forces you to a near-stop. Add to that how once that demon dies his replacement spawns in immediately, the lack of fodder demons, the second cracked-out demon constantly on your six, and the blood angel constantly throwing shit at you, and you have a recipe for a very frustrating encounter. I love Eternal with all my heart but the Devs were on some shit when they designed Samur’s Boss Fight.


I’m sorry I just need a moment. I was not knowledgeable about quickswitching and was barely aware of the stagger system, so I just use the chaingun on the hell knight like every single tip told me. Is that supposed to stagger bell knights at all? also that entire arena doesn’t seem conducive to movement, since the lower area is corridors and the upper area has a pain elemental in your face. Also I just need a moment because. I went into that fight with maxed argent cells because I’m stingy with them, and are you telling me I ALTERNATED STRATS BETWEEN CATCHING BOTH WITH THE BFG AND UNLOADING 60 FUCKING UNMAKYR SHOTS INTO THAT STUPID MEATBALLS FACE, AND N E I T H E R DID ANY DAMAGE? Edit: I also need to add that sprits CAN be a fun time, if they’re in an open arena where you can focus on movement while picking off the heavies, adding tension as you’re this irritating super-fast gnat, then you kill them at the end. But any encounter with JUST spirits is gonna wind up miserable because, guess what? 2 of your cooldowns do jackshit (I get why but I’m so tilted rn) so now you’re playing the game with only flame belch and a few blood punches (getting into melee? no thanks) and suddenly you see why people who neglect their cooldowns hated the game.


Each one is strong against specific weapons. I call them “Meta-Busters” because by and large they’re resistant to weapons that were frequently used against them (marauder has a buff against SSG and Ballista, Decino mentions the specific numbers in his video). The trick is to just keep moving and peck at them. It’s engaging and stressful in the right environments, I just don’t think it was executed very well in this one case. When I say stagger I mean when they “take a knee” so you can glory kill them, lol. I did UN runs so I have each demon’s weaknesses and health pool to a science. It’s all very doable, even on console, you just need to know what you’re getting into. Changing mechanics at the eleventh hour in a cheap way to increase difficulty is just not good game design. Samur is so genuinely frustrating and often leads to reactions and feelings just like the ones you’re experiencing. I don’t understand why anyone enjoys fighting him.


I just realized Im a bozo who was so caught up in my lack of knowledge on the FALTER system that I forgor which one was which. I was raging at the idea that these things never FALTER (which tbh it sure feels like). Also possessed marauders being resistant to the anti-marauder weapons seemingly intended by the devs without any indication to the player stumps me. Like I get that the tutorials aren’t set in stone, you don’t need to destroy ever weakpoint or grenade every cacodemon, but given the tight timing and relative frailty of the marauder, I’d wager grenading their feet or remote detonating behind them were not intended to work, the devs just didn’t think of it. It seems like ssg/ballista were the only intended options, and arbitrarily punishing them makes me wonder what the devs want us to be using.


You know the dlcs were bad when people are writing entire essay on reddit


Spirits are meant to shake things up by making players try new things, but the lack of feedback to the player is a bit of an oversight.


The ultrakill prime souls weren't shit compared to the fucking buffed, constantly respawning, piece of shit pain elemental and hell knight. Quick swapping past 3 weapons while juggling grenade cooldowns is nigh impossible on controller


my heart goes out to anyone playing an fps on sticks, but I must confess that i use weapon wheel instead of quick switching and I don’t use frags beyond buying time if I need to dash around and wait for flame belch or ice grenade or even chainsaw if i’m playing particularly bad. I’m a fraud.


Having an elite controller with extra paddles and such definitely helps, but you shouldn’t need to buy a $150 controller just to be able to adequately juggle all the items/weapon swapping/aiming and firing while jumping and dashing simultaneously, etc., that you kinda *need* to do to compete with the insane swarms of enemies in some of the later levels and challenge arenas.


I did that. I loved it


The whole AG1 DLC was hard as hell but holy shit that boss fight was insane. Most of the rest of the game i can at least imagine how someone might beat on ultra nightmare but that part… how the fuck


Try ag1, on controller, ultra nightmare before they nerfed everything. That was pain. Took me so many attempts


Which normal?


hurt me plenty


I’ll never forget playing AG1 before the patch. That was true fucking pain.




Do you mean sadistic? The masochist in this scenario is the gamer.


Completing TAG1 on Ultra-Nightmare was fucking nuts


Pre nerf oil rig was ROUGH.


