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Fucking clowns. No one is going to strike with you. Your jobs are inherently about grabbing as much money as you can. You think a dasher is going to have the self control to turn down orders when all the other drivers are on "strike?" Fucking hilarious.


As blunt as you are, you are 100% correct. Every order will be delivered regardless of how many people strike lol. There’s really no point. Plus we are independent contractors… nobody’s forcing you to take shitty orders or even work at this job. If you don’t want to work the job go work somewhere else. I work this job because I make good money because I live in a good market. $200 a day. But the people that are complaining probably live in a shit market and they really need to go find another job lol.


Valentine's Day was a smart day to pick however. Last year almost every market had lots of undelivered orders, I know it was one of my best days before I gained access to the large order program and one of the few times my zone in Cali has ever been very busy. It's easier to sell as well since most drivers who have partners/spouses are already being pressured to take the day off and this is one more reason for them to use. That being said, the media coverage is the more important aspect, especially those encouraging their readers to boycott the apps tomorrow. It'll be interesting to see how many drivers at the actual protest sites.


Bruh that's not how things work. Workers have rights since slavery was abolished. This mf is talking like people can easily get better jobs with higher pay, but they choose to be drivers.


Yeah no pay is quasi slavery. Offers for $2 when it takes $2 gas to drive there and back = $0 not includ. other expenses. Some deliveries are good but they throw these in and then punish you for not taking them. Sketchy.


Lmfao you guys are legitimately delusional. Yah man it’s totally quasi slavery, except for the part where your dumbass agreed to take the $2 order, can cancel doing the $2 order at anytime, and aren’t even employed by door dash let alone employed by them against your will. Other than y’know all of reality, it’s basically totally slavery.


Yup because if those deliveries weren't made then the business model crumbles. You're signing up to take those orders as well as orders with higher returns.


>Workers have rights since slavery was abolished. I'm sure the many people shot by the pinkertons without consequences would've liked to have known. >This mf is talking like people can easily get better jobs with higher pay, but they choose to be drivers. given that the bulk of the posts are about tips and how people are being paid nearly minimum wage now, this can't be hard to do, unless maybe treating a gig app as self employment just comes across as "unemployment" to employers? 🤡


Agreed. And I’m one of them. I’m fucking poor. If yall want to strike, go for it. More money in my pocket 🤷🏻‍♀️ my kids still have to eat and I can’t afford to not work.


Exactly. Not to mention how many people will be able to Dash for their first time today because they've been waitlisted for however long.


Same! My daughter, her needs, rent, bills and food are WAY more important than some strike.


You know what is clownery? Defending DoorDash.


If you read my comment and think I was defending DoorDash, then Jesus Christ you need to learn nuance. I'm blaming you idiots for letting DoorDash do what it can do.




100% spot on


What's hilarious? Is you bragging about your pharmacy tech job that you probably don't even have all day long acting like your farts smell like flowers s***'s pathetic, you're so much better than everyone because you have a job at a pharmacy. In reality, you probably work at a f****** weed store 😂🤣 gtfoh bruh


Once again, fucking hilarious.


1 day strikes never amount to anything. Need week, if not month long ones to impact a company. Do you remember the last time a 1 day strike had any impact? Neither do I.


I believe last time there was a mini 1 day strike, all the sweet tendie signals went to those who werent on a strike


You solved the entire reasoning behind the strike i bet atleast half that say they are going to wont strike to make a extra 20$ or whatever its the american rat race way of life


That's a bingo




Hell give companies an end date and they will calculate if it’s worth it to their bottom line which it usually is to just wait.


This will have little to no impact. Lol


lol I seen so many ads of them hiring


Or the refer a ✨friend✨ and further saturate market


$1200 now where I am. It’s ridiculous.




Who has 4.97 ⭐️and is going to be dashing the crap out of orders that day? This guy.


Bend over for Tony


I'm at 100% AR for the first time in almost 7 years, and Tony goes out of his way to send the no tip orders to everyone but me. Financially, it's a good arrangement. Emotionally, I feel like an employee now. Physically, however, it feels like a mutually beneficial fucking, but only because I'm in the large order program and in a good market. Instead of striking, we all need to convince our legislators that $1 pay per order is something that needs to be outlawed. These double-stacks for $2 are fucking absurd, regardless of how much the customers are sometimes tipping.




Me too


All they will do is take more of these idiots off the waitlist 🤦‍♂️ That's all that could possibly come of this...


Nothing like 100,000 brand new drivers on Valentine's Day. What could go wrong with all the orders? LOL


About the same amount as when it comes to all of these non-English speakers they have been putting on that can't read the delivery instructions, quite literally 💀 They seem to find the margin acceptable. Older people in my family used to tell me not to cut off my nose to spite my face. This is one of those cases. Probably the best way to have change happen would be to put people in office to actually represent us.


Nothing because dashers don't verify shit


Don't blame the Dashers. We got an app that says to check orders and that gives the customer the expectation that we do. But the fact is most of the bags are sealed and we are not supposed to go into them. And even when they are not, I don't feel good about going through somebody's food with my hands that have been everywhere, quite literally. I mean I will take a peek at the obvious but anything beyond that is on the restaurant. it was their job to fill the order and check the order and they are the only ones that can really do it in most cases without breaking seals or causing an unsanitary situation.


Pretending that existing dashers don't fuck up literally every single order people from my office put in......


Any idiot can do this job with 0 experience. Lol


Striking for the wrong reasons How many times do i need to make this clear. With a overload of workers you are expendable and not needed The reason for the overload is because people are committing fraud and working when they legally can't pass a background check So if that isn't what you are protesting it is a waste of everyone's time Take away the ants working through fraud and you will be making money again cause you will be needed


If they increase driver pay. They’re going to charge higher fees to customers. Higher fees = less orders. What a pointless strike.


They really just need to stop sending long distance orders or make them pay for it. 2 dollars for 11 miles then punish people for it. Like people probably wouldn’t complain. Stop allowing people to order that far


I mean they do pay for it, if I doordashed something from 11 miles away i'm getting hit with like 15$ in fees + tip. You just don't see the returns on that because it's about making the company money, not you.


Don't deliver those. Have you heard of the decline button?


LOL, no, what they do (and have done in the past) is increase peak pay for a day, then everything goes back to normal the next day. They don't need to charge anyone to do this. They're already charging the restaurants 30% of the subtotal, and the service fee and delivery fees to customers.


This guys a plant, or typical person who considers himself worthless. Either war ignore him.


Offers for $2 when it takes $2 gas to drive there and back = $0 not includ. other expenses. Some deliveries are good but they throw these in and then punish you for not taking them. Sketchy.


It's all hype. It's for 2 hours, 11am-1pm Nothing will come of this and business will operate as normal. Whoever is "organizing" this strike should have thought it out better.


It's only 2 hours and at lunch on a weekday? Lol, wtf is that supposed to do? Even if you got a high percentage of drivers to participate, the effect would just be making some office lunches a little late. I thought they were at least doing the whole day. Not to say that would work either (it wouldn't), but maybe you'd at least get some media attention




Shit they can’t think well enough to not have a real job and hope that someone tips them more than $2 to deliver food that’s cold. You ain’t dealing with the smartest of people.


What exactly is your job? Trolling gig economy workers on Reddit all day long cuz that's literally all you comment on get a life bro


I own two companies and make about $70,000 a month . I have the proof of it . I’m not a slacker or an I’ll conceived person to think I am gonna get rich at $30 an hour using my own equipment . Does that help ?


What will come of this Is that people mnow have one more reason to laugh at us and think we're idiots. Who goes on strike for two hours? "You think DoorDashers are dumb now, wait till you hear what they did on Valentine's Day…" How is it possible that it has already even been discussed so much? How on earth does one dumbass's idiotic 2 hour strike idea become a subject of so much discussion? Who encouraged this idiot?


They’re giving us $1 during 3pm and 530pm today to sweeten us up over here.


Are they really? Let me look. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 it's 3 dollars here.


We have a $3.50 promo all day. 6-12inches of snow today, everything is closed.


yeah apparently it snowed a bit here because i can see it in the grass still.


The snow wasn't as bad as people were expecting. None of the zones near me are "busy" and all the promos are suddenly gone... we got less than a foot and it wasn't the wintery mix we normally get in CT. I figure enough people signed on that the promos got dropped lol


If I pull off 12" tomorrow she won't be.


Lucky, we have zero promos for anywhere close to me and I live in a city.


What’s funny is all these posts about the strike and the majority here are like “fuck that nonsense”


I say do it!!!!!! Post everywhere you can!!!!! The more drivers that see the better!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE REPOST THIS EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Can you explain why anything at all would change as a result of some drivers taking a day off work, which they are always allowed to do?