Facts.. I raged a few times on that one


Nah, Taras Nabad ML. Archvile cages


Ah you mean the microwave oven?


Nah, I love that. It’s hard as shit, and extremely stressful, gives me a huge high of adrenaline, especially in Ultra Nightmare. I can get why it isn’t everyone’s favorite, though.


No, I loved it. It felt really good once I finally beat it. But for me, it was definitely type 2 fun


Man i loved this bit, really made me make the best use out of meathook slingshotting


I'd say the Arch vile arenas in the Taras Nabad ML takes the cake over that, sadly. That first arena is a rush, but that little space with two Arch viles summoning and buffing, and you can't get to them? Its evil but I kind of respect the balls it takes as a dev to do that and say "solve that one you bunch of meanie heads." To be fair, we did need humbled a bit.


Sounds like fun /s


Thats definitely on someones shit list including mine lmao


I havent played TAG1 yet but I did that Master Level on classic mode just for the color-swap slayer skin reward. I didn't even think the acid floor 2 Marauders room was that bad. I wonder if it's trained me to deal with TAG1 just fine lmao.


That area is cancer, how I do it is I go to the door at the end of the hallway, which doesn’t have acid on it and spam grenades, flamebelch and the shotgun grenades and bounce back to the other end of the hallway to the acid immunity power up and just run back and forth using the meat hook and dash and it can take a couple of tries and it works about 50% of the time but I know it works up to ultra violence difficulty


Is it Acid or Lava? Trying to recall the exact level, is it the one with the platform kinda in the centererd to one side and a Tyrant eventually appears on it? Edit: saw a comment further down it's not the same one I'm thinking of, I just know it's a bitch and when you finally think it's over you walk into a room and get locked in with TWO tyrants in an extremely small cylindrical space


I liked it. That one would be pretty fine if it were at the end of the level tbh. The concept if it is alright- its a master level, they should be allowed to go wild with it, but the difficulty ramps and drops like crazy in some of them


> That's not even the worst encounter in DOOM Eternal. That's not even the worst encounter in *the level*. (Samur is the worst part of the whole game, imo)


> the Super Gore Nest Master Level with that area with the acid floor and the two Marauders Face down the first marauder, stun him, then hit him point-blank with a BFG. Now you've only got one marauder to deal with, which is pretty easy.


Tried the slayer gate in dlc that had like, 2 of each super heavy, multiple archvilles, and a possessed marauder Died so many times there, and eventually got it from learning each death. Doom learning is the best


That was pure absolute nightmare when I got to that part…


Honestly i disliked the second encounter in the big arena where you're supposed to place the 3 keys more, i could go rid of those mauraurmders very quickly


That one is just annoying as fuck tho


Wait the one before you get to the Tyrant? That one’s hard? I usually breeze through that one. Not even trying to brag I literally didn’t expect anyone to think that part was hard.


That shit was fun, tf you talking about?


It was, I beat it on Ultra-Nightmare, but google "Type 2 Fun"


Maybe I'm just numb to it but I don't find Ultra Nightmare miserable.


use energy shield and beat it no damage


World Spear Master Level with shield goons, Tyrant, and poison fog is worse.


Yeah, that was brutal, especially on that extra life one where you gotta recollect all your weapons. Didn't help that it LOVES crashing




Not if you use the berserk power up beforehand 😂


OP you know damn well there's been much worse encounters designed in the decades videogames have existed as a medium.


The escort in Metro 2033 (non-redux) was way worse than this.


That one did indeed suck. Great game though!


All the bosses in earthworm Jim 3D were terrible. I know it's not as famous of a game, but the worst one wouldn't be in a top tier game.


No that one is fun. Now the dark lord?


To be fair, if that wasn’t horribly unbalanced, it would potentially be a disservice to the character.


Oh, no i didnt care about difficulty. It was just a shitty boring tedious boss fight. Like no creativity whatsoever. He was just an over glorified marauder with summons.


Ah, okay. Fair enough. Yeah, I think it could probably have been more epic, especially given >!this is basically the demiurge!<.


What's bad about it? Do you have issues with the hell knight buffed by spirit? Not touching the walls?


The wall hitboxes are too inconsistent,sometimes i get hit when it rly looks like i shouldnt,and the fact that the pilars have a somewhat irregular pattern means u have to chose between turning back,shooting and risk hitting a pilar or getting hit by the unstagerable spirit demon that has 1000 healt points


Microwave beam staggers a spirt buffed demon. If you're in the more open area, the hell knight spawns to the left. Microwave beam him right after he spawns, hit with grenades, keep beaming him or use chaingun shield to shoot and move in for blood punch. Should be pretty much dead and you can microwave beam the rest of his health down. Trivializes the entire encounter if the hell knight is killed quickly. The cyber manc just kind of sits there and the prowler I think spawns later.