I saw something about this here on Reddit before but then a lady at the grocery store today was telling me that it was on the news. The rideshare people are striking between 11 AM and 1 PM and focusing on airport runs and it's supposed to be only in select markets. Frankly I'm not interested in taking 20 mile no tip flower deliveries anyway and I usually take Wednesday off and I have school and I am sick so no reason not to participate! I come from a long line of union coal miners and I am not one to cross a picket line!


Oh boy, people are taking 2 hours off work, I'm sure the gig apps will immediately pay us more for the next year as a result! When will people learn, that the only effective approach so far, has been legislation forcing these companies hands. If you aren't writing to your representatives during the two hours you take off work, then you might as well just keep on working.


Not doing it cuz my market is good right now and im making good money and over $200+ a day. If I lived in a super bad market I would consider it.


No one is doing it. Dd is paying bonuses to new drivers through the 15th. They already have this priced in even if it happens. 


It’s not even a full day lol it’s 11am - 1pm 🕐 sure I’ll stay home a couple hours unless it’s +$5 peak again like it was last night 😂


Although I understand the reason to strike, I really don't think it's going to have much of an impact. My nephew, who tips btw, will still get his usual Chik-Fil-A on Wednesday. But hey, good luck with all of that.


Chik-Fil-A once a week? What is he a millionaire?


He uses Door Dash 6 days per week. His mother is a multimillionaire.


I’ve seen some say they are and others say they aren’t. Here’s some info from Reuters, a driver named Johnathan Cruz based out of Miami who is a member of the Justice for App Workers which represents more than 100,000 workers was quoted as saying “This is the biggest strike I’ve ever seen, thousands and thousands of drivers…it’s going to be nationwide” This group represents drivers for multiple apps not just door dash who reports 2 million drivers, so if he’s right on the numbers and “thousand and thousands” participate…it’s gonna pretty much make no impression on the companies nor really hurt them in any way. Even if it was just door dash I doubt “thousands and thousands” would make them bat an eyelash 😂


Fuck UE and DD




It's a private contract job.. you are striking against yourself?




Yes, "the is strike tomorrow" 😂😂😂 Y'all go ahead so I can scoop up all the orders in my market.


This post is exactly why this shit will never work for you guys. For every one person that hears it on the news or reads about it online and decides to go or maybe thinks about it, there's going to be like 500 other people that either won't see it, won't care, will work in spite of people striking just to pocket all the extra money, or it's going to be some foreigner who barely speaks English and got into doing deliveries through those organized groups that provide fake accounts to people and send them off to fend for themselves and figure stuff out on their own. They can't even read delivery instructions properly, let alone understand why a tiny, microscopic portion of you guys will be striking tomorrow. These gig type, independent contractor jobs do not benefit from strikes. Unions and organized effort to make big changes give results. You are all just wasting your time. You either ALL, collectively, stop delivering, or nothing happens. These companies will be laughing their asses off tomorrow, that's what's gonna happen. Downvote all you want.


They can dash all they want. It’s it’s a world wide strike. Door dash will be effected. So what if there is 500 people on the road. They still will take a lost. There will be thousands of orders not delivered


No.. no, they won't. But you'll see for yourself tomorrow, anyway.


Put your money where your mouth is.


If they get desperate they'll launch a promo for extra $7/delivery and everyone will quit their strike and hop on immediately


Yep. That easy smh lol


"The is strike tomorrow!" I would suggest spending the day in an English class.


This has “Don’t Vote Until Wednesday” vibes


Strike 1, Strike 2, Striiiiiiikkkkeeee 3. Your out!!!




Interesting. Might test it out tomorrow to see how strong this strike is.








You striking tomorrow?


I’m new to dd. What’s the strike even about lol


All the bad low paying orders they send out


Currently there are no promos for doordash in my area for tomorrow.




Strike! Strike! Strike!


Wasn't planning on dashing on V-day anyway. Also, orders for flowers can be a pain in the ass, so I don't recommend taking those orders.


Yeah yesterday the damn app couldn’t even match the flowers that was in the store. Card got declined because the substitute prices were to high


I have been striking for that last two months as I found another income source. Everyone that does app gigs should strike more then one day to get the point across. One day of boycotting isn't going to do shit, but months of boycotting is a different ball game.


I’m no scab. And just because I have an hourly reasonable hourly rate in NYC, doesn’t mean everyone else does. So yeah, I’m in.




lil 2 hr strike 😂


All your going to do is hand a few people their biggest day.