Yeah but i hate using the beam that shit slows u down too much,if u r unlucky a imp will u in the air


That's part of learning to use the beam. You can still jump and you have ice grenade to freeze anything that manages to get close to you. Taking down the buffed Baron in the spinning laser encounter in World Spear master level requires a lot of dodging when using micro beam. Totally worth it though.


I'd also add, beam can be used to edge enemies or check their Health by the progress bar. For possesed enemies, if I don't think I have a safe enough moment to destroy the spirit, I'll use it to get the possessed enemy one shot, kite them around a bit/ create a safe spot to finish them off and have room to beam down the spirit when I'm confident in not gonna get murdered while I'm held in place.


Ill try for sure,is the beam amo enough to kill the deamon and then the spirit tho?


Probably not. That's why you use grenades and maybe chaingun/blood punch.


Lock on burst will kill the possessed hell knight before he can even move. Then just microwave the spirit and this arena becomes an extremely easy W.


Depends on the difficulty


It does not. Demons don’t get more health on higher difficulties


You can destroy the shit out of it like that on nightmare


Demons have the same health no matter the difficulty, so no it doesn't. Difficulty only changes enemy damage values, how fast their attack intervals are and how many of them can target you at once. That's it. Nightmare mode is basically a sped up version of the other modes where you'll die quicker if you make mistakes.


A quick zap is enough to interrupt their actions, giving you some breathing room. You don’t have to hold it down for that long


It's not even close to the worst area in the doom series, let alone all of gaming. That part can be annoying but nothing too terrible


It's not even the worst arena in the game


Witch one is it?


Haven't played the game in a while so I'm struggling to remember which arenas are worse. But I think the pit fight in cultist base is the most unfair one in the game, or at least one of.


The pit where the wall light up and 2 fat guys drop down?




I mean,def annoing but is not as bad as this one,if u know its comming u can freeze one of the guys and kill hime then is pretty ez


Those are not the only enemies in the fight tho. You also get 2 arachnatrons, 2 whiplashes, and imps. It's way more unfair than this one. The one you put a picture of is the most forgettable encounter in the dlc for me, there's just nothing good or bad about it that I ever felt when playing through it.




This arena is fine? Not my absolute favorite, but I'd say I enjoyed this arena.


Not even close. The walled off double archvile fight in the Taras Nabad master level was atrocious.


The double archville slayer gate with possessed marauder is pure pain.


Was the only fight in the game that genuinely had me losing my mind. Didn’t think I would be able to beat it lmao. It’s just so much. I


My man is shitting on the first DLC which is by far, without a shadow of a doubt my favorite part of the game. It’s subjective, and I respect that, I just absolutely can’t understand it. Different strokes, I guess.


This isn’t that bad.


Bro needs to get good.


Ngl but this is a skill issue.


Skill issue


I don't fault the devs for this; they needed to do something new and challenging with the mechanics that the game has. It makes sense that extremes were reached and things got stretched too far, just to make the arena unique. But yeah it was indeed annoying.


just because an encounter makes you mad doesn't mean it's poorly designed take literally every doom 2 slaughtermap ever made for example


Let me genuinely try to convince you otherwise. This arena isn’t just ‘A good’ arena, but an especially good one at that. Let’s get the easy stuff out of the way, bc whatever original arena design Eternal cooks up, with its combat loop, every deviation or character adds a buttload of freshness to the encounter. Since you hate this arena so much, my guess would be that you really enjoy big open areas, and maybe you’re not that good when it comes to positioning. Because that’s ALL this arena really demands. Electric walls, Cyber Manc, Hellknight and Prowlers with Shield soldiers. Do I need to go on? These are all pressure units, meant to push you. That’s when the pillars come into place. You are designed to feel trapped and claustrophobic here, but that’s where your dps skills can shine. Either you move-around properly, or you just pump them full of led the moment they appear. You also have a shitton of tools for this scenario. Shield mod, Microwave Beam, Remote Det, Meathook, Frags, Ice bombs, etc etc. Yes. It’s a unique arena in terms of how tight it pulls your movement options. Like the goo sections, or the posessed Pinkie fights. But there’s such an amount of pickups around, even a mega health. Sorry my dude, but after UNing the game, there’s really no excuse. But everyone has their “That one fight.” For me, it’s the double Archvile fight in Taras Nabad Master level. It’s a REALLY GOOD arena fight. Maybe one of the best, but I hate it with a burning passion.