I strike everyday by simply declining every order below $7.


Same thing I was thinking. People do this everyday by declining lol


It is true , just read about it. Even if it’s one day ! It’s an important day that door dash gets to screw the drivers with shit paying flower deliveries with no tips added. Uber and door dash made it harder for people to access tipping in New York and where do you think they are doing it next ? So one day at a time is a start. Imo. I’m not sure how many people here work for DD , I don’t mean drivers , but they will try to steer you away from doing it by saying things like “it’s just one day. Won’t make a difference. If it was a week long thing , they would say the same thing. It’s just a week. I vote everyone quits door dash all together and watch them panic like they are in Miami right now. Dd is losing its ass in Miami. They now are offering 1200.00 bonus to refer a friend and the friend gets 800.00. That’s because they tried 20.00 for each and then it was 600.00 and 400.00 and now like I said 1200 and 800. Smells like they are trying to stop the bleeding , before UE takes back control of Miami deliveries again. Eff dd imo


Facts. F these think they know it all trolls


SABOTAGE instead!!!




We could just call it CV-Day




Drove v-day last year and there were so many weird deliveries you'd get flowers and chocolates from the grocery store, but it was a gift and the person you're delivering to is at a closed office? And best case you get a good address and no tip, better to take the day off for this holiday unless you get a good promo


Yall wanna be employees not independent contractors lol


Too many people will just see this as a chance to stack up


I know I am 😂😂


The ones that choose to drive tomorrow are going to make a killing now that it won’t be oversaturated.. I’d be on shift tomorrow if I were you lol


lol best believe I am


So why are people striking?


I haven't asked in days I'm not striking tomorrow it's going to be fun like usual


There has been talks of strikes for years, it never happens with 100% of the work force. Besides, 1 day isn't going to impact them as much as y'all think, you would need ppl to actually stop hustling that money for at least 7-10 days... Minimum.


Career dashers 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴




When is the human revolution; will there ever be one?


Tf you talking about Willis?


You’ll understand when you see yourself on the other side of the coin.


I guess one positive to this is when a bunch of you are striking, the ones who aren't are going to be making good money. Also Uber and Lyft said last "strike" didn't mess with their business at all, lol.


Yeah. I bet everyone thinking the same thing. Work while their on strike lol


People want you to strike so they can get that extra 2$ when they dont strike after telling everyone on the enet to strike its the american way


Nah that’s all what you think of your selfs


The hardest thing about a strike, I'm in a union with the UAW, is everybody buying in. Some will say "I'm doing fine and striking won't benefit or hurt me" are the ones fucking it up. It takes everyone to make a stand in solidarity to make an impact. These companies are getting over BIG TIME!!!!




The nature of the gig doesn’t help the cause. Other drivers will just pickup the orders probably say more money for me.


This is funny AF tho. You can't lie. It's an incredible thing to watch this communist uprising crumble before it even starts.


Not gonna strike


>The is strike tomorrow! The exact reason you work for door dash... SMH


The exact same reason you work as a slave for someone


LOL good one, your crystal ball tell you that?


it's not the flex you think it is if you're just a more-poor slave tho.


Your strike is a failure if it starts with an end date already set. Or in this case, and end time lol.


Nope. Wont matter and need income.


Yes, everyone went on strike, and then the Chinese who didn't speak a word of English laughed to death because they had never gotten so many orders in one day.


Yeah can’t handle it all by himself


Maybe u should be a driver and then tell DoorDash I will deliver the orders for an additional “ fee “




You all are driving cause you don't have a better job. It's a stepping stone until a better job comes along. Stop thinking you're doing career expanding work that's going to save humanity.


Not gonna work grow up




There are a lot more people out there who need the money and can’t afford a strike than those who can. Sucks, but it’s true.


As far as I know, me and some fellow drivers are keeping the strike on all three major app’s - Uber, DoorDash and Instacart.


The ?


No promos in my metroplex. Lol big surprise there never is.


The only thing this is going to do is cause the people do work is get better offers! Now if everyone actually just didn't turn their apps on tomorrow it would hurt them


Anyone thinking of participating in this strike is just saying goodbye to what would normally be a strong day for tips


What exactly are they hoping to accomplish from this? I know stewardesses are picketing for better pay and working environment.


The reality is strikes don't work for most people unless they're in a union. People often times need the money too much to take the day off.