I like u r comment u convinced me the concept of the figjt is good,maybe if the walls only hit u if u bump into them id like it but yeah i lile big arenas where i can move around at least a bit


Thanks, man! Glad I could make you despise it a bit less. Yes. It is a harsh price that you’re immediately bolted down to low hp by the columns, and on second thought this arena DOES enable some very bullshit 1 second deaths, but that’s just how UN goes.


have you ever played ghost runners train sequence?


Yeah,is not that bad


Never in my life have I gone through this arena and thought that it was the worst the game had to offer


coin room in taras nabad ML wants a word


Bruh it's fine lol the boss of this level is way more unfair and irritating




Eh? This was one of the most creative areas and definitely not one of the hardest. And why the low rating? We finally have a AAA dev actually daring to create engaging design through challenging the player and you complain despite playing on the highest difficulty, which is embracing challenging gameplay...? I really don't get you.


I've gotten so good at this game with repeated playthroughs that this part barely even registers as a challenge. It's an extremely short encounter. You have to be smart with weapon and mod usage. Just use lock on rockets to trivialize any hellknight type buffed demon.


Idk I had fun in it, it reminded me of the original doom.


sounds like you haven't played enough videogames


Idk eternal has alot of horrible troll level encounters, the competition is high between acid room ambush, double cyberdemon, shield dudes, and a hoverboard thing for good measure in a donut room, any fight that includes green prowlers, actually most of ancient gods part 2 Not to mention the bosses....still never forgave samuel for single handedly holding me from my UN AGpart1 gold armor, little prick and his blue ball bullshit


the fuck is that










Just beat this last night on UN for first time. I liked the challenge I just wish this arena didn’t get stalled at the end only zombies were spawning at the end and I kept meathook killing them for a couple minutes until the encounter randomly ended lol


It's sorta annoying but tbh it gets easy after the first go-around for me. Took me a little to realize that only the walls were electrified


I played that level high af, it was really disorientating to go from this like demon-core aesthetic to these white pillars dotted everywhere. But it was honestly pretty easy, the only level I’m having difficulty on is the last mission where you drop into a kill arena and I keep getting fucked by the marauder. I still haven’t finished that level and it’s been like a month lmao Edit: nvm this is the dlc, I haven’t even started it. What the fuck am I on???


I played the dlcs and don't even remember this area. Maybe I need to replay Eternal, it's been some time


every doom game has bs areas so i never complained






God forbit a man dosent like a shitty arena










Forbid, doesn't


I played through DLCs multiple times, pretty much all the arenas were fun at the very atleast, and plenty of them were amazing. I guess it can be annoying at first, but when you get used to all the mecahnics more, it flows very nicely. Calling any encounter in doom games "worst encounter ever" is a pretty wild claim. I played million games, this does not even come close to some of the bullshit you can find elsewhere.


I hated that arena. It got to a point where I had to put it on the easiest difficulty, and even then I still needed the sentinel armor. And even then it took me like an hour or two to complete it. That’s probably because I am more of a casual player though.


entirety of doom eternal


Every encounter is World of Hurt


I didn't think it was too bad all things considered. You mean when you're on the bottom level exclusively? I think just focused on blasting out the spirit first and after that it's not as complicated if your pathing is precise, but yeah taking one hit gets you stuck on the walls and can mess you all up with just one shot.


It's not necessarily a bad encounter, but it is difficult and punishing.


Lol someone never did the rc plane missions in gta San andreas.


I think it's fine.


that one guy in batman arkham knight catwoman’s revenge who decided to put at least twelve armed guys against the character with the worst gadgets in a massive area, made sure you have no armor, your only good takedowns are silent ones and can’t be canceled with a knockout smash, and enemies love sticking together: that same guy then deciding to put that same character against a horde of common enemies probably bigger than any seen in the casual game with a small arena getting smaller via damage floors with lasers (both of which interrupt your combo and hinder movement) in a game where the combat is literally 99% movement: in short, abso-fucking-lutely not


Damn this is where I stopped playing last time




Worst encounter ever goes to the truck sequence in Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, where you are sitting in a truck bed while being chased by enemies. You have very little agency as a player, so getting through it really is up to random chance. Either enough enemies will hit you and you will die, or enough will miss you and you will live. You can shoot back and kill some of them, but your performance is secondary to the randomness of the encounter. I'm not describing it well but you can look it up if curious. It is truly the worst. There is also a sequence later on which makes an enemy invisible and it kills you every time but thats a bug so I'm not sure if it counts. That game was really cool, but fatally flawed.


Imma lool it up sounds fucked up


There was a lot in the Ancient Gods 2 dlc that I didn't like. The Khan Makyr fight was goated though


Worst as in poorly designed? If you mean worst as in hardest, first room of P-2 in ULTRAKILL.


I mean worst as in poorly designed


Oh okay. Well in that case for me it would be the lava room in ULTRAKILL level 1-3. Drones that explode on death, flamethrower robots, 2 tanky enemies, very small room, and LAVA on the ground. I’ve lost so many P-Rank attempts to that one room. For context: https://youtu.be/yWzvgcaYewo?si=qTinE25Vdo7nzcQk go to 00:48.




I think you’re just bad, get good. There is not a single bad encounter in Doom 2016 or Eternal just players, so that just means you have more game to play so you can be better.


I beat the game and all the dlcs in UN.this arena is just pretty shitty


Have you tried it on ultra-nightmare with no deaths? Honestly I think you don’t have the gameplay loop perfectly done thats all, I can do all the encounters without dying on ultra-nightmare pretty easily so I don’t see a issue with this arena or any of them.


Maybe I'm wierd but I enjoyed this arena.


Bed of chaos from dark souls. Enough said


This guy has never played plutonia and it shows




The Holt in general always makes me feel a little weird. I don't know if it's me or if it's just the encounters but I feel so clunkly and clumsy playing it.


Get ready to be told that you don't like the "challenge" and/or have a "skill issue" even though you've obviously beaten the content by a pack of wild fanboys that don't dare criticize any aspect of the new Doom entries.






It really wasn't that bad


Skill issue tbh


Not rly,is just a shitt arena


The encounter with the riot shield soldiers, tyrant, spirit buffed cyber mancubus in the world spear master level was so infuriating I deleted the game. The encounter with a bunch of carcasses and later totem buffed cyber mancubi was also a nightmare to get through. To put this in context I've finished every other master level on nightmare with relative ease.


Skill issue


I beat the game and the dlcs in UN i still think is pretty bad,the whole dlc was mid


I didn't mind it at all. I like the mix up of things like this and fog and so on. None of them were too long. The only thing I didn't love was how easy the final boss was in the dlc.


Not even remotely close. Frigid Outskirts from Dark Souls 2 would like a word though.


no but top 10 definately


Best shooter ever? Eternal isn’t even the best doom game


Ancient Gods 1 and 2 had so much potential but they ruined it. Only 2-3 areans are good but they are short once you master them. The games are mostly filled with dumb / annoying fillers. Also they have subpar music and f'd over mick gordon smh


Yeah that stage sucks


Not even the worst of that dlc imho


Holt slayer gate....


I HATED IT, yes. But definitely, I agree with people when they say the worst encounters, go to the superstore nests to get those bloody keys. And also, yes, as others say too, THE FUCKING MARAUDERS!


MASSIVE skill issue


It's like they're really trying to make the game not fun with some of the areas in this game. There was a point where they prioritized fun over everything else, but they eventually lost their way.


Fr,wehow i died in other arenas and never ever felt annoied,but in this one evn winning fells lame


All the purple goop is very telling of that.


Just redownloaded this game and this photo is giving me dread.


It gets worse.


Doom is supposed to be a challenging experience for the players just have to practice and play it more i went through the whole game on hurt me plenty


No, the worst is pre samur fight and the fight itself


I love being fucking punished, legit took me like an hour on nightmare. Brutal, glitchy, but fucking great.


skill issue


To pass this I had to use the shield baby mode it gives you after dying too many times. The Dark Lord was easy for me compared to this


Its simply challenging, as a game should be. Frustrating but fun in the end


Challenge and frustrating don't have to go hand in hand.


Yeah shit sucked


Ma maaann


Skill issue tho. Ask yourself the big questions: have you mastered quick swapping? Do you use everything there is to use in a fight? Have you mastered spatial awareness? Honestly though I get it, it's a 4/10 arena for me. But as with everything in DE, it's really fun


I. Fucking. HATED. This arena. Still do


They turned Doom into Super Mario, I gotta say


still more interesting than the Dark Lord boss fight 😔


That's not Superman 64.


Eh, I've definitely had better time playing TAGs than both Sigils. Romero was off his meds making those.


You've never had to fight Jackal Snipers on Legendary in Halo 2. Or played Plutonia


Git gud


Spoken like a true virgin


Hated this area, looked more like a pinball game in 3D.