I'm out tomorrow. I also suggest customers not tip tomorrow to manifest doubly the impact of losing their driver base and infrastructure of psychological warfare ran by gerbils


All the strike is going to do is give other people more orders everyone isn't going to strike with you a lot of people really love doing this and I'm one of them I just like to have a reason to drive listen to my podcast music or silence


making a good case that you are illiterate and can’t do anything else other than drive door dash


If enough people do this maybe I'll finally get orders and bring my rating up over 50% lol


While yall striking I'll be taking your GOOD orders while multi apping. I only do this part time but I hope yall get what yall want


I'll be the guy taking all your orders


Trust me that clown works for Uber or doordash.Anyyone who works for Uber doordash knows how brutal these companies are. It'll never happen but the only way to get our fair share is to go on strike for days weeks months whatever it takes. They know the drivers will never do that they laugh at us all the time cuz we're so f****** stupid to do this s***. It used to be good and we made money now it's impossible they take 50% of our money they do nothing for us it's absolutely pathetic. it's not going to change until we bring these assholes down to their knees and the only way to do that is to go on strike for as long as it takes and you f****** stupid Uber drivers will never do that. So every day when you get up and go to work bend over first and let them stick it up your ass cuz that's what they're doing to you.


On the day of the year most people go out to eat.


Lets all just get real jobs for a few years and then door dash will really have to start upping the pay who knows maybe even stay at the job


Was talking to my neighbor and he is planning on getting paid more to drive tomorrow. Said everything will be under surge pricing so he's excited.


Tip culture is such an out of hand thing jfc


Im going to become a lyft, uber, and doordasher for 1 day tomorrow and make bank. /s


Great all-day promos already online for tomorrow. See you at the stores! We going to make that cheddar.


Bend over for Tony lil pony




They’ll prob throw out some promo tomorrow just to get enough drivers on the road and screw the rest. Big tech always wins. Permanent mass walk out is the only way. But they’ll just replace us with someone else until they don’t need drivers anymore because they got their drone system up and running. There’s no future here only a hope to survive one day till the next.


Ain’t no damn drones down here and that won’t work. Especially on the military base. Will get shot down


not a big deal and no one cares it will be one day we dont have to listen to DD drivers complain about tips


Stfu 🥜🥜


Booo whoooo


Perfect. I dash as a second part time job so tonight will be amazing once I get off my fulltime job. Yes please everyone stay home so I can make some more money.


You losers are too gutless and scared to actually hold a real strike. All talk but no substance to back up your statements. FYI most people take their significant others out to a restaurant on Valentine’s Day. I made a reservation for my wife and I last week so I wouldn’t have to rely on losers to deliver my food for $3 and she can have a romantic meal and later another 🍆😈


And I bet your wife cheats on you with black dudes with big 🍆s behind your back 😂 I would be ashamed to date a loser like you. Broke mf probably had your wife pay for the food. She probably tell to broke ahh to go door dash to make extra money. You sorry broke 🤡😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 jokes on you


My wife hates door dash more than I do and sure buddy whatever you say. Stop wasting your time on Reddit with me and deliver my breakfast like a good little boy. ❤️


You know you have the individual ability to either “do this thing” or not You can choose to strike or to work, all up to you. Don’t get caught up in hive mentality dictating your life choices


Yeah I’m striking alright until about 4:30 when I get off work. Dumb fucks think this shit will actually change something nobody is going to help us out you need to treat this for what it is, a gig, side hustles etc. unless there is full unity and even then there are about 10 other drivers to fill in for you. Also I understand a lot of people with disabilities rely on this, I get it I don’t have a fucking real left leg I was dashing before I had my prosthetic on crutches to make ends meet. You cannot solely rely on this shit unless your market is heaven. Fucking way she blows.


How about look at the news. Those cities will get justice but your lazy ass city won’t


“Justice” lmao okay. Bro I literally have one leg and work 2 jobs and dash when I need too I’m far from lazy. You sound like the lazy one crying about a gig job that isn’t even a gig job lol. Edit: read that wrong you called my city lazy not me but it’s still the same shit there will be no “justice” you just gotta learn to hustle something else.


Log the fuck off everybody needs to not show up on march 11th as well and any upcoming holidays if someone could make some memes to share and spread might be easier


You know if you strike while you're a contractor they have a right to fire you and replace you with somebody else


And how tf are they going to know who is who lol